JSL (Japanese Sign Language)
A form of nonverbal communication used by hand signals, expressions, and mouthing.
When using JSL, you cannot see what the other person has signed if there is something surrounding your vision. This can be a person, a wall, an object, etc.
If a person is not...
In-Game Name: Kohaku 'Haku' Dōjin
Languages your character already knows: None.
Language you are currently applying for: JSL (Japanese Sign Language)
How does your character know this language?: Kohaku would've studied JSL while being at home in his spare time, it would've taken him a couple...
In-Game Name: Rontru
Languages your character already knows: French
Language you are currently applying for: JSL
How does your character know this language?: He went to school for jsl since he was a mute and never gave himself a chance to use his voice and speak to others around him due to...
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