players online


  1. ItsFrxsh

    Vehicle(s) Request | 30VUU

  2. sultryblood

    Seraphine Roux | Biography

    {Seraphine Roux} General Information Preferred Name: Seraphine, Sera Full name: Seraphine Roux Place of birth: France Ethnicity: French Race: Celtic Birthdate: 05/15 Sexual Orientation: Bisexual Pronouns: She/her Gender: Female Age: 18 Physical Appearance Body type, Build: Slim...
  3. ItsFrxsh

    Vehicle(s) request | ItsFrxsh

    IGN: ItsFrxsh VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Yama Mt-09, M3, Mustang Hoonifox, and i forgot the names of the others i cant lie since it used the new customs system and idk if theyre archived or whatever so i cacnt find or remember the names EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:
  4. ItsFrxsh

    Inv wipe! | Rxtrograde

    IGN: Rxtrograde VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Inventory EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: minus the cat plushie I gave that to someone "I just lost my inventory" "No you didn't" I did in fact lose my inventory
  5. ItsFrxsh

    Inventory wipe..... | ItsFrxsh

    IGN: ItsFrxsh VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Inventory wiped EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I was using the one court, and It was laggy as shit(probably just me, I was spiking to 500+ just before the clip), and the people who were on the 1st court ran off(u can see it before I step onto it)so I...
  6. ItsFrxsh

    Inventory Wipe(AGAIN....) | ItsFrxsh

    IGN: ItsFrxsh VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Entire inventory EVIDENCE: Video of the silliness commencing Picture of inv so i get my shit back ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: This happens way too often for me man.....
  7. ItsFrxsh

    Inventory Wipe | ItsFrxsh

    IGN: ItsFrxsh VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: My entire inventory EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Not entirely sure how or why. Someone who was with me around the time said it has to do with lag when hoppin' off the court, so maybe that. I didn't realize the matter of fact until a lil after when it...
  8. ItsFrxsh

    Vehicle Request | ItsFrxsh

    IGN: ItsFrxsh VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Yama MT-09 EVIDENCE:Discussion between me and Lithium, my disc is Gooby#9999 lmk if more info is needed! ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: my friend lost it to the bb courts
  9. ItsFrxsh

    Lost Item | Custom phone

    IGN: ItsFrxsh VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Uhh "Recluse" I think? EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: These courts gonna be the end of me man...
  10. ItsFrxsh

    Item | Duffle bag

    IGN: ItsFrxsh VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Uhh idk the white duffle bag EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Rushed to tab back in and I dropped that shit on the courts and stepped too far on trying to grab it LMFAO
  11. ItsFrxsh

    Two Items:Moyai phone | Kintsugi black sunglasses

    IGN: ItsFrxsh VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Moyai phone and Kintsugi black sunglasses EVIDENCE: (Sunglasses) (Cellphone) ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: My friend threw my phone on the bb court, and then I got too goofy and put on my sunglasses while in a cosmetic model like a little silly goose
  12. ItsFrxsh

    Apartment issue | jukebox and locked sign

    USERNAME: ItsFrxsh APARTMENT COORDINATES (F3 TO VIEW):X-1245/Y-55/Z-785(Jukebox) | X-1245/Y-60/Z-797(Door with locked sign) ISSUE: can u remove them pls, ty! ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:
  13. Wowah


    Whats ur favorite animal? personally i really love red pandas <3