My phone dissapeared while it was in my off hand. I opened the school planner, it took on the texture of the school planner, and when I opened my inventory to click on it and take it out of my off hand, it dissapeared. I have a picture of the phone while I was playing cookie clicker but this...
so I went to the trick or treating event and I accidently used my planner while it was in my off hand and it disappeared I have photo proof it was there I had a bad feeling so I too a picture after getting it, I also have a photo of me in the line if more in needed, my in game user name is...
IGN: SillySilus
EVIDENCE: Given Below
ADDITIONAL: Been a fair while since ive lost my motorcycle thankfully! LOL mainly cuz ive had small breaks of SRP but yknow it is what it is
IGN: SignorinaAmore
I am missing 78 Beginner Apples (Those that you get when you first join the SchoolRP server)
And my Smartphone
The way I lost them: I lost them because I was in editmode decorating my room that I had just bought. I Then went back to survival after finishing off my...
IGN: SyngeryYtime
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I relogged trying to restart a baseball game with a few people and when I logged back on my items were gone.
Items I want To Keep:
1 "God Mode":
"3 "Bones" Smart Phones:
1 "Toy Axe" "Eternal Axe":
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