In-Game Name: Kohaku 'Haku' Dōjin
Languages your character already knows: None.
Language you are currently applying for: JSL (Japanese Sign Language)
How does your character know this language?: Kohaku would've studied JSL while being at home in his spare time, it would've taken him a couple...
IGN: Silvikuu
Appa Hat
Goth Skateboard
3 Setraline pills
Prescription book for Setraline
Black Smartphone [don't know the exact name, in ss]
Grin mask
Shalamayne Toy Sword [not in ss as its a recent purchase]
Cigarette [don't know exact name, in ss]
In-Game Name: Kesu Tsushima
What is being requested?: To become an Adult
Why do you want this?: Kesu is 4 years older than his his younger brother Kenshi, Kenshi being 18 now Kesu would be 22
How is this beneficial to roleplay?: (Links to backstory)
Character description...
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