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'ᴛʜᴇ ᴅᴀᴍꜱᴇʟᴇᴛᴛᴇ' | ɢɪʀʟꜰʀ1Qɴᴅ'ꜱ ᴅᴏᴄᴛᴏʀ ᴀᴘᴘʟɪᴄᴀᴛɪᴏɴ


Level 6

Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section
IGN (In-Game Name):


What is your discord username?

Describe your activity on the server:
I do spend quite a bit of time on srp. During the week, I am at high school from 6:50 am to 4:05 pm, dedicating about 10 hours a day to school and I do a side hustle, netball which takes up about an hour or two on wednesdays, which means I don't necessarily play srp on wednesdays and when I do it's for a very short period of time. Whenever I can make time to play srp I am normally on for an hour more maybe five. On weekends I am on from 8 am to at least 11 pm although there are times I do not get on at all for a long period of time, I always make sure to do an inactive notice if that is going to happen. Taking all of this into consideration I'd say my overall activity on the server would be a solid 8.4/10.

What is your timezone?:
My time zone is:
Australian Eastern Standard Time
Time zone in Queensland (GMT+10)

List your current roles on the server:
I currently have 12th grade and 9th grade spots.

What experiences do you have with roleplay?:
I have been roleplaying for quite a longgggg time!
I am not quite sure how long of my time I have spent on roleplaying platforms but it must be around five to six years now. Since I first started to roleplay I have gained quite a colossal amount of roleplaying experience from then. I have spent a lot of time engaging in many roleplaying situations. First time I ever roleplayed must have been when I played roblox 24/7 which was quite some time ago. I have roleplayed or acted out many different scenarios and find myself quite good at detailing things when it is just me alone to figure out all my actions and dialogs. Not only have I been just goofing around on the roleplaying websites but I have also been learning and growing my experience in all sorts of roleplay situations from vampire city to werewolves or sometimes even treating a patient! I've come quite a far way from where I was in roleplaying.

I've also been on a few minecraft servers which have allowed me to expand my vocabulary and roleplay ethereal situations and modern day ones. I have taken part in a wide range of roleplay such as CombatRP, DetailRP, fearRP, romanceRP, jockRP, motherRP, i've even gone in depth and did GangRP in my time on these different servers. Of course there are many other Roleplays I have done but none of them quite connect to SRP as they are mostly related to different types of monsterRP.

What is your motivation for applying?
Same as all my other applications! I am motivated to apply and join the hospital faction because I take great pride in giving out positive information. Knowing I could have just changed a person's life for the better makes me feel so much excitement and accomplishment, whether it be oocly or icly either one makes me feel like I have done something good or atleast put out some positive ways of thinking or doing things, I also like to think that I give people a new way of looking at things like looking at the bright side of sad things, or helping others when needed would be a wonderful experience to me. To be able to engage and immerse myself into different factions in the server will help me feel more connected to the community and feel what they feel when roleplaying these types of situations. My outlook on the faction helps me understand the motivation of others. In the past, I’ve been told by many people in and out of the position that it is a fun and an exciting experience to go through and also helps with your detailRP by using it a lot.

But there's more?? How could I possibly have more motivation for applying to ems? Well.. You see apart from all the detailrp there's a community within all the EMS workers. Its like one big family, patched together from everyone, or anyone from all over the world! Some people apart of this family could be from japan, or America, the UK, Australia, It doesn't matter. Whoever is in the EMS, or get accepted as an trainee, they are welcomed with open arms!! Despite their race, country, troubles, EMS workers are there, doesn't matter if its ICLY or OOCLY, you're welcomed to join, apply, be apart of their family. It really is, and has to be my favourite faction on SRP because of that.

Which role are you applying for?
(Doctor or Psychiatrist):

I am currently applying for doctor

What knowledge do you have of Hospital Work?
Although I did do my research on hospital work there is still a lot that I have yet to learn and do. I have taken time out of my day because of my motivation of learning the line of Hospital Work, something I do wish to do in the future OOCly. I work hard tirelessly everyday to make sure I learn more and more about this line of work, but wow is there a LOTTTTT to learn... Despite my compacted intelligence on this topic i do believe I know quite a bit! As shown underneath this text, before you go on to read that, I know that Hospitals have their slow and fast days, and i am willing to work/detail/whatever it is I need to do for this role. And I have applied twice.. For Psychiatrist but Hopefully this time I have done a better job on the detail! With out further a dooooooo.... enjoy reading!


A psychiatrist is there to help someone with their mental health, give diagnosis towards certain disorders/ailments, and to offer therapy if they find it necessary. Their whole job is to be able to offer support towards others, in whatever psychiatric aspect possible.

Clinical Lead:
Clinical leads provide expertise, formal and informal clinical advice and support to facilitate the effective and appropriate provision of psychological care and interventions by all members of the treatment team.

Clinical supervisor:
Clinical supervisors are those who oversee and mentors psychiatric trainees or professionals. They provide guidance, evaluation, and support to ensure proper diagnosis, treatment and patient care.

Attending Psychiatrist:
Attending Psychiatrists are a senior medical doctor specializing in psychiatry, responsible for supervising residents, overseeing patient care and making critical decision regarding diagnosis, treatment and mental health conditions.

Senior Psychiatrist Resident:
Senior Psychiatrist Residents are a senior psychiatrist in an advanced trainee in psychiatry, responsible for managing patient care, performing assessments, and worker under the supervision of their higher ups, while gaining experience to better themselves as a psychiatrist.

Psychiatrist Resident:
Psychiatrist Residents are a medical graduate training in psychiatry, gaining hands-on experience with patients and in diagnosing and treating mental health conditions under supervision of more experienced Psychiatrist such as the clinical supervisor.

Trainees in psychiatry are a medical professional/graduate undergoing specialized training in mental health, focusing on diagnosis and treatment, while gaining experience and proving themselves worthy of being apart of the system. In other words this is their Trial Era. The only chance they get at becoming a Psychiatrist Resident with enough work.

A doctor usually is found helping with basic stuff, such as prescribing medication, prescribing a prosthetic, taking consultations and helping with genuine health, that does not require surgery. They tend to offer support for the physical aspect of things, usually being with medication or a referral.

Clinical Lead:
Clinical leads are typically/mostly responsible for the overseeing of the delivery of High-quality patient care and making sure the practices and guidelines ensure that clinical standards are maintained.

Clinical supervisor:
Clinical supervisors are like the Clinical leads but their primary goal is of clinical supervision is to protect the patient's welfare and see to it that the integrity of clinical services are followed.

Attending Doctor:
Attending Doctors are responsible for diagnosing and treating injured patients, performing physical examinations, ordering and interpreting diagnosis tests, and developing treatment plans for the patient/s.

Senior Doctor Resident:
These Senior Doctor residents may serve a team providing direct patient care, or may be part of a team providing recommendatory or diagnosis Services.

Doctor Resident:
Doctor Residents! These guys perform initial assessment of medical and physical status of patients.

Trainees in being a doctor are medical graduates undergoing a specialized training program, learning more practical experiences in various specialties, developing clinical skills and preparing for independent practice in medicine, while gaining experience and proving themselves worthy of being apart of the system. In other words this is their Trial Era. The only chance they get at becoming a Doctor Resident with enough work.

A director is very important in an hospital as they coordinate and supervise the fulfillment of the healthcare protocols, procedures and standards, assessing the different departments as well as providing technical support for medical doctors, to ensure the quality of medical activities in the health structure and that protocols, security and decontamination rules are followed properly.

These Trainees can be both Psychiatrists, or doctors. Everyone has their starting point in a hospital and these lucky people are those who are trained to become proper Psychiatrists and doctors.

The Happy Pill Pharmacy in karakura. Selling and explanations.

The Pharmacy other than just fulfilling prescriptions, a pharmacy may offer preventive healthcare services like vaccinations. Up-to-Date technology at a pharmacy can assist a patient with prescription reminders and alerts about potential negative drug interactions, thereby reducing medical errors.

Eyepatches cover one of your eyes, so they're great for protecting after a surgery or other procedure. They can help prevent infection after eye surgery and stop dust or other items from getting into your eye and causing irritation. It can also help you stop rubbing and touching your eye after surgery.

A bandage is a strip, can be any length, of cloth that is used to wrap, or cover an injury on someone's body to protect it from infections

Glasses are wearable accessories and medical devices to help people see. They adjust the light before it enters your eyes, helping you see clearer at variable distances.

Melatonin plays a role in the sleep-wake cycle. Can help you sleep if you have insomnia!

Cough syrup:
Cough syrup affects a certain part of the brain, cough center, to help you stop coughing. This product also contains antihistamine, a type of drug that blocks the action of histamines (which can cause fevers, itching, sneezing, a runny nose and watery eyes), that works by blocking some natural substance(histamine), which causes allergy symptoms.

Iron supplements: Iron supplements are used to treat or prevent anemia (a lower than normal number of red blood cells) when the amount of iron taken in from the meals is not enough.

Multivitamins can produce enzymes and hormones, boost your immunity, and keep your nerves and organs functioning properly. Basically keeping you alive if you don't have enough vitamins in your body

Paracetamol is a medicine used to treat mild and moderate pain. But it can also be used to treat fever (high temperature). It's definitely dangerous to take more than the prescribed amount of dosage. Paracetamol overdose can damage your live, even causing death due to the excessive amount of it.

Radio Codes:

Although I am not quite sure if EMS still uses the codes I do thing its a good thing to list them down as it shows I know the codes incase there is a day i need to use them upon acceptance.

Code black: bomb threat - suspicious object
Code grey: security needed, someone is unarmed, but is a threat to themselves or others
Code blue: life-threatening medical emergency
Code brown: external emergency (disaster, mass casualties etc.)
Code orange: evacuation
Code purple: medical emergency
Code red: fire
Code yellow: internal emergency

Do you acknowledge that you’re subject to being demoted at any given time if accepted?
Yes I completely understand

Do you acknowledge that by applying for this role, you agree to be 100% dedicated to the Hospital Staff role?
Yes I completely understand and acknowledge that by applying for this role I will have to dedicate myself to that role.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are expected to attend or you will be punished?
Yes I fully acknowledge.

Do you acknowledge that you are NOT to take things OOCly when dealing with training & situations?
Yes I fully acknowledge.

In-Character (IC) Section
Character’s Full Name:

Columbina sighed. She'd cross one leg over the other, placing her hands in her lap.
"Columbina Ogawa, is my name."

Character’s Gender and Pronouns:
Tilted her head back.
"I am a Female and my pronouns are she/her."

Character’s Age (if accepted):
She'd take a sip of her coffee. Then after a long wait she'd finally break the silence.
"I am currently at the age of 27."

Character’s Academic Background

Sipped her cup of coffee patiently, waiting for the interviewer to finish the question before doing anything, she'd uncross her legs and stand up, walking over to the corner of the room to lift an object.. It was her PhD degree.. But what did it say? As if reading your mind She'd wipe the Degree, clearing the dust that had unfortunately covered the object.
"PhD in doctoral degree."

Character’s Nationality:
Simply placed the white mug onto the table, crossing her legs once again, one over the other. With a sigh she'd answer the question.
"I am Korean/American."

Character’s Marital Status:
Shook her head, sneering at the thought..
"I am single. I have not known anyone long enough for a relationship."
She’d tilt her head to one side giving them a slight smile.

Character’s Religious Denomination:
A small, creepy smile worked its way upon her face, jeez.. she had the face of an Angel yet the smile of Satan himself.
"I don't follow any sort of religion, I simply do not care."

Character’s Spoken Languages:
Japanese, Russian, latin and italian

What is your character’s medical speciality? Why did they choose this focus?
(Ensure this is appropriate to the position you have chosen)

Columbina's speciality of interest is being a doctor, the treatment of injuries. Columbina chose to be a doctor because she felt the need to help others heal from broken bones or a huge injury that might of been in need for an surgery. She feels guilty about the fact that she can openly be safe and express whatever she is feeling no matter the risk of speaking the words, this is why she chose to be a doctor so she could help others feel safe and healthy. She also chose this because she has the perfect mentality to work with people who need help in any sort of way, that being said many people who have come across her have said that her mentality is like a solid, unchanging rock that will never bend to or at anyone or anything's will.

What medical residencies did your character take after medical school?
Columbina completed medical school then spent a four-year doctor residency overseas in Russia before applying for the role of children doctor in Italy. She’d work there for roughly about two years in Italy, while she had spent those two years in Italy she had learned italian to better help communicate with the kids and teenagers, giving her a better understanding of what they were saying and tending to their injuries whilst being able to reassure them that they'd be alright, but not all kids she had talked to understood russian nor could speak it which is why she had learned italian to better herself. When she was in Europe learning about being a doctor she had learned quite a bit of how kids and adults needed support in many things and had grown to love helping and supporting others, this also led to her understanding every is different no matter if it was speech, size, culture, personality or education. Everyone needed help in a way. This also supported her whilst in Italy.

Does your character have any work experience in medical positions?
Columbina's work at the residency had opened so many opportunities in the field of doctors and helped many people in need. Not only did it teach her about doctors it also taught her how to engage in situations where it most needed her to be serious and professional which she strives to be doing 24/7 at work. Working with kids and teengers has opened Columbina’s point of view about how the world could be so huge and scary for them and she strived to make the kids/teenagers feel as if they belonged in which they did! Not only did she stay professional in all occurring jobs she had been in she also managed to create a happy and fun mind set with the kids, she’d treat them like her own no matter what was wrong, and how big the injury was, she'd ensure a swift recovery.

Has your character completed any additional schooling?
Columbina hadn’t taken any other additional schooling.


Describe your character; how do they look, what makes them unique?

Columbina stood at an mere 5 '3 She definitely wasn't the tallest of the bunch, but she made up for it in looks. She had a slim athletic build, almost like a dolls, she might of worked out but who really knows with the way she acts. Her long black hair cascaded down her body only just stopping at her waist, at the ends of her hair and bangs a dark pink/magenta color highlights. her [REDACTED} eye color held mysteries yet to be discovered. Columbina had a soft, almost melodic voice (Columbina's voice claim (Singing version.)) that would draw you in closer to her giving you a sense of.. Unease, she was definitely not easy to be around as a co-worker but easier for patients... Upon meeting Columbina you'd instantly notice her lack of effort in normal conversations and her slight mysterious aura, for example if a person was walking up to her to strike a conversation, she wouldn't talk. That's unless she found you interesting or you were a patient. If she absolutely had to speak she would, but it would be plain and straightforward, not wasting any unnecessary extra words.

Columbina's looks are quite extraordinary. Columbina has soft features that give her a calming air. She has soft incandescent eyes that are a
[REDACTED] color, she wore a blindfold to hide her eyes, wonder why... Her awkwardly pale skin emitted an ethereal glow in the sunlight, almost blinding but also fascinating to the human eye. Columbina’s hair was left out carefully curled each morning she’d walk into work. It didn’t matter if she was on duty or off, she’d always look her best. Not to mention her hair color, she had black hair with a highlights of dark pink/magenta on the ends, adding to her mysterious look.

Columbina's clothing taste was quite normal? Interesting? No, you couldn't quite put your finger on it but it was definitely a different style every single outfit, but always either a dress or skirt. Why doesn't she wear pants? or shorts? Simply putting it, she doesn't want to and finds it a hassle to find the right size.

How does your character act on and off duty?
Columbina is honestly quite seriously professional while on duty. She isn’t rude or condescending, but she takes on a small amount of social energy to the job, although it may seem like shes uninterested in her patient that's quite the opposite, unlike her co-workers she likes tending and talking to patients, unless they are rude. She'll try and speak less to a rude patient. Although she doesn’t mind what her co-workers do while on duty she might give them a look here and there if they are being rude or condescending to a patient, even going as far to walk over and ask if something is wrong. Columbina is never dull with patients, co-workers on the other hand, she makes no efforts to make friends, but she'd happily sit at a table with them, as long as she wasn't forced to speak.

Columbina is quite dull and quite off duty. She doesn't really like to make new friends or talk to strangers, buttt... I'll let you in on a secret.. The way to Colombina's heart is food and alcohol, only for her co-workers though...! Columbina likes going to shops and looking at all the unique accessories they have on sale! Although sometimes she can be a little too dull, yet it is never awkward around her when off duty.

In conclusion Columbina is very dull and quiet, she values alone time most of the time, but sometimes she can seek a day out before returning back to her shell like a hermit crab. While alone she likes to drink, shop, eat, clean, decorate and adventure to cool places, alone or not she enjoys all these things even if she doesn't show it.

In conclusion Columbina is and can be quite serious and professional; hardly rude or condescending. She likes talking to patients, depending if they are polite or not. If they aren't polite she'll speak to them in short sentences, hardly saying anything while saying the important things, she wouldn't dare make small talk and just get straight to the point of their visit. With polite patients she'd talk to them normally, making small talk here and there if she felt like it.

Does your character function better on their own or with others?
Columbina is considerably better at working with people, she doesn’t mind if the people she works with judge her. She works better when there is teamwork and even puts a lot of trust into her co-workers. She definitely trusts her co-workers with her life without a doubt as she believes if there is no trust in a workplace nothing will get done and there is no point in working there. Although she may seem cold, she really isn't ... Just give her food and you'll see!

What plans does your character have for the future?
Shockingly Columbina has no desire to quit being a doctor, she wants to work as long as her health will let her.. even if that means over working some nights to get in quota points and talk to more patients.

How is your character perceived by others? How does it contrast with their perception of themself?
From her approachable looks, for the next, people see Columbina as a sweetheart, or angelic who's always there for the people in need of help. She can be either overly dull or kind, but she mostly thinks otherwise. To her, being dull is apart of her everyday life, not caring about opinions of others about her. She strives to be successful and let no one get in the way of that dream, even her own friends, if she had any. Her being kind? No. Columbina would just shrug it off saying it was just a simple gesture.

If you asked me how I feel after applying..
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