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Accepted ⁺✦ Highschool Council Application ⋅ Jade Jaibatsume


Level 1
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What is your Minecraft Username?:
My usernames are: mlayi & laehu!

What is your timezone?:
UTC+2! - And I currently live in Spain!

Please provide your Discord tag:
My discord-username is: '@mlayi'!

Link(s) to all past and present applications on the server (Approved, Denied & Pending):

Language Authorization Application | Hawaiian | Accepted
Language Authorization Application | JSL | Accepted
Authorization Application | Third Language Slot | Accepted
Language Authorization Application | Korean | Accepted

Describe your activity on the server:
I am pretty active on the server-aspect of things, though I would consider myself a lot less active on the forums-side. If I had to rate my activity on the server, it’d be about an 8.5/10! And most of my time on the server I spend on my beloved swim-character or on the character I am currently applying with. I could be a little less active on primarily Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday as those are longer school-days for me, but I do tend to play when I am home most of the time. I would also like to note that I bought my alt-account rather recently, and it doesn't have as much play-time as my main-account, but I do spend my time on both of my accounts equally.

List your accounts and roles on this server:
@mlayi | [Grade-11][Swim] Leilani Li + [Fox] Melran Kingdom
@laehu | [Grade-10] Jade Jaibatsume (Applying.)

Are you aware that inactivity can result in removal from the council?:
Yes, I am fully aware of this, and I understand.

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What is the student council and what do they do?:

The student-council of Karakura High is essentially a group of students who work together efficiently to build up an even better environment in school, all whilst ensuring that everyone is in good hands and not getting into trouble. The school’s council also helps faculty and employees alongside hosting events for students and ensuring they run smoothly and as planned. Sometimes, they also assist fellow students - and they also collaborate with faculty in order to solve issues around the school's environment in order to improve it whenever necessary. The student-council serves as a primary example for other students at Karakura High, almost serving as the 'leaders' of the school whilst also being prepared to help any student in need, making the student-council a very important and vital part of the school.

What motivated you to apply for council? (e.g. Interests, friends, etc.):
I know a few people who are in the council, or have been in it themselves which did help with educating myself a bit more on what it was like to actually be a part of it. However, this is not why I chose to write an application for the council, I chose to do it because I want to expand my horizon and try something new that also grabs my attention and interests me whilst also getting a chance to further develop my character in a new environment - and I hope to gain experience from it aswell!

Are you aware that you’ll be having to use your creativity and teamwork ethic within the student council? (e.g. Coming up and helping with events):
Yes, I am aware of this and it actually is one of the many things that made me want to create this application for the council!

Can you list the roles in the council along with other roles that might be important to the council?:

⁺✦ The Council Presidents ⸝⸝⸝
The main leaders of the council, and the ones who are primarily in charge most of the time, making the council president a crucial part of the Council community, overseeing both their council-members and the student-body, all whilst ensuring that everything is in order, and doing their best to keep everyone in line.

⁺✦ The Council Vice-Presidents ⸝⸝⸝
The second ones in command: they are ready to step in at any given moment if the President isn’t available, and also ensure that everything goes well within the council - they serve as a second-leader and one of the primary examples for the rest of the council.

⁺✦ The Council Secretaries ⸝⸝⸝
The secretary within the student council is somewhat of an assistant to the council’s Presidents, mostly handling mild complaints and preparing important notes and information for the Presidents. They work together with their higher-ups to ensure that meetings, agreements, and everything within the council remains organized as it should be.

⁺✦ The Council Members ⸝⸝⸝
Any of the members within the student-council who are not any of the roles stated above, forming a team who dedicate themselves to making the school a fun and safe place to learn at. They all work together with their presidents and the school’s very own faculty-members to ensure that their goals are achieved and that everything around the school runs the way that it should so that students have a safe place to be, and actually feel motivated to attend school.

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While students gather for a school assembly, one student behaves disruptively, causing a disturbance. How would you manage the situation to restore order effectively while minimizing any additional disruptions to the assembly?:

‘I would start by warning them, and ask them nicely and politely to stop misbehaving. Hopefully that would suffice, however, if they continued to do so - I would ask them to leave if they have no intention of being there with a respectful attitude and only want to cause chaos there. I would also explain why I asked them to leave and help them understand that other people wish to focus, and they were being disruptive. If it continued, and they simply ignored everything, I would try to find a faculty-member to help me remove them from the assembly, or hand them a detention if it was a never-ending sequel. However, I do hope it would not have to get that far, as I prefer to handle things in an easier manner.’

A student refuses to take their mask off after you’ve brought up detention and they’ve run away! What do you do?:
‘I would try to find them first, and try to ask them to remove their mask one more time. However, if they run away again or if I lost them entirely, I would respectfully inform a faculty-member so that the said person can be summoned on the intercom. When they arrive, I will simply explain and tell them about the fact that masks are strictly prohibited on school-grounds, and ask them to take it off again. After that, I would let the faculty-member take it from there as I would have done everything I could in that situation.’

A teacher observes concerning behavior from a student, including the creation of disturbing artwork and verbal threats toward peers. How would you collaborate with the teacher to evaluate the situation and intervene appropriately to address potential safety concerns?:
‘I would listen to the entire story first, so I knew exactly what we would be dealing with in this situation. When I have all the information I need, I would bring a few ideas on how to deal with the situation if the Teacher didn’t know what to do. However, I would likely suggest to separate the student from the class so they could continue learning whilst I can talk to the student to hear their version of the story and react appropriately. I would make sure they got a chance to explain themselves respectfully before jumping to any conclusions. If they had a good explanation, or if it was simply a misunderstanding - I would simply explain what it was they were questioned for and move on. However, if they were intentionally doing something and it was definitely not a misunderstanding, I would act accordingly to ensure they wouldn’t cause trouble for the remainder of the day.’

A group of students asks for your permission to stage a protest on school grounds. Would you allow them to protest? If so, how do you ensure that the protest does not disrupt the school environment while upholding their freedom of expression?:
‘It would depend on what they are protesting and if it was disturbing for the rest of the students who are actively trying to learn. If it was disruptive to the other students, I would have to say that I probably wouldn’t allow it and explain that they would disturb the other people and possibly take up time of their education. However, if it was a valid or respectful request for a protest, I would probably choose to talk to a higher-up, or tell them to bring it up with a faculty-member if I wasn’t sure of it myself. But generally speaking, the answer would likely be ‘no’ and not something else, unless it was a quiet and acceptable protest.’

A teacher/receptionist has told you that you are doing something that goes against what you were trained by your higher-ups. How would you react to this?:
‘I wouldn’t want to make any mistakes or possibly do something wrong, so the first thing I would do is politely and calmly ask what I have done wrong. I would listen to what they have to say since they know better, and ask them how to correct my mistake so it wouldn’t happen again - because it wouldn’t. However, if it was a misunderstanding and I didn’t actually do anything wrong, I would simply explain that this is how I was trained to do my job as a councilor. Either way, I would listen to them first before I do any of this. I would like to hear their comments and opinions - especially if it can help me improve in the future!’

Please provide at least one detailed event that the council can use as a future event to showcase your creativity! (Must be 300 words or more for one event):

୨୧ ‘School Sleepover!’ ⸝⸝⸝ ‘Will anyone actually be sleeping tonight? Probably not..’ ୨୧

‘This is my first idea for an event, it would take place in the school’s gymnasium and we would collaborate with both the nap-club and the fashion-club for this event. It would start as soon as school ended, and there would be small stalls and shops alongside sleeping-bags and comfortable beds for the students to sleep in. For this event I thought it would be really cool if we could ask the fashion-club to make pajamas for the students who don’t have any or simply wish to wear them! There could also be a small stall with pillows and plushies, or other sleepover themed items such as tea and snacks - which you could get some cute stuff at for the night! Other cute things that we could include, is a series of telescopes to gaze at the stars, a reading corner where someone could read books, a place to tell your stories or simply chill with other students, and a tarot-booth where you can get your future read! After all of these fun activities, it would be time for 'lights out' - and everyone can get their well-deserved night’s rest!’

‘Club Twister!’ ⸝⸝⸝ ‘What will you try first!? There is so much to explore!’

‘The second-event I came up with, this event would require the student-council to collaborate with pretty much all of the clubs. There is a growing issue within the school of clubs being too inactive, so how fun would it be if they got a chance to shine and showcase their unique talents and creativity to a wider-range of students? It would take place in the school’s gymnasium and be held during a school-day. This would take place similarly to a ‘talent show’ - where each club and their leader gets a short time on the stage to showcase part of what they do and what their club stands for. After every club has gotten a chance to shine, students will be able to go to a series of booths set up by these said clubs! The booths will include flyers, and a small ‘try it’-station, which would essentially be a small place where multiple students could try out that club’s activities at once. For example, the cooking club could offer a cooking-tutorial, or recipes for their own unique dishes! After the event is over, you can choose a club and they will be able to guide you through the application-process. Overall, I think this will help the clubs and students engage more whilst also making it more appealing to participate and be part of a club at Karakura High.’

୨୧ ‘Fashion Market!’ ⸝⸝⸝ ‘No, this is not dress-to-impress.. But, it could be..?’ ୨୧

‘This event would start off with students gathering in the school’s gymnasium for a small introduction to the event, and how it works. There will be models all around the school’s baseball field, alongside small booths and accessories that you can purchase for a fair price. The models will be wearing clothes that will be sold or put up for auction during the event. This gives students a chance to treat themselves to a new outfit or perhaps just a few new accessories? After this part of the event is finished, the people attending the event can enjoy a fashion-show organized by both the council and the fashion-club in a collaboration! It would give the council a chance to collaborate with other clubs, and ensure that the students attending will have a good time. It would also be really nice if there was a dance-floor, and a ‘best dressed’ competition. Almost like a runway, or a fashion show! Everyone would show off their unique and fashionable attire and have a chance to be nominated for one of the three prizes that will be presented. I think it would be nice if this took place during a school day, and sort of happened the entirety of that day so everyone will get a chance to enjoy the event, like they should! Another fun idea I had for this event was instead of a fashion-show with just councilors + students, we could allow the faculty to do a little runway-show for the school and show off the various outfits available to buy at the event - it would be such a fun way to allow the faculty to shine and participate alongside the rest of the people there!’

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Personal Information


‘Greetings. - My name is Jade Jaibatsume..’


‘I am currently sixteen years old, and in grade-ten.’

‘You can contact me by phone-number, (030)-103-2722! - Or in person, I don’t mind either of these options..!’

How would you describe your personality?:
‘I am often said to be reserved and quiet by others, I prefer to observe more than being part of a conversation sometimes. I do not like conflict, and I prefer it if it could be solved the correct way and fairly for both parties that are involved. I am not sure how I would describe myself, I try to be respectful to everyone who crosses my path and that is something that I am pretty proud of, and something I find useful in a setting such as the council. I am a bit introverted, I suppose - but I do not mind a little chaos in my life here and there, nor do I mind being out-going or trying out new things. After all, you only live once! However, I do know when it is time to act, and I can be assertive and honest when I have to be, which I highly value in other people, too: honesty. Oh, and a fun-fact about me is that I can actually speak multiple languages, however my most fluent one is probably Japanese. And, my favorite animals are Rabbits, more specifically: the Lilac Rabbit, they are very calm and reserved.’

Appearance/attire (Please provide a picture):
๋࣭ ⭑ Who was that girl?! Well.. That was none other than Jade Jaibatsume: a young, and frail-looking teenager whose aura never lacked a skittish flair to it - primarily appearing to be cautious and reserved. Dark brown hair framed her delicate features alongside her set of soft chestnut eyes which sat warily within their sockets most of the time. Standing at the shorter height of only 5’1’’ / 154.94cm - this teenager’s whisper-like voice perfectly suited her overall appearance, speaking in a quiet and gentle tone to all who cross her path. This Jaibatsume was not lacking when it came to her attire, often sticking to wearing calmer-looking/soft colors such as purple and blue - she presented herself to the public in an elegant, yet reserved manner which perfectly presented her more quiet and introverted personality. Jade’s trail was often haunted with floral scents, with the occasional expensive perfumes here and there. Interesting, no? Maybe you should approuch her! ๋࣭ ⭑

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What separates you from other applicants seeking your position?:
‘Whilst I do not have that much experience, given that I have not yet been a part of the council myself, I have been told a lot about it and I have been around my fair share of retired councilors. It gave me a decent idea of what it was like behind-the-scenes of the student-council, but I would really love to experience it for myself and meet new people who also want to make the school a better environment all whilst sharing similar goals and ideas. I feel that my knowledge of the council will come in handy, but I am also a fresh-face and have never been in the council myself which will make me eager to prove myself worthy of the position.’

Why do you want this position?:
‘Why do I want this position? That is a great question. I want to be a part of this council because it will allow me to develop as a person, be creative, and make a safe place for the students at Karakura High. I hope that with this position in the council, I can make a change for other people and support those who need it. The council will offer me the chance to make these said changes, alongside allowing me to be creative and offer new, unique ideas for future events or the council in general - and I love to help people, too.’

What interests you the most about student council?:
‘The council is a group of students who come together to ensure the school is a safe environment whilst also preparing events, and being responsible for most of these said events. I would really love to be a part of this, and carry the responsibility that comes with being a councilor whilst also offering some of my own ideas to help out when I can. I love pretty much every aspect of being a part of the school’s council and I hope I’ll be able to contribute even more to it whenever I can.’

What could you contribute to make the school a safe and fun environment?:
‘I am extremely and utterly neutral, I want to hear everyone’s side if there’s a fight, or a conflict. I do not judge before I have enough information to even act on anything. I want everything to go fairly, and as respectful as possible. Alongside this, I also intend to put all of my time, and effort into this. I want to help out, and I want to come up with ideas, and listen to other’s ideas and possible concerns, which is exactly why my neutral, gray view of situations is very useful for this type of position. I wish to make the school a happier place, one person at a time!’


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Level 229
Council Lead

Thank you for applying. Congratulations on your application being accepted. Please ping @[Dean] gotsnapped in ⁠#help channel in KA Discord for your roles. If you have any questions, you're welcome to message me at @jawhyla on Discord or contact your presidents:


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