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⊹ ࣪ ﹏ Bradley's Bio﹏⊹ ࣪ ˖

Bradley Miller
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First Name: Bradley
Last Name: Miller
Nicknames: BRADDDDYYYY, Brad, TWIN, clone

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Gender: Male
Age: 18
Height: 6'2
Weight: 196 lbs
Sexual Orientation: Raging Bisexual
Skin Color: Absurbley tan- like, really tan
Eye Color: Blue!!

Hair Style: Kind of messy
Hair Color: Blonde!

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Date of Birth: July 21st!
Place of Birth: Orlando, Florida
Nationality: American
Race: White
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Brad stands tall with broad shoulders and great posture, although they tend to hunch a little bit,
its more for goofs and giggles as his chin is always held high. Starting with his face, the eyes are always wide and the lashes
are always curled upwards. His eyebrows are dirtier blonde than his hair, but they compliment his eyes and
allow for a variety of goofy facial expressions. The under eyes sometimes have bags under them, this is due to his
tiredness or late-night parties.. but otherwise, freckles stain his face going over the nose and on the cheeks. Here is also
where a lot of sunburn has collected over time, it often leaves his cheeks a rosey shade or burnt orange. His lips
almost always were in a smile or a grin, the teeth a neon white with slightly pointed canines. Right by his left
ear, there would be a small upward line scar. Now at the ears, Bradley has a small piercing that is the most common. Now going
down his neck, absolutely stained with freckles, at the base of his neck usually dawned a necklace. Whether this said necklace
be a cross, a dog tag, or a shark tooth, it always had sentimental value to it. His build was strong, definitely on the thinner side of things
but he was nevertheless healthy and athletic. The shoulders were the same as the cheeks, burnt and covered in freckles. Going down the arms to the hands, Brad
always had some form of bracelet on him, little memories from his days at the beach. Sometimes a ring may accessories his fingers, and the palms of his
hands were always soft despite the occasional blisters from climbing rocks. The legs were strong and have seen better days, sometimes a bruise or two
may appear for no apparent reason?? A final thing to mention is the blonde would have a small tattoo on his right ankle, a simple sea shell.
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Bradley is super happy-go-lucky, he is the definition of an extravert, he can be goofy, loud, brave, and fearless at times.
Although, he is way more responsible than his brother, Chad, who is also not the brightest. Brad is way more
reserved at times than his brother... yet still the life of the party, he can dance the night away- and he can, litterly, stay up all
night long if he tried. Still, Brad has a giant heart, unlike his brother whose emotions can be triggered like that,
he has better control over them. Without a doubt, joyfulness is the leading emotion for him, and fear is hardly present.
Stubbornness is also another quality of his, but this is rather defiance, he can be a bit playful and goofy, rather than Chad
who is innocent and stubborn because he truly doesn't know. The blonde is also a bit flirty, but this is mild,
instead, his charisma is through the roof. His sense of fear is tarnished, growing up in Florida has built him like that. Now for anger,
he does feel it, but as stated before, Bradley is so carefree and lives a YOLO life, he never allows for one emotion to grapple
him for too long. The blonde rarely is ever explosive, is rarely ever negative, and rarely is ever rude to another. yes, he may
jokingly insult but always is just his goofy nature.

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Fashion: Beach clothes 24/7, or matching with his twin
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Brad has many, so I'm just going to list them. Swimming, Surfing, Partying, Tanning, Building Sandcastles, Fishing,
Dancing, Singing, Shopping, Driving, Learning new languages, playing board games, listening to music, skateboarding.

Serious Problems/Flaws/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities:
Attention Hyperactive Deposition Disorder (ADHD): he's had it all his life, and therefore
this is why he is way more energetic, it's why he struggles to focus, it's why he's struggled in school. He also
tends to get pretty overwhelmed and just brushes it off, this is negative as sometimes things are serious.
Drinking: he isn't addicted to it, but has drunk in the past and still does, this is just stereotypical teenagers
drinking when they shouldn't.
Smoking: HE DOES NOT CURRENTLY. Back in Florida, he has smoked a cig here or there, but it was nothing major,
Brad vows to never pick up another cig again.

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Father: Alexander Miller.
A strict man who ran his workplace like a monarch, he was in control, but you weren't. The man loved his work more than he did his wife,
more than he did his family. Although who could blame him? he was the CEO of a major food business and spent his workdays either lousing around
before actually doing work. People feared Alexander, they said he was a strict boss, strict beyond strict. He fired people when they didn't meet his expectations,
or just fired them because he didn't like them. As a father, he was... present, for a few days, to be honest, he wasn't expecting to have a son, he didn't want a son,
and what's worse than one son? two. Naturally, he made the excuse, " Oh dear, I have to work even harder to provide for my kids!" when she also had a full-time job.
Besides that, the times when he was around, often were to grill, that's one of Brad's most prominent memories, his father with a spatula and a red apron.

Mother: Oliva Miller
She was a sweet woman who was smarter than people would first assume, she was the one with pure blonde hair.. she wasn't as disappointed when
she had given birth to two boys- although she wanted a daughter. Oliva had wished to pamper and spoil a daughter, to dress her up, to teach her ballet,
so she tried to do that to her sons. Bradley remembers her silky blonde hair, it was always kept down and was never a rat nest like his father's sometimes. She
worked in the business industry, not as a CEO, but as a manager, she also was away for a good part of Brad's childhood. When the twins were younger,
she made sure to read them stories or play volleyball with them. She had a bright smile, and she loved taking the kids to the beach!! there she would run into the water
with the kids!! oh, those were the golden ages!! Sadly, it became exhausting all her own.. so she hired a nanny. slowly but surely, that nanny
decided to resign- she couldn't control the kids. so onto the next nanny, and the next, and so on.
Brother: Chadley Miller
Dumb and Dumber, this is his rock, his best friend, his brother, his lifeline, without Chad, there wouldn't be a Brad,
and simply vice versa. They are identical twins!!

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In early childhood, Bradley and Chadley were born in Orlando, Florida, on July 21st, almost a week earlier than their original
due date of July 28th. Born a twin, life was always.. doubled. although his parents wanted a little girl to pamper and treat like a princess,
they did not get that, life has a way of messing with people. Continuing, they were raised to be somewhat behaved, they were often with
a babysitter or their mother, always brought to the beach. When Brad was younger, he fully believed that he and his brother lived at the beach,
and their father who was only present at some times, was a merman, king of the ocean! During the nonsummer days, they were put into
a preschool that was shoreside, they made a ton of friends- and loved to confuse the teacher over who was who! The Millers lived in a
mansion on top of a small hill, almost every 2 week regardless they would have a party, or just friends over every single week, the parents. These
messed with their development as kids, for isolated they lived in this huge manor- but were exposed to the party scene from a young age repeatedly. This does something
to you, whether good or bad.

Brad's entire life was in public school, despite being LOADED, their parents didn't think it was smart to put either twin in a prep school... it wasn't like they even
had the brains for it. Brad was dumb, Chad was dumber, this was their title in elementary school and onward, although they were never bullied. skipping forward,
Brad saw his parents less and less as the years progressed. Instead, he saw an overly paid nanny who didn't give any care to the kids- the pay was good, no, great, and still
many would resign. Without parental guidance, the kids were living purely and utterly carefree. Too much freedom. far too much.
The years that matter are the recent ones, Bradley and Chadley wanted to prove themselves in every way to their father and wanted to be nurtured by their mother,
so they started to invoke a YOLO-like mindset. This included climbing rocks, exploring abandoned buildings, staying up late, drinking their parent's booze, and
getting mixed up in the wrong crowd here or there. Soon they became "Trouble Makers", but in their mind, if doing these things meant they were seen, then it
wasn't entirely bad.
For Bradley, he was able to be more mature than his brother, so he kinda took on the more responsible role in their duo. After all, their parents
didn't put many limits on them, they weren't given any chores, no bedtime, nothing. Rich kids they were, but they utterly longed for attention.
Brad for one, had a fascination with just talking, and yes his brother too, but Brad wanted to talk to everyone as a kid, so he tried to learn
many languages. This was noticed by his mother, she tried to motivate them to learn Japanese instead... and well it helped A LOT.
The twins were popular in school, they hung out with everybody, they went to parties almost daily, and they hung out at the beach over and over and over,
forgetting sunscreen of course. This may seem great, and it was, but when you take a closer look, they were surrounding themselves with as many
people as they could, "friends" but not a best friend. Bradley wanted the attention deep down, so he had all these people who he believed he could trust,
who he could call friends, just simply use him. These "friends" never made it apparent, but there was a reason why they would sometimes ask about going
to the beach instead of "Hey are you alright?", there was a reason why they would encourage the drinking of liquor during parties instead of, " lets maybe
try something else". Bradley was a fool for attention, a fool for some certainty that people were here for him. him.
Now Bradley was not a smart kid, he had had a few run-ins with the cops- but who cares?! you only live once man! gotta love it! Brad wishes
that was true about this next big event in his life.
This wouldn't be a proper background without mentioning the romance, the teen drama,
Brad was a playboy- but not really. entering high school, he was already a hot name on the street. The blonde had flings, one-sided relationships,
the longes though- a girl named Paige. She was like the sunset if that even made sense, his heart was on the floor for her.. he was certain she was the one.
This was it. Finally.
Paige and Brad were good friends, despite the above mentioning of not-so-great friends, the twins did
have a solid friend group. Paige was a part of this.. he can remember this day like it was yesterday.. they were on a rock together overseeing the ocean and beach that went on
for miles upon miles... a picnic after a long day out having fun, her hand over his. as the sun started to slowly set, Paige leaned over to Brad, her other hand moving to his shoulder,
"Brad... you mean so much to me.."
Those words.
Then a kiss.
Not his first kiss, but it was his best kiss. This one was unlike the others, this one was filled with love, with passion...
This relationship lasted for two years, it was not a secret to Chad or the rest of the friend group, but to his parents.... yes. Bradley did not want his father to find out,
the man was always ticked off about something, and he already knew that Brad was a flirtatious type, but there was something bigger than that. He would yell,
and the fear of being yelled at.. for finally getting love... was something too much for him to handle. So a secret was a secret!
Meanwhile, the twins would be the blonde boys who were always at the beach. haha yeah!.. Bradley got a tattoo to test their parents' notice.. to see if they would care,
but they didn't. at least, in front of Chadley, they didn't. Another thing about Brad is that he did keep things from Chad, many things. Such things as
the time when their father came home drunk and lashed out at Bradley for being away at two in the morning when Bradley had gotten a text
from his friend that needed help.
Things like the time he saw one of their good friends get drunk and accidentally knock over a vase, of wich
Brad took the blame instead of his friend. You see, Bradley wanted his brother to stay innocent, to have hope, and that's what Brade wanted too...
yet never vocalized it. The blonde also made sure his twin had no idea about when he smoked a cig with his friend, he just lied about burning dinner that night.
Oh, and there was no way Bradley was going to tell Chad about the hole in the wall he had bunched, he just said that a guest did it at one of the parties
their parents had....not the fact he got into a terrible argument with one of Chad's closer "friends" and was pushed back into that wall. Chad
probably wouldn't have been able to handle that heartbreak.

Now, why did the Miller Twins go to Japan? well, they were both fluent in Japanese, Brad made sure of it because their parents
knew mostly Spanish and Italian, and as far as they knew, Japanese wasn't either of them! For some reason, it became easier for them. it was like their
secret language. They also had a few friends who spoke it fluently, so that helped a lot- these friends were just like Paige, they cared about the twins. So did
their families! even though they were hectic, it certainly helped. Bradley always dreamed of going to Japan... he was fascinated with the culture, and the food,
to finally, after one too many detentions, late fines, bad grades, parties, and waste of money- so their father would say. The millers sent their sons to Japan
to maybe get a life.... now, they wouldn't have to deal with their sons.. now they wouldn't have to make expenses on their kid's crazy shena****ns...
As for Paige..? she broke up with Brad 2 months before this move.
was it luck? was it the gods punishing him? Was this his parents manifesting such events?
Or was it that Bradley was never made for love?
That maybe, he wasn't smart enough. That maybe, she wanted more, maybe it was the way he looked, maybe it was the fact that she was farther
above Bradley. Maybe she wanted him gone. That maybe, love was something he had to earn. Maybe that Bradley wasn't good enough.
That may be, and just like his parents, she. wanted. him. gone.
so she left.
There was never a darker moment in Bradley's life than this.. he felt his cheery face hurt, for one. he was crying with sadness,
not happiness, for once. He locked himself in his room, for once. All because he had achieved something, he didn't think
he would ever get.. but now he had lost it.. and was back where he began.
This was when his drinking habit hit its peak, Brad drank himself till he didn't know the difference between him and Chad anymore- oh those
were the harshest times of his life. Oh, and poor Chad, he wanted to help his brother, but Brad refused to tell Chad until he was in a better place.
Slowly he started to see that he was getting better, that he was moving on... after all, he did question if Paige was just another girl- but would be
harsh on himself forever thinking those things. Slowly, Brad was becoming himself again, and about 2 weeks before the news of the move, he started
to see another girl. This one had curly brown hair and rosy cheeks, she had a funny laugh and always challenged him to a race in the ocean- Although
they were unable to make it past the friend stage.. they were close though. so close. Lips moved to finally seal the deal when an aggressive knock on the door and
the quick escape through the window, had ended that.
"pack your bags, Bradley, you and you are moving schools"
again? But father- why??"
"Don't ask, don't even speak a word. Just do it. Your flight is Friday at noon. I've arranged everything. "
His father slammed the door as he left, and the first thing Brad did was call his brother and cry to him, "Where are you, I need you"

With all of this, it's fair to describe how the twins had an up-and-down upbringing, their parents were not abusive, but truly neglecting.
Too much freedom, but you have to fight your own battles, the mindset of a shock collar for dogs, is you get shocked, and you know not to do
a thing anymore. you get the police called on you or your friend blacks out so YOU need to call the police... same thing.

And not their story is the present, what will Karakura hold? will their surprising amount of Japanese be enough? who will they befriend?
That is yet to come.

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