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┈• Mizuki Kawasumi's Biography •┈


Level 1


"Stories... are where memories go when they're forgotton."


Mizuki Kawasumi

First Name:
Preferred Name:
Mizuki, Zuki, Mizu
5’5 (165.1 cm)
125 lbs (56.6 kg)
Hourglass Figure.
Skin Color:
rosy pale
Eye Color:
red-ish pink (yes, its possible)
Hair Style:
long wavy hair
Hair Color:
Casual but occationally professional
Date of Birth:
March 10th 1997
Place of Birth:
Kyoto, Japan
Sexual Orientation:


General Appearance


Playful, very calm and kind while always having a warm smile while walking on this earth.


Character Voice:
Soothing and sweet to the ear.

Mizuki is always carrying her Messenger shoulder bag, her phone and a cute umbrella to be ready for anything that might get thrown at her.

Reading Books, Drawing, Playing video games, enjoying the quiet

Serious Problems/Flaws/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities:
A fear of commitment, seriously scared of apples… (there’s a reason behind it.)

Great cooking and baking skills, drawing, forgives people very easily and is generally very kind to people.



Andy Arya | Ex-Girlfriend | Alive |
I’m sorry that I broke up things with you so abruptly. You didn’t deserve the heartbreak at all.
I was so focused on my own feelings that I neglected you and your feelings completely.
I’m deeply sorry for hurting you so much.

Damian Kaizen | Ex-Boyfriend | Alive |
Our Relationship ended way too quickly… I sometimes still wonder how it would’ve been if we didn’t end things back then.

Grayson Irwing | Ex-Boyfriend | Unknown |
I wish we didn’t lose each other… You meant the world to me and I miss what we had together.
I hope that you’re healthy and happy.

Shendo Jökull Sidorov | Boyfriend | Alive |
I never expected us to be a couple but I'm not complaining at all!
I’m excited to see where this brings us. I love you.


Family / Loved ones:

Inori Asano-Kawasumi
| Mother | Alive |

Mom, you can’t imagine how happy I am to call you my mother. You and Dad loved and supported me so much, I can't be grateful enough.
I love you oh so much. I wish you and Dad the absolute best in life.

Kenzo Kawasumi | Father | Alive |

Thanks for everything, Dad. You helped me find what I thought was lost forever.
Your dedication and support helped me through the toughest of times. I love you very much and I hope that i’ll see you soon!

Akio Kawasumi | Grandfather | Dead |
You showed me so much, Grandpa. I’m thankful that I shared so much time with you.
Wherever you are right now, I hope you’re happy up there. I’ll make you proud, I promise.

Akuro Jackson-Delaunay | Nephew | Alive |
My sweet little Nephew, seeing you walking your own path fills me with so much Joy, you don’t even know it.
You deserve all the Joy and Love in this world. I'm proud of you.



Andy Arya | Best Friend | Alive |
Life without you would simply be just boring. You shook my world over and over again and yet, I wouldn't trade it for anything else.

Damian Kaizen | Best Friend | Alive |
Damian, you dork. Despite everything we’ve been through together, I'm happy to have you in my life.

Hanai Munakata | Mentor / Good Friend | Alive |
Having you as a Mentor and a Friend is the best thing I could've asked for!
You showed me the ropes of the best job I've ever had! I'm grateful for meeting you and finding a friend with you.
Wish you the best for you and your Family!

Asuka Minaki | Alive |
When we first met, I never thought that we would become such good friends!
Wish you and your Family the best and that your wedding will be an absolute blast!

Grayson Irwing | Unknown |
I’m sad that we lost each other so much over time…
Wherever you are, I hope you’re okay and I miss you deeply. I hope I'll see you again.

Kazuya Elyon-O'Sullivan | Unknown |
Even though we don't talk much anymore, i still see you as a valuable friend.
I hope you're well and live your life to the fullest! Hope to see you again someday.


Student Friends:

Sky Calimeris | Alive |
Umeko Tomohiro | Alive |
Komatsuna T. Minaki | Alive |
Liana A-B. Munakata | Alive |
Connie ‘Con’ Himura | Alive |
Iwan Yamashita Arya | Alive |
Jasmine S. O’Dea Ikemori | Alive

(Let me know when you want to be included in this list! i definitely forgot a LOT of names…)



Mizuki Kawasumi was born on March 10th 1997 in Kyoto, Japan. Her childhood wasn't very eventful, which was a blessing, rather than a curse. She was raised in a loving and caring family in a stable economic position due to their jobs as Teachers. In her early childhood, she was a friendly, but shy person, and because of this she had a few, close friends rather than a lot of less secure friendships. She was particularly close with her grandfather, and some of her earliest memories were her grandfather Akio, reading her stories of a fantasy world, which he created for a book that he was writing and publishing. Her dad also attempted to encourage her to let her imagination run wild, to create drawings, art, and whatever fantastical ideas ran through her heart and mind. This gave Mizuki a love for history, art, and painting to be specific. Overall, with a set of close friends and two loving parents, her childhood up until age 15 was great. Then Mizuki's grandfather passed away and with that, her passion for history and art. With her grandfather's passing and seeing Mizuki being so affected by it, her parents tried to rekindle the passion in art and history that Mizuki has dedicated most of her childhood with. The three of them started exploring the world, visiting various places such as Spain and France all while working on Mizuki's education with private lessons which turned out to be easier than once thought. After almost 4 years of traveling the world, it was time for the Kawasumi family to go back home to Japan due to Mizuki's further education. Due to her parents' previous employer not having enough students and going out of business, they began looking for job opportunities elsewhere, and found them, in Karakura, Japan. And so, the Kawasumi family moved, meaning Mizuki moved to Karakura when she started college. Back in her hometown, Mizuki spent a lot of time reading and watching various history channels on tv. This particular memory gave Mizuki a motivation, a motivation to see what the world has else to offer, and this brought back her passion she had long lost before. With that, she went to study History to further learn on what the world has been through and how beautiful it can be. While in college, Mizuki found herself in libraries very often, studying and looking into all kinds of books. Mizuki was so fascinated by all the knowledge written down in these books that she thought about how it would be to be a librarian. And with that thought, a spark of a goal. The goal is to become a keeper and protector of knowledge, or simply said, a librarian. With this goal set, Mizuki dedicated most of her free time learning and studying the ways on becoming a librarian all while she was working on her college degree. After 4 years of learning and working on her skills every single day, Mizuki got her college degree in history. After her last day in college, she'd look out for every possibility to fulfill her goal, which led her to KHS.

Time in Karakura!

During the time in Karakura, Mizuki quickly got thrown into love and the drama around it and literally got consumed by the chaos that is known to be in Karakura quite well. With the first breakup, Mizuki heard the harsh reality of herself yelled out by her first Ex-Lover Andy Arya, saying that she’s scared of commitment and not being able to uphold a healthy and happy relationship if Mizuki stayed the way she is at that point. After that, Mizuki had one of the hardest breakdowns she had ever experienced. She took a long time to heal and process the words that she got told, making her more careful about her decisions in her lovelife. Over time and the Guidance of Hanai Munakata, Mizuki lost herself in her work, dedicating her whole being into being the best librarian she can be and making her Mentor proud. Even after Hanai’s departure from the faculty team, Mizuki focused on being better and better in her job which led to her getting promoted as the Librarian Head of Department. Weeks since then passed and new years eve was right around the corner. Mizuki stood alone in the massive crowd of people watching the fireworks at the shrine, making Mizuki realize how alone she really was at that time. After a few days and one thing leading to another, Mizuki and Damian Kaizen got introduced to each other which quickly led to a relationship. With everything she learned along the way basically thrown out of the window, Mizuki basically had a rebellious phase with Damian and basically doing what she wanted to do. Everything seemed to be great until Mizuki got the message that her mother Inori was very ill and on the brink of passing away. Mizuki didn’t hesitate at all, packed her things and flew to Kyoto to stay by her mothers side. At that time, Mizuki didn’t tell anyone what was going on, including Damian. After two weeks of Mizuki being gone, she returned to Karakura with a text message from Damian, stating that he can’t be with a woman who basically disappears from the face of the earth. Mizuki was fuming while reading the message over and over again and decided to end things here and there over text. With that, the things that Mizuki found out and threw out of the window with her lovelife returned into her mind, making her aware of the things and mistakes she made, promising herself to not repeat them again.
Being lost in her work once again as the new Librarian HD, she was approached by a rather interesting looking man. As it turned out, his name was Grayson Irwing, a potential new Co-worker for her… or maybe even more..? Mizuki and Grayson clicked instantly, like they were long lost friends. She quickly saw Grayson again but now as her actual Co-Worker. With them both showing their gratitude to have each other in their lives as friends made students and coworkers suspect the fact that they were a couple. That made them both wonder how it would be if the suspicion became reality and they began seeing each other more often, going on dates, getting to know each other better and with a bit of hesitation from both sides they decided to date. Everything seemed to be perfect, the relationship was healthy, they moved in together and both were super happy but over time, something changed…. They both saw each other less and less due to their lives taking up too much time. After thinking and talking about it thoroughly, they both decided to go separate ways but stay friends. Mizuki genuinely thought he was the one who she would share her life with but fate had something different in mind for her. More months passed, and with Mizuki moving out of her old house due to the memories that were made there, she one day met Shendo Jökull Sidorov, an old friend who turned lover pretty quickly due to their past. And with that, Mizuki will see what the future brings her…

(Still a work in progress, i'll add a few things here and there from time to time soooo.... ye.)
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