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☆Tano Daichi☆


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[ Tano Daichi ]
"I don't want to talk, I just want to dance."
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Basic Information

First Name: Tano
Surname: Daichi

Preferred Name:
Tano | ChiChi | TD

Aliases: TBA

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Gender: Trans (FtM)

Age: 18

Height: 6'4

Skin Color: Tan

Eye Color: Green

Hair Style: Messy | Short

Hair Color: Green

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Date of Birth: August 7th, 20XX

Place of Birth: UNKNOWN

Nationality: Assumed Japanese

Race: Asian

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

General Appearance


Tano always seems to have a grey jacket with black jeans.
His brown vans have little doodles all over them.
He has several different shirts of varying designs on them,
but can be mostly found wearing a blue shirt. When he actually tries to style an outfit,
Tano loves to go with colorful techwear and holographics.

Fashion: Streetwear | Techwear | Holographic

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Tano is a quiet person but not timid. While he'd
rather spend time outdoors, Tano doesn't mind a
secluded place now and then. He loves small
details and will go outside to draw small drawings
of the wilderness and city.

Character Voice:

Hunter from The Owl House

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Hobbies: Any creative arts (Creating art, music, etc.)

Disorders/Disabilities: Tano is selectively mute and has been for years.
While it's not uncommon to hear him speak, it's incredibly common to see him using JSL.
Tano also has a prosthetic leg. Despite this, Tano enjoys running and the outdoors.

Skills: Tano is especially skilled in the art of production.
He is an incredibly creative person and absolutely loves to create any forms of art.

Lotus Rosaliná Sidorova-Evergreen

"One of my close friends! Despite her...
cold(?) personality, Lotus is rather kind."

Tano and Lotus met through Ichiro, a mutual friend.
Lotus sold her apartment to him and he asked to keep in touch.


Tano was abandoned as a child at the young, young age of three. Being found by the orphanage,
Tano was quickly brought in and began his life there. It is unknown who his parents are, or
where he came from. What was clear, however, was the stunt in his mental and physical development.

Tano was found with a missing right leg, from the middle of his thigh downwards. It's unclear
why his leg developed in such a way but it was gone. He was also severely behind in his social development.
Tano couldn't speak for a while in his early childhood. Because of this,
he learned JSL from a orphanage caretaker.

Due to his lack of verbal communication, Tano focused on the creative aspect of life.
He drew, he composed, he created.



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