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Level 14

Highschool Council | Saeran T. Han

Moderately active​
Moderately active​
Very active​
Very active​
Moderately active​
Very active​
Moderately active​
- Able to VC

- Will be active on the character for 3-4 hours

- May be working on art commissions / Tailoring

- Attending classes

- Will be on Maiden account primarily
- Able to VC

- Will be active on the character for 3-4 hours

- May be working on art commissions / Tailoring

- Attending classes

- Will be on Maiden account primarily
- Able to VC

- Will be active on character for 4-6 hours

- Will be attending as many classes as possible.

- Will be on Maiden account for 1-4 hours
- Able to VC

- Will be active on character for 4-6 hours

- Will be attending as many classes as possible.

- Will be on Maiden account for 1-4 hours
- Able to VC

- Will be active on the character for 3-4 hours

- May be working on art commissions / Tailoring

- Attending classes

- Will be on Maiden account primarily
- Able to VC

- Will be active on character for 4-6 hours

- Will be attending as many classes as possible.

- Will be on Maiden account for 1-4 hours
- Able to VC

- Will be active on the character for 3-4 hours

- May be working on art commissions / Tailoring

- Attending classes

- Will be on Maiden account primarily






§ || MY TIMEZONE || §


§ || MY DISCORD || §






Ever since joining back to SRP in late December, I have been very active within not only the server, yet also trying to be as active as I can be within the community. Engaging with many different types of RP, whilst also being consistent in writing character lore and providing an engaging Roleplay experience for those who interact with me. Throughout the past seven months, I have been gradually improving more and more overtime with the plethora of Roleplay opportunities I've taken and gone forth with. Building relationships, developing characters, shifting the tides of lore and engaging in events, each of these have been a staple to my activity within the server including OOCly events and discussions.


The character, I primarily play on my Hexatica account. Saeran is an A-Grade honor student with a consistently positive educational record. Before our records were wiped, Saeran alone had amassed over 230+ classes and has grown a positive bond with the faculty and teachers within the school. Han is the closest to a model Japanese student that I could properly recreate, starting from his behavior within the school, his dedication to education and his general student etiquette both toward the faculty and the student body.
Ever since meeting his step-father Ernesto Martinez, Saeran has grown a keen interest in criminology, striving to further his studies and rise his grades as he pursues his desire to become an officer in the Karakuran Police Department much like his father. However, this also carries onto his desire to be a student councilor, finding motive in his desire to help others whilst also planning events within the school, discussing issues with the faculty body and giving out reasonable punishment to those who act out within the school.

My secondary character, Miu-Hua has been around since early February and has been the most developed character. Once a family maid, now a renowned pop idol, Miu-Hua's personality may have stayed relatively the same, but herself as a character has grown in relation to those around her. Through hardship and happiness, Miu-Hua has strived. From as little as being just the Maid of the Han family, to being officially adopted and becoming an influential idol within Japan and Korea.
With the heart of a saint and the voice of an angel, Miu-Hua often performs or practices small concerts around the stages of Karakura, often posting on Onrain her endeavors and performing live across the country. A love idol dedicated to the hearts of those who look upon her, whilst also depending on their love to continue as she is. Miu sees only the good in people, trying her best to eliminate or ignore the bad, such as the people in her life like her current boyfriend, her sister-figure and close friends who claim to love and adore her, yet take out their frustrations on the poor girl.
Yet, she remains a saint, unwavering in her singular goal to bring happiness back to the world and to Karakura.


In regards to general roleplay, I tend to favor more lore-based DetailRP over more simple styles of roleplay, however during casual situations, I also to enjoy some moments. When taking on whatever role I am given, I tend to do a handful of research before continuing on as such, especially in regards to my role as a Maiden on my alt account, D0mineer. This also is taken into account regarding my application to the Councilor role, researching and studying student council culture in Japanese schooling both in high school and college-age settings. This will further my efforts and roleplay opportunities as a student councilor, providing me with possibly more roleplay opportunities with the general student body, the faculty body and most importantly the other student councilors within the school.


[GRADE-12] Saeran T. Han
[GRADE-12] Miu-Hua 'MIUMIU' Han

[MAIDEN] Soo-Yunn 'Lady Han' H.
[FOX] 'Ford Mustang RTR'


I am fully aware that if I am inactive during my time as a Highschool Councilor I may be warned or possibly even removed. However I do not intend to become inactive without making official inactivity logs. I am a very active player within the server as both my highschooler characters, my maiden and my fox, very frequently playing the three as often as a can. However the character I am applying as tends to be the one I am most active on.

§ || TRIVIA || §



In Japanese schooling, the student council are a small group of elected students that play a significant role within the given school that they are attending in this case being Karakura Highschool and College. These students tend to be high-achievers and scholars within the school and usually would be elected by the student body during voting campaigns. The student council are often seen by outward sources as students of incredible power within the given schools that they attend, however they are merely representatives of the student body.
Student councilors are representatives of the student body in small groups of typically 5-8 students as an average in Japanese schools, however in some cases, the council body may be either smaller or larger based on the school's population. These representatives are tasks to represent the school through their academic prowess, their etiquette as students within the Japanese schooling system whilst also providing a voice for the students towards the faculty and administrators of the school. These are the duties most recognized, however they must also be in charge of;
Planning events within the school, such as school dances, sports festivals, culture festivals, sports events and other smaller in-school events. Whilst also providing a listening ear to the student body's complaints and suggestions to the school.
Confronting situations between students and properly punishing or rewarding students for their faults or duties worth praise. The student council may also attend classes to support the teachers hosting, whilst also supporting the faculty body with general issues and work, providing them with support when needed.
In order to ensure student welfare, the student council must host meetings to discuss problems within the school that they could also discuss to the faculty and administration, whilst also making decisions based on the student body's suggestions, an example being; Making the decision to allow the cheerleaders to organize an event such as promoting their team in the plaza of the school. These meetings may also be used to designate the leaders of the student council, both the president and vice president of the council.
Collaborating on shared projects within the student council such as collaborating to distribute the funds of the student council to events such as the valentines event with the cards being distributed. It would be up to the student council's collaboration to fund not only the cards themselves, but also being able to neatly distribute these cards to the right students in an orderly manner. However this collaboration can also be used to ensure the safety of the school body, such as organizing blood drives, CPR training events, etc.


As previously stated, Saeran's motivation to joining the KPD in the future also provides him a clear motivation to join the student council. Not only to prove himself as a reliable star-student within the student body, but to also provide his services as a capable council member, ensuring stability and justice within the student body. Saeran has always been a capable scholar within the student body, his dedication to not only his studies but dedication to his goal of becoming an officer within the Karakuran police department gives him the motivation he needs to strive to continue being that star-student and honorable member of the Han family.


I am fully aware that my collaboration and creative efforts will be required within this role, and that does not deter me at all. I fully intend to put forward my best foot as an active member of the council, providing not only the creative input needed when creating events, but also providing a healthy collaborative space for myself and the other student councilors.



The student council President is the biggest student representative of the school, being the primary student face of the school they represent. These students take the leadership role of the student council whilst also providing leadership and an idealistic face to the students, providing them with a role model to strive toward. The student council president of the school typically leads the student council, assigning each member of the council with their primary roles such as selecting a vice president, a council secretary, a treasurer, Head of Public Relations and the Head of General Affairs.


Alongside the Council President, the Vice president may fill in for whenever the President isn't readily available. The Vice president may also be assigned to be the conversationalist with the Faculty and Administration within the school whilst the President themselves handle the paperwork and other matters. The Vice president may also be in command of the other council members, providing leadership alongside the president.

Student council Secretaries are the ones always taking notes during meetings whilst also providing their own insights and providing the insights of the other council members. Taking account of the other member's activity and planning meetings within the student council. They may also be the ones taking notes and complaints from the student body yet also the faculty in order to display them during student council meetings.

The treasurers are the budgeters for the student council, accounting for the provided funds that the student council receives in order to create events such as the previously mentioned valentines event with the candy cards. Assigning budgets to certain projects and handling the inner affairs of the student council. The Student council Treasurer tends to have the closest relationship aside from the Presidents to the Administration.

The Student council head of Public Relations can either be one or two members collectively. These members typically are the closest with the rest of the student body, providing not only a social standing with the actual student body, but also speaking to and creating debates based on the current state of the school and the students within, asking for their general opinions on how the school is functioning, yet also giving them the option to debate these issues. The Public Relations member also primarily handle the punishments within the student body, handing out detentions and creating meetings between students and the council.


The Head of General Affairs is as the title says. These student council members much like the Public relations can be either one or two members collectively, providing support to general issues within the School and student body. Handling a general range of tasks that are outspread for when the other members are either unavailable at that given moment, or if the tasks have been specifically assigned to the Head of General affairs. These can be delivering papers between the council and teachers, or teachers and other teachers. This could also mean providing financial advice and giving critiques and affirmations to ideas within the council.

WOWWWW.png§ || IC SECTION || §


§ || SCENARIOS || §

While students gather for a school assembly, one student behaves disruptively, causing a disturbance. How would you manage the situation to restore order effectively while minimizing any additional disruptions to the assembly?

Saeran would approach the student and quietly advise them to settle down before and during the Ceremony through whispering to the student. If the student continues to be disruptive, he'll ask if the student is in need of anything and try to identify the issue that the student is having. Once doing so, Han will either provide the student with what they need and settle them down, or he will guide the student away from the assembly to speak to a faculty member that could assist them.

A student refuses to take their mask off after you’ve brought up detention and they’ve run away! What do you do?

First of all, Han will take note of the exact outfit that the student is using, radioing to the other council members to keep an eye out for the specific student including the faculty as well. Saeran will then speak to the front desk receptionist and alert them of the masked student and their attire to attempt to identify the student. Saeran will then head off to find the student, attempting to identify and properly serve punishment.

A teacher observes concerning behavior from a student, including the creation of disturbing artwork and verbal threats toward peers. How would you collaborate with the teacher to evaluate the situation and intervene appropriately to address potential safety concerns?

First, Saeran will Radio the situation to the other faculty members, then discuss the situation with the teacher to receive their insight and opinion on how the situation should be handled. Saeran will then give his insight and allow the teacher to give a final verdict on how the situation should be handled. In which Saeran will then do exactly as he is told in order to handle the situation whilst keeping clear communication either through whispers or the radio.

A group of students asks for your permission to stage a protest on school grounds. Would you allow them to protest? If so, how do you ensure that the protest does not disrupt the school environment while upholding their freedom of expression?

If the students propose a protest, Saeran will first ask each of the members of the protest what exactly they will be protesting for. If the protest is a peaceful protest for a good cause, he will move further along with allowing it. However if not, he'll advise them that they do not have his permission. If given explicit permission, Saeran will guide them along to a safe area for the protest, Listening in whilst bringing over either the Council president, a teacher, a professor or an SLT member to witness the protest with him whilst he takes notes and discusses these issues with the students.

A teacher/receptionist has told you that you are doing something that goes against what you were trained by your higher-ups. How would you react to this?

With his hands to his sides, Saeran will bow from the hips in apology to the teacher/receptionist. Apologizing profusely for his behavior and offering to make up through a task or handling the current task at hand how the teacher advises he should handle it. However, if the teacher/receptionist is wrong and he has done something that he was specifically told to, Saeran will politely explain the situation and explain where and when he had been told to handle it that way.

Please provide at least one detailed event that the council can use as a future event to showcase your creativity! (Must be 300 words or more for one event):

A growing issue within the school is of course inactivity within the many clubs around the school. And with this inactivity, there's no motivation for students to join these clubs and engage with them. So why not give the clubs a place to shine? However, unlike a club exhibition, instead a presentation. An event that the student council could hold for the school could be treated like a 'Mini PHD project'. Whereas instead of when PHD students are tasked to make a presentation on a specific topic that they have decided on, we can provide the stage and fifteen minutes each for the individual clubs within the school to give a lengthy presentation on the utilities of their clubs.
This is not only a collaborative project that gets each and every club to engage, but can also spark the watching students to not only wish to join these clubs, but apply to form their own so they may make their own presentations the next time that these club presentation nights are formed.
To start, how exactly would this be handled?

Well, first of all, the student council will call each of the club leaders to a meeting within the student council room to announce the presentation night to the club leaders, providing a budget for the individual clubs in order to do their individual presentations.

For example; The art club could provide a visual presentation through an art piece much like a display would happen in a museum, The occult club could make a small documentary on the haunted areas of Karakura or perhaps even tell a story using visual and audible story telling about the many spirits that live within the confines of Karakura's mountains. The Tailoring club could do a presentation through a fashion show, creating a dedicated line for the presentation to show off their individual talents, the cooking club could do a display on culinary arts upon the stage and explain the safety precautions whilst cooking, etc. Each and every club would get their individual times to shine, allowing the students to witness the greatness they propose.

Using the school stage once again, the School council can reach out to the heads of each faction so they can nominate one higherup of each faction to visit the school and give a display on the varying factions that the students may wish to join in a later date.

For instance; A representative may visit from the government faction and do a presentation on the benefits of becoming a lawyer in the future, giving a basic rundown of the procedures a lawyer typically goes through with each case. Or perhaps a representative from the KPD may show up and give a basic run down of the procedures of being a KPD officer, even displaying their provided utility. The shrine representative may visit to discuss Shintoism and it's importance to the town's history, perhaps even doing a Geisha dance up on stage for the students to witness, and other factions such as EMS and reporter may join in as well.

This may not only provide some insight to the player base about how these factions function through ICLY means, but may also effect the students through creating an interest for the students to join these factions later on in the future and therefore encouraging them to attend more classes and strive for higher grades. This may also provide the representatives and the councilors some experience in not only planning, but executing a large event.

Personal Information
(in character)


"I am Saeran 'Tsumugi' Kokushibo Han. Though please refer to me as Han alone."


"I identify as my given gender at birth. You may call me by masculine or androgynous pronouns."


"I am Eighteen. Sixteenth of January."

Phone number:

Handed them a business card with the title LOTUS - MANAGEMENT
'(+81) (030)-720-5783'

"Use this as you wish."

How would you describe your personality?:

"How would I describe my personality? Well- I am a collected individual. I am neither reactive nor entirely passive, however I try to be as respectful as I can be as it is how I have been taught."

Appearance/attire (Please provide a picture):


What separates you from other applicants seeking your position?:

"What separates me from the other applicants is my loyalty and dedication. I wish to create a safe and enjoyable environment for the rest of the student body whilst also providing support to the faculty and other councilors in need. I am indeed not only very capable with my cooperation and leadership skills, but my grades and overall record is astounding."
Saeran would present his report card.. Primarily all S grades! (and some A's and one B...)

Why do you want this position?:

"I wish to provide a reliable leader and representative of the school. Someone the student body can speak to in order to voice their opinions, whilst also providing mine and the school's opinions. I wish to provide a helping hand to not only the student body but toward the teachers and other faculty members. And I wish to provide a helping hand and friendly yet knowledgeable face to the rest of the student council."

What interests you the most about student council?:

"Strangely, what interests me the most about the student council is their cooperation with the school faculty. I have a good relationship with each of the school faculty that I have met, so it would be nice to be able to officially work alongside them, even whilst I am just a student." - "That, and I'd like to draw cats on the Council room chalk board.."

What could you contribute to make the school a safe and fun environment?:

"A calm, unbiased opinion to those in need and a helping hand to those who ask for it. I have no preference for one person over the other as they're all just other students in my eyes. Handling situations in the most peaceful way is the best contribution a councilor can provide to the school. Instead of allowing jocks to handle situations through violence or scholars to handle it through arguments. We all just need an unbiased opinion and a reliable councilor can provide that." - "Given, that councilor is me."​
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