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Level 13

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『♡★≺ 康司武井 | Kōji Takei ≻★♡』



『Character Name』
Kōji Takei

『Character Aliases』

『Character Date of Birth』
June 19th, 2005.

『Character Place of Birth』
Harmoni Teien Medical Center (ハーモニ庭医療センター), Kyoto, Japan.

『Character Age』
18 years.

『Character Race』
East Asian.

『Character Nationality』

『Character Gender』

『Character Orientation』
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『Character Height (inches, cm)』
5'11", 180cm.

『Character Weight (lbs, kg)』
156lbs, 71kg.

『Character Build or Body Shape』

『Hair Color and Style』
White, Shaggy Bangs/Anime Fringe/Slightly spiked

『Eye Color』
Hazel or Pale Red

『Skin Tone』

『Physical Abnormalities (moles, freckles, etc.)』
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『Character Appearance』
Kōji Takei possesses a unique and distinctive appearance that catches the eye. His achromasia lends a subtle pastel hue to his skin, giving him an ethereal and almost otherworldly quality. His hazel eyes, framed by long, dark lashes, carry a hint of mystery and depth. With an ectomorphic build, he stands at a height of 5'11" and maintains a lean physique, weighing around 156 lbs. His hairstyle perfectly complements his overall look, the carefully styled strands adding a touch of contemporary flair to his enigmatic presence.

Kōji's wardrobe reflects his preference for formal attire, embodying a sense of elegance and refinement. He is often seen donning impeccably tailored suits, which accentuate his slender frame and exude a timeless charm. His collection boasts a variety of colors, from classic navy and charcoal gray to more daring choices like deep burgundy or subtle patterns. Pairing his suits with perfectly coordinated dress shirts, he pays attention to every detail, ensuring a polished and sophisticated appearance. Kōji's closet also houses an assortment of well-crafted ties, pocket squares, and cufflinks, adding subtle touches of personal style to his ensembles. Whether attending formal events or simply going about his day, his sartorial choices effortlessly convey a sense of professionalism and an appreciation for the art of dressing well.

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『Character Occupation (Student, Teacher, etc.)』

『Character Voice』
Kōji's voice carries a calm and measured tone, its timbre imbued with a subtle warmth. When he speaks, his words flow smoothly, like a gentle breeze through a serene forest. There is a hint of quiet confidence in his voice, resonating with a soothing sincerity that captivates those who listen. His speech is deliberate, each word carefully chosen and delivered with clarity, reflecting his thoughtful and contemplative nature. Whether engaging in casual conversation or addressing more profound matters, Kōji's voice holds a gentle power, drawing others in with its understated charisma.

『Character Personality』
Kōji's personality is a tapestry of intriguing qualities that reflect both his inner strength and his compassionate nature. Despite the weight of his past and the shadows that follow him, he exudes a quiet resilience and an unwavering sense of honor. Kōji carries himself with a calm demeanor, carefully choosing his words and actions to embody the values he holds dear. He is introspective and contemplative, often finding solace in moments of solitude where he reflects upon life's deeper meanings. Empathy flows through his veins, allowing him to connect with others on a profound level and offer support when needed. His keen intellect and sharp observation skills make him an astute judge of character, enabling him to navigate the complexities of interpersonal relationships with grace. While he may appear reserved at first, Kōji possesses a subtle charisma that draws people to him, creating an atmosphere of trust and respect. His passion for cars and street racing fuels his competitive spirit, driving him to constantly push his limits and seek mastery in his chosen field. Yet, he remains mindful of the consequences of his actions, valuing safety and responsible behavior above all else. Kōji's journey through life has molded him into a person of integrity, humility, and unwavering determination, a testament to his unyielding pursuit of honor, respect, and the pursuit of excellence.

『Character Diseases or Illnesses』
Achromasia (Albinism).

『Religious Beliefs』

『Political Beliefs』

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『Personal Strengths』
Resilience: Despite the tragic loss of his brother and the challenges he faces, Kōji exhibits remarkable resilience, continuously striving to move forward and find healing.

Loyalty: Kōji's loyalty shines through in his relationships. He is deeply committed to his family and friends, providing unwavering support and being there for them when they need him.
Discipline: Kōji's lean physique and dedication to maintaining a healthy lifestyle reflect his discipline and commitment to personal growth.
Attention to Detail: Kōji's meticulous attention to detail is evident in various aspects of his life, from his automotive pursuits to his calligraphy. He approaches tasks with precision and a desire to achieve excellence.
Spirituality: Guided by his strong Shinto faith, Kōji upholds values such as honor, respect, and skill, which influence his actions and interactions with others.

『Personal Weaknesses』
Smoking addiction: Following his brother's death, Kōji developed a smoking addiction that he struggles to overcome. This addiction poses health risks and serves as a reminder of his ongoing battle with vices.

Involvement in street racing: Kōji's participation in street racing exposes him to dangers and risks that test his judgment and can place him in precarious situations. This involvement showcases his flawed decision-making and the need for growth in this area.
Introversion: While Kōji's introspective nature and penchant for solitude have their strengths, they can also make it challenging for him to connect with others or seek help when needed. This introversion may hinder his ability to form deep relationships or share his struggles openly.
Achromasia-related challenges: Kōji's genetic condition, achromasia, presents challenges such as increased sensitivity to sunlight and potential vision impairments. While he takes precautions to manage these challenges, they can still impact his daily life and activities.
Perfectionism: Kōji's meticulous attention to detail can sometimes border on perfectionism, leading to a tendency to overthink or place undue pressure on himself. This perfectionistic mindset can create additional stress and hinder his ability to enjoy the present moment.

In his free time, Kōji Takei indulges in a variety of hobbies that cater to his diverse interests and reflect his quest for personal growth. One of his main passions lies in the realm of automotive engineering, where he spends countless hours immersed in the intricacies of cars. Whether it's modifying engines, studying the latest advancements in automotive technology, or participating in local car meetups, he finds solace and excitement in the world of automobiles. Additionally, Kōji is an avid reader, delving into a wide range of genres to expand his knowledge and fuel his imagination. He also finds serenity in practicing calligraphy, where he meticulously hones his brushwork and seeks harmony in the strokes. With an appreciation for nature, he often explores the outdoors, engaging in activities like hiking or simply finding peace in the stillness of a garden. Additionally, he dedicates himself to the ancient art of Iaido, practicing the precise movements of swordsmanship with his trusted katana. These diverse hobbies not only provide him with moments of joy and personal fulfillment but also serve as outlets for his creativity, avenues for continuous self-improvement, and a deep connection to his Japanese heritage.

Kōji faces several challenges and complexities in his life, including his achromasia, which is a genetic condition characterized by a lack of melanin pigment in the skin, hair, and eyes. While achromasia itself is not a disorder or disability, it can present certain difficulties and considerations. Kōji's achromasia may result in increased sensitivity to sunlight, requiring him to take extra precautions to protect his skin and eyes from harmful UV rays. Additionally, his vision might be affected, and he may require corrective lenses or adaptations to enhance his visual capabilities.
One of Kōji's serious problems is his addiction to smoking, which he initially turned to as a coping mechanism following his brother's untimely death. Smoking poses significant health risks and can lead to various illnesses, making it a detrimental habit that he must address to safeguard his well-being.
Furthermore, Kōji's involvement in street racing represents a notable flaw in his life. Engaging in illegal and dangerous activities puts him at risk of physical harm and legal consequences. The adrenaline and thrill of street racing may sometimes cloud his judgment and lead to impulsive decisions that can endanger his life and the lives of others.
In terms of disorders, while Kōji doesn't have any specific mental or cognitive disorders mentioned, he may experience emotional difficulties and grief-related challenges stemming from the loss of his brother. Coping with grief can be a complex process, and Kōji may find himself struggling with periods of sadness, isolation, or difficulties in managing his emotions.
It's important to recognize that each individual's experiences and challenges are unique. Kōji's achromasia, addiction to smoking, involvement in street racing, and emotional struggles all contribute to the multifaceted nature of his character, providing opportunities for growth, self-discovery, and overcoming obstacles throughout his journey.

Kōji possesses a few unique quirks that add depth and intrigue to his character. One notable quirk is his meticulous attention to detail, which manifests in various aspects of his life. Whether it's the precise arrangement of objects on his desk, the careful alignment of his tie, or the immaculate maintenance of his car, Kōji has a keen eye for perfection and strives to ensure that everything is in its proper place.
Another quirk is his affinity for solitude and contemplation. While he enjoys the company of others, Kōji also finds solace in moments of introspection and quietude. He values his alone time, using it to reflect, recharge, and delve into his inner thoughts and emotions. This introspective nature can sometimes make him appear reserved or deep in thought, drawing a sense of mystery around him.
Additionally, Kōji has a particular fascination with the interplay between light and shadows. He appreciates the beauty that emerges from the contrast and how it can evoke different moods and emotions. Whether it's the way sunlight filters through leaves or the interplay of artificial light in urban settings, Kōji finds himself captivated by these subtle nuances and often takes the time to observe and appreciate them.
These quirks contribute to Kōji's individuality, showcasing his attention to detail, introspective nature, and appreciation for the subtle beauty in the world around him.

Relationships hold a significant place in Kōji Takei's life, despite the loss of his brother. He shares a deep bond with his widowed father, whom he respects and admires for his strength and resilience. Their relationship is built on a foundation of love and support, as they navigate life together and provide each other with a sense of stability and guidance.
Kōji's brother, Kaji, who met an untimely death, remains a cherished presence in his heart and memories. Kaji's passing has had a profound impact on Kōji, serving as a constant reminder to cherish the precious moments and embrace the values they both held dear.
While Kōji's immediate family is at the forefront, his extended family also plays a role in his life. He values the connections and traditions they uphold, participating in family gatherings and celebrations that strengthen the bonds of kinship and keep his roots firmly planted.
Despite the challenges and loss they have faced, Kōji's family remains a source of love, support, and inspiration in his life, guiding him through both joyous and difficult times and reminding him of the importance of family ties and the enduring power of love.
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『Backstory and Lore』
Kōji Takei, an 18-year-old Japanese male, carries a multifaceted and poignant backstory that has shaped his journey and character. Born into a loving family in the vibrant city of Kyoto, Kōji's life took a tragic turn when his older brother, Kaji, met an untimely death. This devastating loss cast a shadow over his world, leaving him grappling with grief and the void left by his brother's absence. Kōji's family, particularly his widowed father, provided a pillar of strength during these trying times, their unwavering love and support helping him navigate through the depths of sorrow.
Seeking solace and a fresh start, Kōji made the decision to leave behind the familiar streets of Kyoto and relocate to the town of Karakura. In this new environment, he hoped to find healing and a sense of renewal, while still carrying the cherished memories of his brother within his heart. The move also served as an opportunity for Kōji to embark on a personal quest for growth, embracing new experiences and perspectives as he carved out his own path.
With pastel skin and achromasia, Kōji's appearance sets him apart, reflecting the unique genetic condition he carries. His hazel eyes, filled with a quiet intensity, reflect the depths of his emotions and the resilience that fuels his spirit. Standing at 5'11" with an ectomorphic build, he possesses a lean physique that hints at his discipline and dedication to maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
Kōji's personality is a tapestry of virtues and complexities. Guided by his strong Shinto faith, he upholds values such as honor, respect, and skill, which shape his interactions and choices. While he may initially come across as reserved, his genuine warmth and loyalty shine through in his relationships. Kōji's meticulous attention to detail and penchant for solitude demonstrate his introspective nature, allowing him to find solace in moments of quiet contemplation. His voice carries a calming yet authoritative tone, reflecting his composed demeanor and the wisdom he has acquired through life's trials.
Beyond the surface, Kōji's hobbies and skills further showcase his multifaceted persona. An automotive enthusiast, he delves into the intricacies of cars, spending countless hours modifying engines, staying updated on the latest advancements, and participating in local car meetups. He finds joy and solace in the world of automobiles, where he can channel his passion and expertise.
In addition to his automotive pursuits, Kōji finds solace and self-expression in the art forms that embody his Japanese heritage. With his trusted katana by his side, he immerses himself in the ancient art of Iaido, mastering precise movements and cultivating the disciplined spirit of a samurai. His calligraphy skills reveal his artistic finesse, as he meticulously hones his brushwork, seeking harmony in each stroke.
However, Kōji is not without his flaws and challenges. Smoking, which began as a coping mechanism following his brother's death, has transformed into an addiction that he struggles to overcome. Additionally, his involvement in street racing exposes him to dangers and risks that test his judgment and place him in precarious situations. These vices serve as reminders of his imperfections and the internal battles he must confront to strive for a better version of himself.
Kōji's journey is deeply intertwined with his family, despite the loss of his brother. He shares a profound bond with his widowed father, who serves as a pillar of strength and guidance in his life. Their relationship is rooted in love and support, providing Kōji with the stability and reassurance he needs as he navigates the challenges of young adulthood.
As Kōji embarks on his new chapter in Karakura, he carries the weight of his brother's memory and the lessons learned from his tragic loss. The loss of his brother continues to shape his perspective, reminding him of the fleeting nature of life and the importance of cherishing every moment. Kōji's family, both immediate and extended, remains a source of love, support, and inspiration, grounding him in his roots and providing a sense of belonging.
Through his achromasia, Kōji has come to embrace his unique physicality, seeing it as a part of his identity rather than a hindrance. He understands the challenges it presents, such as increased sensitivity to sunlight and potential vision impairments, and takes the necessary precautions to ensure his well-being. In doing so, he finds strength in his differences and uses them as a catalyst for self-acceptance and personal growth.
Kōji's journey is one of self-discovery, resilience, and the pursuit of personal excellence. He strives to overcome his flaws and addictive tendencies, recognizing that true strength lies in the ability to confront and conquer one's demons. Through his hobbies, skills, and unwavering commitment to honor, respect, and skill, Kōji aspires to become a better version of himself, constantly seeking self-improvement and striving for a harmonious balance in all aspects of his life.
As he navigates the streets of Karakura and encounters the trials and triumphs that lie ahead, Kōji's story continues to unfold, intertwining the threads of his past, present, and future. It is through the complexity of his experiences, the depth of his character, and the resilience of his spirit that Kōji Takei emerges as a young man poised to leave an indelible mark on the world around him.

『Additional Information』
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