Level 32
IGN: 10us
Previous applications:
Student council president
Police Officer (Adym's Dm's)
Russian Language (Main)
Russian Language (alt)
German Language (Main)
Spanish Language (Alt)
Previous warns/kicks/bans: No active warns, Afk kicks, and no bans listed in my history
Shop wanted: 10
Why do you want to own a shop?:
[OOC reason]:
The reason I want this shop is to get involved in a new kind of section of RP, furthermore, I feel as if shops need to be filled up. Since the new map was introduced in December time, shops have been player ran, and are a very important part of SchoolRP. In addition, this adds a little bit of realism to the server. Rather than walking up to a sign, and clicking it, it allows you to interact with players a little more. This is very important, allowing players to slightly increase their social skills IC'ly as a character development, and just gets you involved with the community a bit more (worker or customer). I believe this benefits the whole community, not just myself.
[IC reason]:
The reason I wish to obtain this shop, is to benefit all, and satisfy all people's needs. As it is a business's goal to please their customers and provide a good service. Furthermore, this allows the people of Karakura to get jobs, and help themselves to survive (get food), and to purchase items that will bring them comfort and pleasure (etc). This will also benefit me, I will gain new experiences, learning the struggles of a business, customer service, social systems, and economics, learning how to run a business successfully is a very important thing. As a business person, you have to take risks, and try new things. But something more important, is to please others, and yourself.
What do you plan to do with the shop?:
I plan to run the shop as a coffee shop, as suggested. The main objective of the coffee shop is to provide nice, fantastic foods/drinks for customers. But also to provide a place to relax and chat with friends and family, in other words a social space. This should attract people, as it is a place to hang out, and just all out "Chill" while having the chance to buy foods/drinks for pleasure. The shop would host breakfast, allowing people to come in and eat a delicious meal to satisfy their morning hunger and to quench their thirst. A good coffee / hot choco is always nice to have before going to work, making you feel fresh!
How will your shop be unique?:
What will make my shop unique? Well, that is a good question, and I intend on making the shop please all customers, we will have great customer service, and the most delicious meals and drinks for sale. Furthermore, we'll host small events to gather the community, and just to have all out fun! On the other hand, when events aren't running, I intend on getting a music player into the store, with custom music (if possible and accepted by Ducks). This will give off a calm atmosphere, allowing people to relax, and enjoy their meal. As mentioned, we would be hosting events, this will possibly bring in extra income; with any left over money (from paying workers and re-stock), I will possibly give the money to the school to help pay teachers and school employee's (or any other thing/place that needs some funding). I believe it's about giving to the community, making it a better place. We strive to be the best cafe ever!
How many employees are you planning to have?:
I will be working off of the Product Organizational Structure. Having a manager for each "Department". This will benefit the business because it will allow the CEO (Shop owner) to not have to manage individual people, taking the stress off of all employee's shoulders. These managers will be in charge of all employees in their section of the business. List of sections in the business (standard):
- Cashiers
- Security/bouncers
- waiters
- cleaners
- Cooks
Amount of employees
The amount of workers needed would be 15-25, this will enable us to have a sufficient amount of workers for each opening, and to fill the needed jobs. As for pay, workers will be payed monthly, the factors that determine the pay of workers are:
- Effort
- Attendence
- Customer feedback
Do a good job, and your pay will be increased, rather than getting the standard amount.
Firing staff
If any manager feels you are not doing a sufficient job (considering the factors listed above), they will report to the owner, and discuss the status of said employee, if the owner feels you are a liability to the shop, you will be fired.
Staff employment law
No staff will be under discrimination in the work place. This consists of:
- Sex discrimination
- Racial discrimination
- Age discrimination
- Religion discrimination
- discrimination through looks (eye colour, hair colour, facial features, etc).
Previous applications:
Student council president
Police Officer (Adym's Dm's)
Russian Language (Main)
Russian Language (alt)
German Language (Main)
Spanish Language (Alt)
Previous warns/kicks/bans: No active warns, Afk kicks, and no bans listed in my history
Shop wanted: 10
Why do you want to own a shop?:
[OOC reason]:
The reason I want this shop is to get involved in a new kind of section of RP, furthermore, I feel as if shops need to be filled up. Since the new map was introduced in December time, shops have been player ran, and are a very important part of SchoolRP. In addition, this adds a little bit of realism to the server. Rather than walking up to a sign, and clicking it, it allows you to interact with players a little more. This is very important, allowing players to slightly increase their social skills IC'ly as a character development, and just gets you involved with the community a bit more (worker or customer). I believe this benefits the whole community, not just myself.
[IC reason]:
The reason I wish to obtain this shop, is to benefit all, and satisfy all people's needs. As it is a business's goal to please their customers and provide a good service. Furthermore, this allows the people of Karakura to get jobs, and help themselves to survive (get food), and to purchase items that will bring them comfort and pleasure (etc). This will also benefit me, I will gain new experiences, learning the struggles of a business, customer service, social systems, and economics, learning how to run a business successfully is a very important thing. As a business person, you have to take risks, and try new things. But something more important, is to please others, and yourself.
What do you plan to do with the shop?:
I plan to run the shop as a coffee shop, as suggested. The main objective of the coffee shop is to provide nice, fantastic foods/drinks for customers. But also to provide a place to relax and chat with friends and family, in other words a social space. This should attract people, as it is a place to hang out, and just all out "Chill" while having the chance to buy foods/drinks for pleasure. The shop would host breakfast, allowing people to come in and eat a delicious meal to satisfy their morning hunger and to quench their thirst. A good coffee / hot choco is always nice to have before going to work, making you feel fresh!
How will your shop be unique?:
What will make my shop unique? Well, that is a good question, and I intend on making the shop please all customers, we will have great customer service, and the most delicious meals and drinks for sale. Furthermore, we'll host small events to gather the community, and just to have all out fun! On the other hand, when events aren't running, I intend on getting a music player into the store, with custom music (if possible and accepted by Ducks). This will give off a calm atmosphere, allowing people to relax, and enjoy their meal. As mentioned, we would be hosting events, this will possibly bring in extra income; with any left over money (from paying workers and re-stock), I will possibly give the money to the school to help pay teachers and school employee's (or any other thing/place that needs some funding). I believe it's about giving to the community, making it a better place. We strive to be the best cafe ever!
How many employees are you planning to have?:
I will be working off of the Product Organizational Structure. Having a manager for each "Department". This will benefit the business because it will allow the CEO (Shop owner) to not have to manage individual people, taking the stress off of all employee's shoulders. These managers will be in charge of all employees in their section of the business. List of sections in the business (standard):
- Cashiers
- Security/bouncers
- waiters
- cleaners
- Cooks

Amount of employees
The amount of workers needed would be 15-25, this will enable us to have a sufficient amount of workers for each opening, and to fill the needed jobs. As for pay, workers will be payed monthly, the factors that determine the pay of workers are:
- Effort
- Attendence
- Customer feedback
Do a good job, and your pay will be increased, rather than getting the standard amount.
Firing staff
If any manager feels you are not doing a sufficient job (considering the factors listed above), they will report to the owner, and discuss the status of said employee, if the owner feels you are a liability to the shop, you will be fired.
Staff employment law
No staff will be under discrimination in the work place. This consists of:
- Sex discrimination
- Racial discrimination
- Age discrimination
- Religion discrimination
- discrimination through looks (eye colour, hair colour, facial features, etc).