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Denied 37454's Lore application.


Level 72

List your discord name and tag (name#0000): (Please note, communication and discord access is vital, and not having access to the site is a dealbreaker for the team)

Additionally, do you have a microphone and can speak via discord?
Yes I can.

Your time zone and current country of residence:
Gmt+1, UK.

Link any previous community team applications if applicable:

Do you recognize you could be removed from the community team?
Yes I do.

List a few things that may obstruct your progress/development on the Lore Team.
Things that can obstruct my progress / development on the lore team I'll list from top to bottom with a reasoning for each.

1: School.
School is an important factor in life as it benefits the persons education and future and is one of the most important thing in life.

2. Family.
Due to some of my family being on different parts of the world I'll sometimes take a break from writing to possibly spend time with my family or just spend time with in general.

What makes you passionate about writing?:
Writing is a fun thing anyone can really enjoy. Whether it's creative, short, creates lore behind something it can be fun and interesting. I find writing to be an enjoyable thing, as if you were a puppeteer with a puppet yet that puppet is what your writing. Your controlling every aspect of how you write, imagine and put into your surroundings. Each bit of detail can develop into an important factor while writing to encourage, promote or hype up something. This is why I'm passionate about writing.

Do you have any previous experience with writing lore or creative writing as a general aspect?:
Any experience I have with writing lore or creative writing would be my character Marco Rezun and Franca Kyoshiro Corella's backstory since I'd of been required to be creative and think about where they grew up, how they learnt certain languages, how they got to Karakura. Mostly that's the current experience I have.

In your own words, give your definition of lore:
Lore is something which is development for a character. Like a backstory is lore, an event that happened could be lore. Lore is something which is development or a story for something which is useful, relative or an interesting line of text which can create lore for a place / character. Such as a place getting burned down, lore would be created since there'd be lore such as, who did it? How did it happen? Why did it happen? All of these questions are lore for the motive or reasoning as to who did it.

  1. You are expected to write in the third person, and narrate in a reliable and neutral tone. Do not focus your prompts specifically on one character’s perspective, but on a bigger picture.​
  2. There is a 300-1000 word limit that applies to both prompts. Because of flow, if you need to go a little over or under, you are permitted to, but as soon as a prompt is 100 words outside the limit, you will be automatically denied.​
  3. The effort and quality of both prompts will be taken into consideration when we accept applications.​

Summarize a character conflict, roleplay conflict, or event that you experienced (server-wide, personal, etcetera- there is no bar for how ‘interesting’ or ‘impactful’ it is). Be sure to follow the above guidelines.

As winds swept through the skies, an elegant soothing sound of leaves rustling against the floor, an individual would seem to be exiting a shadowy house. As this individual exited the house, a rusty gate would swing back and forth from the wind, creak after creak. The individual would make a stop at the gate, placing his hand on the cold, rusted surface of the gate. As the winds grew stronger, leaves fell from tree to tree. It was only a matter of time until a shriek was heard from the shadowy house. The individual would turn to his side, looking at the house. As his eyes widened, the house would seem to be shadowy, run down. A large oak tree would cover the house as the individual walked towards this shadowy house. As he reached a creaking doorstep and a broken, open door, another shriek would be heard from the house, something a little more off than the last one.

As he took a step onto the doorstep of the house, a hollow creak was heard under it.. The house's walls were hollow, the floor was hollow. Each step or movement taken, a creak can be heard within the house. The individual would end up finding himself in a room, with another gloomy looking individual sitting on a chair on the other side of the room. A flickering light in the room which would glow into the hallway full of old paintings, prized possessions and an old sword which highlighted the entrance to the room, sitting above the door resting on a slab sticking out of the top of the door.

The individual, on the other hand, would seem to have a thick leather coat, their face barely recognizable due to the lack of light, except for the flickering light that shadowed over the room. As the individual on the opposite side of the room, welcomed the other with a warm smile, gesturing to the seat across the table. The individual would lean forward, "I come from the R.I.N association. I'd like to propose to you an alliance between our forces, Mr. JIN." as the other individual slammed his elbow on the table, nodding his head. "Mr. JIN you say? That voice sounds quite familiar, Mr. Salmon. An alliance, you say? Don't give me that crap." Mr. Salmon, delivering another smile yet again as he reached into his thick leather coat, taking out a bottle of wine. "How about we discuss this over a drink? We all know your losing in this fight against the L.E association, Mr. JIN." As the wind began to pick up its pace,

Large rustles flew around the house, sounds as if someone was inhaling air that was being made by the winds outside. Mr. JIN would let out a slight smile, he'd put his finger out, wiggling it at the alcohol. "I'd like to stay clear of alcohol for now, Mr. Salmon. But how will this alliance benefit me, Mr. Salmon?" Mr. Salmon would raise his hand forth. "This alliance will benefit me because we need information on a certain operation which you have. And we can prove our worth to this association you represent. We have the technology, planning, thinking, connections and accessibility to take down the LE association." Mr. JIN would then lean his head forward, tilting his head to the side. "If you can do all that, then why not attack us? You can crush us if you wanted to." Mr. Salmon would put away the alcohol, storing it in his coat. He'd then take out a map of some sort, place it on the table. Gesturing to Mr. JIN to open it. As Mr. JIN grabbed ahold of the map, he'd open it carefully. Mr. JIN had a smile appear on his face, placing his hand forward. "I see Mr. Salmon. Perhaps we can make an arrangement."

Create a folklore tale based on an existing area in Karakura of your choosing; tell us a story! Show us how creative you can get. Be sure to follow the above guidelines.


During 2024, January the 9th. A peaceful day in Karakura as wide blue skies covered the town mountains, during mid-day there'd be suspicious activity, priests and maidens coming down from the mountain, whispering into officials mountains. Eventually, a reporter was coming back and forth from KPD, the townhall panicking and getting to a safe place. KPD would go to hotspots, public areas and warn all citizens to get to a safe place, warning them all. People argued, yet the KPD chose to use force to escort them all- then at one point a large tremor could be heard. Those around the church would feel a mass amount of force underneath, causing them to fall over.

Officials armed with riot gear searched the town while some still escorted others. At the shrine a magical figure would appear out of thin air, a spirit floating above the tree. Winds began to rustle around the tree, the spirit would be carrying a bostaff in his hand, one side colored with a light pastel green as the other luminated a thick dark blue. The spirit would yell out, "HEAR THIS DAY! THOSE WHOM QUESTION WILL ANSWER TO THOSE WHOM SEEK! THIS IS A WARNING TO ALL WHO CHOOSE!" As soon as the spirit finished, violent winds would begin to flow through Karakura for a brief moment, causing enough pressure to break some windows or move property.

A stone wall would begin to erode around the shrine, leaving a slight entrance as the rest was blocked by a large stone wall, towering 20 feet. Back at the church, the KPD arrive at the scene, blocking it off with tape. They'd notice a hole in the ground, a narrow and deep hole which looked quite long. They wouldn't be able to see into the end of the hole due to the lack of equipment they'd be carrying. Over the next couple hours, KPD would arrive with a grappling hook, mountain climbing gear and a flashlight helmet attached to a camera on the person's clothing, located in their chest area. They'd begin to climb down the hole carefully as others watched from a safe distance because of the camera. Eventually, this selected person reached the bottom. At the bottom was a chest wide open. It'd look to be 7-12 years old.. Hard to tell but moss covered the keylock. As they used a flashlight to look into the chest, they'd see a note reading in a weird font. "Roku Heddo, don't forget the promise you've made to us." Then the ground would begin to shake, a mass amount of dirt and stone would fall down into the hole as if it collapsed on itself.

A large fear expression appeared on those watching the camera's live footage.. In a panic, they'd quickly run towards the hole, finding nothing but as if it never existed. Then over the radio would be, "EMS 17 here. There's an issue at a shrine.. It seemed to be a spirit doing." A police vehicle quickly emerged in front of the hospital, quickly running towards the shrine. Over to find a wall of stone surrounding the shrine.. A large yell was heard from up the mountain where someone was steeply making their way down. They'd look to be a priest of some sort? They'd be wearing attire with a Shinto symbol on the front of their KPD made their way to the individual, escorting him safely. After a series of questions and answers, they'd divide the available EMS into teams, they'd escort a few teams in a search party with surgeons, doctors, paramedics sit on the bench. Eventually, each search team returned safely. Only a few were injured by scratches, but nothing severe.

This would seem to be the end of this event, but there was more.. A funeral was put in place for the one who had died from suffocation in the hole, as for Roku Heddo, he'd been detained and escorted to the KPD to an interrogation room where the Mayor was present, going over the camera footage. They'd gotten nothing out of it except Roku Heddo having a panic attack. The church has been beginning to have strange sounds coming from it ever since.

Rumors around shrine began to quickly spread saying: "Roku Heddo made a deal with a spirit.", "Roku Heddo caused this wall to eroded around our shrine.", "Roku Heddo is an evil person!" So many rumors appeared, but during the investigation all of this leaded to a priest in the shrine. This priest ended up being detained, which ended in the church having a spirit which roams around the graveyard and it goes by the name of Kiju. Meaning celebration of happiness. The church and graveyard were quickly declared unsafe for the public to roam near or in.​
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Level 111
Lore Coordinator
Teacher Lead
Thank you for applying. After discussing with the team, it was decided to deny your application.
Factors for your denial are listed below:​
  • The first prompt was very underwhelming and vague.​
  • The second prompt was very extreme. This was told as more of a current event, rather than having story elements.​
  • Make sure to work on the storytelling aspect of the writing, as opposed to relaying details of the event.​
  • Make sure to use consistent tense in the writing.​

For any questions relating to the application, DM rexypoo on Discord with said question. Feel free to reapply and address these factors for the next wave of applications.​

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