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Denied 6tc | Host Club


IGN of Club Leader:


RPName of Club Leader:
Lonan O’Shea

Discord Tag:

Club name of the club you are apply for the leadership position:
Host club

Why should you become a club leader over other applicants, what abilities or ideas do you have that could benefit the club you'll be in charge of?
I believe I would be a great fit as the host club leader because I’ve been in a leadership position as a sports co-captain and taken on responsibilities such as hosting events, checking up on members, and capturing activity. Currently, I am in college in real life and I am studying business management. I’ve taken a few courses on management, leadership, and professionalism in general which would prove to be useful to this position. I would put my newfound skills to use and run the club with a positive and friendly atmosphere yet be sure to take care of issues as they occur and communicate with my club members effectively.
Another skill set I believe would benefit the club is my creativity. I have many original and fun event ideas that could be of use to bring this club back to life. I am moderately skilled at photoshopping and creating character card profiles. With this, I would make a character card for each of my members to show off their character’s personality and overall vibes. I’d either make it into a google slideshow or make a channel designated to these to showcase them within the club discord server. Here is an example I’ve made of my character, the layout and information is subject to change.

I made this for my bio before changing things about my character. This is another example of how character cards may appear.


What is your motivation for becoming the new leader of this club:
My motivation for becoming the new club leader stemmed from around the time I was new to SRP. There was an event at a maid cafe club, and they passed around cute menus, and every character was able to take on a certain persona. I thought this event was cute and it was a lot of fun to attend. I missed when that club was around and I would like to bring something like it back to life to create a more in-depth experience for all players, even the ones who may be too shy to make conversation first. I loved the cute vibe and would like to respark something like that again that also gives off a cool and mature feel.
I would like to become the leader of this club because I’ve been playing for a couple years, and I would like to try something new. I can be quite sociable and love new opportunities to create unexpected but fun memories.
I believe becoming the leader of a club is an enthralling opportunity that I would like to work towards. There are many people on SRP who are not very good at speaking with others or have a difficult time engaging in initial conversations. I can empathize with them because I used to be like that in real life. I believe running the host club would attract others like me who would like to interact with others and brighten their days. I would be given the chance to make something of the opportunity and connect with them to throw ideas back and forth to make the community more friendly and sociable.

What activities and events will this club do?:


Upon a new club leader being appointed, firstly, it would be important to host a meeting with existing members as well as new members and lay down the groundwork and make decisions together as a team for club attire, host club personas, club room appearance, and other decisions that may need the input from members to work to something everyone will enjoy. This type of meeting I would try to host every 2 months or so depending on member turnover. If I were to become club leader, I’d like for every member’s voice to be heard and feel like they are a part of a group.

A member only activity could be a movie night. We’d watch a movie together and at the end pick a favorite character and highlight the characteristics about them that made them more appealing or charismatic and how we could incorporate those into entertaining guests. This activity would be held in the clubroom, and it would be decorated/changed up for the occasion to have a TV and comfortable seating arrangements.

A hybrid activity for members could be practicing charisma and conversation skills by interacting with strangers on the server and inviting them to the club room again for tea and snacks. This is more difficult than one may think. To keep a conversation going smoothly is to understand social cues and act upon them in real situations. Such as when a student seems like they are uninterested in a conversation, a simple change of the topic or dismissal may change their perspective on hosts.

Another thought would be to have club openings kind of like a shop with announcements in chat. This would be a bit different as the activity above as hosts wouldn’t have to draw in members, they would already be there. We would serve tea or coffee and some light snacks to anyone who’d like to attend. This would take place in the club room. This would be a frequent activity and some of these events may be special such as featuring hosts in cosplay of a character they like, glasses day, or even cross-dressing day. I’ve taken inspiration from multiple anime such as Ouran High School Host Club and Maid Sama. In these animes, the characters’ organizations host different special days where the characters dress up differently as a fun mix up.

Flower fling: (could be a fundraiser for other events) spring but could also be a summer event. It would kind of be like a mixer. Attending students who would like to participate would be asked to pay 1k-5k for a flower. They receive one in a random color then may be able to attend other food booths, conversation booths, etc. Then when it’s time, students with flowers will be called to gather in an area and from there they will be asked to find someone random with the same color flower. After a while, those who have been unable to find someone with a matching flower will be called to where the announcer is, and they are able to pick a host they would like to be matched with for the rest of the event. This would be hosted in the school gym to allow for the stage to be used. Decorations around would be of large fake flowers. Booths within this event would be a flower selling stand to participate in the event, a couple of food vendor booths, a flower crown vendor, and booths lead by two or three members that are something that their characters are specifically interested in. Booths led by members would allow hosts to interact with attending students in similar interests. For example, if multiple club members were interested in fishing there may be a prop pond and some couches around with a fish on top of the booth to attract attention. Then hosts can greet passersbys and talk to them about their interests.

I noticed the host club’s event month is November and thought it would be an excellent idea to theme a school-wide event around the season. The event would be called barista bash. If there is an active cooking club at the time, I may try to connect with them to have both clubs run this event. In this event, there would be booths selling freshly made drinks (it’d be detailed in front of the customers but premade actions to save time). These drinks would be coffee, cappuccinos, lattes, and pumpkin spice lattes. There would also be a couple booths showing attendees how to create a perfect blend of coffee for serving to others and answering questions. This may be hosted at the school cafeteria.

How will the club benefit the School?:
The club will host many events within the club as well as for the school. The club will work with others to make them feel comfortable and relaxed at school. The club may even be able to host manners classes or host preparations. The goal of the club is to seem as welcoming as possible to all. This may help students feel more at ease as sometimes students may feel nervous to open up to school faculty members. The host club’s room would be a safe space for all students. Every club member would put their all into understanding and making sure every guest is attended to and feels valued no matter whether the room is empty or packed.

Members would learn etiquette and other useful talents like coffee brewing. Although this is a club, it would also be like an extra class for members as they will be learning a variety of skills to be a perfect host. Members are here to have fun, but they must also be dedicated to wanting to be a host. Host club is not for anyone who does not want to be there. If they wish to leave, then there is no obligation to stay. Host club’s classes may be difficult to grasp at first because there are so many dos and don'ts in etiquette however in the long run, it will be something that club members can take away at the end of the day when they aren’t in school.

What will be the requirements for future members, if any?:

Staying active:
Ensuring they keep me updated if they are unable to attend multiple events/meetings in a row as well as letting me know when they change characters that is in the club.
Cooperation and collaboration: The goal of the host club is to entertain guests; however, working as a team is important and may lead to better experiences and unexpected friendships. This only happens to be a requirement if said future member did not get along with many other club members and created unnecessary issues.
Keeping a good image at school: During club activities, club members will be expected to keep professionalism up even in character. They may have a rough attitude or host persona but they will not be permitted to insult the guests heavily or act crudely in any way. It is important to remember you’re there for their enjoyment above all else as a host.​


Level 142
School Clubs Lead
Media Team

Thank you for taking the time to apply, however, we have decided to deny this application due to the following:

- The application's events seem rather basic and one oversteps slightly into gardening club boundaries.

- We believe it it might be better to give a newer club the opportunity to thrive and grow.

- If you apply in the future, please keep in mind we look for new exciting events to take the school by storm, the ones provided are quite common.

If you have any questions, please contact @Customable on discord​

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