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Diving | Diving#5539

AEDT (Australian Eastern Daylight Time)


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Depending on the day and time. During a weekend I can be on for around 8 hours if I’m lucky. Sometimes it may be cut shorter due to activities or homework in real life. From 10 am AEDT I normally log onto SRP and log off SRP around 6 pm AEDT sometimes I may go later depending on my mood and what I have on. On discord, I’m online from 7 am AEDT - 7 pm AEDT. During a school day, I’ll be on discord from 6 am AEDT to around 7 or 8 am AEDT. And then I’m offline until 4 pm AEDT and may log onto SRP if needed after I finish homework or something but I log on around 4:30 pm to 7 pm AEDT and may go away for dinner during that time.

Shrine Maiden (Shintoism)

I know Shintoism is a Japanese religion dating back to the oldest years of Japan's history. While most of my knowledge of the religion and my research is very light and wasn't remembered, the different beliefs and aspects of Shintoism are so intriguing and interesting to learn about. It’s so deep and has so many branching paths about their religion and beliefs. Their lifestyles and aspects make the religion complex and interesting to learn about. I would be open to learning more about Japan's religion and getting more involved with Shintoism. It would help with the Japanese classes I take in class and I adore the culture however long it takes I’d be happy to sit down and try and learn as much as I can. Understanding and being able to roleplay it out, incorporating it into my character and her view of the world.

I feel my quickness to learn things and remember them would be of use. Meaning when it comes to training and studying wouldn’t consume much time as I have an amazing memory and am able to remember/learn things very quickly. It doesn't take me long to pick things up and remember them and then learn to express what I've learnt in roleplay, speech or text. I’m open and interested in this religion and culture and happy to be involved in learning and roleplaying Shintoism. Shintoism has always been some gateway to me out of my reach. I love Japanese culture and their different mythological animals and people and being in their religion. I’ve just never had the time to be able to study and be so involved with religion. This would make it a lot easier for me to do extra study out of what I need to do and learn about the religion more in-depth. And my experience in roleplay, I’ve been a part of SRP for 3 almost 4 years and due to my love of writing and storytelling, I love to DetailRP and get my characters engrossed in folklore and Japanese tales and stories. This gives me the ability to tell tales and stories through my characters about folklore and the history of Karakura in interesting and mysterious ways. Making me a good asset to have when talking, telling tales or explaining the gods and beliefs of Shintoism.

Yes, I acknowledge them and will be happy to attend them whenever. I’d be happy to be able to learn about Shintoism more and get more involved with Japanese culture! And be happy to meet new people and become a member of the shrines.

In-Character (IC) Section
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SECTION 1: Character Details

Sakura Harukichi

CHARACTERS TITLE (E.g. Mr. Mrs. Miss):
Miss Harukichi

CHARACTERS AGE (E.g. 21-80):
26 years old




Motive? Oh! My mother was a maiden and I admired her so much for it. She was dedicated and close to everyone and everything. Her passion for nature and caring for the less fortunate or injured was so inspiring. I always promised as a kid I’d be exactly like her when I grew up. As a kid, I was raised in a monastery and from then on I learned a little about the religion and the ways of the shrines. I aspired to be like my mother and to this day I still do, if I had a chance to be like my mother I would do it all over again. I love the connection to the land and air, I always believed that with every wind that whispers in the air the gods are breathing and alive. Every insect and animal are the watchers of the gods making sure their lands they created are being watched carefully for them. I want to be able to make my mother proud and protect the land the gods gave us, looking after the smallest of plant life and animals to the greatest trees that live and breathe with us. Becoming one with this world and showing people the beauties of the earth and the gifts it bears for us. The beauty in animals and ourselves and the abilities we have as humans and using them for good not for bad. Showing people Shintoism is more than just a religion but a connection to the land.

I’ve been doing a lot of research and read about the monastery starting its construction in 744 to 762 when it was finally finished. Originally there were two religions that merged into one being called the Ryobu Shinto. Buddhism and Shintoism had combined Buddhism being the more dominant one and later on, as the world progressed through technology the monastery lost interest in the community and was then reborn in 2004. Around this time the shrines were also burned down by one of the final priests and the only part of the original shrines that remained was underground.

“Dear Monastery Lead,

My name is Sakura Harukichi, I was born in 1997 in April named after the cherry blossom trees that bloom in spring. I was raised in a Monastery by my mother and was taught the ways of their shrines and beliefs. Today I now reside in Karakura with a roommate. I studied in Tokyo for 4-5 years and finally was able to move out. I love nature and having a connection to the land and all living things. My mother taught me to care for animals, plants and people alike, I aspire to be like her and want to follow in her steps. Today, I write this letter to you to introduce myself and talk about my wonders and dreams.

As a child raised in a monastery, I was taught positive emotions and to see the light in life. The beauty the world has to offer to us and it’s just waiting to be uncovered. The beauty of trees and animals, their uniqueness and different shapes and sizes make them special and something of the Gods. People are amazing, each unique and having a special personality, their stories they have to share and the tales they tell of their lives make life so interesting. I want to be like my mother and follow in her steps, spread my wings and be connected to the land once again. My mother always told me ‘the gods whisper in the wind and watch through the animals that roam around us' and I believe it.

I want to be a part of the Monastery again, while not my original home I will make it my new one. Karakura is so beautiful and has so much to show, the hidden gems that rest amongst the city shine like night stars. I’m somewhat new to Karakura but I am becoming familiar with the area. I want to be able to share my knowledge of plants and animals with people and show people that there's more to nature than just its beauty. Share my stories and tales like the rest. To be able to see and understand more about Shintoism and the ways of life in their eyes, the beliefs and dreams they share. It’s been an honour to send this letter to you and I hope it reaches you in safe hands.

May you be blessed by the gods.

Sakura Harukichi”

BACKSTORY (100+ Words):
Sakura Harukiki’s Backstory (1724 words)
°。˚ .° 。˚ °。˚ Childhood °。˚ . ° 。˚ °。˚
Sakura Harukichi was born on the 30th of April 1997 in a small town hidden in the mountains of Japan. Her mother had given birth to her after her husband left her choosing to leave the quaint town for city life. Sakura was always told by her mother that she was born in the most beautiful months of Japan, the bright vibrant pink colours that revealed themselves on the branches of the cherry blossom trees or Sakura trees which she announced she was named after. Young Sakura admired her mother and became the all well-known baby of the shrines in her local area. The town was a traditionally built town with its special culture. Sakura’s mother would watch over the young baby when she was talking with the people. Her daughter hoped she would follow in her steps and learn to love nature as she did. Sakura grew quickly and at the age of 5, she was racing around the shrines. The head of the monastery allowed Sakura’s mother to keep the young girl around as he adored her. Little Sakura would chase butterflies and the local dog around happily squealing and playing as she raced around. Flicking up small pebbles and cherry blossoms blooms around under her feet.

Sakura’s favourite space was down near the pond just out the front of the statues, the young girl sat there determinedly watching frogs jump around the lily pads and the lotus flowers blooming. Her mother would always find the young girl there and ask if Sakura would like to help her light the lanterns around the area for those who wished to visit at dusk. She never experienced darkness or bad emotions as her mother taught her all positively. Sakura was close to her mother, following her everywhere she went when she could. Her mother, when she had free time, would teach Sakura Japanese to the best of her abilities. However, she lacked the knowledge and the shrine's head offered to teach the young girl. She watched her mother look after nature across the shrines. And soon claimed she wanted to learn from her as well. Her mother agreed delighted and taught Sakura about the plants and animals of the monastery and how to take care of them.

As she grew older Sakura started to take up jobs and important roles around the shrine. She was 13 now and listened closely to what her teacher had to say and her mother's requests. These tasks were normally consistent with collecting water, harvesting some of the fruits in the trees around the shrines and greeting guests and new people at the monastery. Sakura adored her job and being able to work alongside her mother and her mother's friends, however, people tended to speak of Sakura due to her age and uniqueness. One night while Sakura was tidying up the rooms of the shrine members, her teacher called her out. She rushed over to meet her teacher and he announced to her he wished to dye her hair pink to match the cherry blossoms that grew in the area. At first, she was unsure her mother normally talked about dyed hair being unique and sometimes didn’t always look great but she agreed to leave behind her jet-black hair for a pink tone.
°。˚ .° 。˚ °。˚ Adulthood °。˚ . ° 。˚ °。˚
That night she rushed to her mother to show her the pink hair and her mother at first considered it before congratulating her. Excited, she strived to work harder each day helping the shrine members for hours on end. On her 18th birthday the shrine's leader called Sakura in to meet him, he told Sakura over the years of teaching her he’d seen her grow and develop from a baby to a young woman. But he feared she wasn't getting the best education her mother would have wished for and asked if she would go to live with her father and study in the main city. Sakura felt shocked and scared not wanting to leave her mother. She begged the shrine lead to let her stay and continue to help them but he dismissed her. After years of growing up in these shrines, she was now being sent out to get a proper education but didn't know what one was. She accepted knowing it was for the better and her mother would be proud.

That night she ran home to her mother and sat with her talking about the school. Her mother reassured her it would be alright and that when she was finished with school she could come back to the monastery. Sakura agreed and promised her mother for the next weeks she'd spend her time wisely working hard for the shrines. Sakura two weeks later said goodbye to her mother and was to walk with a local to the main village at the base of the monastery. The steps that lead to the shrines stretched out flatly against the structure of the shrine's face. She talked joyfully to the locals who walked with her and surprised them with her joy of the earth and wonders of nature, the skills and stories she’d learned and her mother had told her. As they reached the base of the stairs a car waited for her. She bowed to the local and got in, shocked to even be in a car while it drove off.

The driver asked a few questions on their way to her father's place but Sakura stayed quiet watching out the window as the trees flew by her eyes. When they entered the city Sakura was disgusted by the tall grey towers that people called their homes. The lack of green life and trees made her upset and she chose to fiddle with her kimono while they headed to her father's place. When she arrived she met her father however was displeased by his manners. He was commonly mumbling to a person on a phone in a language she didn’t understand and ignored her existence completely. Sakura ignored him and thought positively that she’d managed to make it to Tokyo. After 3 days her father told her to get in the car and then drove her to her new university. However, Sakura’s expression told her father she was upset to leave the shrines alone for a dark, grey city with crowded streets.

During her first years at the university, she struggled desperately to find her feet in an unusual place with little to no plant life. While she made a few friends the manners of people and their emotions scared her, being half Japanese and half Australian Sakura found people were rude towards her due to her appearance. She’d try and shrug it off thinking of her mother's words. And worked hard learning English and becoming more fluent in Japanese before going home each night to find her father drunk out on the couch. She prayed every night like her mother had taught her and looked after the plants that scattered her room that her father had agreed to get after a lot of convincing.

In Sakura's next years with her father, she found herself miserable only wanting to go home, home to the shrines, the bright beautiful lights, green lush plants and pretty cherry blossom trees. However, she got a letter from her mother after coming home, eagerly she opened it to find her heart sank. The letter read:

“Dear Sakura,

My dearest daughter, I hope this letter finds you through its journey. The Monastery and place you were raised have been shut down and turned into a quarry at the request of the people in power. Oh, Sakura, the flowers on the cherry blossoms bloomed earlier this week and they reminded me of you. I miss you so much my dearest daughter you’ll forever be in my heart and I hope to one day see you again. I’ve heard about your father. . . he hasn’t changed dear and I’m so sorry for sending you away to live with him. I want you to be free, find a new home and spread your wings again. Please take this money I’ve saved up for you, and go to Karakura, a city on an island. It’s a beautiful place, there's a monastery there, and a green city move there quickly. You’ll be safer there. I'll meet you there one day. Stay safe and may the gods whisper to you through the wind and watch through the eyes of the animals that roam around you.”

However, down the bottom, her mother had given Sakura money she took it and looked at the last part of the letter. The letter read for her to go to Karakura, where she may be able to get a job at the monastery there. Her heart skipped two beats and she rushed to pack before realising she’d need to get her education finished which was about to end the year in 3 days. She stashed the money away under her bed and quickly tended to her normal tasks.

On her last day being released from school Sakura ran home eagerly and pulled her laptop out to book a flight to the island Karakura sat on, there was a taxi to the main city. She checked behind her to make sure her father wasn't watching and tapped away quickly at her keyboard before closing it and sighing. Her drunken father stumbled past the door and she listened, hearing him hit his bed. Scrambling quickly she pulled out her bags and shoved her belongings in them, everything she owned, which was a few clothes and kimonos. She then grabbed her plants and ran out the door and upstairs to an old woman's apartment. Sakura knocked on the door and gave her the plants telling her to look after them as a gift, the old lady hugged Sakura and gave her some money wishing her safe travels. Sakura and the woman had a close relationship and she’d told her about her moving out of Tokyo and of course she supported Sakura.

That night with her belongings Sakura snuck out of the house. She looked into her father's room to see him out cold drunk on the bed in an uncomfortable position and then raced through the streets of Tokyo to the train station. Catching the first train to the airport she quickly got through customs excited to be leaving the city for a new one, one where she may be free and work somewhere familiar. Her plane fight was long and daunting, sitting next to an old man who she spoke to but he ignored her so she chose to fiddle with the special pendant her mother gave her. When she got off the plane she rushed to gather her stuff and got out of the airport calling a taxi and asking to drive her to Karakura.

The driver didn't mind Sakura’s kind manners and chirpiness, happily talking to her about his life and why he chose to be a taxi driver. Sakura during this time had dozed off in the silence and when she awoke they were rolling into Karakura. Excited Sakura hung near the windows looking at the city which was much nicer than Tokyo. Bright green gardens and trees everywhere, it made her happy. From there on Sakura managed to get herself a room with someone in Karakura and in hopes to soon move over and start working at the monastery.

SECTION 2: Self-Knowledge Details

What duties do Shinto Priests and Maidens have?:
While Priests and Maidens are different names their tasks are quite similar. Both are needed to keep the monastery well maintained and take care of its grounds, these tasks can differ depending on what the monastery needs tending to. Both Priests and Maidens do rituals and offerings to the Kami. These may differ depending on the role and what is needed in time. Maidens and Priests are also suggested to tell tales or stories and share their knowledge of Shintoism and their outlooks on life, with the guests and people coming to the shrines.

What are the steps needed to be taken at the purification trough before entering the Shrine?:
The trough sits at the front of the entrance of the shrines. It sits clearly for those who are entering the shrines and the water that is filtered into the trough is from the springs under the mountains. When performing the purification to enter the shrines one must take a ladle that sits on the ledge and fill it with spring water, then one must pour the water on the right hand first and then repeat and do to the left. Once the hands have been cleansed the mouth is to be cleansed next, do this by cupping your hands and dipping them into the ladle and then drinking from your hands. One must not drink from the ladle or have contact with the ladle through their lips. The water is then not to be swallowed but to be discarded away from the clean spring. Once finished, place the ladle back into the spring to cleanse it and return it to its original place. If the ladle or the purification steps are to take place anywhere else it’ll be considered not cleansed and pure. These are also important to show respect to the Kami and also the person themselves and important to be done before entering the monastery.

How are offerings to a Kami performed?:
Offering to Kami is a sacred performance and must be performed correctly. There are many items that are deemed offerings these can consist of, yen, rice, fruits and other food and spice items. To present an offering to Kami one must ring a bell located at the shrines, ringing the bell lets them become aware of your presence and that you have an offering. One must place the offering into the offering box carefully, sometimes one may bring noshi paper as something their offering can rest on, then bow at a 90-degree angle twice. Then clap your hands together twice and say a prayer. These prayers should include a thank you to the Kami and a request or wish for blessings in return, most offerings as well may be to thank the Kami for anything special that's occurred. The prayer is then ended with a final bow to the Kami. These offerings are vital to the shrines and Kami that reside among them, these offerings are also important to the bond between the person and the Kami and after an offering is produced it's said to strengthen the bond. When one is performing an offering it’s important to stay respectful and calm in the presence while they pray.

How do you perform a tea ceremony ritual?:
When performing a tea ceremony you must first greet the guest by bowing to them. Then you must offer the guest tea and lead them to the tea house located in the shrines. You bow once more when the guest is seated before going to make them tea, most teas in the house will consist of Chabako, Hakobi and Obon tea. Depending on the tea you are making for the guest different herbs and leaves will be required. Picking the specific herbs and leaves for the tea you’ll gather what you need then let it simmer in hot water, before serving the temperature should be checked to make sure it is not too hot. Once the tea has finished you will return to the guest and greet them, then after the greeting, the tea will be placed in front of the guest and begin to be served. The tea bowl must be facing you and then when pouring the tea and should sit in your left palm. Then turn the bowl with your right hand so it is no longer facing you and allow for the guest to taste the tea. More herbs and leaves may need to be added if the guest wishes for a stronger taste, it’s important to refill the tea when finished as a sign of respect. When the guest has finished the tea bowl is to be returned to its space and to bow to the guest. Extra time may be spent talking or telling the guest about the shrines.

Explain what a Tamagushi, Ofuda and Kagura Suzu is and what they're used for:
Tamagushi is a form of Shinto offerings where it's made from a Sakaki tree branch. This branch is then decorated with cotton, silk or washi paper strips. Sometimes Japanese fir, oak and more tree branches are used as substitutes. These offerings are normally used at funerals or weddings and other events as a sign of goodwill, however, may be used as Kami offerings at the shrines. They sometimes are taken home as a reminder of the shrines.

Ofuda is a talisman or amulet. Normally these are inscribed with the name of a Kami. These talismans (or amulets) can be created by a sheet of paper, metal, cloth or wood, these are often kept in homes but can be carried by people or found around shrines and temples. Also known as shinqu also has a significant relationship to Shinto shrines as it can have writing on it close to the Kami or spirit the shrine adores. They’re told to be entwined with the power of a Kami and are blessed to ward off evil and keep one safe.

Kagura Suzu is the Shintoism instrumental part of the religion. Having parts of dance rituals, songs, and instruments. The Kagura Suzu has 12 bells and there are 3 tiers, that maidens normally play in Kagura dances and sometimes other ceremonies. The instrument resembles closely to a tree branch with the bells being the branch's leave or buds.

(OPTIONAL) Based on your character; which other Kami would they worship?:
Sakura would like her mother would worship Ninigi No Mikoto, the Kami of nature. A descendant of the earth he was said to be, Sakura has a close connection to the land and plant life around her. The animals as well but she adored taking care of plants and flowers, however weak they may have been or the kind, common or rare plant life she’d take care of them to the best of her abilities.

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Discord - Diving#5539

In Game Accounts -

[L.T] - [Teacher] [28] Rini K. Corvid

[F+] - [Fox] [1] Raven / Nokoribi

[F+] - [Duck] [1] Quillsontavius ‘Quill’ / Aflac

[F+] - [Grade-12] [18] Madoka 'Doka' Noruma | Viya Miyazaki | Hotaru 'Yōko' Kōraru

"If we can learn to hate, we can learn to love"

‧̍̊°。˚ .° 。˚ °。˚ °。˚ . ° 。˚ °。˚‧̍̊
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Level 86

Thank you for taking your time to apply. As a team we've come to the decision to accept your application based on the level of detail put into it. What a lovely letter! Congratulations on becoming a priest, if you aren't already, please join the Karakura Town discord and request your roles.

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