Level 8
Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section
IGN (In-Game Name):
Previous bans:
I was banned on this account for ban evading. But it was not my fault as my younger brother used it as a ALT to escape ban's. But it has been fully dealt with. And it will never occur again.
Describe your activity on the server:
My activity, on the server is good as i do play, alot around 8 hours a day or more!
Which timezone are you in?
UTC+10 (Australia)
Do you have Discord?
Yes, it is... Lemteaaa_#2479
Do you have a microphone [Obligatory]:
Yes i do
List your current and past applications:
College Application- (Denied)
Ban Appeal- (Succesfull)
Spanish Language- (Succesfull)
College (Re-Application)- (Succesfull)
What is your motivation for applying?:
My, motivation for applying is to show that the town of Karakura can be a safe place for everyone. My friends also have mentioned on several occasion's that i should also definetley apply for being a cop. They believed this as i know alot about right and wrong. And i love to help other's when needed. It also felt good seeing the Polcie Force help the town, and i alway's thought to myself that i would love, to be able to be noticed for that. And i just love to roleplay. And i believe, this will enhance my roleplay experience. maiing me a even better roleplayer, and making me enjoy the wonderful server experience even more!
Do you understand Japanese Laws and Basic Conduct?
Yes i do, another thing that also help's with this my family, like to tarvel to the country for Holiday's. So that gives be a ggood understanding. I have also thouroughly read over the law's, as i was going to apply for this specific Job.
What are the Police ranks?
Police Commissioner
Police Captain
Chief Inspector
Police-Lead Investigator
Police Investigator
Police Sergeant
Police Corporal
Police Officer
Police Cadet
What knowledge do you have of Police Work? Police Codes: 10-99 Emergency. 10-4 Copy.
I have a understanding, that it can be very nerve racking and overwhelming as there are alot of Crminal's that lurk in the town of Karakura. It aslo requires alot of personality traits such as patience and loyalty. This is true as you need to be loyal to your peers and also you cant lose your patience quick as it can lead to unescarry assault. The casual police work is mainly is detaining suspects and arresting criminals. It is very important to respong to 110 call's as soon as possible, for the victim's safety. And for the cadet role we are required to remain behind the front desk, and wait for an assistance that need's attention.
Why is Police important to SchoolRP?
Police are very important in SchoolRP. This is very true as, the Town would be corrupt without them. And one of the simpliest reason's are to keep the town safe from criminal's espeacially. We need the Police Force to control crime rates. Prevent murder's and even the annoying Scammers. They love to keep studen'ts in a good mindset making them feel as safe as htey can, while on going there journey through school. It also gives the whole server a fun twist, as it makes the game way more realistic and makes it harder to GangRP making, the population not just take up GangRP. It makes the server alot more well rounded. It makes it more dramatic too when police get involved in things, such as gang fight's and more.
Do you acknowledge that you're subject to being demoted if accepted at any given time?
Yes, i do understand, i believe i'll be able to play as much as i can.
Do you acknowledge that applying for this role, you are agreeing to be 100% dedicated to the Police Officer role? Yes, i do definetley understand!
Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are authorized to attend or you will be punished [Demoted]?
Yes, i do!
Do you acknowledge that you’re subject to IC harassment, and you are NOT to take things OOCly when dealing with training & situations?
I, definetley understand, as it is a rule it's self.
In-Character (IC) Section
Tell us about your character, how he looks, what makes him unique?
Noah 'Lucky' Amarla, stand's at the height of 5'11. His body would seem to be lean but also muscular. He would have blue eyes with nice and long eyelashes. He would have long and brown wavy hair alon \g with a stubble on his chin and upper lip.
What he's like on and off the job?
Noah, would be a very caring and well mannered man, he would be willing to help, when ever needed. And he would not put up with any crimes. Doing his job arresting them, depending on the situation. He would also be a simply nice down to earth guy.
Outlook on his co-workers? Plans for the future?
Noah, treats his co worker's with alot of respect. He is willing to help them when ever he can. And Noah is ready to settle down and start his own family, and bring the town of Karakura together. And try reduce the crime rates.
Noah 'Lucky' Amarla, was a young boy who was raised in a small town in England. He really enjoyed his childhood, as it was full of joy and a happy family. He had a younger sister who seemed to look up to Noah a lot. He had a caring mum and also a tough dad, who seemed to be hard going but he was just caring and protective of the family. One night the family went out for a simple dinner.
They had finished enjoying, the night so they simply decided to call it a night and make there way home, as they lived fairly close. Noah noticed that there was three strange men following him and his family. He did not say anything as he did not want to panic his family. He then got more worried as they got closer to there property then warned his dad. His dad turned around and confromted the men. That night would be the last night Noah would see his dad, it ended up turning into a vicious fight then Knifes were pulled. Noah and his family were devastated after the incident and decided to move to a new town, to keep there minds off it.
About a mounth, later Harry and his family moved to a small town in japan called Karakura. Noah and his sister attended the local school. They both were granted a great education. And it seemed to be that Harry's key subjects were simply Physical Education, along with Law. His siter really loved that Noah was succeeding and looked up to him, even more.
One, cold winters night in the small town changed everything. Noah was walking down a alley way to drop the garbage into the local deposal bin. He was shocked to see his little sister laying cold on the ground. He ran straight over to her to check her pulse. But sadlt there was nothing. Noah felt a hand touch his shoulder it was a college man who seemed to be at least 6ft who smelt strong of alchahol. Noah was a experienced runner so he bolted as fast, as he could from the man whilst calling, the police and paramdics to treat his sister. He was in so much shock and distraught he could not think.
Noah would be angered and more determined. He began to succeed in schooling still in his main subjects such as Physical Education and Law. He became very Physically active making him able to participate in many sports and martial arts as he could. He then decided to make the decision to apply for his dream job. To make his family proud…
SECTION 1: Personal Details
Full Name: Noah 'Lucky' Amarla
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Mr
Given Name(s): Noah Amarla
Preferred Name: Noah
Age: 28
Gender: Male
Religious Denomination: None
Marital Status: Not in any relations
Nationality: English
Current Location: Karakura (Japan)
SECTION 2: Academic Details
Years of training: 4
Working Experience: I, have worked 1 year as a sucessful personal Bodyguard
Academic Degree: Bachelor's degree in, Criminal Justice along with Phycology, and human service.
Year of Graduation: 1999
Major(s): Criminal justice, Human Service and Phycology. And also Physical Education, and Health And Wellbeing.
Minor(s): Chemistry....
Native Languages: English
Other Languages: Fluent Spanish
IGN (In-Game Name):
Previous bans:
I was banned on this account for ban evading. But it was not my fault as my younger brother used it as a ALT to escape ban's. But it has been fully dealt with. And it will never occur again.
Describe your activity on the server:
My activity, on the server is good as i do play, alot around 8 hours a day or more!
Which timezone are you in?
UTC+10 (Australia)
Do you have Discord?
Yes, it is... Lemteaaa_#2479
Do you have a microphone [Obligatory]:
Yes i do
List your current and past applications:
College Application- (Denied)
Ban Appeal- (Succesfull)
Spanish Language- (Succesfull)
College (Re-Application)- (Succesfull)
What is your motivation for applying?:
My, motivation for applying is to show that the town of Karakura can be a safe place for everyone. My friends also have mentioned on several occasion's that i should also definetley apply for being a cop. They believed this as i know alot about right and wrong. And i love to help other's when needed. It also felt good seeing the Polcie Force help the town, and i alway's thought to myself that i would love, to be able to be noticed for that. And i just love to roleplay. And i believe, this will enhance my roleplay experience. maiing me a even better roleplayer, and making me enjoy the wonderful server experience even more!
Do you understand Japanese Laws and Basic Conduct?
Yes i do, another thing that also help's with this my family, like to tarvel to the country for Holiday's. So that gives be a ggood understanding. I have also thouroughly read over the law's, as i was going to apply for this specific Job.
What are the Police ranks?
Police Commissioner
Police Captain
Chief Inspector
Police-Lead Investigator
Police Investigator
Police Sergeant
Police Corporal
Police Officer
Police Cadet
What knowledge do you have of Police Work? Police Codes: 10-99 Emergency. 10-4 Copy.
I have a understanding, that it can be very nerve racking and overwhelming as there are alot of Crminal's that lurk in the town of Karakura. It aslo requires alot of personality traits such as patience and loyalty. This is true as you need to be loyal to your peers and also you cant lose your patience quick as it can lead to unescarry assault. The casual police work is mainly is detaining suspects and arresting criminals. It is very important to respong to 110 call's as soon as possible, for the victim's safety. And for the cadet role we are required to remain behind the front desk, and wait for an assistance that need's attention.
Why is Police important to SchoolRP?
Police are very important in SchoolRP. This is very true as, the Town would be corrupt without them. And one of the simpliest reason's are to keep the town safe from criminal's espeacially. We need the Police Force to control crime rates. Prevent murder's and even the annoying Scammers. They love to keep studen'ts in a good mindset making them feel as safe as htey can, while on going there journey through school. It also gives the whole server a fun twist, as it makes the game way more realistic and makes it harder to GangRP making, the population not just take up GangRP. It makes the server alot more well rounded. It makes it more dramatic too when police get involved in things, such as gang fight's and more.
Do you acknowledge that you're subject to being demoted if accepted at any given time?
Yes, i do understand, i believe i'll be able to play as much as i can.
Do you acknowledge that applying for this role, you are agreeing to be 100% dedicated to the Police Officer role? Yes, i do definetley understand!
Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are authorized to attend or you will be punished [Demoted]?
Yes, i do!
Do you acknowledge that you’re subject to IC harassment, and you are NOT to take things OOCly when dealing with training & situations?
I, definetley understand, as it is a rule it's self.

In-Character (IC) Section
Tell us about your character, how he looks, what makes him unique?
Noah 'Lucky' Amarla, stand's at the height of 5'11. His body would seem to be lean but also muscular. He would have blue eyes with nice and long eyelashes. He would have long and brown wavy hair alon \g with a stubble on his chin and upper lip.
What he's like on and off the job?
Noah, would be a very caring and well mannered man, he would be willing to help, when ever needed. And he would not put up with any crimes. Doing his job arresting them, depending on the situation. He would also be a simply nice down to earth guy.
Outlook on his co-workers? Plans for the future?
Noah, treats his co worker's with alot of respect. He is willing to help them when ever he can. And Noah is ready to settle down and start his own family, and bring the town of Karakura together. And try reduce the crime rates.
Noah 'Lucky' Amarla, was a young boy who was raised in a small town in England. He really enjoyed his childhood, as it was full of joy and a happy family. He had a younger sister who seemed to look up to Noah a lot. He had a caring mum and also a tough dad, who seemed to be hard going but he was just caring and protective of the family. One night the family went out for a simple dinner.
They had finished enjoying, the night so they simply decided to call it a night and make there way home, as they lived fairly close. Noah noticed that there was three strange men following him and his family. He did not say anything as he did not want to panic his family. He then got more worried as they got closer to there property then warned his dad. His dad turned around and confromted the men. That night would be the last night Noah would see his dad, it ended up turning into a vicious fight then Knifes were pulled. Noah and his family were devastated after the incident and decided to move to a new town, to keep there minds off it.
About a mounth, later Harry and his family moved to a small town in japan called Karakura. Noah and his sister attended the local school. They both were granted a great education. And it seemed to be that Harry's key subjects were simply Physical Education, along with Law. His siter really loved that Noah was succeeding and looked up to him, even more.
One, cold winters night in the small town changed everything. Noah was walking down a alley way to drop the garbage into the local deposal bin. He was shocked to see his little sister laying cold on the ground. He ran straight over to her to check her pulse. But sadlt there was nothing. Noah felt a hand touch his shoulder it was a college man who seemed to be at least 6ft who smelt strong of alchahol. Noah was a experienced runner so he bolted as fast, as he could from the man whilst calling, the police and paramdics to treat his sister. He was in so much shock and distraught he could not think.
Noah would be angered and more determined. He began to succeed in schooling still in his main subjects such as Physical Education and Law. He became very Physically active making him able to participate in many sports and martial arts as he could. He then decided to make the decision to apply for his dream job. To make his family proud…
SECTION 1: Personal Details
Full Name: Noah 'Lucky' Amarla
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Mr
Given Name(s): Noah Amarla
Preferred Name: Noah
Age: 28
Gender: Male
Religious Denomination: None
Marital Status: Not in any relations
Nationality: English
Current Location: Karakura (Japan)
SECTION 2: Academic Details
Years of training: 4
Working Experience: I, have worked 1 year as a sucessful personal Bodyguard
Academic Degree: Bachelor's degree in, Criminal Justice along with Phycology, and human service.
Year of Graduation: 1999
Major(s): Criminal justice, Human Service and Phycology. And also Physical Education, and Health And Wellbeing.
Minor(s): Chemistry....
Native Languages: English
Other Languages: Fluent Spanish
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