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A new/updated rule book + Turf


Level 8
What's your Minecraft Username?: Bald1
What's the title of your suggestion?: A new/updated rule book + Turf

What's your suggestion?:
Now before i start my rant this is NOT me saying this is staffs fault, as its pretty much just a problem thats been around for years, but its just driving people including myself insane, so basically ive seen a lot of rules being "changed" without any notice, for example apparently staff have told people you cant fight when your sweeped? ive seen staff give different answers to different people asking the same question, and it leads to failrp and eventually people being warned / banned now AGAIN i will say this isnt staffs fault, it just seems that rules are either being made up on the spot, or just guessed about, me personally ive been told about a rule change that if two people have bats, you have to approach each other even if its the same amount of range.

Now onto turfs, i think more rules on actually gaining perms in said turf should be added, as right now its being treated like a call of duty 3 game, everytime ive gone to a turf its ended in stabbings, kos, or any other perms, now this isnt everyone, theres some good groups which actually do roleplay, however there are other people who are just straight "perm hungry"

How will this benefit the server and community?:
stopping perm hungry


Level 45
Community Team
In my opinion, staff does a really good job at reinforcing the rules to most roleplayers, but it's also our job to look out for any rules that got changed, added or deleted, ESPECIALLY when roleplaying in delicate situations. Staff can't follow everyone like a dog, they create rules that are expected to be read and followed without them watching every move we do, which is why they created a whole thread about it.

If you have any problems with a staff member, I suggest you ask them directly, but only after reading the rules right here. This is basically where everything's stored. Now I personally don't gangrp, but in the teams faction there's also a seperate document which talks about team rules, dorms rules etc. I wonder if you have one too? Because if so, the rule books are there.
What you came across was probably just an accident and again, if you have any doubts on what the staff member has said, ask them directly, inform yourself.

Onto the second suggestion, as I said before, I personally don't gangrp, so i'm gonna stay neutral.


Level 68
In my opinion, staff does a really good job at reinforcing the rules to most roleplayers, but it's also our job to look out for any rules that got changed, added or deleted, ESPECIALLY when roleplaying in delicate situations. Staff can't follow everyone like a dog, they create rules that are expected to be read and followed without them watching every move we do, which is why they created a whole thread about it.

The issue is, document with rules doesn’t show when it was updated, so if you want to see if anything was added, you need to read whole document again.

solution? announcing updates, in comment section of rules


Level 202
Community Team
Lore Team
+1 to update the rulebook, i think this is something that should happen when something changes within the rules, no matter how small

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