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[ACCEPTED] _LemonTeaaa_ College Professor Application...


Level 8
Out-Of-Character Information

What is your Minecraft username?:

How old are you?:
I, am 15 years of age.

Do you have any previous bans?:
Unfortunatley, it occured that my brother was using my account to evade bans, but it has been fully dealt with and will never occur again. (So, practically not my fault)

What Country are you from?:
I, am from Australia.

Do you have Discord (if so, what is your discord username?):

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
I, do understand this as it takes alot of responobility as a College Professor, and it is a important role. So yes i do understand this.

Describe your activity on the server & on the forums?:
On, the server due to quarantine matters i acturelly get a whole day in as i am simply addicted to SRP. I check the forums as i am simply intersted in any responses and to see how the community is going. Even when quarantine is over i will still get my good 8hours or more in.

Link(s) to any previous applications on the server?:

Spanish Language- (Succesfull)
Ban Appeal- (Succesfull)
College Application- (Succesfull)


What is your motivation for becoming a Professor?:
My, motivation to become a College Proffesor, is simple but also meaningful. I really work well with other people and love to help people in general. I really want to help the young adults suceed in their later life, getting a great degree. I also am a very encouraging person along with being down to earth and understanding, making students have more respect for me. I also have alot of knowledge on the responsibilities of being a Professor and also have the right attitude to take on the challenges ahead of me with this job. I aslo do think it will enhance my roleplay experience by alot. This is true as there is so many oppoortunities of roleplay as alot of things can happen being a Professor, mainly good things ofcourse such as getting complimented for your work and meeting new people such as the school staff.

Do you have any experience in Roleplaying?:
I, have been roleplaying sice the age of 6 i believe. it all started with the game 'Roblox.' This game was one of my favourites from a young age. I use to play RPG games on it such as roleplay highschool games. And i would really get enthusistic about it and really enjoy myself. I also use to roleplay in real life such as dressing up, and playing with my friends and family making a little movie or scene. I then started to play this amazing server 'SchoolRP.' After playing this server for a few mounths i just got hooked. I was experiencing different roleplays. I really liked this server as it makes roleplays more serious, and you are nearly capable of doing any type of roleplay you want, making this server fantastic for roleplay. I am also a Detailrp'er. Making me capable to make scenarios pretty much just like real life.

What are the classroom logs and why is it important?:
The classrooms logs are a very important tool. They track the teachers time and work. It also shows proof of there classes. It even doccuments students dicipline. It, is great for the payment at the end of the mounth as well.

As a Professor, what are the strict rules when being in a class?:

Physical Education

1. Students, would be prohibited to wear College sporting attire.
2. Students, would be prohibited to turn up to class with a good attitude, treating their peers respectfully.
3. Students, would haft to show good sportsman ship, encouraging their fellow peers..

Theory Lessons. (In classroom)
1. Students, would be simply quiet, listening to the Professors instructions.
2. Students must raise their hand to speak, and make it class appropriate.
3. Students would not be aloud to drink or eat, as it is a distraction to others and also it's more work for the Janitor. They may eat if they ask with a valid reason.
4. They, should be kind to their peers.
5. No violence, within the school grounds and the public, and most importantly in class. This is true as it endangers the students and myself.

Summarize your previous RP experience's (both in general and on SchoolRP):

I, have been roleplaying since the age of 6. In real life and Roblox highschool RPG games. I also have been roleplaying on the server for a while, whilst experiencing differet types of RP's. I also have alot of experience with detailrp making me able to make the game feel even more like real life and giving the players a better understanding of what i am doing and what i am feeling. i also have a great amount of roleplaye xperience with teaching as i have tought people many things within the game icly..

College-Professor Knowledge

Please show your knowledge of College-Professors. What are the tasks a College-Professor has to complete, What is a College-Professor's salary?

A College Professor is very important to the sciety, as they simply make there younger students suceed and give them a better idea of there chosen key subject. They have alot of knowledge on the subject they teach makking them very advanced. They take there subject very seriously and are willing to help others when ever they can. They are very serious ususally but also can be down to earth and understanding. They enforce many rules making the school a better place and also safe to learn at. A College Professor's Salary is usually around 100 and 450 thousand Yen ICLY mounthly, depending on there attendance and how many classes they hold.

Character Knowledge

Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. How does he/she look like? What makes him/her unique and different? What is his/her outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is his/her personality like? What is his/her plan for the future?

Noah 'Lucky' Amarla, is a young man of the age twenty. He would seem to stand at a simple height of 5'11. His body structure would be lean but also he would look muscular. He would have fair skin, whilst having nice blue eyes with long eyelashes. He would also have brown hair that would be wavy and also long. He would appear to have a slight amount of growing facial hair, that would be around his upper lip and also chin. He, would be a down to earth person, understanding people and being caring in general. He can get mad if he see's something that is not right and he would make sure he gets his point across. He, loves to meet new people and would seem to be a very easy going sociable person. He does respect his students, as he loves to make them able to suceed and feel good about them selfes. He is planning on getting married and having a nice causal life.


You find a group of sport-team members screaming and shouting in the halls, What do you do?
I, would simply approach the group of sport members. I would then calmy whilst being polite ask them why are they screaming and disrupting others. I would then tell them that they are in a sports team and should no better, and have compassion for the other people learning. If the situation continues i would then warn some higerup staff about the situation.

A College-Student is disturbing the class and won’t listen to a word you’re saying, What do you do?
I, would simply tell them while sounding stern and serious, Why is he acting in such a way. I would then remind him that he is a adult and should no better. I would then try and encourgae him and make him work at a normal pace. After class i would talk to him in private and ask him if there was anything that was making him act inmature. If he continued to do that again dueing my classes. I would notify higerup school staff about the situation. And see what they think the consequences are and if i should do anything more.

Theory Lessons. (In classroom)

Provide at least 5 detailed /me's of your character inside a classroom:

/mel- He, would walk into the classroom, slowly making his way up to his desk, whilst waving at the students infront of him looking happy.

/mel- He, would stroll around the classroom, walking back and forwards mainly. Keeping a close eye on the students activities, making sure he cant hear any talking or disruptions. He would seem to be peering over there shoulders glancing at there assigned activities.

/mel- He, would raise his voice sounding more stern then usualy, adjusting his facial expression to a serious kind of look. He would be doing this as simply the class is being very disruptive.
Physical Education. (Practical Lessons)

/mel- He, would blow the whistle making a ear peircing sound, getting every students attention amoungst the field.

/mel- He, would be yelling at the students. Encouraging them while they play on the field. He would have a happy look on his face as he is simply smiling. He would seem to be throwing his arms in the air as he is excited about their acheivments and how well they are participating in the subject.


Noah 'Lucky' Amarla, was a young boy who was raised in a small town in England. He really enjoyed his childhood, as it was full of joy and a happy family. He had a younger sister who seemed to look up to Noah a lot. He had a caring mum and also a tough dad, who seemed to be hard going but he was just caring and protective of the family. One night the family went out for a simple dinner.

They had finished enjoying, the night so they simply decided to call it a night and make there way home, as they lived fairly close. Noah noticed that there was three strange men following him and his family. He did not say anything as he did not want to panic his family. He then got more worried as they got closer to there property then warned his dad. His dad turned around and confromted the men. That night would be the last night Noah would see his dad, it ended up turning into a vicious fight then Knifes were pulled. Noah and his family were devastated after the incident and decided to move to a new town, to keep there minds off it.

About a mounth, later Harry and his family moved to a small town in japan called Karakura. Noah and his sister attended the local school. They both were granted a great education. And it seemed to be that Harry's key subjects were simply Physical Education, along with Law. His siter really loved that Noah was succeeding and looked up to him, even more.

One, cold winters night in the small town changed everything. Noah was walking down a alley way to drop the garbage into the local deposal bin. He was shocked to see his little sister laying cold on the ground. He ran straight over to her to check her pulse. But sadlt there was nothing. Noah felt a hand touch his shoulder it was a college man who seemed to be at least 6ft who smelt strong of alchahol. Noah was a experienced runner so he bolted as fast, as he could from the man whilst calling, the police and paramdics to treat his sister. He was in so much shock and distraught he could not think.

Noah would be angered and more determined. He began to succeed in schooling still in his main subjects such as Physical Education and Law. He became very Physically active making him able to participate in many sports and martial arts as he could. He then decided to make the decision to apply for his dream job. To make his family proud…

In-Character Information
(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you)

SECTION 1: Personal Details

Full Name: Noah 'Lucky' Amarla.

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Mr

Given Name(s): Noah
Preferred Name: Noah

Age: 30

Gender: Male

Religious Denomination: None

Marital Status: Single

Nationality: Irish

Current Location:
Karakura (Japan)

SECTION 2: Academic Details

Teaching Experience (# of years): 2

Working Experience (# of years): 5

Academic Degree:

Year of Graduation: 2000

Major(s): Physical Education, Health And Wellbeing and also Law.

Minors: Biology, Numeracy and Chemistry.

Native Languages: English

Other Languages:

Do you have a TEFL/TESOL/CELTA Certificate?:
Preferred Teaching Subject:


I, would mainly persist in subjects that have a high use of diet and physical education as sort. But if needed i do know how to play music as well, as i have had band experience, and hired at La Costra.
Also, i do know alot about health and wellveing as well. If needed i can teach Law, as a last resort.
Additional notes about your application (if any):
Do you have any questions?:

None, i should be all good! :D
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Level 143
Community Team
Content Team

- Great application, loved reading it. DM me for further instructions and we can talk about your subject. [Banter#0001]​

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