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[Accepted]Jodiemarsbar // Student Council Application


Level 8
Out-Of-Character Information

What is your Minecraft username?:
How old are you?:
I am 16 years old.
Any previous warns/kicks/bans?:
I was banned 2 years ago.
What Country are you from?:
I am from the United Kingdom.
Do you have Discord (if so, what is your Discord username?):
Yes, my discord name is ~Jodiemarsbar~#6858.
Link(s) to any previous applications on the server?:
No, previous applications.
Describe your activity on the server & on the forums?:
I am online every day, however, I do not post regularly or at all unless I am required to.
Server: I am also active every day, Weekday I spend 5+ hours a day online and at weekends I spend 9+ hours a day online.
Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
I acknowledge that if I am inactive I will be demoted.


What is the Student Council?:
The Student Council is a group of students, who share ideas and events based on interests, concerns other students may be having or ideas they feel would benefit the school.

What happens in the School Council?:
The function of the School Council is to present ideas from which have been given by there peers or even themselves to teacher or head-teacher, Which allows all students in the school to impact on how they believe the school can be changed for the better. This then allows the school to be a desired place to work happily and calmly as the student's school atmosphere is changed. The Student Council must listen to the leader at all times, even if they believe that it is unnecessary. However, the Student Council job is also to plan an event for the school as well. For example, say there was a school trip, the School Council would have to find ways to provide ways to get the money e.g Fundraiser.
Do you prefer to work alone or in a group?:
I prefer to work in a group as in a group there is a higher perspective meaning that if you happened to have a good idea but it wasn't quite perfect you would be able to combine many other ideas from other students which would improve the positive impact it may have in the school. Working in a team also allows you to work more carefully as you are able to share the work between each other leaving fewer mistakes made.

Do you have any experience in Roleplaying?:
I have played on big and small roleplay servers, mainly sticking to this one which I joined in 2015.

Roleplay Scenario

You are on the Student Council and the chairman submits an awful idea. What do you do?:
If the chairman has submitted an awful idea, instead of straight up telling him we should forget the idea I would look at ways the idea can be improved before we start suggesting an alternative idea.

You submit an idea - everyone hates it. How do you deal with the situation?:
I would try and show more positives on the idea such as "It could help the school like (What the idea can do)". If they still think they hate the idea I will, therefore, ask for advice on how they believe the idea can be improved and what impacts it would cause.

There is a split decision on an idea. The Councilors begin to debate if the idea should be accepted. As time goes on the debate turns into an argument! How do you handle the situation?:
I would handle the situation by suggesting that we should make a list of the pros and cons and if there seem to be more pros then we should proceed with it being accepted. If this does not work then I would suggest a vote. However, If this does not calm the Student Council members I would remind them what our job is and we should do what is best for the school and negativity will not help the school itself.

In-Character Information

Characters name:

Eiichi Harris
Characters gender:
Characters age:
What Student Council position are you applying for?:
I am applying for Councillor position.
Why do you want this position? :
I am applying for this position because by becoming a Councillor I will become more confident as a person and feel that I can provide to an extent the knowledge and skill I know to the school in a positive way that maybe help my peers also feel like the school is a better, more workable environment than it was before. I would also like to help people who may feel like they don't have a voice to turn to.​
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Level 14
Congratz! You made it!

-Your writing and grammar is good.
-You write much on each question that makes me see that you are qualified.

Contact me on discord: Nostalgi#0666

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