Level 63
IGN: EnderBubs
EVIDENCE: Below ive attached 2 screenshots. The first ss showing proof that I own the vehicle, you can see yonio contacting me about it and buying it off him You can see in his dm too it says I’m the owner aswel as the item name. And in the second ss you can see the motorcycle in my inventory

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: So I was driving around and I hit a lag spike which resulted in my crashing into the fountain kn front of auction house. Normally this wouldn’t be an issue but my bike went into the water which caused it to despawn. Sadly I don’t have video proof of this since I wasnt screen recording at the time but I have proof of me owning the bike, as seen in the screenshots above. If you need anymore proof I have veganlasers dms of him showing me the model and me giving him the name. The files where too big for the forums. If you have any other question’s feel free to dm me at ZRex#2316. Thank you!
EVIDENCE: Below ive attached 2 screenshots. The first ss showing proof that I own the vehicle, you can see yonio contacting me about it and buying it off him You can see in his dm too it says I’m the owner aswel as the item name. And in the second ss you can see the motorcycle in my inventory

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: So I was driving around and I hit a lag spike which resulted in my crashing into the fountain kn front of auction house. Normally this wouldn’t be an issue but my bike went into the water which caused it to despawn. Sadly I don’t have video proof of this since I wasnt screen recording at the time but I have proof of me owning the bike, as seen in the screenshots above. If you need anymore proof I have veganlasers dms of him showing me the model and me giving him the name. The files where too big for the forums. If you have any other question’s feel free to dm me at ZRex#2316. Thank you!