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Adding a new sports faction.


Level 3
What's your Minecraft Username?: PookieRP
What's the title of your suggestion?: Adding a new sports faction.

What's your suggestion?:
Adding a new Sports team/Faction to SRP to enhance the ability to a new experience.

How will this benefit the server and community?:
For starters, I really do love the current amount of sports we have in SRP. It creates variety in the game and allows the community to come together and be one. But knowing that sports factions have limited types of slots open, I suggested adding TENNIS to SRP. It is a highly loved sport, but it can still have the ability to allow students to do the same old thing of getting to know other members and being able to detail! I feel like adding tennis can allow people who don't like other sports to try out more. Not a lot of people like casual sports. Cheer, Football ECT.

[!] I feel like the requirement for sports in this one can be detailed, and acrobatics is like volleyball, but you're given a tennis racket to hit the ball. If we can shift the volleyball into a green and smaller form, it would be amazing! [!]

This suggestion isn't just wanting to add tennis; it's more about allowing more sports to be involved with SRP and allowing players to get a chance to actually require a sports role or to expand their roleplay even more. As I see SRP getting a good chunk of new players, there isn't just enough sports faction space to allow people in! Adding more sports can change it!

I would also like to add. We have. 4079 MEMBERS in KA discord as we probably have many more in SRP. About all the sports teams combine together only give you around 100- 150 spots to join.

We also don’t even need to really add new spots for Tennis. As There are several spots for volley ball. You can most likely change one of the spots that has the Volley ball courts and or dodge ball courts into a Tennis Court and or any other type of sport

[Possible Requirements]

[Basic DetailRP]
[Must present three different type of tennis Stance/Positions]
[Aceobatics at 50% to get higher chances of entry.]
This can be edited depending if the the suggestion does get added.

SRP is world wide a realistic server. Located in Japan. Japan in the last year as had a huge increase in tennis players. This can be a up to date situation as well.
Last edited:


Level 181
Community Team
Lore Team
There are already enough roles within the school faction. From how your post reads, this would need a entirely new plugin to be made and a new spot for tennis courts, in which there is no room on campus for a tennis court


Level 119
This does not need an entire new plugin to be made from scratch (I am not a developer, but its basically the volleyball plugin with extra steps, could be worked on to be made more realistic.)

However I disagree with the detailrp, its literally just volleyball gang, plus, tennis is supposed to be a fast paced game (thats my opinion) and you shouldnt need to be able to 'detailrp' just 2 play tennis. Just hit the ball gangster.

I also disagree with needing 50% acro but not as much as I disagree with the detailrp suggestion.

Other than that, I think this suggestion is nice. Theres already like multiple spots for volleyball so I think we could change some for tennis.

Heres my suggestion though if this were to be added, I think instead of making seperate volleyball / tennis courts, we could just have a simple plugin that asks you if you want to play tennis or volleyball when you step in the court.
This wouldnt be too hard to make I believe, since if you think about it its just >choice >load choice plugin (obviously more complicated than that, i am not a developer but I think it wouldnt be too difficult to make a plugin like this.)


Level 3
Thread starter
This does not need an entire new plugin to be made from scratch (I am not a developer, but its basically the volleyball plugin with extra steps, could be worked on to be made more realistic.)

However I disagree with the detailrp, its literally just volleyball gang, plus, tennis is supposed to be a fast paced game (thats my opinion) and you shouldnt need to be able to 'detailrp' just 2 play tennis. Just hit the ball gangster.

I also disagree with needing 50% acro but not as much as I disagree with the detailrp suggestion.

Other than that, I think this suggestion is nice. Theres already like multiple spots for volleyball so I think we could change some for tennis.

Heres my suggestion though if this were to be added, I think instead of making seperate volleyball / tennis courts, we could just have a simple plugin that asks you if you want to play tennis or volleyball when you step in the court.
This wouldnt be too hard to make I believe, since if you think about it its just >choice >load choice plugin (obviously more complicated than that, i am not a developer but I think it wouldnt be too difficult to make a plugin like this.)
That’s what I was making a point about. It’s pretty much a volley ball plugin and baseball combined as one. I do like the idea of having a thing where you can choose what you want to play but it depends on the actual netting.


Level 8

im open to another sport being added, that'll be cool

however it should not be tennis, if a new sport is gonna be added, it should NOT be similar to something we already have. tennis in this case will be quite similar to volleyball and therefore have a similar playstyle so won't feel like it'll be anything new or original (imo)

it should be a sport that feels like it will have its own original gameplay seperate from the sports we already have


Level 197
I'm all up for changes in SchoolRP in general but I don't think adding new sports and teams is the way to go as exciting as it sounds.


Level 29
I don't think there's plans to add any more sports teams and I doubt they'd remove anything just to add tennis courts in its place but I'll +1 just cus I think tennis is a very cool sport


Level 217

Sports faction as it is, is a lot to deal with.. managing, making sure everyone is following the faction rules, events and tourneys which is like, the biggest one.. those all come down to one person, as there's only one lead for the faction, though the captains ar also there to like help, that's like, not always the case !! adding more teams is like...... super not needed! I could see that being more stressful than anything


Level 33


To be honest, the sport faction is already big and ALOT to deal with, so adding another team would put a lot more stress on the faction leads that already have a lot of difficulty when conducting events, like tippie said navigating big events for the sport teams is difficult and adding another would make it even harder, Furthermore where would be even put the tennis court? there is very little space left on campus for a new team to actually be built onto.


Level 197

I really like the thought of it, but I'll leave this short and straightforward. Most teams right now are already struggling to get members and keep them around. Swim, track, baseball, and basketball taking these blows the most because of their not as well intertwined relationships with the rest of the teams. By adding another sports team, there would effectively become more competition to gain members. This would be 2 teams with minimum of 8 members each. It does suck, but I don't think it'll ever be implemented.


Level 145
As much as I like this idea, I doubt it’d be added. With past suggestions of adding different kinds of sports it’s always been denied. I know the dodgeball plug-in doesn’t get used as often and I can see why maybe a replacement of the plug-in could be for a different sport to have another activity be used in the school. You can always join the sports club (that’s if its still a thing) and promote this idea and it could be an itemrp activity like bowling is at the bowling center beside the SD. Or just gather a group of people who are interested in this and form yourself an unofficial tennis team and itemrp it. I know in the past there were unofficial football teams that players made and had their own tournaments. So it is possible. Unless for some reason a rule has been made to not allow this, but I don’t see why that would happen.

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