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Level 9
**[Ae-Cha Yun]**
Basic Information


Surname: Yun

Gender: She is a Female.

Age: She is about 18 years old.

Height:She is 5 Feet Tall.

Weight:115 pounds.

Build: Skinny.

Sexuality: Bisexual

Eye Color: She has Hazel eyes.

Hair Color: she has dyed light purple hair. natural hair color is black.

Place of Birth: she was born in Pyongyang

Nationality: she is from North korea

Health Conditions: she has Vitiligo

Race: She is a Asian

Religious Beliefs: she is a Athiest.

Mental Challenges:PTSD,and anxiety

Political Beliefs: She thinks killing north Korean officers is for the good of the Korean People and the liberation of North Korea. she also hates dictators a ton.

Date of Birth: Janurary 4th,2005
General Appearance

Appearance: She is Beautiful to the eye

Character Voice:
[She talks in a Soft Female north korean Accent]

She uses a phone, debit card, and yen

Hobbies: She likes fishing, hangout at the pier, hanging out with friends,and drawing

Skills: She is Skilled at Martial arts and murder

Family: Her Family was executed at a north korean prison camp

Note: I will constantly add to the Backstory until she dies

Backstory:She was born on January 4th 2005 in Pyongyang.
She loved her parents despite not having enough food and was starving inside that horrible nation. Her First word was Mama said once she was 1 years old. she began to speak Korean Fluently when she was 2. She was sent to school at the age of 3. She made friends in school despite school having harsh punishments. She made friends with Jin, Eun,Seung. but at 4 years old she started talking a lot she was very quiet and she made enemies. Jong, and a few others. "Hey Jong you rude imbecile." Ae-Chan said "hey bad bitch" Jong said. Ae-Chan Said lets fight. Ae-Chan Skilled at martial arts was in a 1 vs 4 against Jong and his friends. She beat all of them and ran before school staff could get her. She was not caught for that. A few weeks later she ate a small meal at the cafeteria. She'd turn 5 that week. Then a food fight started and everyone in the school got introuble and the school children watched people blown up by tanks to send a message to not mess with the Regime. Then she shoplifted a day later since she was a brave one and she was caught by guards. Her whole family was sent to a prison camp for 30 years with harsh labor and barely any food. 10 years later she had a plan to get to freedom and escape the country. That night She tried to find any sharp objects to shank a guard. Then the next day she killed a guard and stole there guns. 40 guards came after her and she took cover and shot all of them dead at the age of 15. Then she escaped the prison before she was executed sadly her whole family was shot dead by guards.
she would make a run for the chinese border. After she crossed she then took many busses and crossed a few borders and wilderness just to get to thailand she would surrender to the police there. She was sent to south korea and for a few years she lived in Seoul With a plan in mind. she spent 1 year evading capture before making to seoul She made friends to make cash to take a journey to japan. After she arrived she had a diffrent hairstyle and she dyed her hair a extremely light purple to avoid North Korean Spies. She Made a few friends started attending highschool and got a new boy friend recently Named Red Youchi. She saw Charlotte Lis corpse a few days later after Bea Katz was murdered. She made 64k yen in the past few days and lifting herself out of poverty fast. She rented a new apartment for 30k per ooc moth. She attended 2 history classes bored out of her mind she tried sleeping or playing games on her phone she was caught sleeping by Snoobs and she told her to "If you are Just gonna sleep you mind as well not attend class." She really hates history as a subject (I still enjoy it irl its just my character that hates it.) But she really enjoys math and science. She been hanging out alone in her apartment for awhile trying to get friends to move in. She loves how cheap housing is and how great Karakura is. She Has been hanging out with Red Youchi and making out with him by kissing and hugging him recently. She started to have a love for sleeping. The North Korean Government found the Location of her house so she had to flee. The north Korean Government Left the Nation She is now safe again. She was bullied by some street bullies while fishing at the pier at 4:30 in the morning. It could of ended badly if she had hostile intentions to stop the duo Criminals. Ae-Cha Bullied a few people then went on a emo phase. the bullying against her turned her into a monster full of hatred and guilt and she has been suffering from ptsd and depression ever since she escaped north korea and got discriminated for looks and people being rude to her when entering Japan becoming the bully herself a normal Person turned into a monster from her many kills when escaping a north korean prison and getting bullied turned her in to a monster and started doing bullying to other kids and hating on a few people. She needs help to stop her from being a monster a empty bastard. She changed her looks and dressing style to all black. She wants to change herself to be a better person she feels nothing but guilt and hatred and sadness but her happiness is improving. Even though shes still emo shes been nicer to other people now and seems to be happier. she houses homeless people in her apartment. She evicted Battosai from her apartment because her boyfriend told her too. She has been extremely happy and angry at the same time lifting out of depression. It has been the happiest time of her life after suffering through hard times and struggles. She is a wise person and can get through hard times easier than the people surrounding her. She may one day destroy the north Korean regime. North Koreans are starting to call her Ae-Cha The Great secretly fearing punishment as she done many good things revolting against the North Korean government and aiding rebellions. Ae-Cha has been aiding the north Koreans escape the nation to get to south Korea ,and she plans on overthrowing the government getting rid of the kim regime but that will take ages She has done a project in class about gamma rays when someone cussed her out disrespectfully as everyone clapped. She is starting to like Snoobs as a teacher and her Science teacher as well. Ae-Cha has hanged out with her friend Taeko often and Ae-Cha is pretty much known for her kindness hiding her bloodshed despite being a bully she has overcame her difficulties and started being nice to people. the North Korean government is after but they don't know where she is at because they cant track her and she plans to hide her identity with another name. since she changed her name to Akira Yun shes trying to adapt into the Japanese way of life with her identity hidden she trys to forget about North Korea all together and abandons it. she is now a Japanese Citizen whom the North Korean government cant hunt her because she dissapears in sight with her new identity but she is in the Korean historical radar after she made a new identity her fame fades away from it but still remembered from history. Akira Yun Changed her name back to Ae-Cha Yun after the heat died down since the north korean government just gave up after a few assassinations from someone else. Ae-Cha Realised that Taeko Died and morn the loss. eventually she breathed her last breath depressed and in anger. She was assassinated.
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