Level 2
IGN: made1yn
What you need(role/rank): R.K+, College Student, 20
Your current role/rank: R.K+, College Student, 19
Evidence: I've been a college student at the age of 19 since April; ( https://schoolrp.net/threads/college-application.22877/ ) and on 4/20/19 there was an announcement by WiffyBanter in the Karakura Academics announcments that you can then apply to be 20. On the late side, but I'd like for my character to a age up a year.
What you need(role/rank): R.K+, College Student, 20
Your current role/rank: R.K+, College Student, 19
Evidence: I've been a college student at the age of 19 since April; ( https://schoolrp.net/threads/college-application.22877/ ) and on 4/20/19 there was an announcement by WiffyBanter in the Karakura Academics announcments that you can then apply to be 20. On the late side, but I'd like for my character to a age up a year.