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Denied AhadXD_ | Physical Education Professor Application


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What is your Minecraft username?:


What is your time zone?:


What is your discord username? (eg @muffincats)

@AhadXD_ (AhadXD)

Link all previous applications you made on the server:


Describe your activity on SchoolRP:

well, im quite active on SchoolRP, But IRL i still in HS so ill be more busy in the working days. I'll be free on the weekends though. I'm online on SchoolRP whenever I'm able to log on, I spend most of my time on SchoolRP if I'm Free or Available. I have around 3 weeks of playtime on SchoolRP right now, and I'm looking forward to increase my Playtime.

Describe your roleplay experience with SchoolRP and other roleplay networks in general:

Okay So, I've been playing SchoolRP for like few months now its been arounds 5-6 months, when i started SchoolRP i really liked it as I've never actually experience something like this, But i didn't had any friends at that moment so tried to RP with other people and i really really enjoyed it so i tried to ask People for jobs and not RP with other people but after i met a few new people that actually got me into real RP, i found out that you cant just get a job that easily and they introduced me to New styles of RP like GangRP, CombatRP, JockRP, DeliquentRP but i enjoyed CombatRP at that time, after a while i started combatrping since it was really fun to do. After a month i applied for a gang and got into since then I'm Gangrping and combatrping. And i would say I'm pretty decent at it. after a while it started to get boring so i decided to quit it but then i got back into it because my friends forced me to comeback and since then im gangrping. Overall i have a pretty good RP experience in SRP and i will try improving it even more over time.

What are your current roles on SchoolRP:

[GRADE-12] Hiroshi Y. Sekiguchi
[GRADE-12] Felix Sekiguchi
[GRADE-12] Shiro Ivanov

What is the subject you want to teach?:

Physical Education
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What is your motivation for becoming a professor?:

After a while of just gangrping crimerping and combatrping i wanted to try out something new, so i decided to try applying for professor since its always seemed fun playing as a faculty member and hosting classes, it has always inspired me on how hard and fun it is to be a professor, thats why i decided to try joining the faction to really try out something new from gang or crimerp, ive also been told by a few srp friends that i would be a good professor, thats my motivation to joining the professor faction

Work out two interactive classes you will host if accepted:

For the first class, i would go outside to play some basketball with the students! I would host my class at the basketball fields that are located right next to the track field. As soon as the students arrived i would then explain them how to play basketball and help them understand it better, after explaining it to them and after they understood it, i will host a game of basketball and split it up in 2 teams. Both of the teams will have a few experienced people and a few unexperienced people to make it fair, i would then let them play for about 10 minutes OOCly, after they're done the class would probably already be over so i would end the class and get ready for the next period

For the second class, i would help them in getting more and more energetic by letting them run on the track field. Before i let them run i would explain the rules to them wich would be:
No jumping while running on the track field
No interrupting / tackling other people
No strolling while i cant see them
This is only the rules for the end when i will host a race between them! They will first have a few minutes to warm up without the rules except for interrupting or tackling other people, then after they've warmed up i would let them race, if someone breaks the rules 3 times they're disqualified from the race. Whoever wins the race will be given a reward ticket in the end. After those classes i'd call it a day

Work out a field trip (meaning a class outside school grounds) you will host if accepted:

Okay so! For the field trip i would first host a class and then call my students to it, after they are at my class i would lead them to one of the many parks where we can play games and have fun. If i see students assaulting others they will be sent back to school and receive a detention, i'd probably call another teacher to assist me on the trip to make it a bit easier!

Your character would encounter a group of college jocks surrounding a bobcat jock, what would your character do?

My character would go up to them and tell them to break it up, if they don't stop he would tell them to stop or its a detention. If they wouldn't listen to that he'd radio a few other faculty to the situation since it would need pretty many to surround one person, after that he would step in between all of them trying to break it up, as soon as it was settled he'd give all of them detention and if they already had a really bad record maybe even an SLT report.

Your character would be supervising detention, one of the students constantly disturbs by asking stupid questions, what would your character do?

My character would tell the student to please be quiet and not disturb the other students in detention, if the student wouldnt stop again my character would threaten him with SLT, after that the student would probably be quiet for a while but if they decide to ask a stupid question again or do stupid and distracting stuff it would result in a full on SLT report.

Your character would be hosting a class, and a group of cheerleaders keeps on playing songs on the phone and calling out other students in the class, what would your character do?

My character would be telling them to stop over and over again, if they didnt he would threaten them with a detention telling them to stop again, now after that if they still continued my character wouldnt waste any time and give them a detention. Then he would threaten that the next person to be caught on a phone will be kicked out of the class.

Your character would be walking on the school perimeter and encounter a fight between a couple of students, your character tried to break it up but it didn't help, what would your character do?

After failing to break it up my character would instantly radio for more faculty members to arrive at the location, he then wouldve tried once again intervening by stepping inbetween the students, if that didnt work he would wait for the other faculty members to arrive to help him break it up, after breaking up the fight he would hand out detentions to every fighting student and maybe even make some SLT reports.

Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. What does they look like? What makes them unique and different? What is their outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is their personality like? What is their plan for the future?


Felix is German with light skin color with brown eyes, he had a brownish hair, He wore a Black Shirt and a red cap along with a Blue Jeans and some White shoes. He stood at 6'5 weighing at 160, He'd have a huge scar on his back. Here's a picture of him!


Unique features about Him!

Felix is a calm but confident male, He always brings smile to other peoples face, He Respects almost anyone and always keeps his mind Pretty chill. Even though He's a chill guy he gets mad sometimes on things he don't but doesn't want to hurt anyones heart, the only exception is if someone hurts his loved ones, He'll get angry and wont be any calm or cool and respectful anymore Until He teached the person that was against his love once some manners. Overall he's a pretty calm man and is very respectful Towards everyone.

Behavior and outlook around other teachers and students.

Felix is pretty respectful towards his students and towards the teachers. Unlike some other teachers he is pretty calm towards his students, He likes his student a lot and helps them
with every single problem. He wont easily get mad at his students unless they did something wrong.

Around other teachers he'll be very Mature and respectful as possible, He'll always help other teachers if something goes wrong. He'll always greet the other teachers and always be honest to them to show them that he respects each one of them. He will never be rude or mad at any teacher but sometimes he will because some teachers show no respect to the other students. He will be the perfect teacher.

His Future plans!

His plans are very simple, He wants to be the most liked teacher in the school, Respected by all the students and the teachers. He wants to live a very happy life with his family. Maybe even adopting one of her good students.

Describe how your character ended up becoming a teacher and their previous life. It is optional to include earlier life but recommended.
Make sure this is over 100 words.

Felix grew up in a big town in germany called Hamburg, the town was pretty busy with people, even at night you could see around 100-200 people walking on the same crosswalk. Felix's parents always spoiled him which made him overconfident and egoistic, one time he walked around in the school and like usually he insulted the poor kids, the poor kids have been insulted by him and his friends for a while now.. Around 2 months, after another month of them being insulted and overall bullied has passed they had enough and decided to fight back punching felix straight into his nose breaking it, felix ego shattered along with his confidence. From that day on Felix stopped bullying them and decided to focus on getting a good reputation in the school, his parents still spoiled him but it didnt really affect him anymore. A few years later felix graduated at 18 and decided to become a professor, but germany was full with professors meaning he had to travel to another country since he was really wanting to become a professor, so after countless hours of him reading through websites explaining which country was the best to be a professor in he decided to fly to japan, the city he landed in was called "karakura" in that city he studied for a few months trying to learn the japanese language which he still cant speak fluently, thats when he decided to become a professor for the subject PE.. He applied to be a PE professor and after a few weeks his application was read and he got a call from the school saying that he got accepted, he was as happy as never and couldn't wait to start on his first day.
(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you, replace the underscores [ _ ] with your answers)


Full Name:

Felix Sekiguchi

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):


Given Name(s):


Preferred Name:




Gender & pronouns:


Religious Denomination:


Marital Status:




Current Location:


SECTION 2: Academic Details

Teaching Experience (# of years):


Working Experience (# of years):


Academic Degree:

Masters in Physical Education

Year of Graduation:



Physical Education



Native Languages:


Other Languages:


Preferred Teaching Subject:

Physical Education



Additional notes about your application (if any):

[Grade-12] Felix Sekiguchi (Applying char)
Last edited:


Level 99
Professor Lead
Authorization Team
Thank you for taking the time to apply, unfortunately I have decided to deny this application. This is usually because other applications stood out more to us, if you'd like further details feel free to DM me on discord (@muffincats).​

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