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Ai "Wilbur" Chihara Biography


Level 17
Ai "Wilbur" Chihara

Drawn by Moqui <3​

Table of contents:
- Physical Informations
- Other Informations

- Backstory

[Chapter 1] Physical Informations:

Name: Ai (pronounced: I)

Last Name (Family Name): Chihara

Alias/Nickname: Wilbur

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Height: 5'7''

Weight: 130 lbs

Build: He would have a slender, toned muscular and rather feminine shaped build.

Skin Color: White

Eye Color: Brown

Natural hair Color: Brown

Hair style: Messy, worn cutely!

Race: Japanese-American

Sexuality: Bisexual, nearly straight

Disease/Problem: Color blind, can only see blue and red shades, otherwise only sees black, gray and white. His body is rather fragile (physically not really strong)

Date of birth: October 15th

Languages: Japanese, Arabian, Russian, Chinese

[Chapter 2] Other Informations:

Voice: A smooth and nice voice, just like youd expect from a 16 year old boy!

Clothings: He wears to him comfy clothing.

Hobbies: He loves playing his guitar, he likes roaming around and just to relax. He likes to read books, mostly depends on his mood. Sometimes does easy sports.

Smell/Scent: He smelled like a delightful coffee, and always clean.

Equipment: He always had his guitar with him, due to him seeing it as his friend. ^.^

[Chapter 3] Backstory:

Overview (Story Acts):
[Act 1] - First steps
[Act 2] - At the orphanage
[Act 3] - Friend
[Act 4] - Entry log 1
[Act 5] - Entry log 99
[Act 6] - Entry log /Final/
[Act 7] - (Finale), arrival at Karakura

[Act 1] - First steps

One fateful evening, a woman had met quite the handsome man in a blue uniform, inevitably the pair became friends, falling in love. Out of this beautiful union, a child was born. October 15th, little Ai was born by a home birth. He grew up well loved by his parents, as they cared for him and spoiled him lovingly. His father worked as a police officer, mother remaining home as a house wife. The father of course spent as much time with his family whenever he was home. Unfortunately, at the age of four, Ai was diagnosed with heart cancer, requiring treatment. The surgery was a success along with the radiation therapy, though it came with a cost. He had become colorblind, losing the ability to see most colors except for blues and reds. His body had become fragile from the constant treatment from a young age, causing him now to be much more physically weaker than before. Unfortunately these effects are permanent. Ai had spent more time with his family after the treatment, his parents having felt saddened by the tragedy. Wilbur learned to speak Japanese from his mother, as she is Japanese. He had learned a bit of martial arts from his father. During one night of the father's usual shift, he was shot fatally, leaving him for an unfortunate, slow death. The mother had gone into a great grief, unable to physically move for an entire day as she mourned. Ai was concerned for his mother, even going as far as to call an ambulance to check on her. The EMS deemed her perfectly healthy and fine, just in a state of grief. That night his mother gave him melatonin so he would sleep deeply, allowing her to take him away to an orphanage. She was heartbroken, unable to care for Ai anymore. She gave him a final kiss on the head, saying her quiet goodbyes before leaving, never to be seen again.

[Act 2] - At the orphanage
Having awoken in a wooden bed next to quite a few other children, he was dressed in baggy white pants a long with an oversized shirt. The room itself appeared rather medieval yet modern. Ai had felt abandoned by his parents, reality finally being opened to his eyes. Yes, he had become an orphan at the age of seven. The bell rung, it was nine am. Ai stretched his body, still shocked from the realization of being an orphan. He could not cry, as he didn't feel now was the time. He followed the other children around, attempting to make a few acquaintances. Out of all the eighty kids at this orphanage, none wanted to spend time with him, Ai always sitting alone as the others would stare. Due to his presence being new, a forty year old woman who was the caretaker, greeted Ai. The other younger caretakers around in their twenties cared for these children including Ai. Typically they would eat soups, breads, and drink a glass of water. Once being done, they all had the permission of being able to play outside. Ai couldn't help but notice how the orphanage felt like a prison, the entire place surrounded by large iron bars that protruded from the ground. At around dinner time, the children were called for supper and were given potatoes, carrots, and some cheaper meat such as chicken. At nine in the evening, the children were all sent for bed after taking care of their hygiene. This routine occurred every day.

[Act 3] - Friend
During a summer evening, Ai had roamed around the halls of the orphanage out of boredom, searching for any sort of cure for it. Out of curiosity, he opened a door leading into a large closet that was hidden away in the very back of the building. It was a storage closet, filled to the brim with papers messily stacked about, old furniture pushed against the wall. His eyes glanced around, to then land on an old, dusty guitar. To most, it would be rather old and trash. But for him, it lit up in his eyes light the stars. A smile formed on his lips as he held the guitar, he was smiling for once instead of having that usual, tired expression. Taking a hold of some blue paint that was left in the room, he carefully painted the guitar to the color of blue. He made sure that it appeared perfect, admiring his work once done. He adored the shade of deep blue, as it stood out to him in comparison to everything else. Leaving it hidden away, he left it to dry as he went to sleep for that night. The next day, he spent most of his time fiddling with the strings, curious as to how the professionals always did it. As the days went on, he became skilled with the guitar, learning to tune it and becoming self taught. For him, this guitar had become his best friend whom he would speak to every day. As silly as it sounds, the guitar meant the world to him, his mind remaining focused on the guitar instead of anything else. He barely noticed when people tried to talk to him anymore.

[Act 4] - Entry log 1

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[Act 5] - Entry log 99

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[Act 6] - Entry log /Final/

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"A deep deep slumber is always something which brings a smile on my face."

- End of Log -

[Act 7] - (Finale), arrival at Karakura
Waiting until midnight to do so, Ai had forged a plan to leave the orphanage. He remained silent as a mouse, sneaking out from the building. Stealing a pair of shoes from one of the caretakers he left the orphanage to begin a new life outside. Due to the orphanage being surrounded by a forest, he disappeared into the night, listening to the various noises of the creatures hidden away in the darkness. In this forest was a pathway, a road per say that allowed people to go in and out. The orphanage itself was located in Maine, hidden away from a little town just south of there. Taking his guitar, he found himself resting on a bench for the time being until he had enough strength to continue on. During this time he fiddled with the strings, attracting the attention of a man dressed in a black trench coat, his hair covered by a dark hat, a somewhat tired expression written all over his face. He appeared to be twenty five, approaching Ai out of boredom. The two spoke for a bit, the man not learning much of the boy due to Ai not speaking much of his past. The man offered Ai a place of refuge in Karakura Japan, wanting to aid in his new life. Eventually Ai agreed and traveled with the man by train and plane until reaching their destination. He gave Ai a few things as gifts, such as a beanie for his head, and allowed Ai to choose clothings of his liking from a little shop. As a gift of remembrance, the man gave Ai a little recorder, so that he could place down his thoughts and goals. Upon the final arrival to Karakura, Ai stepped out from the train but the man did not. When he turned to say thank you, the man was no where to be found. Ai had now started a new adventure, no longer the little bird he once was with clipped wings. Hopefully, this new adventure would be filled with experiences like never before, whether if it is negative, or positive.
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