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Aidanator14's Psychiatrist Application


Level 14

Hospital format:


What timezone are you in?:
Scotland [GMT]

Do you have Discord? If you do, list it here:

Yes, I do have discord It’s Aidanator14#0920

How long have you been on the server for?:
I have played on all three of the maps SRP has had however after the second map I took a long break but I have been back for around 8 months.

Do you have any previous bans or kicks?:
*( Please link or show evidence )
I have never been banned or kicked apart from afk kicks or kicks for relog.

List your past and current applications:
*( Please link or show evidence )
Albanian language x2 - [Accepted]

Korean Language - [Accepted]

French Lang - [Accepted]

Gaelic Language - [Accepted]

Russian Language - [Accepted]

Custom Skript - [Denied]

News Reporter app - [Accepted]

(On google doc, can send thru disc if needed.)

What’s your motivation for applying?:

My motivation for applying to be a psychiatrist is because it would be a good experience for myself as I quit gangRP fully and wanted to have something that I would be fully devoted to as I’m quite active and now that there is a void that GangRP used to fill, I would like to venture forth and explore what it is like to be an ems and be able to put my time and effort into it. I also believe I would make a good addition to the ems because of the history that I have on the server.

What are you applying for?:
I am applying for Psychiatrist.

What do you know about the role you’re applying for?:

A psychiatrist is a doctor that doesn’t deal with the physical injuries of a person but instead, they take care of people that have issue’s mentally such as depression or PTSD from a traumatic experience that they have endured and the role of the psychiatrist is to help these people through it and try to help them overcome their issues.

Do you know the basic Color Codes for medical emergencies?:

Code Red - Fire

Code Blue - Medical Emergency in Hospital

Code Orange - Hazardous Material or Spill Incident

Code Brown - Severe Weather

Code Yellow - Disaster

Code Pink - Infant/Child Abduction

Code Green - Emergency Activation

Code Violet - Violent/Combative Individual

Code Black - Bomb

Code White - Evacuation

Code Silver - Active Shooter

If I am wrong please correct me.

Are you aware that each position has a set minimum age limit? (N: 23, D: 25, S: 28)*
*(Key: N = Nurse, D = Doctor, S = Surgeon)
Yes, I am aware that each position has a minimum age limit.

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:

Yes, I fully understand.

What do you know about basic medical knowledge?:

What I know about basic medical knowledge is that each department requires certain training for each role like for a nurse you must get taught how to treat certain wounds, as a doctor, they need to be taught how to diagnose people with certain illnesses like flu’s, cancer, etc with tests they also get taught how to use the equipment through training along with the other roles.

Personally, my basic medical knowledge is indeed limited, I know how you would go about cleaning a wound and then covering it. I know certain things about the human body due to me taking Biology however my knowledge is still limited. I also know other things from different parts of the hospital due to me watching different TV shows like Chicago Fire/med, Casualty and also Bull which is all about the psychology of people. If I am accepted I am more than happy to study over some things that I may need to learn. However, saying I have learned some things from TV shows does not mean that I believe every single thing that I see within these shows as I am aware that in TV shows things are often not as accurate as they should be or they are made out to be far worst/totally different than they actually are.

List all the EMS roles and their jobs:

Psychiatrist; they must help with people who need advice from relationship problems, family issues, friends or themselves. They also give people therapy sessions to people with prescribing medication as some people can have mental disorders or even severe depression, as irl people go to therapy over traumatic experiences or sometimes have a lot of things they need to speak about which might be hard to discuss with family or friends. And psychiatrists also diagnose people with disorders if they have any or even if it’s anxiety.

Doctors; they can do check-ups to make sure the patient is healthy or if there are any medical things needing to be sorted, they can give prescriptions out to patients who might be sick or in pain depending what is wrong with them medically, doctors can also do phone calls to book appointments or speak to their patients over the phone depending what is wrong, and they usually deal with health long term issues. They can also be in the A&E and help patients with serious injuries from broken legs to chopped off fingers.

Nurses; they can give check-ups with people who might not be feeling well or healthy people who need a daily check-up, they usually handle short term things that might be a little cold, minor cuts, and Nurses can also come to school picking people up or checking their wounds like doctors if it’s minor. They can also assist doctors or surgeons if required and plenty more.

Surgeon; they usually take care of severe wounds like head injuries, deep cuts, broken bones, they can also do phone calls to pick up people or come to the area where they may have been hurt to help them from there, they can also prescribe medication for certain things, and they can do more. Also staying true to their name they do Surgeries when the problems can't be fixed any other way such as removing cancer from the brain or a very bad break in a bone.


How are you like during and off shift?:
On the Job Damian would take his work very seriously, always making sure that his tasks no matter how big or small are always done to the best of his ability as half-arsing a job annoys Damian more than anything else. However, this doesn’t mean he is all about work and cannot have fun cause he is still warm and kind to all his colleagues and at times will even laugh and joke around with them.

Off the job, Damian would be a lot more chill and live his life freely trying to have fun, this would include meeting up with friends, going out to parties and driving around in his car with friends.

How would you describe your personality in summary?:
Damian is a chill, relaxed and outgoing personality and would always try his best to remain positive. He attempts to always have fun while being serious and looking out for anyone that may need his help, However, his fun and outgoing personality can easily change when it comes to his family as he takes on a more defensive approach and would become very protective of those around him.

How would you describe your appearance?
DamianVoigt would be a Scottish-German male standing at the height of 6’4 weighing around 184lbs. Looking at his body shape you could easily see he had a mesomorphic body type and was toned up rather well. He would have Platnium hair however this did change from time to time as he liked to dye it sometimes depending on his mood. He would usually be seen holding a dragon cane in his right hand and as he walked past people the smell of Armani code aftershave would follow behind him.

Do you have any mental or physical illnesses we should be aware of?
*( Please link or show evidence if an application was required )
No, Damian has no physical or mental illnesses apart from his right knee is slightly dodgy from breaking his leg in his youth hence why he can be seen walking around with a cane at times.

March 12th, 2001, Zero Two Hundred and Twenty-One.

Damian was born in Wishaw hospital in Glasgow, His family, your average Affectionate family, Loving and caring and all manner of ways possible, No trouble, no issue. Damian went to school, as usual, working his way through everyday life like a train passing through an unlit tunnel guided by the rails of his choices, His mistakes turning and twisting the tracks bending and breaking them, but as every railway, the tunnel gets brighter and the rails split to more tunnels, each tunnel a decision for him to make and decide his next destination list and an unavoidable journey for the most parts.

Sadly, as every rail builds a new way, those that have already passed wither away in the past, leaving a residue of memories that can only be recalled by its drivers and passengers, some of those memories were good, some not so alike, those few of the twisted bunch, inescapable anxieties and situations others would rather forget despite it showing the mistakes of your own choices and how to correct them, one being his father's fate.

Damian's father fell ill when he was yet still a young lad, his interpretation of reality warped around the severity and harshness of the complication as he fell through an endless void of despair, his grades began to slide and fall from his distraction, the questions that would ring in his mind and circle him, confusing and bewildering him-

"Will he be ok?" - "What will happen to him?" - "Is this my fault?"

his head was constantly in a rush, questioning everything and spinning endlessly, it was as if the feeling from the drop on a roller coaster constantly stalked him driving him insane, As it did his father's condition worsened by fortnights, weeks down to days, each being a struggle for Ayato and his father leaving no restful moment.

2 years later on October 16th, 2015, Damian's father passed his final moments like any other, on a passing bed in a hospital, Damian was not sad though, quite the opposite, His father's death hit him as if a rock packed with knowledge, his will burned through him like an everlasting storm, and an unsettled... Tempest, He knew he wanted to be someone, but not just anyone. A few days after the passing Damian's mother proposed a new beginning to Damian, life in Japan in a city called Karakura, a beautiful city beyond belief. He knew the transition would not be easy but he took this as an opportunity.

It took Damian and his mother 2 years to learn Japanese, through trial and error but they learned it to a socially acceptable degree, once they did they set off for the city, unprepared for what they might see but prepared to take it head-on no matter what. Through Damian's first years at school, he found it difficult, most of what the students were saying he could not understand but he pulled through.

The feeling of hopelessness from his father being ill still crept up onto him from time to time during different days, the feeling that would be felt was not sadness however in its place was anger, Never in his life had he felt so hopeless as he did at that moment so from then he decided he would never feel like that again and would work towards a future in which he would be able to help people and not have to sit idly by they died being unable to help.

After graduating from highschool Damian was accepted into college as he attended his classes working towards the goals that he had set out for himself. Each day pushing himself harder and harder forcing himself to study even when he didn't want to all to reach the goal that was engraved into his mind. Studying day in day out for Biology and also English he wanted to become a medical staff at the hospital so that he would be able to help whoever may need it and hopefully save lives.

By the age of 22, Damian had pushed himself in a different direction still aiming to reach the same end goal. Instead of becoming a Doctor to physically help people, He had decided that he was going to try and become a psychiatrist and be able to help people mentally as well as he believed that this was just as important as being able to give them physical help.

Now aged 26, Damian hopes to gain a job working in his town's local hospital being able to help the citizens of Karakura with any mental problems that they may have due to the ruff high school/college life that they may be living because he has been there himself.

SECTION 1: Personal Details

Full Name:
Damian Voigt

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):

Given Name(s):
Mr Voigt or Damian.

Preferred Name:

Mr Voigt



Religious Denomination:

Non-practising Christian

Marital Status:
In relationship


Current Location:

SECTION 2: Academic Details

Years of Residency:
3 years.

Working Experience:

During high school and college, I gained some work experience from doing the 1-week work experience and coming to the hospital to watch and learn while the action was going on in front of me and I was even able to do some small check-ups with the supervision of a nurse or doctor of course.

Academic Degree:
Bachelor's degree in Psychology

Year of Graduation:

Human Biology, Psychology and English

Math, Chemistry and Sociology

Native Languages:

Other Languages:
Japanese and German

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