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Denied akzadaa | Psychiatrist Application


Level 1


Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section
IGN (In-Game Name):

akzadaa my alt acc (applying with this one)
my main acc rinfumiii or akoiis

What is your discord username?
Describe your activity on the server:
activity on the server is really good, I am very active. I don't have anything to do bc I'm homeschooled so I will always be active but at the same time not really, I'm probably won't be as active as I am now in a couple of months, but I will try to do my best to be as active as possible
What is your timezone?:
Mountain time zone
List your current and past applications:
Rinfumiii's Language Application | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server
Rinfumiii's Language Application | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server
Rinfumiii's Language Application | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server
Denied - PSYCHIATRIST APPLICATION | Rinfumiii | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server
List your current roles on the server:
(12 Grade Football Syren Chino)
(12 Grade: Kazim Uehara)
(12 Grade: Ryo Yvon)
(cat: Kure)

What experiences do you have with roleplay?:
well I have a football character on my main so ig i have some experience with roleplay, I did do a lot of roleplays back then like with romance RP and stuff like that you know, I'm still pretty good at it ig, I'm still trying to be the best at rp get even better so yea but you can say i have some experiences with roleplay
I also have some from like Roblox and other MC servers and maybe some more some other games!

What is your motivation for applying?
my motivation for applying is for more roleplay experience and bc I want to be a part of the hospital faction I always thought about being a part of it and I really want to learn everything about it and I want to have some experience with The adult life in Srp, I have been thinking about applying for a psychiatrist but when I did I failed miserably but I want to keep trying and see if I can make on to the hospital faction also I have been pretty bored lately and I have been wanted to try something different, but like I said I also want some experience
Which role are you applying for?

What knowledge do you have of the roles within the Hospital Faction?
I barely know anything about them, but I can try
Hospital Director
Rokku Heddo is the head leader of the hospital and the one who is in charge of everything and is the one you would go to for help
and if there is an Issue this is the person to go to for that
and that everyone is in check and the one who makes sure every department is good and is a
and is UpToDate
Clinical Lead
clinical lead are those who are like a doctor and psychiatrist but there are two of them the doctor lead is the one who is in charge of the hosting stuff for the doctor department and the psychiatrist lead is just the something as the doctor lead but is just bit because of you know but the leads are the ones to go to for help and you have anything you need to say or do just go talk to them because can help with everything

the doctors
there are the ones who treat injuries and who
take care of people who are very sick, and they can also help people with broken bones and such I think that's the same thing as injuries but it's fine. but they can also help people with anything to be honest. and without them, I know it won't be the same. the doctors are the type of people who should be respected they are very important when it comes to the hospital. but in all honesty, the doctors are the ones who make sure that everyone is ok and that everyone is loved, they are the hope of everything

The Psychiatrists
are those who help mental people and give them advice and overall, just give out advice in general who need it. they always find ways to help others Become the best versions are themselves and just make sure that everyone is doing ok.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are expected to attend or you will be punished?
yes, i understand
In-Character (IC) Section

Character’s Full Name:

Yvon Sirois
Character’s Gender and Pronouns:
male and he/him
Character’s Age (if accepted):
Character’s Academic Background:
Grade-12 Pathology
Character’s Nationality:
Character’s Marital Status:
Character’s Religious Denomination:
Character’s Spoken Languages:
French and Korean (i sitll have to apply btw)
Character Backstory:
Yvon Grew up with his Little brother and his little sister and his mom and his Father they were poor but not that poor, Yvon wasn’t the best Child in the family His mother didn’t like the way Yvon was acting towards his siblings he would always Bully his siblings and it got so bad to the point his All they decided to send him off to his Uncle and auntie house in France for a while, a Few months went by and he got a call from his brother Saying his dad left the house because Yvon's mom was Cheating on on his dad. so, his dad ended up leaving so Yvon was Forced to come back to be with his family and saw his mom again, but she was it the same as she was before she was very depressed, she was drinking a lot and she was Hitting his brother and sister, he knew his siblings couldn’t live like this, so he decided to

pack their stuff up and move them in with their uncle and auntie his mother didn’t really care that much about her children anymore so she let them but his dad did when he Came back home he realized the kids weren’t there so he decided to call the police to look for them And they eventually did end up finding them but he Decided to get custody of the kids and take them away from her so now They are living with his dad and his uncle and auntie and his siblings is living their best life in France but one day Yvon Decided to leave to go back home to see if his Mother still there but she wasn’t so he Tried looking for her but still couldn’t find her so he just decided to go to karakura to To fulfill his dreams as a psychiatrist

What is your character’s medical specialty? Why did they choose this focus?


his really wanted to be a pathologist but after he found out about how many years it was going to take he decided not to his father his sibling encouraged him to do it because it is his dream so his father told him about how he was a pathologist and told him to become a pathologist because he wanted his son to To follow in his footsteps so that’s what he did he but he knows that his going have to have to be doing five to six years his and all the pain his going to have to go through his still willing to do it for his family

What medical residencies did your character take after medical school?
after he was done with medical school, he decided to spend time

Does your character have any work experience in medical positions?
he decided to spend five years of residency as a radiologist in France at a Hospital most of his time while he was there he learned so much about doctors and psychiatrists and stuff that it taught him how to be better at his job and x-rays and nuclear and just everything he also learned so much about different languages and stuff from different people who were there that was very nice and he overall just had a good time and he started to love everyone who was there after he left him really did I miss everyone who was there
Has your character completed any additional schooling?
Yvon didn't do any schooling after Pathology

Describe your character; how do they look, and what makes them unique? How would they be perceived by others?

Yvon a French/Korean male who stands at 6'0. he was but taking a closer look at him you can see his eye color it looks like a deep hazel color with a bit of red in it and a soothing smile his voice was calm and collected but it was a bit deep making something. his hair color seems to be a darkish maroon-magenta color. his hair is always messy and his hair long but not as long as you would think it is, his hair is very soft and always smells like a rose petal with a bit of honey his vitiligo was almost covering his whole body. but having a good look at his arms you can see he had tattoos on his both of his arms, his physique is a bit lean, but his abs and muscles say otherwise he works out almost every day making sure to not be fat he maintains his weight by working out almost every day as I said
How does your character act on and off duty?

he is very calm and very serious he can also be a bit silly while on duty he would just to try make everything better with something but if it's a really bad time then he would maybe use some big words but only when he. he would speak with a clear voice making him sound serious, but he loves talking to people when his on duty he can sometimes play lil pranks on his co-workers, but he makes sure that everything he does is nothing bad, so makes sure that the pranks that the does is not bad and doesn't go to fair

off duty
Yvon loves to go out to eat and loves to go doing pretty funny stuff and sometimes pretty stupid stuff but It’s only when he has nothing else to do that he loves it when Others are around it makes it more really loves talking to people fun for him when his off-duty he sometimes loves playing Sports and Enjoys them but not really at the sometime also Yvon is sort of the Romantical type so only when he is off duty tho maybe
Does your character function better on their own or with others?
He’s better when others are around even though he is a bit shy he still tries to hang around others and to him, it makes everything when others are around his He just needs some time to interact with other people tho but Other than that he’s fine
What plans does your character have for the future?

starting his own family one day he still doesn’t know after that



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Level 260
Hospital Lead
Media Coordinator

Thank you for taking the time to apply, and we appreciate your interest in the faction. However, we have decided to deny your application, this is due to the following reasons:
Often times, we have to deny good applications as there are others that have been deemed as better choices, whether it's due to server reputation, application detail, and much more.

Nonetheless, we encourage you to re-apply at a later date and keep an eye on Karakura Emergency #announcements for future waves. Additionally, below is some advice from our higher-up team in order to help you improve any further applications and improve your chances in future waves:
We recommend joining other factions to improve your reputation and/or interacting more frequently around the hospital/with hospital workers. Additionally, the main way to impress the higher-up team is by adding detail to your application.

This decision was made as a collective among a group of individuals. rather than a single individual. Any DMs to members of the faction and/or higher-ups will be ignored and referred to this response.

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