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Accepted Albanian Science Teacher :3 | NocteBee


Level 2
Out-Of-Character Information

What is your Minecraft username?:

Do you have Discord (If so, what is your Discord username?): ivory_madness

Do you have a microphone?: Yes

What is your time zone?: EST

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?: Yes

Describe your activity on the server:
2:30 pm - 11:30 pm
4:00 pm - 11:30 pm
(possibly earlier based on the professor)
5:30 pm - 11:30 pm

Link(s) to any previous applications on the server:


What are your current roles on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):
NocteBee: [College] Misako J. O'Calleigh
[Grade-10] Cadhlia L. Zennix
[Grade-12] Noelle Y. Shkodra where my teacher would be placed


What subject are you applying to teach?:

Cosmology/Astronomy Science!

What is your motivation for becoming a teacher?:
I believe that this faction could be a baseline starter for me, having never been in a faction before and being a writer myself and very science-focused in my degree in RL I believe that expressing my hyper fixation to others may change their view on the cosmos and astrology!!

Do you understand that you are applying for the teacher role of UT?
Yes, I do.

Do you understand if your application is accepted, you will have to undergo teacher training?:
Yes, I do.

What are the teacher class logs and why are they important?:
They are proof of your activity in hosting classes within the faction, they are also important because it show SLT and your head of department who is active and able to be considered for a higher position and who needs to be spoken to about their activity quota

As a teacher, what are the strict rules when being in a class?:
Rule 1: When entering my classroom any violence or drama is to be left at the door, my classroom is a safe and peaceful environment for all due to the nature of some of my students being overstimulated or overwhelmed by certain situations or it may cause a lack of attention to detail in my classroom. Therefore DRAMA AND VIOLENCE IS TO BE LEFT OUTSIDE MY CLASSROOM.

Rule 2: Paying attention when class is active, I may repeat the instructions once or twice for the whole class but those who are not paying attention to mainly cause issues will be redirected and told personally what the assignment entails. If you must go AFK due to real-life events etc at the beginning or halfway through class that is fine I do not mind but I do expect you to ask for help catching up or coming to me after class during the allotted time between classes to catch up.

Rule 3: Foul language. No foul language will be used in or around my classroom, this includes cuss words or harmful phrases that may impact an individual this WILL result in behavioral re-correction or removal from class, at worse points detention

Rule 4: Phone use in my classroom is prohibited as It can interfere with the lesson especially if we are using the projector to display stars on the ceiling a phone light might be obstructing the darkness. If you must use your phone, request to step out and stay at the door so I may see you do not run off and avoid class time.

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:
Oh lord, I have a lot. I've been on SRP for almost 2 years now. I have been involved in crime RP and gangRP, I’ve been a part of small flash events by allying with other gangs or having a gang war with a rival. I have years of experience with Minecraft roleplay to DND to text roleplay, I enjoy writing and putting into my head ‘How would my character deal with it if they were a person’ Developing my characters and putting them in difficult situations when necessary makes the true will of a writer understand their characters difficulties and personality more.

In detail, describe the ranking system of teachers:
- HD
↳ Meaning:
Head of Department
↳ Description: Head of that subject for example math or science, the person who reports to SLT for teachers' activity or issues arising in their staff.

- QT
↳ Meaning:
Qualified Teacher
↳ Description: Teachers who have shown dedication to their job and the subject they applied for help NQTs find their way in situations they may seem lost in or unsure of what to do along with helping UTs.

↳ Meaning:
Newly Qualified Teacher
↳ Description: A newly ‘graduated’ teacher who went through training and can host their classes with their students at the allotted class times, they also help UTs with the flow of how classes work, the lesson planning system, etc.

- UT
↳ Meaning:
Unqualified Teacher
↳ Description: A newly hired teacher, who has yet to pass training and to be qualified to host their own classes and lesson plan on their own.

Teacher Knowledge

Present to us your knowledge about Teachers in-game and out-of-game, what purpose do teachers serve. What salary do they get? Include a paragraph about the way teachers teach, what they do in their spare time in general.

Teachers In Game: Teachers on SRP are there to give everyone a developmental experience as a student or school staff, without them, SRP would be a regular RP server where crime is rampant and there is mass crime, etc. The Teachers host classes once they become qualified, give the young individuals classwork & or homework, play kahoots, give quizlets, or host field trips! Teachers act as the eyes and ears of SLT as a protector of the young children, assuring no fights or incidents occur. A Teacher's salary is based on the total classes they attend or assist in, especially for those who are UTs, UQTs (UT) earn ¥350k yen for being a part of 10 or more classes, QTs can earn ¥400k a month for hosting 10 classes as their quota, once this is met the individual can earn up to ¥50k per class with a maximum of ¥500k per month w/ overtime considered.

Teachers outside of the game: Teachers in real life or OOG are there as a safe space for the students and create a conducive learning environment for everyone to enjoy and grow on. Every teacher or professor is different in how they conduct their classes, how they make a syllabus to move on and progress in the class with their lesson plans etc. Every teacher is unique and special in their way, a teacher tends to teach a single subject rather than a blatant topic as a professor or a tutor would do.

Teachers Purpose: Each teacher/professor/tutor has their unique way of teaching whether that be a creative approach, a strict book approach or to course off and admit real-life knowledge related to their subject. Some prefer loud and abrupt classrooms while others prefer their students to have busy work and to be in a quiet and calm environment. Most people assume that IRL teachers and IC teachers do not do much outside of their job, they are still humans and have their own lives or families and hobbies at home! Even if their work-like planning may bleed into their family time or their sleep schedule at night, putting extra time in lesson plans or field trips could make a significant difference in the experience for the kids.

Why are teachers important to a SchoolRP server?:
They are the generational teachers for those young students in Karakura, they provide general education and support to students and are the backbone of the school system without the teachers, professors, and school staff within SRP it would honestly just be full of crime, murder breakouts (which already happen but you see my point)

What lesson planning system does the school work on?:
MoSCow planning system which stands for: Must Have, Should have, Could Have, Would Have

Character Information

Describe the character: How do they look and act? What makes them unique and different?

Noelle is an Arabian female who seems to be in her early twenties but is in her late twenties, she has a tattoo on her neck that is a rose with a sword through it. Her hair is a soft black with some curl and waves to it, a heavy volume making the braiding and buns she does with her hair look bigger due to the volume of her hair. She was born to a family of CEOs, yeah sadly she was forced into a lifestyle of a 4 am to 10 pm schedule granted the money was amazing but she was burnt out during her teenage years due to the constant go-go-go-go. Noelle once she graduated school for the first time with her science degree left home to move to Denmark and continue her studies, she made sure if she became a mother that she would not force her children into the schedule and situation she was put in as a child. Also, Noelle made the vow after grad school that she would no matter how much money she had or what status she was put at with her income, that she would never see herself as a ‘higher’ being like her mother and father did.

What is their outlook on students and their co-workers?
Noelle sees the younger generation or her students as having the potential to fix the future or alter the future for many others including themselves, she has always believed that everyone has a 2nd chance and should have a different life outside of school. Noelle also believes her co-workers are another family to her that she never had as a child, with many co-workers being called her ‘work sibling’ or ‘work parent’ that she can ask for help or another opinion with lesson plans or life events.

What are their plans for the future?
To provide for herself and make a name here as an astronomy teacher, she wants to hopefully settle down and have a family In the future if she was to meet someone. Noelle loves children which is why she became a teacher, caring for the young generation is what she has forever been passionate about.

/*Do not mention use of FearRP*/

You find a gang of delinquents in the hallway cursing and swearing, what do you do?:

Politely remind the group that this is school grounds and to watch the language, that this place is for academic and mental strengthening and growth and to meet friends and develop as an individual not to be cussing and swearing like a sailor in the school hallways as it breaks schools code and rules.

No one in your class is listening to a word you say, what do you do?:
If nobody pays attention I would use an attention grabber such as, “Alright, stop. . .Collaborate and listen!” or another attention grabber. After grabbing their attention or most of their attention, explain that they came to my class to learn and grow as human beings and not to talk among their friends

When in the teacher's lounge, how does your character act?:
Noelle would probably make herself a cup of jasmine tea sit down at an empty table or chair and take out her folder of papers and begin to grade and mark off her student's work, providing feedback as Noelle is normally a keep my personal life outside of work type of person. If her colleagues invited Noelle or asked her about her plans after work and if she was not doing anything after work she would be joining them, Noelle due to her isolated childhood and being the daughter of a rich man she was afraid to make new friends and did not judge those based on how they present themselves.

Provide at least 4 detailed /me's of your character inside a classroom:

moved from behind her desk to the front, crossing her legs and leaning on the desk. The coffee cup of jasmine tea in hand as the essential oil diffuser went off and the smell of vanilla filled the room, a soft smile upon the teachers freckled face as she looked up from looking down taking a noticeable deep breath her oval sunglasses resting upon her head with the origami earrings dangling from her ears. As Noelle scanned the room to see how her students were behaving and their general appearance or aura, the soft-spoken woman spoke up “Good morning lovelies, Welcome to Cosmology & Astronomy with Ms. Shko. If you don’t know I am Ms. Shko, Ms. Noelle however you wish to address me.” She adjusted herself, before taking a deep breath in and out before speaking again “I will be your Cosmology & Astronomy teacher until I decide to pursue further events, which won’t be anytime soon. I am your supporter and a personal confidant. I work with my students to keep them updated and interested in the subject. One of my biggest pet peeves is saying ‘This is a dumb question’ No question you ask in my class is a dumb one, and If I cannot solve it we can learn together.”

/me gave a soft smile to the class, as she moved over to the projector and turned it on Noelle then moved over and turned off the lights in the classroom before returning to her desk and displaying the stars on the ceiling and walls. Noelle spoke with a soft and affirming tone, one of which she made students feel safe in her classroom “This is a nebula, which is an enormous cloud of dust and gas occupying the space between stars and acting as a nursery for new stars.” She paused to let it sink in for her students about what the true definition was. “Nebulas form after the helium has fused into carbon, and the core collapses again. As the core collapses, the outer layers of the star are expelled. A planetary nebula is formed by the outer layers. The core remains as a white dwarf and eventually cools to become a black dwarf which is what we call a nonactive star.” She took a minute to catch her breath, a soft smile on her face as she had caught the student's interest with the pretty colors and the stars across their classroom. “There are different types of Nebulas scientists see or the people in space can capture through our electronic recognition system known as ERC, there are Open clusters, Supernova remnants which we will get to in a later topic, Emission/Reflection/Dark/Planetary Nebulae which we will be discussing here in a moment.”

/me moved along the hallways of the high school a soft smile upon her face, as students spoke among themselves. The individual took the key to her classroom which was on her keyring sliding the glasses from her eyes to on top of her head, a student had stopped to talk to her so she spoke while opening the door and allowing the student in her classroom with her. “Yes, [Ms/Mr/Mx student name], how can I help you?” She tilted her head as she reached her desk at the front of the room as the student spoke and expressed what was going on, a once soft smile placed on the teacher’s face turned into a frown. Noelle, being the parental figure she was, didn't have any kids of her own, but soon became a parental figure to many of her students. The Albanian individual moved over to the student after placing everything on the desk and embraced them in a gentle hug.

/me as the students had a lunch break, Noelle took out the stack of papers from class earlier today and took out her black and red pens, setting them to the side as she took her diffuser and placed it in vanilla and jasmine before allowing it to run with a freshwater tank within it. She took a deep breath inhaling and exhaling, she would then take a sip of coffee out of her mug before setting it down. Noelle went through the papers and marked the incorrect questions with the red pen and gave a complete grade with the black pen giving explanations next to the questions they got wrong. She would then place star stickers on the individual papers that passed the quiz before placing them in the student's file at her desk. She would then take her work computer out and her class book, go through the chapters find the specific chapter for next week's work, and plan on her lesson plan to submit it to the HD or SLT member.

Noelle Y. Shkodra was born to Mr. Shkodra and Mrs. Teonyai-Shkodra in Durrës, Albania. Mr & Mrs Shkodra owned a company that made millions and most was donated to the school to support their students and fund a better education, Noelle is the only child of the couple and is their pride and joy. Growing up religious, education and schedule were a major component of Noe’s life, throughout her school years she was a 4.0 GPA consistently and made the councilors list consistently. Noelle didn’t dare to make a mistake and ruin her family's name, it would be a disgrace if she even tried. Noelle began her science career at Epoka University, a 2-year program starting at the age of 16 she had graduated with an associates in science on top of her other achievements throughout her high school years.

Soon after getting into the same university her father Mr. Olena Shkodra, her father if that wasn’t obvious enough, was diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer and was told that he did not have much longer to live. During this time Noe persisted with school since she was studying child psychology to understand the adolescent and child mind made her mind wander. Due to her father's condition and the religion the Shkodra followed, Noelle was put into an arranged marriage with an individual named Dreyani Përmeti whom she has no clue or awareness of. Once getting her Bachelor's in child psychology (age: 19), Noelle persisted with her education at the same university having a very well-known spot and a very familiar face. Noelle is brilliant and able to achieve things at such a young age, a few months after her father passed she was offered a teacher assistant job at the local primary school nearby (Age: 19)

By the time ‘Ellie’ which was the nickname her father gave her was 20 a week before her 21st birthday she was accepted in the graduate program of cosmology astroscience, which not only excited her but also something she generally enjoyed when she was a child. The stars and learning about the nebula and solar systems and many other things was something she and her mother Mrs. Shkodra shared, there was a setback during this time because Noelle had put off the wedding for many years, 2 to be exact. Mrs. Shkodra expressed her concern with ‘Ellies’ postponing the wedding and Noelle expressed that she wished to make her own decision with relationships and marriage, she wishes to not be forced into something with someone she has no knowledge of nor has met. By the time Ellie had graduated from her graduate program, considering it was over 4 years (age: 24) she decided it was best to move from Durrës and take a gap year to adventure the world.

Noelle visited multiple countries learning about their education system no matter how big or small, she dedicated that gap year to helping those schools with her knowledge. When she landed in Denmark she proceeded to make a home for herself there, somewhere where she had no grounding in a new place and a new education system (age: 25). This individual began her actual teaching work at a high school in Copenhagen named Rysensteen high school, this is where Noelle began her teaching experience with teaching Astronomy generally. Her students fell in love with her teaching style, showing them the actual stars and nebulas on a projector or live video the interactive projects and classwork she provided. During this time Noelle had applied to the Doctorate of Research Science at, you guessed it, Copenhagen University. Getting into this program was a dream of the young teacher, through the first year and a half of teaching she had yet to get a callback. During a test on a random Wednesday, she was called stating that she was provided an open spot in the prestigious program, excited the teacher told her students she would be staying and taking on this degree.

By the time Noelle was 28 upcoming her 29th birthday (her current age) she was thrown a graduation party while teaching not only by her students but by the school's staff for her hard-earned accomplishment, while Noelle loved her students and school dearly she had gotten the email on her phone of an opening position in Karakura, Japan for a science teacher. The young prestigious woman gave it some thought before going home after her class time and her planning afterwards and proceeded to put in an application in hopes she would be selected to teach the next generation in Japan. Noelle still resides in Denmark, but if she proceeds to get this teacher position which she checks her computer and phone email daily for an update she will be moving to Japan to accommodate this new chapter granted she knows her students will be greatly upset by their loss but will understand she wishes to spread her knowledge with new pupils/students.

In-Character Information
(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you)

SECTION #1 - Personal Details

Full Name (First & Last only):
"My full name is Noelle Y. Shkodra, I'm from Albania."
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): "Miss, I'm unmarried. But I don't mind if the kiddos get it incorrect."
Given Name(s): "Noe, Ms. Shko, Ellie."
Preferred Name: "Noelle from co-workers and friends and Ms. Shko /Ms. Shkodra from my students."
Age (Minimum is 25): "I am 29 years of age."
Gender: "I am non-binary but being called Miss is completely fine!"
Religious Denomination: "Islamic."
Marital Status: "Single. .I'd rather not speak of my- recent issue with a former fiancé."

Nationality: "As stated before I am Albanian."
Current Location: "Copenhagen, Denmark" - "Hope to move here if I become employed with the school!"

SECTION #2 - Academic Details

Working Experience (# of years):
"I've been working in education since I was 19 as a teacher's assistant in school and then moved to becoming a teacher myself! so. .10 ish years? I have only been an actual teacher. .4-5ish years now!"
Academic Degree: "I have a master's degree in mosaics with sculpture, Kidding! I recently got my Doctorate of Science Research degree, but have had my graduate degree in cosmology astroscience, a master's degree in education, a bachelor's in child psychology, and an associate in science."
Year of Graduation: "Lord. .2018 - 2019 I think? I started teaching after New Year's!"
Major(s): "Research science, secondary education, or known as high school education!"
Minors: "Child Psychology and General Science."

Native Languages: "Albanian."
Other Languages: "Japanese Sign Language was one of my subjects when I was in school."
Do you have a TEFL/TESOL/CELTA Certificate?: "No I don't believe so."

Additional notes about your application:
Do you have any questions?: No
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Level 108
Lore Coordinator
Teacher Lead
Welcome to the Teacher Faction! You will begin as an Unqualified teacher (UT)

You will be given your roles in the Academics Discord and afterward will be pinged regarding teacher training. Once your training is complete, you will be allowed to start your own classes!

If you have any questions, please DM me or contact me through the teacher channels in the Academics Discord.

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