Gamma Rose
Level 23

[Portrait of Ahmya without hair-dye & parted hair][Credit: GammaRose]

Any information written in this document is subject to future change
Present Identity
'Ahmya' Hoshiko Homura Sterling
あまや [In Japanese, it's spelled Amaya]
Birth Name
Aleksandra Roseline Diosnemid
Past Aliases
'Rose' Akane
'Blue' Sterling
Ruby' Hosh
'Atlas',' Kirby', 'Ghost', 'Athanasia', Fantasy Woman, Babey, Ocean, Crippled
Gender: ♀ Female
Age: 23
Height: 5'1 1/2''
Weight: 101 lbs
Birth Date: July 24th
Place of Birth: London Bridge Hospital, London, England
Race: 50 % White, 25 % Asian, 25% Hispanic
Martial Status: Single
Languages: Japanese, ASL (American Sign Language), Russian, French, English
Alignment: Neutral Good
Sexuality: Pansexual
Present: Teaching Assistant [YHS]
Past: Staff Manager [Kiyoura Cafe], Personal Maid [Williams Family]
Birth Father: Liam Diosnemid [54][Alive]
Birth Mother: Aleksandra Romanov [26][Deceased]
Mother: Lillian Bär Diosnemid [50][Deceased]
Birth Mother: Aleksandra Romanov [26][Deceased]
Mother: Lillian Bär Diosnemid [50][Deceased]
Half Brother: Akain Diosnemid [29][Deceased]
Half Brother: Adam Diosnemid [29][Alive]
Family Disowned Adopted Brother: [27][Alive]
Half Brother: Adam Diosnemid [29][Alive]
Family Disowned Adopted Brother: [27][Alive]
Adopted Brother: Dae Uchiyama [17][Missing]
Adopted Brother: 'Aki' Uchiyama [Deceased]
Adopted Brother: 'Aki' Uchiyama [Deceased]
Physical Health
- Weak Heart: [Cancelled out][Recently had a heart transplant][Still yet to pass the 6-month mark]
- Poor Immune System
- Hypersensitivity: Focused around her middle and lower spine
- Vertigo: Caused by a suicide attempt, tends to be light when stress & anxiety is at a low
- NAS (Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome): Had during infancy (ONLY during infancy), does not suffer from it anymore
Mental Health
- Major Depression w/ Anxious Distress
- Addictive Personality Disorder
- Nymphomania
- Pyromania
- Handles it at home and has learned to control it to a certain extent
- Complex PTSD
- TRIGGERS: Thunderstorms, Punching Bags, Tazers, Nail Files, Sudden loud noises (especially in crowded rooms), Full white clothes (when worn)
- Paranoid Schizophrenia
- TRIGGERS: Thunderstorms, Alcohol (dependent on rolls), Red Jello, Solitude, Anxiety, Wedding dresses
Personality Traits
Ahmya was a very kind and selfless woman who bore an empathetic heart that complimented her tormented mind. She would always lend out a hand to those who needed help, but, such compassion could be easily twisted into unyielding spite. Those who mistake this woman for a fool or dare to take such kindness for granted will face undying wrath that can and will never be watered down.[] + Positive Traits + []
Empathetic, Compassionate, Loyal, Wise, Creative, Selfless, Curious, Sincere, Determined
[] - Negative Traits - []
Brazen, Reckless, Untrusting, Paranoid, Secretive, Pessimistic, Deceptive, Self Absorbed, Destructive
[] • Other Traits • []
Family Oriented, Stingy [w/ money]
[] Drunk Personas []
Ranked from most drunky-est to most sober
[1] EPISODE: If Ahmya takes in too much alcohol, it triggers a part of her PTSD which results in psychotic episodes. In most cases, when this happens, people either strap her down, knock her out, or bring her to the hospital's mental ward.
[2] Manic: hyperactive, reckless, forgetful, cheerful, oblivious
[3] Succubus: blunt, possessive, irritable, VERY sexual (dominant), can be violent
[4] Serious: focused, observant, thoughtful, irritable/hot-headed, VERY NEAT
[2] Manic: hyperactive, reckless, forgetful, cheerful, oblivious
[3] Succubus: blunt, possessive, irritable, VERY sexual (dominant), can be violent
[4] Serious: focused, observant, thoughtful, irritable/hot-headed, VERY NEAT
[Note:] This persona likes to make up plans and tends to get VERY upset when things go array. She also ends up speaking in her real accent (brit. accent) with this persona.
[6] Fun-Sized: optimistic, creative, brazen, confident
[Note: This persona is the type to forget their stage fright and is most likely willing to dance, sing, and publicly perform in front of an audience.]
[Psychotic] Despite adapting to a calm persona, her behavior and attitude becomes noticeably chaotic and erratic which worsens the more her psychosis gets. The woman, when suffering the heavy effects of psychosis or undergoing large psychotic episodes, would have abnormal behavior ranging from public riskque conduct, bluntness, self-h
Ahmya is generally a calm person; however, her behavior will get noticeably more erratic the worse her psychosis gets. This can range from abnormal conduct, abnormal bluntness, and abrupt behavior to public suicidal tendencies, public confessions, and riskque behavior. [Schizophrenia]
- When she is anxious or uncomfortable about a topic, she'll scratch behind her left ear.
- When saddened by a topic or reminded of old memories, she tends to press her fingernails into the tips of her mutilated finger tips
- If she's really mad at something or someone, she ignores the topic or ignores them. Ahmya generally gets mad if her trust has been broken.
Ahmya is generally a calm person; however, her behavior will get noticeably more erratic the worse her psychosis gets. This can range from abnormal conduct, abnormal bluntness, and abrupt behavior to public suicidal tendencies, public confessions, and riskque behavior. [Schizophrenia]
- When she is anxious or uncomfortable about a topic, she'll scratch behind her left ear.
- When saddened by a topic or reminded of old memories, she tends to press her fingernails into the tips of her mutilated finger tips
- If she's really mad at something or someone, she ignores the topic or ignores them. Ahmya generally gets mad if her trust has been broken.
First Appearance
- When you first meet the woman, her jaded jeweled hues seem to betray her physical appearance; both equally beautiful, but her gaze, trapped in the youthful body of a 20 year old woman, speaks of an elderly wisdom. She spoke with a heavy ruski accent and greeted everyone in a formal tongue, always offering a welcoming, warm, and bright smile that radiated with kindness. Ahmya always seemed to be worried about something, expecting for things to occur when they most likely will never happen.
- When meeting the woman for the first time, she would appear to be very excentric. She have random outbursts of what seemed to be nonsense, a few blurts of truth that had no relation to any topic, and a risk-driven mind set that focused on dangerous ideals. One could easily mistake her for being retarded or mentally-ill.

Facial Description:
Ahmya, also known as Aleksandra, is a girl with soft and delicate porcelain skin with minimal and light facial features. There is minimal trace of her natural look (the two birthmarks under her right eye and her multi-colored jeweled eyes) as they're covered by very light make-up and silver eye contacts, the only thing that seems to remain in the overwhelming burden of anxiety within those silver hues and the thickness and length of her lashes.

Body Description:
The youth proudly stands at the height of 5’1 ½ and approximately weighs about 100-110 lbs; she can always be found standing elegantly with proper and seemingly perfect posture which, at the same time, accentuates her rather large bust and well-rounded hips. However, most of the features on her back are covered by her long, brunette dyed, wavy hair. It has grown quite long, already surpassing her behind and is beginning to extend past her knees. When straightened, it could almost touch her ankles.
-Small electrical burns on the side of her neck (as well as a few slash marks)
-Minor scarring on her back.
-Deep scars on her hands that primarily focus around her knuckles
-VERY Faint scarring on her arms (self-inflicted)
- Her canines have been painfully sharpened in the past.
-A large & straight surgical scar located where her sternum would be.
-Several & deep scars cover the tips of her fingers. They are so deep, some of her fingers tips are numb.
-Minor scarring on her back.
-Deep scars on her hands that primarily focus around her knuckles
-VERY Faint scarring on her arms (self-inflicted)
- Her canines have been painfully sharpened in the past.
-A large & straight surgical scar located where her sternum would be.
-Several & deep scars cover the tips of her fingers. They are so deep, some of her fingers tips are numb.
Scent: Peach Bellini
Ahmya has a continually changing sense in fashion. The only thing that seems to persist is her accessories: Italian cashmere leather-lined gloves which help protect against any oil or fingerprint tracing, a thick black velvet choker or a black scarf, and an oval emerald ring (usually covered by her gloves).

[Credit: GammaRose][Still a WIP picture]
The youth has a very soft, smooth, and seemingly delicate voice that always carries a bit of happiness and anxiety in its warm tone. As for the girl's speech, Ahmya usually speaks with a heavy Russian accent to mask her English/British one.

A large suitcase, scissors, 2 pencils, 1 0.38 mm pen, 2 pencil sharpeners, a sketchbook, extra notebooks, snacks (such as fruits or drinks), extra clothes, aspirin, (other medication that i have to look up and fill in).
Noncombat Skills:Fennec Fox
∆ [Delta]A small Kenyan snake
Ω [Omega]San Francisco snake
KiwiBaby California King Snake
Parkour / Acrobats:
Musician / Composer:
Mechanical & Social Engineering:
Impersonation / Deception:
Ahmya is an excellent and skilled parkourist. She can jump from high and low places, perform acrobatic feats, and show off a bit. (It also helps keep her keep in check with how flexible and strong her body is).
Ahmya is very skilled and playing the piano, guitar, and ukelele. From time to time, she'll write and compose a few songs but will always be too shy to present them to anyone.
Due to her father's occupation, she had been taught from a young age about the basics of Mechanical & Social Engineering.
One of the very few artistic features that Ahmya is confident in showing off. You can always find her wearing her own clothes and latest designs.
Ahmya is a great yet timid artist. Never will you ever see her draw out in public or near anyone! Rumor has it that only four people have seen the contents of her sketchbook and her drawing abilities, but only two live to tell the tale.
Unfortunately, her exceptional artistic abilities allow her to get a little too creative with things. Give her some clay, makeup, and a few more materials and she'll be right on her way to creating a whole new persona or a doppler ganger version of you. Of course, she doesn't impersonate anyone without their permission; she mainly does this as a hobby. However; the only time you'll ever see her create a whole new persona is when something wrong has occurred in her life.
Ahmya is a very talented dancer! She can dance a little bit of ballet, do the waltz, and is extraordinary at shuffle dancing. Very rarely, when shuffle dancing, will she perform acrobatic feats.
Ahmya has a liking to good food and the making of it. Often, people can find her baking new and different goods and trying out different recipes for either breakfast, lunch, or dinner.
Krav Maga
Her father, a highly trained bodyguard, had taught her from a young age the arts of self-defense. The first skill that she was trained in was Sambo, russian martial arts.
The second self defense skill that she was trained in was Aikido, a form of martial arts. Currently, she holds the brown with black belt as she had stopped her lessons in Aikido (not to say that she stopped training/practicing).
Though she is not a well-trained expert in this certain catagory, she knows at least quite a few moves of Krav Maga (military self-defense developed for the Israel Defense Forces & security team.)
When reminded of certain things, or is undergoing psychotic breaks, or has reached her lowest point, she tends to drink high amounts of alcohol to help deter her mind from the situation rather than facing it or seeking help.
Other times, she just drinks out of sheer boredom.
Other times, she just drinks out of sheer boredom.
- Born on July 24th at 12:59:49 pm
- Birth name: Aleksandra Roseline Diosnemid
- Original Custody: Aleksandra Romanov
- Died under mysterious circumstances
- CUSTODY: Liam Diosnemid
- Suffered several health in-ailments
- NAS (Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome)
- Weak Heart
- Poor working immune system
- Spent 4 months in NICU
- At 5 months, Liam took Aleksandra home
- Lived with:
- Lilian (Mother)
- Felix ‘red’ (Adopted brother)
- soon to be disowned
- Akain (half brother)
- Adam (half brother)
- Discord between Lilian and Liam (had fights about Alek and his relationship with Aleksandra (his mistress))
- Aleksandra was not welcomed at home
- took 2-3 years for Lillian to accept her as her own daughter
- Took 7-9 years for brothers to accept her into their home
- Spent the majority of her time in the hospital due to health in-ailments
- Wasn't able to talk properly until she was 6 years old
- Moved to Odesa, Ukraine due to Liam’s occupation
- Could not make friends due to the inability to talk
- Picked on by siblings
- Had trouble making friends but managed to make a few that would last to a certain period of time
- Frequently visited the hospital
- Had to wear glasses to fix her eye-sight (big round harry-potter glasses)
- Was bullied by the class (social bullying)
- 3rd-grade: Liam started Aleksandra in martial arts classes & sambo
- 4th-grade: Started coming home with injuries (used PE as an excuse)
- 5th-grade: January 13th, was sent to the hospital in critical condition
- found thrown out of the 4th floor of the elementary school building, snow broke most of the fall
- 2 broken bones (in legs), 3 broken bones in arms, 4 broken ribs, moderate-severe concussion, rope burns around neck and wrists, several bruises cuts & bruises on back and legs
- 5th-grade summer: After the aftermath of her ‘fall’, Aleksandra was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia, PTSD, and depression; had nervous ticks
- 5th-grade summer, Late July-Early August: Sent to the mental hospital for 4 weeks
- Underwent intense physical training and intense practice in martial arts and sambo
- 6th grade: picked up gymnastics & parkour as a hobby
- 7th grade: moved to London, Great Britain
- Made a large group of friends: Pluto Ruko, Mars Sasaki, Henry Smith, Jackson Smith, Yasmin Torburk, Tha’ed Midnite
- A group of bullies became widely notorious to the students of the school
- victims of the bullying: Mars, Akain, Adam, Henry, 7 other students in the 6th-8th-grade class
- All the victims ended up turning in Aleksandra for their own freedom & safety
- June 3rd, Aleksandra was sent tot he hospital in serious condition; the 4 of the 6 bullies were arrested and trialed as adults (serving time 12 years for aggravated assault with a fine of $10,000)
- Aleksandra was trialed as well after finding that some of the bullies sustained injuries, but she was found innocent, fighting for self-defense
- Injuries found:
- Aleksandra: canines filed and sharpened, electrical burn scars on the right side of neck, several contusions on the back of the neck, arms, legs, mainly centered in the back, mild concussion
- Aftermath: Complex PTSD, major depression
- Bully #1: Several bite marks covering left forearm, nerve damage in left hand: pinkie-middle finger, broken fingers: left-hand pinkie-middle finger, dislocated right shoulder, contusion on left knee
- Bully #2: Several bite marks on the right hand, right forearm
- Aleksandra: canines filed and sharpened, electrical burn scars on the right side of neck, several contusions on the back of the neck, arms, legs, mainly centered in the back, mild concussion
- 8th-grade summer:
- Late June - Late July: Spent time recovering, had several the******s and visited the mental hospital frequently
- August - Late September: took a few weeks off before starting school, spent this time recuperating and studying
- Beginning of the end
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