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Alice Yoshikawa


Level 0
[ Alice Yoshikawa]

Screenshot 2022-01-01 005345.png

Basic Information

First Name: Alice

Surname: Yoshikawa

Preferred Name: Alice


Gender: Female

Age: 13

Height: 5’1

Weight: 105lbs

Build: Petite

Skin Color: Pale

Eye Color: Light Blue

Hair Style: Long and wavy

Hair Color: Chestnut Brown

Fashion: She prefers very simple clothes like t-shirts and jeans whether they be pants or shorts. Her go to shoes will always be sneakers.

Date of Birth: January 1, 2005

Place of Birth: Sendai

Nationality: Half German Half Japanese

Race: Asian

Sexual Orientation: Demisexual

Religious Beliefs: Shinto

Political Beliefs: She’s 13. She’s still learning what politics are other than old men and women arguing with each other.

General Appearance

Appearance: Alice is a very small girl with light brown hair and sky blue eyes. She tends to wear a lot of pink. She’s very petite in size and seems to have a frailness about her. She likes to keep her hair long and loose. Alice always has some accessory she made in her hair. Lately its been her favorite flower barrette.

Personality: The best or easiest way to describe Alice is probably space cadet. She tends to focus on her own thoughts and does what she wants when she wants too. She’s horrible at communicating verbally but is very good at reading body language. Alice is a very active person. She likes to keep her hands busy whether that is signing away to anyone who can understand or making things. As her parents only child, Alice can be a bit spoiled and it shows. Alice is also very creative. The things she usually daydreams about is new dress or outfit or jewelry designs. In fact she's always doodling on whatever bit of paper lands in her hands, even paper shouldn't be drawing on like homework.

She comes across as very quiet, but in reality she’s very insecure when it comes to talking and so she refrains from doing it unless she absolutely has too. While she is decent at school, its not something she enjoys.

Alice is also very girly. She likes bright colors and visually grabbing things. Her tastes can make her seem childish.


Deafness- Alice was born as hearing, but by the time was 6 she had already lost 75% of her hearing. While she does have hearing aids and uses them, she doesn’t like too rely on them as they don’t catch every word and so she misses a lot of conversations.

Character Voice:
She talks very slowly and deliberately and makes sure to annunciate her words so they are clear.

She almost always has her backpack with her as well as her hearing aids when she’s out and about. In her backpack she likes to keep her sketchbook, drawing pencils and sometimes her school books.

Clothes: She tends to wear skirts and shorts all year around and will usually wear tights or leggings underneath if its too cold. Alice also likes wearing pastels when she can.

Hobbies: Sewing, reading, making jewelry

Serious Problems/Flaws/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities: Deaf

Skills: Lip reading, using JSL, sewing,

Quirks: She’s very jumpy and clumsy since she tends to get lost in her own thoughts and has to be physically pulled from them.


Suse Yoshikawa -Mother[Alive]

Kei Yoshikawa -Father [Alive]


Alice was born to a salaryman Kei and a stay home wife Suse. Her parents met when Kei study abroad for business in Germany and met Suse. They spent over a year after Kei returned home writing and calling each other. Eventually Kei proposed in 2000 and Suse joined him in Japan. 5 years later they were blessed with their only child, Alice. When she was around 5 years old her parents started noticing that her speech was changing, and she was starting to use strange speech patterns. After multiple doctor visits, it was determined that Emmeline had already lost over half her hearing and that it would only continue to deteriorate as she aged. While she was given hearing aids to use, her family and she learned JSL so that could easily communicate at home without constantly needing to make sure she has her hearing aids in.

It was because of her grandmother that Yuka developed an interest in sewing. It was an easy way for the two to bond for when Emmeline was left with her while her parents went away on business trips. What started as making pillows and doll clothes has evolved into making her own clothing and jewelry.
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