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Accepted alleycut | Reporter Application ☆


Level 0

OOC (Out-Of-Character) Information:

What is your In-Game-Name (IGN)? Please include ALL your alternative accounts:

_tonsils (Main)
alleycut (Applying)

Do you have Discord and a microphone? If so, what is your username?:
Yes I do! tonsils. (with the period at the end)
I have a working microphone as well

List your timezone and country:

Describe your activity:
On a ranking scale, I’d say my activity is a 7-8/10.
I try to get on the server as frequently as I can, but due to school and extracurricular activities, there are a few times I’m not available!

I am often on earlier/later than what I list below, but I can certify most days I will be available at these times.
Available most days​
Available most days​
Available most days​
3pm-6pm, 9pm-1am​
(some days)​
*I say 1am, but I easily am available much later than that

Link any significant applications (e.g., Roles/Teams, exclude languages):
None currently, this is my first significant application!

What is your motivation to apply for reporter?:
As my senior year in highschool, I actually began taking a creative writing class to better my skills as a writer. When I saw the main basis for the news faction was to write reports, my interest was highly piqued. I have been playing on the server for nearly 2 years now, and I felt it was fitting for me to finally apply for a faction, and the news faction seemed just perfect for me to apply to. My love of writing combined with my love of the School Roleplay server motivated me to write an application as soon as I was informed. On top of all of this, I had a friend that was in this faction before who directly recommended it to me, as they thought it would be of my interest.

Do you have any experience with writing? What is your relationship with writing?:
As stated before, I’m actually taking a class focusing solely on writing and story building, though even before that I’ve always seen writing as a therapy. I love to pour my heart and soul into my writing, using it as an outlet for the real life struggles I’ve faced and dealt with. It also stands for something I like to share with others, where I’ll write a miniature story excerpt and send it to a few friends for them to read. I have worked to make my grammar better over time, in order to make my writing more comprehensible.

Are you aware of - and will follow - the set of rules provided to you?:
Of course, this is a given. It is important to follow the rules and regulations regardless of applying for a faction or not. I have also re-read the rules before applying, to ensure that I know all of the server’s updated policies and can follow them accordingly.

Why should we accept you over others?:
I think any other applicant has just as fair of a shot of being accepted as I do, but what sets me different from the other applicants is my dedication to writing. When it comes to researching a topic, I like to learn as much as I possibly can on the subject to ensure accuracy. If I am tasked with writing a report on a topic I don’t have full knowledge on, I will make sure to learn all I possibly can about it so that my report is informational and truthful on the subject. I also believe I have a creative aspect to myself, which would allow me to not only report accurately on a subject but spice it up a bit, and make it a bit entertaining to read.

Do you understand you have to stay completely neutral with all reports? (Your report can't have any OOC or IC bias towards a specific group.)
Just like the rules, this is also a given. Reporting is about relaying information, not about stating personal opinion, and I completely understand this.

Do you trust that you will be able to stay active and complete the monthly quota?:
I do, and if there is any instance that I must go inactive for an OOC reason I would properly inform my faction lead and mark it on the inactivity log.

Summarise what you imagine work as a reporter is:
A reporter fills a multitude of important roles in the city they work in. They keep citizens informed on the current news of the place they live, from filling out monthly reports on relevant topics, to interviewing citizens on their opinions, to even reporting the weather for the day. A reporter is the direct gateway for the people to know about what is happening within their community, and without reporters and the news, the general public may find themselves lost. I imagine work for a reporter would focus on these aspects, utilizing them to keep their community connected and active in the issues that affect them.

IC (In-Character) Information:
Treat this section like it is your own character answering it

Full Name:

“Masato Sakamoto,” he said with a gruff tone, reaching a hand up to scratch at his neck. Despite the cold, serious persona he fronted as he entered, he reached a palm out to shake the interviewer’s hand with a warm smile. “Thank you for having me.” His expression remained, as he observed the objects on the desk..

Preferred Name/Nickname and Title (e.g., Ms, Mr)

“Mr. Sakamoto,” he waves his hand about in the air with conversational gestures, “but really it’s not all that important to me. Some close friends call me Sato, so if you’d rather call me that then I truly wouldn’t mind. Whatever is easier for you.”

Current Age (25+):

He bit down on his bottom lip, with a slight grimace. “..38” He set his hands on the desk, fiddling his thumbs together. “I’m certainly not the youngest guy you’ve taken an interview from, but I promise I’m sharper than I look.”

Past job/work experience:

“Specifically in Karakura, I haven’t really worked all that much. Back in my hometown in Sendai, however, I worked multiple retail jobs and such to make ends meet.” His eyes locked onto a pen sitting on the desk, and with a few glances between it and the interviewer, he reached a hand out and took it. “I’ve also had minimal experience working as a chef, which was a bit fun, I suppose.”


He nodded, “Yes, as I’ve just mentioned I had worked as a chef prior, so I have all of the qualifications to work with food. A degree in culinary arts, and also a degree in journalism are the most notable of my qualifications, but also as I said before, I also have experience in retail. I consider myself to be good with speaking to customers, so when it comes to reporting I think I will perform well with interviewing.”

Nationality and born location:

“My family has Japanese and German roots, but as I mentioned earlier I originated from Sendai, and I was probably born around there,” he tapped the pen on his head subconsciously as he spoke. “I only recently moved to Karakura after things started to get rough, so I could get away from my family, y’know?”

Phone Number:

He glanced down at the desk again, his eyes once more observing the objects sitting on its surface. Similar to the pen, he reached out and grabbed a stack of post-it notes.030-041-4681,he said, jotting down the number as he said it aloud. “So you don't forget it,” he adds, sliding the post-it note across the desk to the interviewer.

How would you describe yourself in under 150 words?:

“I don’t think I’ve ever really described myself before to someone,” he said, a smile pressing his features. “I pay close attention to things, and have a care for the smallest details. I also personally believe I have a good work ethic, and when it comes down to things I will ensure to produce the highest quality of work. My age contributes to my experience, as I’ve had more time to learn various skills,” his grin grew wide, “..or maybe I’m just trying to deny the fact that I’m old.”

What are you interested in writing about? How will you achieve this, and would you consider going out of your comfort zone?:

“I’m interested in many topics, but I certainly have an interest in crime. I think topics around criminals and the sort always grab attention,” he dipped his head with a smirk, “I at least always found myself reading reports about crime, as the titles always catch your eye.” He clicked the pen in his hand a few times, before continuing. “Food, too. I have a real pique of interest with the culinary arts, as I used to have a job there, so I regard that as another field I hold interest in.”

With the added question, he responded, “I would interview any of the actual criminals themselves if I could, but they hide their identities and for good reason. I don’t really mind stepping out of my comfort zone, so I wouldn’t be against asking the police themselves about crime. The public, too, because I’m sure there's some citizens that have been affected in that regard before.” He made more hand gestures as he spoke. “With food, I’m sure I could get some reports from any of the restaurants across Karakura, or even some of the school’s chefs. There’s a lot of opportunities in both regards, and I’m willing to interview any party I would need to for an accurate and thorough report.”

What are your expectations for the job?:

He twirled the pen around his hand once. “Expectations.. Let’s see. A reporter needs to keep the community updated, right? I’d expect I’d need to be keen on that aspect. I’m sure I’ll be asked to update citizens on their community, right? So I’ll make sure to keep relevant to the events happening across the city. I’m not too good with remembering things, but I can carry around a clipboard with some paper to write down anything I need to remember,” he twirled the pen around his fingers once more, “plus that would make it easy to accurately record any interviews I take. I’m a fast writer, so I can write and maintain a conversation at the same time.”

Do you have a criminal record? If so, list the crimes below:

“Criminal record?” he inquired, raising a brow. “No, I don’t have any kind of criminal activity on my permanent record. And I plan to keep it that way.” A smirk spread to his face as he clicked his pen twice, leaning further back against his chair.

Fluent Languages (Underline your native):

“As of now I'm only fluent in Japanese, but I know a bit of German from my family, and am trying to become fluent in it. I’m just not confident enough yet to hold full discussions.” He finally returned the pen to the desk, knowing the interview would be coming to a close. “I also know a few words in English,” he says as he fixes the pen’s orientation, “only because my sister’s fiance is from England. I don’t know if that is anything helpful, but I thought it would be good to mention.”

You will have to write two reports about a topic of your choice. Here we can see how pronounced your writing is and how creative you are. Use your own formatting and your own report idea. (If you're found plagiarizing an actual report or another applicant, you will be denied.)

#1 - General report. Report about a topic, informing players about an event or significant issues to Karakura.

The Cats of Karakura: What’s Up With Them?
Amongst the busy streets and crowded sidewalks of Karakura, there’s a surprising surplus of feline citizens roaming the walkways. Be they pets, or just friendly strays, it’s easy to say that Karakura has a large population of kitties, but why exactly are there so many, and what are they up to?

There’s been recent reports of cats chasing after the citizens of Karakura. While at first glance it may seem that the felines have just gone feral, or that they have started to cause mischief for seemingly no reason, it actually comes to fruition that most of the time they were the ones bothered first. While it may be tempting to walk up to one of the kitties and give them some pets, it may be more respectful to offer them your hand first. Just as humans, cats also have preferences and boundaries, and not all of them are willing to be touched by a stranger!

Cats also tend to offer warning signs, before they go all hissy-cat feral. Have you ever seen a cat’s ears rotate back into an airplane position, or their tails start lashing back and forth? That can be taken as a sign that the feline you’re seeing may not be so approving of your actions. Even more, cats pupils tend to dilate and their backs arch in tense body posture, indicating their displeasure. Not all cats are the same, though. Just like us humans, they have their own unique personalities. It is important to pay close attention to a cat’s body language to ensure that they are respected. Even more, not all stray cats are looking for a home to stay at. An animal lacking a collar doesn’t necessarily mean that they can be scooped up and taken back to your estate (even if you so very wish to take them with you). Some animals, especially cats, prefer their solitude lifestyle out of definitive captivity. However, this doesn’t limit you from befriending them. You can be close with an animal without being its technical owner, you just have to respect them.

“What about giving animals food or gifts?” you may ask. While these are nice gestures for sure, you also need to be careful of what you offer them. Not all foods that are safe for human consumption are equally safe for our furry friends. In the case of cats, did you know that milk isn’t good for them? While they have a keen liking for the taste, it actually can cause them internal problems, and even make them really sick. While it may seem generous to offer a drink to one of the many kitties roaming the Karakura streets, it is important to stay mindful of their health. Instead, you could offer them any of the cat food sold at various shops around the city, or even carry around some treats made specially for them.

We even managed to claim an exclusive statement from one of the felines on the matter. “Meow,” said a lovely white tom-cat on the topic. “Meow, mrew maow.” It is believed he said, “Us cats have our reasons. If you disturb us, you will pay the consequences.”

#2 - Interview. It's important to have well-rounded questions. Create your own interview with ten questions or more. And answer them yourself.

[!] He’d have linked an MP4 file below, labeled “An Exclusive Interview Karakura’s Bobcat Cheer Team” in a carefully selected font. [!]

[!] When clicked, the following recording would play out.. [!]

Elizabeth Tuffin
Interviewed by
Masato Sakamoto

[!] The camera would open to Masato Sakamoto sat next to Elizabeth Tuffin, at the Karakura bus stop. [!]
[Masato Sakamoto]
“Greetings, Miss Tuffin! Do you mind if I ask you a few questions today, specifically about what it’s like to be a part of Karakura High’s very own cheer team?”​
[Elizabeth Tuffin]
The girl was on her ducky cell phone, typing away. Her eyes flicked up to Masato then back at her phone, ignoring him before she realized that he wouldn't just walk away. She would eyeball something behind him just before fixing her hair.

"Uhm- Sure I guess, but I am kinda busy rite now.. My boyfriend and I are fig- Wait nevermind.. Uhm to be a part of the cheer team?! UGHH! It's a dreammm. My teammates are so nice and they're just like my own sisters, I'm so happy to be so close to the entire team."
[Masato Sakamoto]
He held a clipboard in his hand, jotting down a few notes before looking back up at the girl.

“Like your sisters, you said?” he tapped his pen against his bottom lip. “I assume this means you do things together outside of school, right? Do you have any special team events you attend or host, or just the usual highschool parties that any highschooler dabbles in?”​
[Elizabeth Tuffin]
Her eyes would wander the back of her head, rolling along what would usually be her peripheral vision. Once processing and gathering an answer, she would speak out, her head nodding and her hair moving with it.

"Mhm! Just like sisters. Uhmm.. I mostly don't host any events but I help contribute to the ideas. If you don't know if we host events, you've CLEARLY never been to a bobcat party, they're sooo funn, and legal of course..." She gulped.
[Masato Sakamoto]
He cracked a smile at Liz’s remark. “No, I haven’t been. I didn’t grow up in Karakura, but my hometown had similar parties I’m sure!” He clicked his pen a few times, before asking more questions to the girl.

“With those ideas.. I’ve heard from the local gossip that the cheer team is the centre of big events in your highschool, most specifically, a recent pep-rally where you performed on the Spartan cheer mat. What leads the cheer team to behave in that way?”​
[Elizabeth Tuffin]
She couldn't help but to crack a smile, her pearly whites beaming. It looked as if she was about to bust out into laughter, taking a few deep breaths.

"Uhm- Sorta, yeah? I guess you could say the centre. Yeah, in our routine we rushed their matt pretty much, and then we threw out bobcat merch at the other cheerleaders and into the stands, it was pretty fun! Why did we do that? The Spartans are our biggest competition, I mean, we always clear them anyways, but why not have fun with it. It's a rivalry, if you will."

[Masato Sakamoto]
“Rivalry, you say?” He once again, clicked the pen, jotting down things as he spoke, “What kind of things come about from that rivalry with the Spartans?”​
[Elizabeth Tuffin]
Now taking the hint that people would actually read this, her smile twisted into an evil smirk, figuring out that even she could use this as a form of rivalry..

"What kind of things come out of it? Well usually, Bobcats will be innocent and do absolutely nothing, and then the Spartans will come out of nowhere and attack us! Of course we need to get our get back so we mess with them back, but sometimes they try to jump us, I'm just surprised those old hags even have the bone strength to do it." Elizabeth commented, her words stabbing like a knife, even to the reporter who was well over the ages of college.
[Masato Sakamoto]
“Is there a chance you’re being biased in that statement..?” he said, raising a brow, ceasing all writing with his pen.

He continued with his interview, “Anyways, how do you ‘get back’ at the Spartans? What kind of things do you do?”​
[Elizabeth Tuffin]
Elizabeth furrowed her brows, a hand hovering over her chest as she heard the first half of that statement. She seemed ever-so-slightly offended by this question.

"Biased? Me? No! I wouldn't be biased over such a topic, especially as this could be posted to the entire city of Karakura. Anyways, Our 'get backs' are just a little teasing, we never do anything to them. Such as our routine, we only walked onto their matts and disrespected them a little bit for harassing us, although I can't remember what they did to us then, but I just know they deserved every little part of it." Her hand came back down, watching the reporter begin to write and taking this opportunity to take a few selfies, it was 'Golden hour' after all.
[Masato Sakamoto]
“Seems like the rivalry is a big part of the cheer teams! Are there any instances of rivalry between other teams, like maybe the football or volleyball teams?” He twirls the pen around his fingers, smiling at Elizabeth.
[Elizabeth Tuffin]
She tapped a finger to her chin, thinking for a short second before giving her statement. "Oh yeah, there's defo rivalry. I'm not entirely sure how much less there is, but if it's not the direct team such as cheer vs. cheer, there's probably a bunch less beef between the two.”

She paused for a moment. “Obviously there's gonna be more fighting against your direct rivals, but some teams truly just hate each other, such as Bobcat cheer and Spartan male football.. They're all so icky and red flags. Never date one of them bee tee dubs... Not that you could, but just some advice."
[Masato Sakamoto]
“Do you mind elaborating on why exactly the rivalry started between Bobcat cheer and Spartan male football?” He too, took a brief pause, “And I appreciate your advice, but I haven’t been interested in love since my wife passed away..”​
[Elizabeth Tuffin]
Elizabeth gasped, a hand covering her mouth politely. She stared at the man wide-eyed, talk about a trauma bomb! Once making him the new equivalent to a 'Get a load of this guy!' type of statement, she continued on with the interview.

"Because they're straight up a- Wait.. Can I cuss on this? I'll just hold back for now." She took a short pause to make sure she said the correct words. "Because they are very stuck-up and ego stricken men, or should I say young boys. Most of them think absolutely everything is about them and that the world revolves around them, I think they talk to us because they think we're a nice piece of *ss. All they do is mess with us and say its quote end quote, 'Rizz'." Elizabeth cringed physically even mentioning the word.

[!] The recording had censored out Liz's potty word.. [!]
[Masato Sakamoto]
He also cringed at the mention of ‘rizz,’ but the interview must prevail. From the camera, it was actually visible that he had written the word on his paper and circled it a few times. “I see how you feel, Miss Tuffin. Well then, if there’s rivalry there must be harmony as well, right? Does the Bobcat cheer team consider any specific team to be close with them?”​
[Elizabeth Tuffin]
She nodded, answering the question quickly. Her hand slipped down from her past awe-stricken mouth. "Yeah there's times of harmony. The cheer team and the volleyball team have recently been together a lot, not the spartan one though.. If you meant the spartan teams, there still is.”

“WE don't entirely hate the opposing cheer team, most of the time when neither of us are actually competing against each other, we will all watch their routines or dances and whatever they're doing, both teams support each other even though sometimes we do hate each other, it could almost be compared to sibling rivalry, such as fighting with your sibling, saying you hate them, then moments later you guys are best friends once again."
[Masato Sakamoto]
"That's surprising to hear, actually! I feel like the public usually perceives it as you guys hating each other constantly," he said, clicking the pen exactly three times, and glancing at the camera. "Actually, is there anything else you think the public assumes about you? Surely there's more than just the depths of your rivalry with the Spartan cheer.."​
[Elizabeth Tuffin]
She had to think about this question, momentarily she looked as if she was debating to even share this information. "Uhmm.. Well there is- Something.. Usually the entire school just automatically assumes we are the trashiest people to ever exist, by this I mean everybody assumes we cheat on our boyfriends, have boytoys, put out, and overall assume we're just mean people.”

“Maybe if people didn't constantly start stuff with us, we wouldn't disrespect you back! Like earlier I was talking to a friend on the sidewalk and I got drive-by catcalled?! He said I was a 'baddie' and he ran away ‘cause he was scared to actually face me."
[Masato Sakamoto]
He jotted a new more notes down, before glancing at his watch. “Ah, it appears we’ve run out of time, Miss Tuffin. Before I leave, are there any final notes that you’d like to give about the Bobcat cheer team? Anything else you’d like the public to know?”​
[Elizabeth Tuffin]
Elizabeth yet again tapped a single pointer finger onto her chin, was the girl actually thinking or was she just showing off her new set of nails? It was definitely the second option. Once she realised it was time to actually lock in, Elizabeth would search her head once more with her eyes, moving them all along the side of her head and really trying to get an answer for this man, but at the end she finally spoke out.

"Uhmm.. No, that's all to be honest."
[Masato Sakamoto]
He simply gave her a polite nod. “Then I thank you for sharing about the Karakura Bobcat cheer team!”​
[Elizabeth Tuffin]
“Yah sure...”

[!] The recording would end there, with Mataso flashing the camera a smile. [!]

Additional Information:
Thank you for taking the time to read my application! (Also thanks to runupgetdoneup_ for the interview with Liz!!)​


Level 179
News Lead

After careful discussion with the other members of the faction, we have chosen to accept you:

Please get in touch with me via Discord @ aania to start the process and get you set up!

Welcome to the News Faction! :D

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