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Accepted Altistarstruck's History Teacher Application


Level 7

Out-Of-Character Information

What is your Minecraft username?:

Altistarstruck (Alistarstruck is my main account! I am applying with my alt.)

Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):

Do you have a microphone?:

What is your time zone?:

What is your age? (Optional):
I am freshly 19 years old!

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
I am aware and understand this!

Describe your activity on the server:
I joined this server about a year ago, and I’ve fallen in love with it ever since. With 8 weeks of playtime on my main account, and around 3-4 weeks on my alt. I used to be in the teacher faction before I left due to wanting an adult role, but not long after I began to miss the faction! I’m fairly active with an average of at least 4 hours of playtime daily. I don’t plan to leave anytime soon!

Link(s) to any previous applications on the server:

What are your current roles on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):
[Adult], [7-12th Grades], [Cat], [Fox]


What subject are you applying to teach?:

History! My goal is to teach the lore behind the island we live on, revealing what a lot of people don’t realize about Karakura. Talking about Karakura and Japanese lore through lessons would give a chance for not only other players, but me as well to learn more about it. I do not plan to teach much world history, as many other History teachers have covered that in the past. I plan to teach about the Shrine, 13 Original Families, the Island Karakura resides on, and even the wars the land has gone through. From the fire in the Ochiba forest to the fight for independence Karakura faced, I look forward to sharing this experience in a classroom in an entertaining fashion. I love to make history games and field trips based off these subjects!

What is your motivation for becoming a teacher?:
Being a teacher in SRP means helping greenies, keeping order during the school, and offering entertainment for roleplayers in a school roleplay server. My previous experiences in this faction were unforgettable, and I’d love to join again under a different department with the goal of reaching HD again. Of course, one can never deny the idea of joining a faction for the money, but I also enjoyed the chance to support those who came to me along with the roleplay opportunities that were offered. One could argue that Teachers are one of the most important factions on the server, due to their role in the average character’s life.

I chose to apply for the History Department due to the lack of history teachers, especially those that teach SRP history. I would love to discuss Karakura’s role through the periods along with the original 13 families, exploring the lore documents as my guide throughout my classroom curriculum. With my previous time as a teacher, I know what type of curriculum I would like to follow and already have lesson plans for my first couple classes! I severely miss this faction, and am excited to get back into it!

Do you understand that you are applying for the teacher role of UT?
Yes! I understand that as I have left, I will be restarting from the role of UT and working my way back up.

Do you understand if your application is accepted, you will have to undergo teacher training?:
Yes, I understand this!

What are the teacher class logs and why are they important?:
Teacher class logs are what tells the staff we hosted a class. They include the amount of students in the class, how long the class was, and tell which classroom with what subject was being taught. These can be seen in the discord, with statistics from the classroom used by the command /class stats from a teacher role. These are important, because they keep track of how many classes the teacher has hosted throughout the month and whether or not the logs meet the requirements to give the teacher pay at the end of the month, or promote them! They also allow students to rank our classes.

As a teacher, what are the strict rules when being in a class?:
As a teacher, there are the typical school rules, SRP rules, and then personal classroom rules to follow. One can find rules 1-20 on the school billboard just at the front entrance. These include rules such as “No Assault”, or “No Profanity”. Most of the rules here and on the SRP Rules page are common sense. However, here are some rules I implement in my classroom as a history teacher.
- No Phones: We are learning history, so no use of technology will be needed throughout the lessons.
- No talking During a Lecture: If one must speak, they need to raise their hand!
- Tolerance: It is important to understand that while everyone isn’t expected to like each other, everyone came to learn and should not be causing issues with each other to hinder that experience.
- Respect: It has always been important that one respects the speaker, in this case, the teacher, in the classroom.

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:
As mentioned in previous applications, I started roleplaying with my brother through small play-pretend games when we were younger. It started with toy cars and battles before moving on to apocalypse scenarios and wars. Then, we as we got older, we spent more time playing video games and branched off into our own friend groups. My brother enjoyed racing games and sports, while I enjoyed RPG based games and art. Expressing myself through writing is what sparked my roleplaying passion. It started with a game all about roleplaying characters with people online, before it moved onto discord servers with different channels and categories for our roleplays.

I had a friend I would roleplay with daily for two years before we both moved on, growing apart and finding other interests outside of the roleplays we did on discord. Even to this day, we still do roleplay occasionally. However, most of my enjoyment comes from the very server I play on today: SchoolRP. I have more experience roleplaying as adults than children; although I do occasionally play new roles. I always try to be diverse in my characters to offer new opportunities and explore different paths I could take through decisions my character might make, but I may not. Exploring my OCs through this roleplay server has offered me more creativity and opportunities to let them blossom into who they are today, and I hope to continue to roleplay for a long time in the future.

In detail, describe the ranking system of teachers:
- HD
↳ Meaning:
Head of Department
↳ Description:
The HD (Head of Department) is a role given to those deemed active and capable to helping others all around. These are the teachers of their Department (Art, History, English, Performing Arts, etc.) that offer training and answer questions to help any other teachers or faculty alike who need it. This is also the highest paying position when it comes to Teacher Rankings. Only one person in each department can be an HD, and it is determined by our faction lead, RexLobo, who gets that role.

- QT
↳ Meaning:
Qualified Teacher
↳ Description:
This role is given to teachers who have been around long enough to host classes on their own with a full understanding of their position and higher experience than others. They may not be as experienced as an HD, or offer as much help to lower ranks, but they are paid more than a NQT and UT! They are expected to be more capable on their own. Of course, they could still ask for help if they need it! This rank is achieved through activity and hosting classes.

↳ Meaning:
Newly Qualified Teacher
↳ Description:
Newly Qualified Teachers have gotten past training and their first few classes, showing that they have gotten used to the rhythm of being a teacher and are ready to move forward past their trial period. They also get a raise and are the first step to becoming a QT. Getting this rank is based on Activity and classes achieved.

- UT
↳ Meaning:
Underqualified Teacher
↳ Description:
These teachers are considered Trainees. They are not allowed to host classes until properly given training, and then afterwards, might be supervised to ensure everything goes smoothly before they can rank up. This rank is to help teachers ease into the process without getting overwhelmed by everything to do. Even after training, UT will be the rank given to all starting teachers; whether they’re returning or first timers.

Teacher Knowledge

Present to us your knowledge about Teachers in-game and out-of-game, what purpose do teachers serve. What salary do they get? Include a paragraph about the way teachers teach, what they do in their spare time in general.

ICLY, In my experience as a teacher before, there is plenty that teachers do that I had not realized in my first time applying. When it comes to the classroom we have to focus on teaching and staying in character while creating a balance of making the classroom entertaining. This was easier as an Art Teacher, because a lot of what I did was detailrp and having the students /it their responses, with ItemRP being a major factor in my classroom. This isn’t it however, as we also need to prepare our own curriculum and lessons based on our subjects. As long as we are being educational and entertaining within our field of study, we have a more diverse field that professors might not have when it comes to teaching our classrooms.

Ensuring that our classrooms are fun is making sure to never focus on more than one student at a time. It is against our rules as faculty to favorite a child over another; especially for Nepotistic reasons. Teachers and Professors should allow students to interact and give them roleplay opportunities in the classroom, keeping in mind that it is a roleplay server and not a genuine school. Classroom activities can vary based on the educator’s discretion. For example, one Art Teacher might focus on practical classes while another focuses on creativity.

Outside of the classroom, teachers might be asked to patrol the school during the day or work on lessons while on the clock. While we do not get paid for patrolling, it is still part of our job and often needed to help keep the peace during the school day. Going to the teacher’s lounge for lunch or before classes start to greet everyone is where a lot of roleplay experiences might happen between faculty.

Outside of school, teachers on SRP do have their own lives. When they’re at home with their families, or out with friends, they like to relax and spend time with their loved ones rather than focus too much on the classes they teach. They might grade assignments or plan classes, but that depends on the individual. When I was a Teacher, I would grade assignments in between breaks or right after school, and then plan lessons at home.

In real life, Teachers work hard to teach the future generations every day. Rarely do they get vacation times and even have restrictions on calling out. They work hard in knowing they are a major memory in a child’s life and keep note of dozens of names while ensuring that the classroom is a fun learning experience for all. As mentioned in my previous application, I loved a lot of my teachers as I was that one kid who loved to learn. As I got older, I learned more about how little teachers got paid for their diligent work and just how much they had to deal with. With everything they do for us, they deserve more recognition for what they have to handle daily.

Why are teachers important to a SchoolRP server?:
Teachers are important to our server because they are the very backbone of it. Without Teachers, anyone from grades 7-12 would have no experience of learningRP in a school where it’s meant to be just that. We are the people who offer fun classes during a boring 2-hour school day in which nothing is happening through periods 2-4. More often than not, people complain in OOC when no teachers are online about classes not being available. Of course, we can’t always be online, but the more of us there are and the less likely there is to never be a class for a day.

What lesson planning system does the school work on?:
The School of Karakura uses MoScOw, an abbreviation for "Must Have, Should Have, Could Have, Won't Have".

Character Information

Describe the character: How do they look and act? What makes them unique and different?
Amei is a 32 year old woman with electric sky-blue eyes and caramel brown hair. She is 5’3 and has an ectomorphic build with not much muscle. The slender woman wears a sweet smile no matter where she goes, carrying herself with shrouded in an aura of mystery! She has a pale, yet healthy complexion and wears heels with dresses often in the color yellow.

Amei Ichiyama, or “Mrs. Ichiyama”, is the type of woman to call you “Sweetpea” and mean it. She is a kind soul who is willing to offer help where it’s needed but put her foot down too. She has a love for history and wants to share the stories of the past with generations under her. Her deep love for children is rooted with her love for her own son and the children she taught at the orphanage she was raised in. The beautiful woman was mature in the way she carried herself, but always down to have a little fun whenever she got the chance. She was much less serious than the rest of her family.

What is their outlook on students and their co-workers?

These are people she might strike up a friendly conversation with, talking about her weekend or excite over future lesson plans. She loves small talk and is happy to help out her coworkers in any way she can. She hopes for the opportunity to make friends with them outside of the workplace, too, although she would understand if some coworkers wanted to stay purely professional. She is kind and friendly to them for as long as they are to her.

Amei understands that all students should be respected. She may feel sorry for some if they show cases of delinquency or reveal themselves to be criminals, but she is kind and offers advice when they need it. She is always happy to talk to a student about what they think of her class, or what they might want to learn about in the future. She isn’t likely to interact with them in school hours outside of doing her job and offering them education outside of the classroom when they ask for it.

What are their plans for the future?
Amei wants to spend her time in Karakura as a teacher until she gets older. She hopes to find someone to marry there and start a family with, along with giving her son funds to work with instead of the poor lifestyle she grew up in. Her plans for the future are little, and she is unsure what she is doing with herself at this time due to having gone through a tragedy about half a year before, but she hopes to start anew with her new job and home.

/*Do not mention use of FearRP*/

You find a gang of delinquents in the hallway cursing and swearing, what do you do?:

Amei would give them a warning, telling them that they should choose better wording and avoid using such profound words on school grounds. If they don’t listen then, she’ll ask them again as a second warning to stop, telling them that she didn’t want to have to warn them again. She would refrain from using any disrespectful words and assure them that if they stop now, they wouldn’t be receiving any punishment. If they still don’t stop, she’ll threaten a detention, and then hand it out to all who was involved if it continued.

No one in your class is listening to a word you say, what do you do?:
Amei would threaten to kick people out of the class, warning them that if they get kicked, the class doesn’t count towards their record. If too many students are still being rowdy, she would threaten detention to the next person who talked. Usually, she’ll have a fun activity planned in her classes based on the assignment. If the class is being too rambunctious, she’ll completely cancel the fun activity.

When in the teacher's lounge, how does your character act?:
Ichiyama is the type of person to offer food to any coworkers who might have forgotten theirs at home, or converse with others to discuss her classes or engage in small talk to pass the time. If she isn’t doing these typical activities, she might be enjoying a coffee while planning a lesson or preparing herself for a class she’s about to host.

Provide at least 4 detailed /me's of your character inside a classroom:

/me would hum a small tune as she shut the doors to her classroom, turning around to do a headcount of all students in the room with her. She would then make her way over to her front desk, nodding to the children with a smile. &f&”Let me get over the boring bit first,” &uAs she spoke, the woman opened up her personal textbook to the lesson plan she prepared for that period. &f”The rules! First of all, if I’m talking or giving a lecture, please raise your hand before talking and I promise I will get to you. Second; I do allow snacks and drinks within my class with reason. No alcohol.” &uShe opened a cupboard and placed a stack of journals on the desk; today’s assignments. &f”Third, no phones sorry! If I hear a phone go off or see one, I WILL be confiscating it until the end of the period. Please keep them turned off. This is your only warning. Lastly; please respect me and each other! We’re all here for the same reason! I want you all to have a fun time learning just as much as I have had fun teaching you all. With that, how is everyone doing today?!”

/me had just started her lecture again before getting interrupted by the boy in the back. She stopped talking and walked up to his desk, giving him a neutral smile as she nodded, seemingly surprised that he’d stopped talking. &f&o”What were you saying? It MUST have been more important than learning about the history of our very city you are being raised in, including the period of police corruption we are currently learning about! Now, if that is of no interest to you, the other students in this class would very much like to hear my lecture so if you could please be respectful to yourself and them by staying quiet, that would be much appreciated.” &uShe turned on a whim, her dress twirling slightly as she adjusted the hem of her shirt. The woman cleared her throat as she walked back up to the board, continuing her lesson.

/me made sure to collect her students’ textbooks from her desk as she hummed, pulling out her cheat sheet as she began grading the assignments. Her doors were left wide open as she had mentioned before for students who wanted to ask her questions as she graded, marking off notes here and there on one student’s paper with her bright iconic red pen. As she heard the footsteps of a child entering the room, she set her pen down with a smile. &f&o”Is there something you needed, dear?”

/me stood up at the arising conflict coming from the room, walking over with the click of her heels as she stepped in between the two students. She held her hands up on either side, looking at the two of them with a gentle chuckle as the Teacher shook her head in disbelief. &f&o”All this,” &uShe slipped detention slips into their pockets. &f&o”Over a simple assignment? I honestly expected better out of you two, please see me in Detention.” &uHer eyes sparkled with intention; clearly having something in mind for the two students who fought in her classroom.

(Summarized version)
Amei Ichiyama was born on December 31,1992. She was raised in an orphanage alongside her foster siblings and biological younger brother. Her mother was kind and her father had passed long before she could remember him, but she didn’t have a harsh childhood. Even by the age of five, she was a bright and cheerful girl who loved to follow others around.

From when she was younger to present day, Amei has always been like in her home. She watched kids come and go, adored her older brother despite not being blood-related, and helped her mother wherever she could. Her foster siblings called her the “perfect sister” in regards to her kindness and help around their property.

When Amei was fourteen years old, she began to fall in love with reading books and history, centralized around Japanese culture. The ties history has with folklore always intrigued her, and the younger kids of the orphanage loved to learn from the stories she told. By the time she was 18, she decided to be a teacher for the children.

While Tsukaimon, her older brother, went off to college with scholarships, she followed his footsteps with a little less. The college funds her mother had for her along with her grandfather’s money helped get the young lady through college, aspiring to be like her older brother, Tsukaimon, and become a licensed teacher. At the age of 24, she succeeded.

Deciding to stay close to her mother and foster siblings, she became a history teacher for her orphanage. While she taught general Japanese History to the children she cared for, she did research on the city her brother was staying in. Finding traces of her own heritage on the very island her brother moved to, the woman felt connected to Karakura in a strange way. She decided it would be a dream to move there one day.

Tragedy struck when her late husband Officer Shoko had been dispatched to a robbery and didn’t make it out alive. The grieving process seemed to have had Amei and her son in a chokehold, resulting in giving her a break from her job as a teacher and instead being visited frequently by her mother for support.

It took Amei months to get out of her depressive state. After their marriage for six years, she felt lost and unsure of what direction to take herself at that point. It wasn’t until Tsukaimon came to visit that she started to come out of her shell again, slowly teaching classes at the orphanage and going on walks in the park occasionally with her son and mother.

Two years later, misfortune followed her as the orphanage's caretaker passed away in a fire that burned the building completely to the ground. It was then that Amei felt the need for a change, taking her son with her and moving to Karakura with her older brother to stay away from the bad memories Tokyo left behind. While Tsukaimon stayed behind to rebuild an orphanage for the children, Amei prepared for her new life on the island.

In-Character Information
(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you)

SECTION #1 - Personal Details

Full Name (First & Last only):

“Amei Ichiyama.”

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):

Given Name(s):
“Amei, Amy”

Preferred Name:
“Miss Ichiyama, Amei to coworkers.”

Age (Minimum is 25):
“32 years old.”


Religious Denomination:

Marital Status:


Current Location: “
Karakura, Japan.”

SECTION #2 - Academic Details

Working Experience (# of years):

“Six years.”

Academic Degree:
“I graduated with a Bachelor’s and Teacher’s Certification in Tokyo.”
Year of Graduation:
“I graduated in 2016 at 24 years old.”

“History, Education”

“Speech, Child Services.”

Native Languages:
“Japanese, JSL”

Other Languages:

Do you have a TEFL/TESOL/CELTA Certificate?:
“None of the above.”

/*You may leave this blank*/

Additional notes about your application: Hi <3, promise I won't leave this time (Liz told me I can't :c)
Do you have any questions?: N/A​
Last edited:


Level 39
Teacher Lead
Welcome to the Teacher Faction!
Please join the Karakura Academics server to gain your roles and receive further instructions.​

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