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Denied Altistarstruck's Lawyer Application


Level 10


In-game Name:
(My main account is Alistarstruck, but I’m applying using my alt!)

Discord Tag:

Do you have a working microphone?:

Timezone & Country:
EST (UTC-5), America

Links to any current & past applications (Spoiler them):

Describe your activity on the server:

I have been playing on the Schoolrp server since August-September of last year. When I first started, I was not the most active on the server. It was a little overwhelming with the amount of people, and I had the misfortune of meeting a lot of not-so-nice people that drove me away from interacting more with the server. After a couple weeks, though, I began to make friends, and met people in my life that helped me grow attached to SRP! With company, and fun roleplay experiences, I started to become a more active player on SRP. Within two months, I was on practically every day for hours at a time, even with my night shift job and somewhat-steady sleep schedule.

Having been on for just shy of a year now, I meet new people daily and find something new and fun to experience every day. I have even found that I have a streak of 34 days, double the playtime in the past three months than in the entire time I have been playing. In February, I applied for the Teacher Faction and have loved it so far. I don’t plan to leave that job any time soon (since I’m applying for this one with my alt account!), and I have found that my activity has shot up ever since I was given the wonderful opportunity to share a fun learning experience through roleplay-based arts and crafts in a classroom with a bunch of silly thirteen-eighteen year olds. I am ready to move on and do more!

Even when I’m not on SRP, I’m usually doing something SRP-related. Whether that is working on a character backstory, talking to a friend I met on SRP about a situation or lore, or even working on commissions I do for others, I have found that my life is heavily intertwined with this Minecraft Server. I hope that never changes, because I love it here and don’t ever plan to stop. I believe that having a Lawyer Character would offer more roleplay experiences, meeting more fun people, and up my activity even higher than it already is!

Main Account:
Alternate Account:

As I am in EST, I am usually available anywhere between 7 am - 2 pm and anytime at night! However, as my sleep schedule is all over the place, I’m really available anytime as long as I get a heads up! While I do have a part time job, my hours are flexible.


What position are you applying for?:
I am applying for Lawyer!

What is your motivation for applying?:
I have been interested in the Government Faction since I first joined SRP. I love observing the trials when I can catch them, meeting the mayors casually around or through the Q&A, or even simply saying hi through getting an ID! As I slowly interacted more, I found that the community built within the group of players coming together to create the faction was full of fun and welcoming kindness. After joining my first faction as a teacher for Karakura, I already had my mind set on becoming a Lawyer if and when I chose another faction to join! Thinking about which occupation to apply for in government was not complicated for me. In the past, I have acted as a lawyer in multiple roleplay situations, even in skits during my English class at school! I love debating topics using laws to back me up, and I have honestly loved binge-watching crime shows and trial cases over the years. To experience the drama and help in any way I can to sort out situations would be a dream!

Do you have an understanding of Karakura’s laws & Constitutional rights?:
Yes! I have read and studied over the laws, legislature, and constitutional rights many times, and continue to refesh my memory of it every couple weeks.

Are there any goals for you or your character with this role?:

My Goals:
My general goal is to experience a fun new roleplay environment, especially in a faction requiring a lot of notes and recording, while finding the result to be just as entertaining as the hard work I’m prepared to put into it! My personal goal is to expand my horizons in a way while playing a fresh new character explicitly made to be a lawyer! Currently, my biggest goal is to win my first case!

Character Goals:
My character, Enkai Mizoroge, has been studying law school since they were 25. Growing up, they were not the most academic in school. They cared little about their education, barely graduating high school and disappearing afterwards. It wasn’t until they were in their early twenties that Enkai started to show interest in law, watching court cases on TV and reading books about them. They took a class in the summer of 2007 offered by the community around their neighbourhood. Falling in love with the lessons taught, it was then that they decided to help preserve the innocence of people getting involved in the justice system. Since then, Enkai has been working hard to become a steady figure in the courts for those in need!

In your own words, describe what the position you’re applying for does within the government:
I understand that as a Lawyer, I need to work at the front desk, file papers, record situations, and meet with clients! Of course, there is much more to Lawyers than this. Lawyers must focus only on following the laws before them, not taking bias against their client or the opposing client, and ensure they are doing their job! As Lawyers, we are responsible for our clients and their actions under our care and resources. This includes on the floor and out during the trials. Desk work might include topics such as the adoption process, or giving an ID. I understand that once an ID is handed out, we pay the money given to us back to the government (5k) and record our quota for the month. The adoption process is multiple steps, where you must ensure the guardian has a place of residence and is not a felon of any kind before you can give them the certificate. They must also pay a fee for this! I also know that as far as quota goes, accepting a case helps fill quota more than desk work. Lawyers don't get paid as much as other factions such as the Teacher Faction, but they do get paid!

Do you acknowledge that upon being accepted you can be subject to removal at any given time?:

Do you understand that you’re expected to be dedicated to your position upon being accepted?:
Yes, I understand and accept this responsibility!

Are you aware that any display of OOC bias toward anyone on the job will result in punishment?:
Yes, I will avoid doing so in my time as Lawyer!

Have you read & agreed to follow the Government Faction rules?:
I have and understand them clearly!

Are you able to attend weekly meetings & events?:
Yes, you can contact me anytime!


Full name:
“My full name is Enkai Mizoroge.”

Preferred title (Mr., Mrs., etc.):
“You can call me Mx., but anything really works.”

Current age:
“I am 38 years old.”

Date of birth:
“I was born on January 3rd, 1986.”


Academic Degree:
“Doctor of Law, or a Juris Doctor Degree.”

“Criminal Justice, Sociology.”

“Psychology, Political Science.”

Work experience:
“I spent the past 5 years, after completing Law School, working as a lawyer in China before moving to Karakura.”

Nationality & born location:
“I was born in Sapporo, Japan. I am Japanese.”

Fluent languages (Underline your native):
Japanese, Japanese Sign Language, and Chinese.”

Criminal record:

What makes you a good candidate for this job?
“In my five years with cases, I have worked with many diverse clients and experienced difficult situations. It has come to my understanding that Karakura is a place full of crime, and I am prepared for that. As a new lawyer in town, I will do everything possible to help make the city safer for everyone. I will always consider all parts of each case I am a part of and go through the trial presenting legal reasoning as to why my client may be innocent or deserve lesser charges.

With my language diversity and experience as a victim in a court case, I feel I can communicate well with clients in ways others might not. My communication skills easily change based on who I am around to help someone feel more comfortable when they are talking to me. Being well-versed in my Japanese studies, I can handle professional work while maintaining a more effortless tone when needed with clients.

Between the years I graduated and began Law School, I stayed home to care for my children. During this time, I found entertainment in reading non-fiction stories about prior cases or laws in different areas of Japan. I took a particular interest in Karakura, and after studying the town’s amendments, I decided I wanted to work here. Therefore, while I am new to the city, I have prior knowledge and experience of the laws and the city itself.”
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Level 185
News Lead

After discussion with the Higher Ups of the Government Faction, we have chosen to place you on pending:

- Your application is well structured & written, but other applicants stood out more

Once a position opens, you'll be contacted to see if you'd still like to be part of the faction !


Level 153
Government Lead
Build Coordinator

Unfortunately we have decided to deny your application for the following reason: In the amount of applications we have every month, your application may have had good writing and detail, however some applications stood out more. You may reapply at any given time.

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