Level 1
What is your Minecraft Username?:
What is your timezone?:
Please provide your Discord tag:
namesnoah. (with period)
Link(s) to all past and present applications on the server (Approved, Denied & Pending):
7 Foot Application - [DENIED]
Italian Language Application - [PENDING]
Korean Language Application - [PENDING]
7 Foot Application - [PENDING]
4 Foot Application - [PENDING]
Describe your activity on the server:
As a whole, I would say I am quite activity on the server itself as I spend a few to several hours on the server directly while also taking time to keep up to date with the community overall. I may have not been on the server for an extensive amount of time, though in the time I have been on SRP and apart of the community, I have made my time on it exploring many aspects of it.
List your accounts and roles on this server:
[College] Valentino Uno
[Grade-12] Zuhayr Faraj
Are you aware that inactivity can result in removal from the council?:
Yes I am aware and acknowledge that a stretch of inactivity will result in a removal from the council. I take this seriously and am willing to commit myself to fulfilling the position of being a council team member. And if any unforeseen circumstance are to come and affect my availability, I will make sure to swiftly communicate these with higher-ups.
What is the student council and what do they do?:
The student council, as a whole, is a tight knit group of students from both high school and college respective to the town/city. As a collective, their objective is to be a form of leader to their fellow peers and the students of both respective campuses. Student councilors work towards making the school a better place through patrolling the place, keeping a positive and welcoming environment for all those they may come across. Beyond these face value duties, the council team work behind the scenes of the more inner workings of the school as they handle with resolving issues on campus, planning events for the campus, aiding faculty staff in enforcing disciplinary actions, and be a ear to anybody that may want to voice an opinion and then echoing this, if necessary, to others.
What motivated you to apply for council? (e.g. Interests, friends, etc.):
I would say my motivation in applying for council stems from my general interest to broaden the scope of what aspects of RP I am familiar and have experience in. Though I may not, at this period of time, have much time and experience on SRP besides being apart of the sports faction briefly by taking apart of two separate HS Teams. Seeing how I enjoyed the collaborative and closeness that came from being apart of a team, I thought it would be best for me to try a faction that worked more extensively on collaborative and teamwork. By being on the council team, I believe I would be more apart of the community, tapping into aspects and groups that I may have not before. You get into scenarios that you would not typically get into outside of being apart of a faction that is a crucial aspect of the school on the server.
Are you aware that you’ll be having to use your creativity and teamwork ethic within the student council? (e.g. Coming up and helping with events):
Yes, I am and am prepared for this.
Can you list the roles in the council along with other roles that might be important to the council?:
The School President
This person is the sole individual that represents the school body, acting as the primary liaison between three parties; students, faculty and administration. Though the president is also the leader of the student council and so provides them direction, vision, and importantly leadership. They ensure that the council team are aligning with the needs of the students and goals of the campus.
School Vice President
Not only do they support the president, they step in when the president is unavailable at any given moment as well as overseeing projects. To the council team, the vice president helps manage the workload they may have, a more hands-on collaborator in decision-making than the president may be at times.
Council Members
These are the core of the representative team towards students and specific groups and interests they voice. Council members participate in meetings and contribute to the planning and later implementing of campus initiatives. Through the members a diverse range of perspectives are heard to ensure they address a wide range of concerns and ideas.
School Faculty
The Faculty on campus are a central source of guidance, mentorship and knowledge to the council. They help the council navigate administrative processes and ensure what the council are attempting to do align with school policies and visions.
While students gather for a school assembly, one student behaves disruptively, causing a disturbance. How would you manage the situation to restore order effectively while minimizing any additional disruptions to the assembly?
To manage the situation I would observe whether this is a minor or major disturbance. If it's a minor one, like a student talking too loudly, making unnecessary noise, or messing around in the crowd, I would approach them calmly, reminding them to keep appropriate and suitable behavior for the occasion. If, in the case, the student is closer to me I would attempt a simple non-verbal cue towards them to signal the student to quit their behavior without needing to move or escalating the situation in any sense. Though if the student continues, I would calmly and discreetly escort the student off to the side of the assembly to speak to them briefly without having to do so while at the assembly or risk a scene being made. I would offer them the choice to either return respectfully or leave the assembly if they see that as the right option.
If the situation proves itself more severe nearing the point of a deliberate attempt to interrupt the assembly as a whole, I would signal for assistance from faculty members. However, a focus will still be on minimizing the escalation of the situation. And afterward, I would meet with the student formally to discuss what went down during the assembly to work as a resolution to everything and ensure that the student won't act in a similar manner again in the future.
A student refuses to take their mask off after you’ve brought up detention and they’ve run away! What do you do?
If the student was simply refusing to take off the mask, I would not attempt to chase after them as this could create unnecessary attention and potentially encourage them to act more disruptive. I would simply note who they were, the direction in which they took off in, and anything else significant before reporting them to other council members and faculty. In the case that I recognize the student, I would take the proper steps to document what had happened and follow it up with proper disciplinary action. Though in the case that the students refusal escalates to threats and the potential chance to harm to me or any other student, I would be quick to call for assistance to handle the situation in a swift, respectful and professional manner to ensure it is handled efficiently without anything being blown out of proportion.
A teacher observes concerning behavior from a student, including the creation of disturbing artwork and verbal threats toward peers. How would you collaborate with the teacher to evaluate the situation and intervene appropriately to address potential safety concerns?
Speaking to the teacher before taking any action towards the situation and student, I would briefly get a image of what student, asking if there had been any similar previous incidents, context and any past concerned voiced by other faculty or students to get a grasp of the situation. In these situations, handling them with urgency, care and sensitivity is crucial. Afterwards, I would calmly approach the student, starting a discussion with them to understand what they are going through and perspective on the manner. After speaking to them and combining it with what the teacher informed me with beforehand, I would work with the teacher to determine what support or disciplinary actions should be taken.
A group of students asks for your permission to stage a protest on school grounds. Would you allow them to protest? If so, how do you ensure that the protest does not disrupt the school environment while upholding their freedom of expression?
Being a councilor, the vessel for students to voice their opinions and concerns, I would support the students as it is their right to express their views. I would firstly have a discussion with them to hear why they are planning to protest for in the first place, not only to give them time to speak and be heard by someone but to know that the message is appropriate and aligns with school policies. But I would ensure with them that the protest be orderly and not done in a disruptive manner that negatively impacts the school environment. From here I would work with faculty to designate the protest time and space on campus in order for it not to interfere with daily campus operations. To maintain respect and order, I would tell the students to keep the protest in alignment with school guidelines. It is also important that the students and faculty speak to one another to create a space where their concerns are heard in a structured and respectful manner without anything escalating badly.
A teacher/receptionist has told you that you are doing something that goes against what you were trained by your higher-ups. How would you react to this?
I would not take their concern of my actions as direct disrespect or insult as I would listen to them with an open mind. Asking them for clarification on what exactly I must have done that is in direct conflict with my training and ask what policies/guidelines state it to better see where they are coming from. If it turns out to be a simple misunderstanding, I would explain that I am doing what I was instructed to by my higher-ups and that I am sorry I angered them in any way. But in the case, it turns out I did make an error, I would ensure them it would be the only instance and that I will ensure I would act more accordingly from there on out. For my own benefit, I would explain this situation to an higher-up for further explanation on how to avoid such a mistake to occur ever again.
Please provide at least one detailed event that the council can use as a future event to showcase your creativity!
As all Events have some form of objective attached to them! The objective of this one is to create a more lively and social event to bring all those on campus together not only to exchange and learn of cuisine and cultural dishes but to support rising businesses and foster a sense of community.
To setup such an event, there would be partnering with local food trucks, or simply businesses, that offer a variety of dishes. Secure a location on that campus that would suit such an event; for instance, the track field and baseball field general area would give ample space for trucks, seating, activities, and overall student space.
Speaking of activities, music could be played through a DJ of sort to create a festive vibe while students go to individual trucks, mingle around and even partake in food competitions. These competitions could be from eating competitions, to a simple contest of “Students Fav!” which will see students vote for the top dish that was served at the event. And of course it is not a school event without some sort of photo booth for people to have a printed-out memory of the day.
This event would be promoted through social media, posters and word of mouth. To encourage participation, meal tickets or discounts will be handed out in the upcoming week before the event takes place.
But, why go forth with this event idea? This event would combine a love for great food and social interaction in a more relaxed setting with a common ground of the love for food. This would also allow students with a passion in cooking to see where that passion could go in addition to supporting businesses. Not to mention that this event will be inclusive and appealing to various tastes and preferences.
As students can go through a lot of emotions and stress, a stress-relieving and more upbeat experience through therapy animals will promote mental well-being and bring students together.
Partnering with therapy animal shelters to bring trained therapy dogs, cats, and other animals will allow us to have them on campus. But also securing a spot on campus, for example the gym or the roof with designated space for animal interactions. There will be arranged seating and mats for students to sit on to interact with the animals in a comfortable manner.
In the actual event, there will be stations where students can pet, calmly pet with and in some instances cuddle with the therapy animals in a supervised environment. While nearby would be booths that will provide information on the benefits of pet therapy and other mental health resources that are relevant. There will be a corner for students to take a photo with the animals as well! And off to a designated spot.will be a more “relaxed” zone, a more quiet area to allow students to unwind.
This event will be promoted through posters, media posts, word of mouth through students and faculty. Though to ensure all animals are safe and not scared, there will be a set number of students that can enter as groups to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for all. During the event, there will be also small giveaways to play as incentives for students to attend.
Though, why go with this event? It is known that academics, especially on a college level, can bring a heavy load of stress and pressure on students. And interacting with animals has been proven to reduce stress and anxiety. This event would also shine a light on mental health, bringing more eyes to the importance of good mental health.
Personal Information
(in character)
Valentino Uno
Phone number:
How would you describe your personality?:
I would definitely describe myself as confident in nature, sometimes even too confident for my own good. But this doesn’t mean I allow this to interrupt my business and relations with people. I am a strong extrovert as I am willing to speak to anybody at any time, and when it comes to achieving a goal that I set for myself, I’ll get myself to them even if it takes alot of time and effort. Though I will admit at times I can fall short due to lack of motivation and laziness. But these are aspects I am working towards improving.
Appearance/attire (Please provide a picture):
The light-skinned Italian male before you stands with dark brown hair that cascades in soft tousled waves framing his sharply defined features. His smooth complexion carries a warm undertone that enhances the depth of his piercing deep-set eyes. A faint yet distinct scent of amber and oak surrounds him imbuing his presence with a subtle richness and refinement. Along his right arm lies a noticeable carving etched into his skin.
What separates you from other applicants seeking your position?:
I would not necessarily state that I have a specific quality or skill that would directly separate me from others seeking to be a Councilor, but through my ability to communicate with just about anybody and my motivation, once my mind is set on a goal will prove useful to the team. I too am one to be continuously thinking of things to keep myself from being bored on my own, and seeing how many students view the campus as being lacking in proper, exciting events, I believe I could translate my own distaste for bland, boring aspects of being a student to bettering the team and living up the campus.
Why do you want this position?:
At first I never thought of myself as a fit for such a position, it is quite the shoes to fit into due to the duties, responsibilities, and overall expectations that come with it from the council team itself, fellow students, and SLT. But having taken some time to explore other aspects of the high school, in particular sports teams, and now having graduated to College, I feel more prepared than before. I, at times, do have too much time to myself that I don't know what to do with, so I think pushing myself to be at the center of the campus and its students will allow me to have a sense of motivation and purpose. This experience will definitely shape my leadership, collaborative, and communication skills all helpful for any path beyond the council team.
What interests you the most about student council?:
I am most interested in meeting faces that I perhaps barely, if not never, got to see and definitely meet properly. Not just anybody gets to be apart of the student council and those on the team are unique in their personality and mindset, yet all working to bettering student life and brightening up the campus. I too wish to be able to make my own mark on the school in positive light and the power you obtain once in the team can contribute to my wishes to this.
What could you contribute to make the school a safe and fun environment?:
To make the school a safe environment for all of us, I can push for a stronger connection between students and faculty as a stronger communication between both parties will ensure students feel comfortable voicing any concerns of theirs and overall speaking to faculty on a more frequent basis. As there is a figurative wall between both, promoting mutual respect and accountability on both sides will enhance the campus atmosphere. In addition, encouraging students to take on a “mentor” role towards newer fellow students will ensure younger students get the guidance and support through academic and social challenges while the council team may be occupied. On the fun side, I would work with the team and faculty to prepare student-focused events beyond those centered around sports. The campus would benefit from more creative outlets, though cultural festivals and club showcases may be good. I believe events for art, music, and more niche hobbies could make the school a more fun environment. More frequent spirit weeks could make everyday school life more entertaining and interactive among students. Perhaps an event could be on having Pet Therapy, Volunteering opportunities, etc.
What is your Minecraft Username?:
What is your timezone?:
Please provide your Discord tag:
namesnoah. (with period)
Link(s) to all past and present applications on the server (Approved, Denied & Pending):
7 Foot Application - [DENIED]
Italian Language Application - [PENDING]
Korean Language Application - [PENDING]
7 Foot Application - [PENDING]
4 Foot Application - [PENDING]
Describe your activity on the server:
As a whole, I would say I am quite activity on the server itself as I spend a few to several hours on the server directly while also taking time to keep up to date with the community overall. I may have not been on the server for an extensive amount of time, though in the time I have been on SRP and apart of the community, I have made my time on it exploring many aspects of it.
List your accounts and roles on this server:
[College] Valentino Uno
[Grade-12] Zuhayr Faraj
Are you aware that inactivity can result in removal from the council?:
Yes I am aware and acknowledge that a stretch of inactivity will result in a removal from the council. I take this seriously and am willing to commit myself to fulfilling the position of being a council team member. And if any unforeseen circumstance are to come and affect my availability, I will make sure to swiftly communicate these with higher-ups.
What is the student council and what do they do?:
The student council, as a whole, is a tight knit group of students from both high school and college respective to the town/city. As a collective, their objective is to be a form of leader to their fellow peers and the students of both respective campuses. Student councilors work towards making the school a better place through patrolling the place, keeping a positive and welcoming environment for all those they may come across. Beyond these face value duties, the council team work behind the scenes of the more inner workings of the school as they handle with resolving issues on campus, planning events for the campus, aiding faculty staff in enforcing disciplinary actions, and be a ear to anybody that may want to voice an opinion and then echoing this, if necessary, to others.
What motivated you to apply for council? (e.g. Interests, friends, etc.):
I would say my motivation in applying for council stems from my general interest to broaden the scope of what aspects of RP I am familiar and have experience in. Though I may not, at this period of time, have much time and experience on SRP besides being apart of the sports faction briefly by taking apart of two separate HS Teams. Seeing how I enjoyed the collaborative and closeness that came from being apart of a team, I thought it would be best for me to try a faction that worked more extensively on collaborative and teamwork. By being on the council team, I believe I would be more apart of the community, tapping into aspects and groups that I may have not before. You get into scenarios that you would not typically get into outside of being apart of a faction that is a crucial aspect of the school on the server.
Are you aware that you’ll be having to use your creativity and teamwork ethic within the student council? (e.g. Coming up and helping with events):
Yes, I am and am prepared for this.
Can you list the roles in the council along with other roles that might be important to the council?:
The School President
This person is the sole individual that represents the school body, acting as the primary liaison between three parties; students, faculty and administration. Though the president is also the leader of the student council and so provides them direction, vision, and importantly leadership. They ensure that the council team are aligning with the needs of the students and goals of the campus.
School Vice President
Not only do they support the president, they step in when the president is unavailable at any given moment as well as overseeing projects. To the council team, the vice president helps manage the workload they may have, a more hands-on collaborator in decision-making than the president may be at times.
Council Members
These are the core of the representative team towards students and specific groups and interests they voice. Council members participate in meetings and contribute to the planning and later implementing of campus initiatives. Through the members a diverse range of perspectives are heard to ensure they address a wide range of concerns and ideas.
School Faculty
The Faculty on campus are a central source of guidance, mentorship and knowledge to the council. They help the council navigate administrative processes and ensure what the council are attempting to do align with school policies and visions.
While students gather for a school assembly, one student behaves disruptively, causing a disturbance. How would you manage the situation to restore order effectively while minimizing any additional disruptions to the assembly?
To manage the situation I would observe whether this is a minor or major disturbance. If it's a minor one, like a student talking too loudly, making unnecessary noise, or messing around in the crowd, I would approach them calmly, reminding them to keep appropriate and suitable behavior for the occasion. If, in the case, the student is closer to me I would attempt a simple non-verbal cue towards them to signal the student to quit their behavior without needing to move or escalating the situation in any sense. Though if the student continues, I would calmly and discreetly escort the student off to the side of the assembly to speak to them briefly without having to do so while at the assembly or risk a scene being made. I would offer them the choice to either return respectfully or leave the assembly if they see that as the right option.
If the situation proves itself more severe nearing the point of a deliberate attempt to interrupt the assembly as a whole, I would signal for assistance from faculty members. However, a focus will still be on minimizing the escalation of the situation. And afterward, I would meet with the student formally to discuss what went down during the assembly to work as a resolution to everything and ensure that the student won't act in a similar manner again in the future.
A student refuses to take their mask off after you’ve brought up detention and they’ve run away! What do you do?
If the student was simply refusing to take off the mask, I would not attempt to chase after them as this could create unnecessary attention and potentially encourage them to act more disruptive. I would simply note who they were, the direction in which they took off in, and anything else significant before reporting them to other council members and faculty. In the case that I recognize the student, I would take the proper steps to document what had happened and follow it up with proper disciplinary action. Though in the case that the students refusal escalates to threats and the potential chance to harm to me or any other student, I would be quick to call for assistance to handle the situation in a swift, respectful and professional manner to ensure it is handled efficiently without anything being blown out of proportion.
A teacher observes concerning behavior from a student, including the creation of disturbing artwork and verbal threats toward peers. How would you collaborate with the teacher to evaluate the situation and intervene appropriately to address potential safety concerns?
Speaking to the teacher before taking any action towards the situation and student, I would briefly get a image of what student, asking if there had been any similar previous incidents, context and any past concerned voiced by other faculty or students to get a grasp of the situation. In these situations, handling them with urgency, care and sensitivity is crucial. Afterwards, I would calmly approach the student, starting a discussion with them to understand what they are going through and perspective on the manner. After speaking to them and combining it with what the teacher informed me with beforehand, I would work with the teacher to determine what support or disciplinary actions should be taken.
A group of students asks for your permission to stage a protest on school grounds. Would you allow them to protest? If so, how do you ensure that the protest does not disrupt the school environment while upholding their freedom of expression?
Being a councilor, the vessel for students to voice their opinions and concerns, I would support the students as it is their right to express their views. I would firstly have a discussion with them to hear why they are planning to protest for in the first place, not only to give them time to speak and be heard by someone but to know that the message is appropriate and aligns with school policies. But I would ensure with them that the protest be orderly and not done in a disruptive manner that negatively impacts the school environment. From here I would work with faculty to designate the protest time and space on campus in order for it not to interfere with daily campus operations. To maintain respect and order, I would tell the students to keep the protest in alignment with school guidelines. It is also important that the students and faculty speak to one another to create a space where their concerns are heard in a structured and respectful manner without anything escalating badly.
A teacher/receptionist has told you that you are doing something that goes against what you were trained by your higher-ups. How would you react to this?
I would not take their concern of my actions as direct disrespect or insult as I would listen to them with an open mind. Asking them for clarification on what exactly I must have done that is in direct conflict with my training and ask what policies/guidelines state it to better see where they are coming from. If it turns out to be a simple misunderstanding, I would explain that I am doing what I was instructed to by my higher-ups and that I am sorry I angered them in any way. But in the case, it turns out I did make an error, I would ensure them it would be the only instance and that I will ensure I would act more accordingly from there on out. For my own benefit, I would explain this situation to an higher-up for further explanation on how to avoid such a mistake to occur ever again.
Please provide at least one detailed event that the council can use as a future event to showcase your creativity!
As all Events have some form of objective attached to them! The objective of this one is to create a more lively and social event to bring all those on campus together not only to exchange and learn of cuisine and cultural dishes but to support rising businesses and foster a sense of community.
To setup such an event, there would be partnering with local food trucks, or simply businesses, that offer a variety of dishes. Secure a location on that campus that would suit such an event; for instance, the track field and baseball field general area would give ample space for trucks, seating, activities, and overall student space.
Speaking of activities, music could be played through a DJ of sort to create a festive vibe while students go to individual trucks, mingle around and even partake in food competitions. These competitions could be from eating competitions, to a simple contest of “Students Fav!” which will see students vote for the top dish that was served at the event. And of course it is not a school event without some sort of photo booth for people to have a printed-out memory of the day.
This event would be promoted through social media, posters and word of mouth. To encourage participation, meal tickets or discounts will be handed out in the upcoming week before the event takes place.
But, why go forth with this event idea? This event would combine a love for great food and social interaction in a more relaxed setting with a common ground of the love for food. This would also allow students with a passion in cooking to see where that passion could go in addition to supporting businesses. Not to mention that this event will be inclusive and appealing to various tastes and preferences.
As students can go through a lot of emotions and stress, a stress-relieving and more upbeat experience through therapy animals will promote mental well-being and bring students together.
Partnering with therapy animal shelters to bring trained therapy dogs, cats, and other animals will allow us to have them on campus. But also securing a spot on campus, for example the gym or the roof with designated space for animal interactions. There will be arranged seating and mats for students to sit on to interact with the animals in a comfortable manner.
In the actual event, there will be stations where students can pet, calmly pet with and in some instances cuddle with the therapy animals in a supervised environment. While nearby would be booths that will provide information on the benefits of pet therapy and other mental health resources that are relevant. There will be a corner for students to take a photo with the animals as well! And off to a designated spot.will be a more “relaxed” zone, a more quiet area to allow students to unwind.
This event will be promoted through posters, media posts, word of mouth through students and faculty. Though to ensure all animals are safe and not scared, there will be a set number of students that can enter as groups to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for all. During the event, there will be also small giveaways to play as incentives for students to attend.
Though, why go with this event? It is known that academics, especially on a college level, can bring a heavy load of stress and pressure on students. And interacting with animals has been proven to reduce stress and anxiety. This event would also shine a light on mental health, bringing more eyes to the importance of good mental health.
Personal Information
(in character)
Valentino Uno
Phone number:
How would you describe your personality?:
I would definitely describe myself as confident in nature, sometimes even too confident for my own good. But this doesn’t mean I allow this to interrupt my business and relations with people. I am a strong extrovert as I am willing to speak to anybody at any time, and when it comes to achieving a goal that I set for myself, I’ll get myself to them even if it takes alot of time and effort. Though I will admit at times I can fall short due to lack of motivation and laziness. But these are aspects I am working towards improving.
Appearance/attire (Please provide a picture):
The light-skinned Italian male before you stands with dark brown hair that cascades in soft tousled waves framing his sharply defined features. His smooth complexion carries a warm undertone that enhances the depth of his piercing deep-set eyes. A faint yet distinct scent of amber and oak surrounds him imbuing his presence with a subtle richness and refinement. Along his right arm lies a noticeable carving etched into his skin.
What separates you from other applicants seeking your position?:
I would not necessarily state that I have a specific quality or skill that would directly separate me from others seeking to be a Councilor, but through my ability to communicate with just about anybody and my motivation, once my mind is set on a goal will prove useful to the team. I too am one to be continuously thinking of things to keep myself from being bored on my own, and seeing how many students view the campus as being lacking in proper, exciting events, I believe I could translate my own distaste for bland, boring aspects of being a student to bettering the team and living up the campus.
Why do you want this position?:
At first I never thought of myself as a fit for such a position, it is quite the shoes to fit into due to the duties, responsibilities, and overall expectations that come with it from the council team itself, fellow students, and SLT. But having taken some time to explore other aspects of the high school, in particular sports teams, and now having graduated to College, I feel more prepared than before. I, at times, do have too much time to myself that I don't know what to do with, so I think pushing myself to be at the center of the campus and its students will allow me to have a sense of motivation and purpose. This experience will definitely shape my leadership, collaborative, and communication skills all helpful for any path beyond the council team.
What interests you the most about student council?:
I am most interested in meeting faces that I perhaps barely, if not never, got to see and definitely meet properly. Not just anybody gets to be apart of the student council and those on the team are unique in their personality and mindset, yet all working to bettering student life and brightening up the campus. I too wish to be able to make my own mark on the school in positive light and the power you obtain once in the team can contribute to my wishes to this.
What could you contribute to make the school a safe and fun environment?:
To make the school a safe environment for all of us, I can push for a stronger connection between students and faculty as a stronger communication between both parties will ensure students feel comfortable voicing any concerns of theirs and overall speaking to faculty on a more frequent basis. As there is a figurative wall between both, promoting mutual respect and accountability on both sides will enhance the campus atmosphere. In addition, encouraging students to take on a “mentor” role towards newer fellow students will ensure younger students get the guidance and support through academic and social challenges while the council team may be occupied. On the fun side, I would work with the team and faculty to prepare student-focused events beyond those centered around sports. The campus would benefit from more creative outlets, though cultural festivals and club showcases may be good. I believe events for art, music, and more niche hobbies could make the school a more fun environment. More frequent spirit weeks could make everyday school life more entertaining and interactive among students. Perhaps an event could be on having Pet Therapy, Volunteering opportunities, etc.
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