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Accepted Amelah_ || Literature professor application


Level 2

What is your Minecraft username?:


What is your time zone?:

What is your discord username?:


Link all previous applications you made on the server:
German app {Accepted}
JSL app {accepted}

Describe your activity on SchoolRP:
I spend up to four hours or more online, depending on my schoolwork that day and whatever extracurricular activities I have. On the weekends, I spend time online almost all day except when I am met with longer hours due to a busy schedule. To keep up consistency in my activity, I always make an effort to log on for an hour or two each day at least.

Describe your roleplay experience with SchoolRP and other roleplay networks in general:
Overall, I say I have a positive experience. From an early age, it has always been a love of mine that I have been unable to let go of. I was involved in a lot of roleplaying videos for games like Minecraft. I used to roleplay with my friends or by myself all the time. My childhood dreams became fully satisfied when I found the server, which only encouraged me to immerse myself further in my roleplays. In addition, I took part in gangrp, which helped me with details and enhanced my roleplaying abilities. I put a lot of effort into making sure I'm roleplaying things accurately, and each of my characters has distinct characteristics of their own. Researching, taking notes, and organizing ahead of time are some of the things that help me make better roleplays.

What are your current roles on SchoolRP:
Both are Grade-12

What is the subject you want to teach?:
English Literature.


What is your motivation for becoming a professor?:
My motivation for becoming a professor is to further immerse myself in roleplay on the server. I have been roleplaying as a student for most of my time on SRP, this would be including my old account. Over time, it piqued my interest to wonder what it would be like to experience a class from the other side of the front desk. Writing has always been a passion since I was younger. I attended multiple contests and festivals based solely on writing and novels. In free time, I enjoy reading books and take a lot of inspiration from the authors I read from and put these ideas into my own writing. This heightened my passion for wanting to become a literature professor in hopes that the students I teach can have the same experience. Moreover I want to stand out in the community and receive first-hand experience of being a part of a faction. The faculty faction being my main choice because it feels like the perfect starter faction to dive into; students on the daily interact with teachers and professors, hence the reason behind my confidence in being able to properly bring out the role of a professor.

Work out two interactive classes you will host if accepted:

A team building essay writing. Everyone would get in a group of 4, draw an image, and each person would write a different introduction paragraph based on this image. Once finished, they would exchange their papers with someone else in their group and from there they would write the second paragraph further describing the photo. Once everyone has a 4 paragraph essay, they would review this essay and would then write one paragraph on why they believe their classmates wrote the essay this way. This interactive activity will build on the student’s understanding of their colleagues' viewpoints while looking at the same picture. In other words, training the skill of viewing different perspectives and building respect towards a colleague’s ideas.

2. A scenario activity. Each row of students will be given a single book containing the same prompt. From there, the first student will write a sentence based on this prompt, and then pass it to the student behind them. The next student will repeat this same process, and so on so forth. Once each row is finished, the books will be returned to Ingomar who will then read over the stories written. The row that managed to keep their ideas consistent and true to the prompt will receive a reward. This interactive activity will help improve the student’s ability to think ahead when completing unfinished work or products left by a peer or a colleague in the workplace environment.

Work out a field trip (meaning a class outside school grounds) you will host if accepted:
The class would be taken to the shrine. Here, the class will be allowed to further immerse in the Japanese culture of the shrine and obtain more knowledge of how the shrine is properly run. Once returned back to the classroom, each of the students will write about their experience, such as how the ways of the shrine may have affected them on an emotional level, and their overall feelings on the location and practices they had seen.


Your character would encounter a group of college jocks surrounding a bobcat jock, what would your character do?
Ingomar would approach the group, politely asking the college jocks to not surround another student. Once the group has a standing distance, Ingomar would ask them what was happening and what their reasoning for surrounding another student was. If the reasoning was nothing harmless, Ingomar would dismiss the jocks and would check on the bobcat jock to ensure the truth was being told. When given the answer Ingomar would then dismiss the bobcat jock to be on their way and to come to him or any faculty if a problem continued.

Your character would be supervising detention, one of the students constantly disturbs by asking stupid questions, what would your character do?
Ingomar would address the student once, reminding the student that if they had a question they should raise their hand to not disturb the others working. If the student continued, Ingomar would approach the student, pulling them outside of the classroom to have a one on one talk with them. Ingomar would then state that the questions the student is constantly asking is disrupting their peers who are working. He would also address that most of the questions they are asking can be answered if the student observed the rules on the board. Ingomar would ask if the student had any more questions before they re-entered the classroom and if the student answered no, Ingomar would then guide the student back to their desk in silence.

Your character would be hosting a class, and a group of cheerleaders keeps on playing songs on the phone and calling out other students in the class, what would your character do?
Ingomar would pause, and then politely yet sternly ask the cheerleaders to turn off their phones and to not speak out while he was teaching. If the cheerleaders were to ignore his wishes, he would slightly raise his voice, informing them that detention will be given if they did not turn off their phones and quieted down as he asked. Any further action that acted against Ingomar’s warnings, he would issue each disobeying cheerleader involved to after school detention and would remove them from his classroom.

Your character would be walking on the school perimeter and encounter a fight between a couple of students, your character tried to break it up but it didn't help, what would your character do?
Ingomar would quickly approach the fight, attempting to break up the students. Being deemed unsuccessful, he would pull out his radio and call for backup, listing his location and informing them there is a fight he is struggling to disperse. Once he had radioed he would continue his attempts to pull the students away from each other. If successful, he would move every student involved in the fight away from one another, and then would ask them their reasoning for fighting another student on school grounds. Once given an answer and both of the sides to the story, he would issue each of them after school detention and would warn them if they were caught doing it again it could result in a possible suspension.


Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. What do they look like? What makes them unique and different? What is their outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is their personality like? What is their plan for the future?

Ingomar has a tall and muscular build, standing at an impressive 6 feet and 5 inches. He has medium-length brown hair that is slightly longer on top, framing his hazel eyes. His features are strong and handsome, with a sharp jawline and high cheekbones. He keeps himself well-kept and often wears casual clothes that accentuate his athletic figure.

Ingomar is an ambitious and driven individual who always strives for excellence in everything he does. He is confident but not arrogant and has a strong work ethic that has served him well in his life. He is competitive by nature and hates losing, but he also knows how to be gracious in defeat. Everywhere he goes, Ingomar is loyal and protective of those he considers friends and family. He has a quick wit and enjoys engaging in banter with others. However, he can also be quite serious when the situation demands it.

Ingomar treats and views all of his students equally. In the classroom, his goal is to teach every student and prepare them for the hardships they could face in life. He wants to provide a safe space and a comforting viewpoint on himself and his classroom, he is always checking in on his students and tries his hardest to give them a break whenever it is seen necessary. When the time comes, he hopes to see every student he has come across in class to walk across the stage and move further into their degree or even to graduate and continue to live their lives as best as possible with the knowledge they have obtained during their times in college.

Ingomar views his co-workers as close friends and acquaintances. In the faculty faction, he wants to work well with the other faculty, being very kind and respectful to anyone he comes across. Ingomar sees them all as an equal, believing each as one should work together and help others grow alongside themselves. He believes no matter the rank, each person inside the faction is still learning, whether it be the small things or the big things, he believes everyone is growing at all times.

Ingomar plans far ahead of his future. He took multiple teacher education classes in his old high school in hopes of pursuing his ultimate dream of being able to teach a class of his own. In some time, he hopes to strive in the professor faction. Being one of his biggest dreams in 10th grade, he hopes to grow old until his retirement teaching students to their graduation. Eventually, Ingomar wants to gradually work his way up to become a known professor in the faction. He strives to want to become an example people can recognize and look up to.

Describe how your character ended up becoming a teacher and their previous life. It is optional to include earlier life but recommended.

Ingomar Deidara-Kakumyo grew up in a small town named Cochem, nestled in the countryside of Germany. He was the oldest child in his family, with a younger sister named Ingrid who was 4 years below him. The town was known for its quaint charm and picturesque landscapes, but for Ingomar, it held painful memories.
Growing up, Ingomar's family struggled financially. His father was deeply in debt and despite their best efforts, they couldn't seem to get ahead. At the age of 12, their situation became so desperate that Ingomar was forced to spend nine months living on the streets. It was a difficult time, but it only made Ingomar more determined to help his family.
Eventually, his family started a small gas station and worked tirelessly to make it successful. Ingomar, now a teenager, devoted all his free time to helping out at the gas station. It was during this time that he met his English teacher, Judar Richardson. She was always kind to Ingomar and gave him the nickname of 'Ingarae.' She was strict with her students and always addressed them by their first and last names, but for some reason, she found it easier to call Ingomar by his nickname.
However, tragedy struck when Ingomar was just 15 years old. His beloved sister, Ingrid, was tragically murdered. The killer was never found, and this left Ingomar and his family shattered. In an attempt to cope with the pain, Ingomar threw himself into constant work and studies, trying to drown out the memories. His English teacher, Ms. Richardson, tried to help him by encouraging him to write out his feelings, hoping it would bring him some closure. But Ingomar couldn't bring himself to do it, and he ended up changing classes because he couldn't bear to look at his teacher.
High school became unbearable for Ingomar. The constant agony made it difficult for him to make friends, and he ended up pushing away the few he had. As soon as he graduated high school, Ingomar knew he had to leave his old life behind. He moved to Karakura, Japan, hoping to start over and leave behind the painful memories that haunted him.
In Karakura, Ingomar made new friends who convinced him to try out for the local colleges. To his surprise, he got accepted, and he decided to pursue a career in art. However, as time went by, Ingomar realized that this course didn't bring him the joy and fulfillment he had hoped for. He started making failing grades, and it seemed like he was just going through the motions.
But then he met Jikai, a fellow student in his art course. Jikai was studying to become an art professor, and he was extremely kind and welcoming to Ingomar. Over time, Jikai helped Ingomar come to the realization that his true passion was writing and literature. With Jikai’s encouragement, Ingomar changed his course of study and began pursuing a degree in literature. Ingomar and Jikai grew closer as they bonded over their interests. Ingomar's initial admiration for Jikai’s intellect and kindness soon turned into something deeper.
After years of hard work and dedication, he finally achieved his dream of obtaining a Ph.D. in literature, but instead of jumping right into the workforce, Ingomar decided to take some time off to travel and experience life outside of academia. He backpacked through Europe, explored ancient ruins in Asia, and even volunteered at a local school shelter in Africa. These experiences not only broadened his perspective on the world, but also gave him a much-needed break from years of intense studying. Once he returned, he was met again with his college best friend.
After 5 years, the two had become engaged and then married. Eventually, Jikai's career as an art professor blossomed, and he was hired by a high school and college where they had previously attended. Ingomar couldn't have been more proud of his husband's success, but part of him also felt a little unsettled. He had put his own dreams on hold to support Jikai’s career, but now that they were settled, he couldn't help but feel a sense of restlessness.
One day Ingomar caught sight of the college hiring literature professors. Without hesitation, Ingomar shot his shot and applied for the position. The thought of teaching alongside his college best friend and now husband excited him beyond words. He had always dreamt of finally fulfilling his old teachers’ wishes, and this seemed like the perfect chance to make that dream a reality.
To his surprise and joy, Ingomar was offered the job. He was filled with a sense of pride and accomplishment as he accepted the position. He couldn't wait to share his love for literature with a new generation of students. Wanting to be inspiring and teach young minds traveling to adulthood, just as his teacher did for him. He put in every effort he had, he swore to himself he would teach students things that would benefit them truly as they graduate, and how to empty the bottle he clung to for so very long using their words.



Full Name:

Ingomar Deidara-Kakumyo
"My full name is Ingomar D. Kakumyo, surname is Deidara"

Title (Mr., Mrs., Miss):
"Mr. is preferred."

Given Name(s):
Deidei, Ingo, Marmar, Ingarae
"My mother called me Deidei as she said I reminded her of a dandelion. My friends call me Ingo. Marmar is a nickname that my sister used to call me to mimic my mother. Ingarae is what my old English teacher used to address me by, she used to address everyone by full name but found Ingarae easier for me."

Preferred Name:

Mr. Deidara{Formal address}
"In the professional work environment, I prefer to be named by Mr. Deidara from people such as students."

Ingo/Ingomar {Friendly address}
"I usually only prefer to be called Ingo or Ingomar by co-workers and close acquaintances."

"I am 28 years old. I was born on June 18th, 1996."

Gender & pronouns:
“I am a male, my pronouns are he/him”

Religious Denomination:
"I am irreligious, which is another word for atheist."

Marital Status:
"I am actually recently married."

“I am German-Japanese. My father is German and my mother is Japanese”

Current Location:
Karakura, Japan
"I currently am an occupant in Karakura, which is here."

SECTION 2: Academic Details

Teaching Experience (# of years):

“I would say I have about 3 years of teaching experience. I used to volunteer at an old shelter that accommodated students unable to attend public schools. I taught children the ways of literature and helped them have a better understanding of writing, poems, and novels.”

Working Experience (# of years):
"6 years. Considering I worked for my parents most of my high school days, I would say I have strong work experience. They used to run an old gas station back in my hometown in Germany, I volunteered and helped whenever I had the chance. It gave me a strong work ethic on how future jobs could work down the road, and how to better communicate and work together as a team with my colleagues."

Academic Degree:
Masters in Language and Linguistics.
Ph. D. in Literature

Year of Graduation: 2014

English literature
Communication studies
Masters of arts (English)

Political science

Native Languages:
"Born and raised in Germany, German was my very first language."

Other Languages:
Japanese, JSL
"Since my mother is Japanese, I was taught how to communicate with the language, along with JSL since my mother saw it fit that I knew it."

Preferred Teaching Subject:
English Literature


Additional notes about your application (if any):

Last edited:


Level 99
Professor Lead
Authorization Team
Congratulations, please make sure you're in the Karakura Academics discord, and ping me in #help (@muffincats) to receive your role. You can request your role in game by making a ticket. If you are not in the discord please make sure to join

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