Level 3

[ Amelia Kalinski ]
Basic Information
Preferred Name: Amelia
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Height: 5’4”
Weight: 106lbs
Build: Very thin and slender body fit
Skin Color: Light and fair
Eye Color: Amber / Green
Hair Style: Long, wavy
Hair Color: Silver, Brassy Lavender
Abnormalities: long and noticeable scar on her right forearm
Date of Birth: February 14, 2001
Place of Birth: Warsaw, Poland
Nationality: Polish
Race: White
Sexual Orientation: Straight
General Appearance
Amelia is a very Positive and passionate person. She tends to speak her mind often, even when most of the time it isn’t the best idea. Her attitude is sassy and courageous.
Cellphone, Umbrella, Purse
Sketching, painting, designing clothes
Amelia Kowalski was born in Warsaw, Poland. She grew up with an elegant twin sister, Nina. A sinister mother, and one run away father.
Nina was the family gem. First in her class, everyone’s favorite girl. While Amelia was locked in her room tucked under her bed sheets failing as a freshmen.
Amelia’s mother adored glamorous Nina. After all, she was her star daughter. She paid no attention to her other daughter at all. She didn’t even cook for her. Amelia had to fend for herself, even at home. She hated her life, and her sister.
Nina had just finished her exams at Arondale Highschool at the top of her class once again. She was on her way back from a karaoke party to celebrate her achievements. She was all alone, vulnerable. It was dark and late at night. But “Princess Nina” was too happy to notice that she was in a bad part of town so late at night.
A sudden chill crawls up Nina's spine as she’s looking at her phone
She turns around quickly, suspicious that someone may be following her. But nobody is there… She must have been wrong. She takes a few small steps forward, still looking behind her when *WHACK* her phone is dropped to the concrete, screen shattered in pieces… the case fallen off. Her backpack ripped as it had gotten stuck on the fence behind her.
Everything goes dark…
Amelia had been trying to pull her life together for weeks, trying to make her mother love her again. She had pulled up her grades, and even gotten on the freshman cheer squad. Amelia was so excited to tell her mother what she had done just for her. But she never got the chance...
Amelia is woken up to her mother’s screaming sobs and sirens outside her apartment. She tip-toes to her doors and slowly opens it to spy on the tall cop talking to her “what a mess” mom having a tantrum on the floor. Her eyes widen as she sees her sisters backpack covered in blood and her shattered phone in a plastic bag. Amelia storms out of her room in only socks and a light blue nightgown, her hair in a knotted messy bun on the top of her head.
Her mother tries to support her own weight with her elbows, making her hands into fists. She’s a mess. You could tell she had been crying for hours, the eye makeup smudged and drool all over her face. Amelia’s mother’s face turned from sadness to anger when she looked at her "alive" daughter. She got off the floor and screamed at confused Amelia, throwing the blood covered evidence of Nina at her. Amelia just stood there, letting the objects in the bad fall to the ground at her feet.
She stared at the bag and phone. Wondering where her sister was. She looked back up at her Mother and then at the Officer holding her back.
Nina was dead. Or kidnapped. The Police had no clue. They had no idea where Amelia’s sister was or any evidence as to who the kidnapper/killer could be.
Amelia’s Mother wanted someone to blame for her favorite daughter’s disappearance. So she blamed the other one. The one she considered nothing, a waste of space, a waste of life. She wished her failure of daughter was the victim instead of “Princess Nina".
Later that evening, Amelia had came out of the shower to discover her mother drunk on the sofa. Amelia slowly walked back to her room, scared of her drunken mom. She locked the door.
Amelia opened her sketchbook, tears staining the pages as her mother banged on her door, screaming sayings such as… “I wish it was you!” “You should be dead, not her.”
Suddenly, the screams and banging stopped. Amelia heard glass shatter and a thud outside her door. She unlocked her door in fear and looked down at her mother crying on the floor, once again. She looked the same as when the police officer was here. But she had cut her hand on the broken wine glass…
Amelia slowly squatted down next to her bawling mother, trying to take the piece of glass from her hand. But her mother slashed Amelia’s arm with the wine glass shard, making her hiss in pain. She fell back against her bedroom door and screamed. “Why couldn’t you just love me like you loved her!” She got up and ran, ran far away from her mother and everything that was her past.
That’s where she found Karakura, Japan...
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