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Amy Romo's Biography


Basic Information

First Name:Amy

Preferred Name:None





Weight: 98lbs

Build: Thin

Skin Color: White, Pale

Eye Color: Brown

Hair Style: Long with bangs

Hair Color:Black

Fashion: Red and high-waisted shorts


Date of Birth: January 2nd 2003

Place of Birth: Japan, Shinotaketsu

Nationality: American

Race: White

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Religious Beliefs: Atheist

Political Beliefs: She didn't think about it

General Appearance

Appearance:Amy had black hair with brown eyes and very pale white skin. She had ear piercings but she never wore earrings.

Personality: She was generally outgoing but stood up for herself. She was an average student


Character Voice: She had a calm but higher pitched voice

Equipment: She typically had a journal on her to write down everything.

Clothes: She wore a red sweater with a white shirt that was tucked into a pair of high-waisted shorts and brown boots

Hobbies: Singing

Flaw: She had no filter

Skills: Writing

Family: Her mother, Kate and Devin, her father.She had lived with Molly Romo when Molly was old enough to join the school.

Kate and Devin Romo had been married for about 2 years when they found out they were going to have a child. On January 2nd 2003, Amy was born. Kate thought Amy was a great name for such her new born daughter and Devin couldn't have agreed more. One year later, Amy's sister, Molly was born. This was April 24th, 2004. Amy was only one year old so she didn't exactly understand but she had a twinkle in her eye that made her seem as though she was excited. Growing up only one year apart made them very close, even though it was a hand full for the parents they enjoyed watching them get along. But being siblings still cause fights. Molly would often copy Amy which annoyed her a lot but Amy tried not to get too mad at Molly. As they got older Amy realized that her and Molly would be apart for a year because she had to move closer to her high school. But they knew they would see each other. Amy had met Hailey in highschool. They had become best friends. Hailey had got herself a boyfriend which Amy teased about.
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