Level 12
Andrew Shin Yaselsen
Basic Information
First Name: Andrew
Surname: Yaselsen.
Preferred Name: Andy, just Andy.
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Height: 6'3
Weight: 78kgs
Build: Slim
Skin Color: Pale peach
Eye Color: Hazel
Hair Color: Black but he dyes it a lot.
Fashion: Soft and E-boyish.
Date of Birth: January 20th, 2001
Place of Birth: South Korea
Nationality: Korean, Japanese and British.
Race: Asian
Sexual Orientation: Gay
Religious Beliefs: None
Political Beliefs: None
General Appearance
Appearance: Pale.
Personality: Charming and Manipulative.
Diseases/Illness: None.
Character Voice:
Clothes: Usually long sleeve striped shirts with black or white ones on top along with chains, normally black pants and vans.
Serious Problems/Flaws/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities: Alcoholic.
Family: Mother in London
Backstory: He was born an only child, since a young age his father was abusive to his mother and him, one day when he was 5 his father became drunk and starting abusing his mother and him, they ran into the family car and attempted to drive away but his father got in front of the car and got ran over by his mother, the day after his father's accidental murder they booked a plane to London where he grew up in until he was 18, he was bullied for being gay while being in London which pushed him to becoming anorexic and forcing him to move to Tokyo, He met a few people, im too lazy to finish this shit so uh tune in another time.

Basic Information
First Name: Andrew
Surname: Yaselsen.
Preferred Name: Andy, just Andy.
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Height: 6'3
Weight: 78kgs
Build: Slim
Skin Color: Pale peach
Eye Color: Hazel
Hair Color: Black but he dyes it a lot.
Fashion: Soft and E-boyish.
Date of Birth: January 20th, 2001
Place of Birth: South Korea
Nationality: Korean, Japanese and British.
Race: Asian
Sexual Orientation: Gay
Religious Beliefs: None
Political Beliefs: None
General Appearance
Appearance: Pale.
Personality: Charming and Manipulative.
Diseases/Illness: None.
Character Voice:

Clothes: Usually long sleeve striped shirts with black or white ones on top along with chains, normally black pants and vans.
Serious Problems/Flaws/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities: Alcoholic.
Family: Mother in London
Backstory: He was born an only child, since a young age his father was abusive to his mother and him, one day when he was 5 his father became drunk and starting abusing his mother and him, they ran into the family car and attempted to drive away but his father got in front of the car and got ran over by his mother, the day after his father's accidental murder they booked a plane to London where he grew up in until he was 18, he was bullied for being gay while being in London which pushed him to becoming anorexic and forcing him to move to Tokyo, He met a few people, im too lazy to finish this shit so uh tune in another time.
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