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Denied Anecdoche_ | Cooking Club Application


Level 197
Cooking Club Applicaation.gif



IGN of Club Leader (In-Game Name): Anecdoche_ (if roles aren't allowed to stack I'll switch accounts)

RPName of Club Leader: V. ‘Kaede’ Otori

Discord Tag (Discord#0000#): @Verified_idiot.

Club name of the club you are apply for the leadership position: Cooking Club

Why should you become a club leader over other applicants, what abilities or ideas do you have that could benefit the club you'll be in charge of?
Experience. In the past on the server, I've run a club (the Speculation Club) for a solid couple of months. I was also a teacher in early 2024 for a couple of months in which I taught culinary arts, to which I was introduced to a multitude of new ideas and a new set of students I hadn't met before. The interactions I had in both of these roles left me with a newfound experience that I never really had beforehand. Additionally, I co-run a student magazine (a fancy club in basic terms) at my school as am I an active member of my student council. Cooking wise I have a couple of professional chefs in my family who fancy taking me out to help them make food so I know a bunch of random little recipes and food combinations I'd like to introduce to the club! There are tons and tons of ideas I've drafted up for this club that I will soon pile into a little list. Most of these ideas consist of involvement with new foods and a lot more events to involve the player base with the club, allowing better interaction and more information about the club to be introduced.

Additionally, I've played on RPH for more than a few years and have learned about the player base and its adapting style as we all age up. This knowledge will aid me in bringing new and old players into the club to experience something new and help them become more familiarized with schoolrp and the school aspect through clubs. Some of my older SRP friends have lost interest in things like clubs, so I wish to remind them why it's such an important part of the server and rekindle their interest. I was also a part of the event team for over a year. Why is this important? It'll be a big factor in helping me create and be active in hosting events for this club. I really do just wish to revive this club to the best of my abilities and ask you to allow me to show you how.



What is your motivation for becoming the new leader of this club:
In-Character - “A secret I've kept hidden for a majority of my life is that I aspire to go to culinary school. I've been brought to the path of athletics and medical aid, yet it's never truly been my passion to fulfill. . either of these, as a career. I love my team and I love my professors but my interests simply stem from a different field, food. While I know that I won't have the funding for culinary school, I would find it greatly beneficial to do something similar while I can in college—as to why I opted for another path I could complete, club leading! I've always been called a natural leader but never cared to do anything about it. Through club leading for something I'm passionate about, I believe I might have the capability to make a change. Most people see me as just a jock, college student, or some random girl. . . But that's beside the point!! I know I'll be a capable leader and an even more capable chef to lead and counsel a group of like-minded students who simply want to make food. There are also perks to me being the leader, I can get a variety of new students who might not have been interested before being involved! A few of my teammates would love to help out, and I know we can do something good for this club.”

Out-Of-Character - On this topic, I am connected with my character in the aspect that I love cooking but won't likely use it down the line as a career choice. It's kind of now well spread around that I aspire to be a part of a law division, but there are always those little talents everyone holds to in secret—mine is my 10/10 cooking skill! I have led a club before as have I been in numerous and wish to continue as I hadn't done before. My club was short-lived due to its eventual activity decline from my very busy (at the time) schedule before I could save it, so now I wish to save a club that's lost its touch. I was a culinary teacher for a multitude of months and hope my skills will transfer over nicely.

What activities and events will this club do?:
(Work out at least one club members only event & two school-wide club event)
Activities -
As a club, there will be a multitude of different activities we will perform. Most people assume that as a cooking club in specific, we are only required to do cooking. . . well, in my opinion, this is far from the truth! Over my time as a member of the event team, I learned a multitude of strategies I still utilize to this day in order to think outside of the box. For most of the events I created below I tried to use a different style of format with a twist on my own ideas. These events stem from your traditional bake-off or cooking session solely so that you can have a taste of what more this club can do. When we are hosting our club meetings we will perform a few of many preset ideas. These ideas will range from normal cooking to roaming around the school in search of food, or going off campus to locate food instead. We will try to serve our teachers, students, and SLT food when we can in order to A. Work on cooking skills and B. Social skills both ICly and OOCly. I plan to host OOC nights focused on reaching out to new/old members of the community as well as developing a stabilized level of cooking that can be used in real world. I really want my club members to have the capability to experience a step that will help them in the future. I want this club to leave a lasting impression that will help with IRL situations, not just roleplay.

Entice your Culture - Club only -
[New Message: Hello Club members! It’s your. . . very loving club leader, Kaede. We will be hosting a short get-together soon. I want you all to bring a piece of food that defines your culture, maybe even a drink along with it! We will be having just a fun day for ourselves. If you have any questions, send me a message.]

This event may be a little bit straightforward in terms of the directions, but I believe it would be a very enjoyable day for all of the club members. The overall idea of the event is that each club member, after doing a bit of research, will prep and bring in their favourite food that stems from their origins! For example, Kaede was born and raised for a couple of years in Iceland. Icelandic culture holds a tone of value in the food and arts, mostly consisting of meat and fish they caught from the local water bodies. Rarely did they have apples or oranges unless it was Christmas as they didn’t have the resources to raise or purchase these fruits. For this reason, Kaede would prepare Varmahlíð (Apple Cake) and explain why it is such an important and rare thing for people in Iceland. She would also bring dinner food along with this. Each club member would proceed to wait before presenting the food to the group and at the end they could all enjoy the mass of dishes together. This event is really strong for bonding together and learning more about each other within the club. [Host place: Club room].

A /Leisurely/ Contest - School Event -
[New Message: Club members! Time to wake up. We are hosting a contest, and I’m sure it’s going to be the BEST! I am hoping for smooth sailing. This contest will be a simple one, but important one to decide who is the best chef of Karakura High and College. . . and you guys get to decide :) see ya Tuesday!]

A cooking contest! One favoured by the masses. This contest will be hosted by the club for the entire school to participate in, a contest to decide who is the best chef in all of the school. We will decide based on three areas: taste quality, experience of student, and presentability. Valuing the cooking knowledge of the student will allow us to fairly assess and compare each student with each other. The taste quality is quite straightforward, whether it tastes good or bad will change the outcome of the student. And finally, presentability. The presentability of the dish will have some swaying votes that might change the dish from a no to a yes and tip it over the edge to become the winner. Similar events to this have been hosted before, so that’s why there will be a twist. Right when the winner is to be decided, an all-out food BRAWL will break out. Food will end up going flying by one mischievously announced student. The contest will either end with a winner or with multiple, as food coats the grounds. As a fun twist, I might also recreate the winning dish IRL for the club to see :). [Host place: Either rooftop or cafeteria].

The Murder Mystery - School Event -

[New Message: Ladies and gentlemen of our club, guess what? We're hosting a game! Not just any old silly kid's game, but a form of murder mystery. . With food. I'll forward you all more details as we get closer to the date, but be prepared to be excited! Maybe even a little bit spooked. . Invite your friends or your favorite teachers and we will get this on the road.]

From the name alone, you just may be wondering how the heck this has to correlate with a cooking club! Well, a lot actually. Murder mysteries have always been a personal favourite and a favourite among many in the school, and I believe I have found a way we could add an edible twist. The game will be held after an application form is sent out in which 12 members of the school will be selected to participate in a game of murder mystery among a large party of unknowing visitors. These 12 members will be selected to be ‘poisoned’ by certain foods cooked by our chefs and at the end of the party will have to vote on which chef was behind the murders. If they guess right, the party ends with a funny exile of the chef! If they are wrong, the party will continue on with one more twist . . Aside from the unknown twist, a multitude of fun little party games will be held and a bunch of cooking challenges to help the partygoers figure out which chef is the murderer. [Host place: School, cafeteria, club room area].

How will the club benefit the School?:
Cooking is something that brings together everybody, even if they don't like to make the food. Food is something that everyone enjoys in their own individual ways and provides a similarity across tons of individuals. Basically and in short, cooking is something that tons of people can get invested in and could learn a ton from! Cooking being a club on SRP is an easy and good way to bring people together in ways that people might not have met through any other way. I and many others would genuinely argue that having the ability to cook/make food is one of the most important traits in life. If you don't know how to make some type of food, you're a detriment to yourself. I feel that bringing a club like this to SRP can aid the player base with good knowledge that can come handy in their IRL, daily lives. Along with this, it could unite a bunch of different players and different characters who wouldn't normally interact well with each other or wouldn't bother to do so.

What will be the requirements for future members, if any?:
1. Baseline Knowledge - This isn't anything too harsh or strict but the player must have some baseline knowledge of working in the kitchen if we are to succeed our goal of helping players with cooking. These basics are really just that, the basics. They will just be things like utensils and how to use cooking machines (i.e, we wouldn't want a character to burn their hand on a stove. If they did that, even if lighthearted, they are risking negative outcomes and influence)
2. Willing To Learn - This one is simple! When joining the club, our members must be open-eyed and ready to learn about new topics that they might not have known before. If you walk into a classroom without any motivation, then what are you really learning?
3. Be Active - Being active is often overlooked by many factions and made linent. I simply wish for the club to regain activity, and therefore only require that a member log on at least once a week outside of club activities. Along with this, they must also fulfill two mandatory meetings out of five optional per month. This is to solely maintain sustainability.
4. Passionate - The player has to have some sort of passion! If you are looking to join a club just to try it out that's fine as long as you are ready to learn more.
5. Must Be Communicative - Our members must be semi-active in our chats and good about responding within reasonable distances. If the member is not telling me what I or the club can do better as a whole, there is no real way for improvement.


[Note: I'm currently on vacation! I will be back on the 30th but just wanted to inform you. . . that is also why I am posting this so much later than I originally intended to. If you have any questions, drop me a DM! I will most likely have some random questions of my own]


Level 144
School Clubs Lead
Media Team

Thank you for taking the time to apply, however, we have decided to deny this application due to the following:

- Your events were great, though we are concerned for your activity, your last time prior to logging on 5 days ago was 17 days before that and other applicants shared a keener sense of participation within the server.

- Show us a rise in activity and perhaps consider applying for a club in the future, we look forward to seeing what comes of it.

If you have any questions, please contact @Customable on discord​

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