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Angel V. Garcia's Journalist Application


Level 3
[OOC Section]

IGN (In Game Name): cosx_mo

Previous bans: N/A

Describe your activity on the server: Im only basically 24/7 unless i have important things like doctor appointments or school.

Do you have Discord?: Angelic#4311

Do you have a microphone? : Yes

List your current and past applications: French: Denied
Spanish: Denied

What is your motivation for applying?: Well she want's help make a change in the school and really get people's opinion on how they feel and see what we can do to change and make people aware

What knowledge do you have of journalist Work?: It takes research, time , and patience being a journalist can be stressful but the outcome is always amazing

Why are Reporters important to SchoolRP?: Without them nobody would have a clue what was going on in the school like nobody would know when the dances took place etc.

[IC Section]


Tell us about your character, how do they look, what makes them unique? What are they like on and off the job? Outlook on their co-workers? Plans for the future?: Angel V. Garcia is a female with medium length black curly hair she has light grey eyes and normally wears her glasses. What makes her unique is her creativity and how she's quick to think on her feet. She has a positive look on all of her peers and always believes in second chances for everyone. Her plans for the future is to become a famous writer or have a talk show and help make changes!

BACKSTORY:I was born in Jamaica and once she was born she was adopted into the Garcia family. I was then raised in Japan,and never got to learn my original language so Japanese was my first language I learned. I was very smart for my age surprisingly my adoptive mom Ali C. Garcia was very proud of me and my brothers and sisters I never really got to meet my adopted dad nor do I recall many memories of him. I still grew up amazing and turned into the amazing woman I am today.
[SECTION 1: Personal Details]

Full Name: Angel Volante Garcia

Grade: 12th

Given Name(s): Pip

Preferred Name: Angel

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Native Languages: Japanese (She didn't learn her language since she was taken at birth)

Other Languages: Spanish

Nationality: Hispanic/Black

Current Location: Japan

Phone Number: 955625420

Other notes:
Last edited:


Level 185
News Lead
Your application isn't horrible, just two other applicants have showed much more detail and effort & dedication to the role.

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