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Angelo D. Moreno biography


Level 3

Basic Information

First Name: Angelo
Surname: Moreno

Preferred Name: Angelo


Aliases: Angel, Ang

Gender: Male [CIS]

Age: 18

Height: 6'5

Weight: 169lbs

Build: Ectomorph; Angelo has very broad shoulders
and a muscular upper body.
Fear not though, he doesn't skip leg day. He's toned all around.

Skin Color: Tan with a warm undertone

Eye Color: Dark brown

Hair Style: Spiky; shaggy on top with an undercut

Hair Color: Dark brown, but appears
black in most lightings

Fashion: Formalwear or a jog suit.
Absolutely nothing in between.

Abnormalities: Angelo has an odd scar splitting
his left eyebrow. He also has very prominent
canine fangs, most visible when smiling

Date of Birth: 3.7.20XX

Place of Birth: Osaka, Japan

Nationality: Japanese-Hispanic

Sexual Orientation: Closeted achillean;
presents himself as bisexual though

Religious Beliefs: Atheist

Political Beliefs: Leftist, but takes no part in
any political discussion


General Appearance

Angelo is a tall, devilishly handsome man with a killer smile. His dashing looks
put him in slight trouble however; his height and other oddities catch attention.
His fluffy, spiked black hair is constantly in his face, and he enjoys brooding behind
said bangs. His dark brown eyes hold an odd look of a playful nature, yet there's something
more behind his gaze that you can't quite place...
He's overall a fit guy with a lean but toned physique, with a straight posture.

Contrary to his edgier look, Angelo is a charming and outspoken young man. He excels
in academics, and his social skills hold him up just right. His charismatic nature makes him
easy to approach, and a sweet dude to be around.
He comes off very friendly and helpful, always smiling. Not in a naíve way however,
whatever he says or does either comes off flirtatious or playful. It's not always
easy to tell if he's joking around or not...

Angelo is diagnosed with manic depression and bipolar disorder.

Character Voice:
His voice is deep, laced with a hint of a British accent, though it's not obvious.
He speaks oddly formally, yet with a mischievous tone.
[ voice claim- CORPSE

He always carries his phone with him, but everything else
of necessity is in his school locker or shelves at home.

Truth be told, he doesn't do much in his free time. When asked,
he just adapts to his company to seem more relatable. Seems manipulative...

Alongside his incredible social- and acting skills, Angelo is a very
smart and talented student. He excels in studying and any sort of literature.
He's also a rather fast runner. Wonder why.

Twin sister Reina D. Moreno,
deceased mother Valentina Moreno
unknown(?) father



Angelo D. Moreno was born just minutes before his younger twin sister Reina of a single mother and unknown father.
From a young age, their mother raised both children to have proper manners and always respect their elders.
Angelo was a polite and well-behaved child, always on top of his class in elementary. He was a social child too, making friends
left and right. But what his mother noticed early on was that he had a tendency to lose his patience only in private.
He'd always be very frustrated and short-tempered at home. Yet, never outside or in front of any guests.
After examinations and countless tests it was determined he suffered from a yet unknown personality disorder.

The twins' mother passed when they turned 9 from an undetermined illness. She'd written their biological father a note,
that was to be delivered to him alongside the twins.
Due to an uncooperative relative however, the twins were never taken to their father, and wouldn't find out his
identity, or the note dedicated to him for years.

Eventually they moved out of Osaka with a mutual friend at the age of 13, ending up on
the streets of Karakura. From here on Angelo continued to study and do his best to get further in life,
yet he found himself talking to people less. He wasn't as interested in social interaction as he was when he was younger.
After a doctor's evaluation he was diagnosed with manic depression and bipolar disorder.
This matched with his episodes of nonstop productivity caused by mania, only to be followed up by horrid
periods of depression and no attempts to make an effort for anything.

Once moving to the 12th grade, the twins got a proper apartment and now live together,
paying rent half and half. They're still in search of their biological father.


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