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Animals speed

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Level 40
IGN: Servicedoggo
DATE: 11/23/21
I suggest that animals be faster than humans. Dogs and cats generally speaking are faster than humans.
I think this will benefit the server in the realism department that it is going for, like I said before generally speaking dogs and cats are faster than humans. This will also give a benefit to choosing a dog or cat just like how there is a benefit to choosing a bird.


Level 68
I believe this was already discussed previously. It would gain a disadvantage in scenarios. Dogs and Cats encounter the same rules as "Humans". As a result if you're in a situation which would be declared as combat, etc. Then having the option to run AND you being faster automatically puts the attacker or offender, or who ever is may be at a disadvantage. Ultimately you also have attributes. Speed 50+ increases your speed.



Level 40
Thread starter
I believe this was already discussed previously. It would gain a disadvantage in scenarios. Dogs and Cats encounter the same rules as "Humans". As a result if you're in a situation which would be declared as combat, etc. Then having the option to run AND you being faster automatically puts the attacker or offender, or who ever is may be at a disadvantage. Ultimately you also have attributes. Speed 50+ increases your speed.

I see what you mean with that and I understand where you are coming from. Counterpoint to you, dogs and cats are already at a disadvantage in combat and birds can just fly out of range in combat. We have no way of knocking someone out that doesn't get KPS on us or knock us out to.

The methods we have are biting into an area like the neck or head (this grants KPS) or headbutting the individual (this knocks us out to).

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Level 13
Imagine yourself in the following situation:

You're fighting a guy who ends up having a dog on his side. You're about to lose when you finally manage to run away, but his dog goes after you. All it takes is the dog grabbing you for your life to be over. And even if you somehow manage to escape the dog before his owner gets to you while you're stunned by its grab, it'll simply grab you again after a few seconds, since it runs after you.

I agree that it isn't realistic, but we need to remember; we're in Minecraft and policies/rules need to be adapted to bring balance to the table. Although dogs aren't that helpful in direct fights (since their roll isn't as high as adult humans), the possibility of them being able to run beyond the 100% speed attribute limit would make them extremely overpowered, and they'd be turned as a weapon (more than they already are) and players would use them as an excuse to powergame and completely ignore fairplay. Basically what Luca said above. This small, simple factor (dogs being faster than humans) would give them a great and unfair advantage.

"Birds can fly out of range in combat" shouldn't be a valid argument, since birgs rarely get in combat, and when they do, there is no strong reasoning behind it, or a reasoning that would end a human character's life or submit them to major perms. Tl;dr: birds don't decide the fate of a combat scene over major perms/KPS, while dogs can grab the runner who is escaping from a homicide attempt if it's faster than them. -1
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Level 130

Differenciates dogs and cats from other animals and it wouldn't be a massive advantage in my opinion

It's not like animals are already balanced lol, birds can like- fly


Level 130
Imagine yourself in the following situation:

You're fighting a guy who ends up having a dog on his side. You're about to lose when you finally manage to run away, but his dog goes after you. All it takes is the dog grabbing you for your life to be over. And even if you somehow manage to escape the dog before his owner gets to you while you're stunned by its grab, it'll simply grab you again after less than 5 seconds.

I agree that it isn't realistic, but we need to remember; we're in Minecraft and policies/rules need to be adapted to bring balance to the table. Although dogs aren't that helpful in direct fight (since their roll isn't as high as adult humans), the possibility of them being able to run beyond the 100% speed attribute limit would make them extremely overpowered, and they'd be turned as a weapon (more than they already are) and players would use them as an excuse to powergame and completely ignore fairplay. Basically what Luca said above. This small, simple factor (dogs being faster than humans) would give them a great and unfair advantage.

"Birds can fly out of range in combat" shouldn't be a valid argument, since birgs rarely get in combat, and when they do, there is no strong reasoning behind it, or a reasoning that would end a human character's life or make them go through major perms. Tl;dr: birds don't decide the fate of a combat scene over major perms/KPS, while dogs can grab the runner who is escaping from a homicide attempt if it's faster than them. -1
I dunno man, it seems like in that situation you probably just simply shouldn't have fought the dude with the dog :l


Level 140
School Clubs Lead
Media Team
Imagine yourself in the following situation:

You're fighting a guy who ends up having a dog on his side. You're about to lose when you finally manage to run away, but his dog goes after you. All it takes is the dog grabbing you for your life to be over. And even if you somehow manage to escape the dog before his owner gets to you while you're stunned by its grab, it'll simply grab you again after a few seconds, since it runs after you.

I agree that it isn't realistic, but we need to remember; we're in Minecraft and policies/rules need to be adapted to bring balance to the table. Although dogs aren't that helpful in direct fights (since their roll isn't as high as adult humans), the possibility of them being able to run beyond the 100% speed attribute limit would make them extremely overpowered, and they'd be turned as a weapon (more than they already are) and players would use them as an excuse to powergame and completely ignore fairplay. Basically what Luca said above. This small, simple factor (dogs being faster than humans) would give them a great and unfair advantage.

"Birds can fly out of range in combat" shouldn't be a valid argument, since birgs rarely get in combat, and when they do, there is no strong reasoning behind it, or a reasoning that would end a human character's life or submit them to major perms. Tl;dr: birds don't decide the fate of a combat scene over major perms/KPS, while dogs can grab the runner who is escaping from a homicide attempt if it's faster than them. -1
Yoo, all the gangRPers just sh*t themselves for a moment.


Level 40
Thread starter
and they'd be turned as a weapon (more than they already are)
I never see dogs being used as a weapon and have never once been asked to be such so I am not certain where this "More than they already are" part is coming from.

If the dog dies it can't be in a gang for a set amount of time so that stops people from being stupid with it. Developing new dogs takes time for me, and I'm sure it does for others to. I don't know about you, but I don't go around making characters that I don't give a shit about and have little to no story to them.

All I want is to be able to run away from a harasser that is kicking me or other shit like that without them being the same speed as me and catching me, that is all. As a dog I have no way of communicating to stop following me other than to growl at them, most people on this server couldn't give two shits if you growl at them, they will still continue whatever they were doing. I mean I guess at this point I am maybe wanting to be able to bite someone's ankle or hand without gaining KPS for just being a dog when someone harasses/attacks me or fellow friends.

Honestly in the end I don't see this getting anywhere because of the huge gangRP focus this schoolRP server has but I figured it doesn't hurt to try.


Level 26
this isn't really a high priority and game-breaking that it needs to be changed right away so I'm guessing this is getting denied, also it doesn't really matter that it's not in the game as it wouldn't change much


Level 40
Thread starter
this isn't really a high priority and game-breaking that it needs to be changed right away so I'm guessing this is getting denied, also it doesn't really matter that it's not in the game as it wouldn't change much
Yeah, I am also pretty sure it is going to get denied, I just figured there was no harm in suggesting it.


Level 87
-1 but +1? I'll make it a 0

It's confusing, I see where you're coming from but I also agree at some aspects but it'll be game breaking and abused more likely


Level 343
HS Sports Lead
This would provide an unfair advantage to animals and isn't very realistic
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