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Accepted Anni1e | Verified Business Application


Level 2



Describe your activity on the server:
On a scale of 1 - 10, about a 7.
I am active, I come on daily for short periods, sometimes longer (If I am roleplaying, then longer.) Sometimes life gets busy just in general so I kicked 3 points off.

What is the name of your business?:
Karakura Komics

Attach a discord link to your business here:
In a paragraph or more, please describe what your business does:
Karakura Komics takes inspiration from real-life comic-con conventions & events, aiming to be a dynamic mix of our weekly comic book publishing with conventions/event(s) being the main focus of our business. We plan to host events at the SRP convention center once a month, as our biggest way to generate a profit. Additionally, we'll organize smaller biweekly non-profit events at various locations to support our dual mission.
We are a business that lets your character's geeky side out!

Since we are a “comic-con” themed business, we want to do events that involve places geeks might go to. (Meaning we might also use the public locations to our advantage for events Like the movie theater or SD’s stage in the middle)
We want to make sure we use the locations in SRP, to make it more fun and exciting. We admire all of the builder's work within the game, we should put their amazing builds/locations to use! This also helps the Event team partner with builders in a way, by giving them something to do. (suggesting helpful planning ideas to us, placing fences for entry purposes, decorating, stages… etc)
However, I’m unsure if this means this application is one to be disqualified. Considering the rules, I noticed it said no faction-themed businesses. What about Community team help within our businesses? I want to make sure I’m not going against the rules in that sense.
We are a company that promotes fun, true talent, and wants to bring a realistic purpose to the convention center of SRP.

We also all know Japan is famous for its manga madness, so why not bring a slice of that to SRP, and Japan's true culture? And ending on a more hypothetical but silly story, Imagine this: Two characters get into an epic in-character showdown during a convention—one dressed as Denji from Chainsaw Man and the other as a Demon Slayer cosplayer. It gets so wild that Karakura Komic employees have to call KPD and explain to them what is happening. Then, probably for them to come and break up the hilarious scene. Just picture the absurdity of that fight being broken up—now that would be a moment to remember!
` Too bad your chainsaw cosplay isn’t a real chainsaw or else you’d break outt'a here real fast! `

Karakura Komic's Employees / Roles
Costumers (8 Tailors): Our talented cosplay designers create and sell bases, heads, and outfits for conventions. They have their own Discord channel for promoting their work and taking orders, ensuring they stay visible and profitable even between monthly events.

Writers (4): These employees will also have their own promotional channel as well, and will contribute to the business in their own way that we require them to.

Karakura Komic's Staff Team
CEO (1):
The CEO is the mastermind behind everything—running the show, suggesting ideas, hiring staff, making key decisions, and handling some finances.

Managers (2):
Our Managers keep the Discord server running smoothly, set up channels for Tailors and Writers, help with payments and events, and contribute ideas in staff meetings.

Finance Manager (1):
The Finance Manager tracks payments, manages employee compensation, monitors revenue, and documents all financial activities.

Supervisors (3):
Supervisors ensure events run smoothly, help guide attendees, keep an eye on the Discord server to enforce guidelines and handle ticketing and payments.

This setup ensures we operate efficiently while promoting our employees and delivering fresh, exciting content to our community.

Weekly Comics
Each week, we’ll pick one Costumer and one Writer to work with our staff. The Costumer will design a unique superhero or manga-themed Minecraft skin, and the Writer will craft an engaging storyline. Together, staff and employees will create a 3D 5-strip comic for our community to read and enjoy. (They may talk about it ICLY as well.)

Is your business non-profit or for-profit?:
We want the main events to be our profited events. This also might mean we will need help from staff/event teams to close off certain areas when hosting events so that they can't get in unless they pay. I believe this doesn't take away the events team's purpose by having this business, because it’s a business and we require them to pay a fee before being a part of our events. The event team has events without a fee usually.
Profiting from our business by charging entry fees to our main events causes great purpose because of our revenue.
Hypothetically, let's say I had a pretty large event, like our comic-con convention. The entry fee is 35k. Only 120 people attend. This is an example amount of how much revenue we’d make, splitting it 19 ways for the people who work for us.

Total Revenue: 4,200,000 yen
CEO (1): 15% - 630,000 yen
Managers (2): 10% each - 420,000 yen each
Finance Manager: (1): 8% - 336,000 yen
Supervisors (3): 7% each - 294,000 yen each
Employees (12): 5% each - 210,000 yen each
I think these percentages are fair.

Then, of course, we also want non-profiting events, events that we just throw on for the public to promote business in a general sense. Since conventions may seem pricey (given the entry fee is the most expensive part (35-50k).., It can be lowered, it's just inspired by how expensive conventions are in real life.) People may want free events from time to time. So, we will give them just that! Not only that, but conventions give us money to budget for the next event we would like to throw. Non-profiting events would help us buy some time before planning profited events. Events that are more public friendly. (Cosplay Amusement Park Day, at the pier! etc... Fun free events like that.) If we ever did a free event at the pier, it would do a couple of things for SRP.
- It opens the pier up, to give it more life and excitement ICLY, many roleplay opportunities (Like if your character is scared of a Ferris wheel!)
- Some shops are near the pier/beach, which would be a great time to open considering so many people would be wandering around, so it doesn’t just benefit Karakura Komics, it benefits the shopkeepers as well.
- Fun beachy events and games.
This example shows you why I say we are both a profit and nonprofit business, I gave you a clear structure, and a good approach, gave you an example of fair compensation towards my employees, and realistic in-game revenue.

What is your business’s mission statement?:
Comic-Con / Event Company

What do you plan to accomplish with your business?

I plan to accomplish 5 key objectives with Karakura Komics:

1. Community Engagement: Foster a vibrant active and loving community by organizing character events and activities that bring people together.

2. Employee Involvement: Provide my employees with a platform to promote their talents and services, offering them opportunities to work with us and grow professionally, while also following our comical theme.

3. In-Character Historic Events: Create memorable and immersive in-character historic events that add depth and excitement to our community, involving the event team as well as maybe the builder team. Lastly, the overall experience of a business finally using the convention center, monthly, in SRP.

4. Diverse Revenue Streams: Develop diverse ways of generating revenue through convention organizing, ensuring the financial sustainability of the business while also supporting non-profit/profited ideas.

5. Incorporating SRP Roles: I plan to also incorporate SRP's roles, such as "reporters," to enhance the town's discussions. Reporters would be invited to cover and promote KK events, providing engaging content based on their ICLY job. They can even include comics (with our consent) in their reports, adding a creative and key element to their coverage and our business itself (the comic aspect. This is a good key because it also includes our 3rd key “Historic Events”. By Reporters reviewing and recording our convention as a part of history and a part of their job, it knocks out the business's goal pretty quickly.

One last objective I did not include in my 5 keys, is the lore. I struggle on SRP with trying to find lore to insert myself into or become a part of. Having this business be verified and become a part of SRP means a lot to me because It means my character can be seen by some players, not just the business, and I can create my own lore. The business will be seen by many people, but a big part of that also means making sure people know who owns it. Lore means a great deal to me when it comes to character development, and now, my own business’s development too. People, ICLY, should have the chance to get to know where a place originates from.

Back in the day, Beatriz Ono, a single young woman from Rio, Brazil with Japanese heritage, yearned for a family. She believed a man would come to her, so she waited. Eventually, an exotic animal enthusiast adventurer named Manon Cherie crossed her path. They married just four months into dating and started a family together. Moving to Shinjuku, Tokyo, a place where she visited a lot in her childhood. Beatriz watched her husband obtain his master's degree there while she worked as a chef.

As their daughter grew, Beatriz noticed her husband's old habits resurfacing. His drinking and gambling became unbearable. Tired of his behavior, Beatriz obtained custody of their daughter and moved to another part of Japan, leaving her ex-husband behind. Raising her daughter alone made finances tight, so Beatriz started creating custom comics and mangas to make ends meet.

Eventually, Beatriz returned to being a chef to provide for her daughter more steadily. After an unfortunate incident involving someone they knew, Beatriz decided to move to Karakura when her daughter was 14. Once settled, she left her daughter in the care of a trusted person and pursued a business degree by moving once again, back to Tokyo.

Five years later, Beatriz would return feeling unfulfilled and lost. With her daughter of age and now off to college, and nothing to do, Beatriz felt like she was wasting away. One day, she stumbled upon her old comics in a box her daughter forgot to take with her. Reading them sparked new ideas, and now a couple of years later, at 50 years old, Beatriz has decided to apply for a verified business status for her comic company. Her company prioritizes comics, cosplay, and fun events.

Specify one event your business would host/take part in on the server:
One event that Karakura Komics would host is a "Movie Night." This event is designed to promote the essence of what Karakura Komics is all about celebrating geek culture - through the events of watching a movie!

Event Plan

Preparation and Setup:
With the assistance of the event team and builders team, we will block off the entrance to the movie theater’s watch room (where the big movie screen is).

Ticket Sales: Attendees will purchase tickets at the concessions stand, where our business employees will handle ticket sales. Tickets will be priced at 10-20k. (Keep this in mind)

Entering the Theater: Once they have their tickets, players can enter the movie theater and take a seat. We’ll wait for enough players to fill the theater before starting the event.

IC and OOC Introductions: In character, we will introduce the event, asking everyone to settle down, then introduce our staff team and tell our audience that Karakura Komics hosted the event. Then, out of character, I will invite players to join our Discord Server, this helps promote our community space at the same time.

Screening: Using our Discord Server, we will stream an appropriate anime-themed movie or a D.C. movie. Since this is Minecraft and we can’t play an actual movie in-game, the Discord stream will allow players to enjoy the film together, while also having the opportunity to roleplay in the movie theater.

Revenue Potential: Remember what I said about the ticket booth? With ticket prices set at 5 to 10k something and an expected attendance of 60-100 players, the revenue for our first event could be considerably good.

This event not only promotes the idea of what Karakura Komics is all about but also invites the SRP community to our discord, making us visible, and showing that we do the events/when players can attend them.

Do you understand that your business may lose its verified status if not kept active?:

Do you have any additional comments?:
My business’s idea grew overnight, gaining 50 members within 16 hours.
This gives me an idea that this is a much-wanted business on SRP, and I believe submitting this verified business application may just give me more confidence in my business as a whole.
I currently have a small staff team and an employment team. My staff team consists of 2 managers, 1 supervisor, 1 writer, and 3 tailors. If you scroll back up to the profit question and open the spoiler, you will notice the proper list of employees I aim to get one day.
Here are some "comic" examples I create using a 3D rigging program, which I then take and create them into the comics people of SRP are soon to love:

Lastly, thank you for taking your time and careful consideration as you read through this application, I know it seems so long, and tiring, but I appreciate everyone's eyebags that have gone dark under their eyes for how long they had to stare at this screen for.
(p.s... Infi... I listened to the ``click me`` link while submitting this application....)
Yours truly, Ann-


Eanraig S. Lachlan [39] Beatriz T. Ono [50] Ging T. C. Ono [29] Ann Novikov [33]
Discord - aann1e

`` you're my partner in crime . . .``


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Level 145
Government Lead

After reviewing your application, we have decided to accept you into the Verified Business roster! Please send me a direct message via discord (oinfi), and we will get you set up with your roles.

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