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Accepted Anni1e's Lawyer Application


Level 2


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Mountain Daylight Time (MDT Timezone) (U.S.A)

Links to any current & past applications:
[Accepted] Verified Business Application
[Accepted] KPD Application
[Accepted] Professor Application
[Accepted] Language Application 2
[Denied] Language Application 1
[Denied] Shopkeeper Application 1
[Denied] Shopkeeper Application 2
[Denied] Shopkeeper Application 3
[Denied] EMS Application

Describe your activity on the server:
I'm an active player. I come on to roleplay with people from time to time. My activity on the server, on a scale from 1 to 10, is about a 7. I say seven because I do things in real life as well, but SRP is a way for me to take a break and relax. I do like to write and read, and on SRP, you kind of get both of those things. Overall, I'd like to think my activity is reasonable.


What position are you applying for?:

What is your motivation for applying?:
I'm interested in joining this faction because I think it would be a fun experience. Being part of SRP's community, I'm excited to explore new factions I haven't tried before. Having a verified business already makes me feel connected to this faction, allowing me to socialize with others in it. I've offered a positive attitude and a desire to contribute my time to this. While I can be silly at times, I'm ready to take on a more serious role and am prepared to learn everything necessary to become a lawyer in SRP. I would give it my full attention. I find being a lawyer an exciting thing to be, as they offer storytelling, strategic thinking, and character development, allowing me to understand myself and explore a new path to roleplaying fully. I think this role would be really fun.

Do you have an understanding of Karakura’s laws & Constitutional rights?:
I have read through them all and feel as if have a good knowledge of them. I can also mostly tell what laws people might break, typically leading to trials.

Are there any goals for you or your character with this role?

Outside of my past roles and being a player on SRP, my experience on the server has been limited. However, I am passionate about roleplaying, developing my characters (as writing and character development has always been my faovirte), and interacting with others. I enjoy making friends and believe I can bring a fun and engaging presence to the team while maintaining a serious approach to the work. I have always been fascinated by trials, especially the more serious ones, and I see this role as a long lasting rewarding opportunity. My main goal is to secure a role on SRP once again and to hold onto it for as long as possible. I’m dedicated to contributing my time and effort to others whilst also further developing an interesting character, one that does things in and outside of work. I want to grow an interesting character because my other character currently is just a high schooler. It's more fun roleplaying in a faction as an adult than just as an adult.
Gustavo’s past has shaped him in profound ways, having been cut off from every path he tried to form due to the circumstances of his upbringing and the abuse he suffered at the hands of someone he once considered family. Despite all of this, he has come to realize that there is more to life than dwelling on past-pain. His escape from that darkness has led him to seek freedom and fulfillment, placing a bandaid on it all. Now, living in Karakura, Gustavo's goal is to build the life he’s always dreamed of; a version of "happily ever after" that aligns with his personal vision. This means pursuing his dream career in law, potentially settling down with someone, and continuously expanding his knowledge. However, he also strives to address his emotions rather than pushing them further down, recognizing the importance of balance in his personal and professional life.
Gustavo is a complex character, and I think he’d thrive in the legal world of SRP. His goals extend beyond what he currently is, and it would be exciting to roleplay his journey toward achieving them. Though he’s a fictional character, his ambition make him an interesting/fitting candidate for the world we know and call; "The government faction"

In your own words, describe what the position you’re applying for does within the government:
Lawyers do a basic but crucial line of work when being a part of Karakura’s Government. They not only attend and be a part of trials, but they also might just explain the laws to others who don’t understand them. Clients might just be the people you’d be explaining the typical stuff that they need to know or even non-clients. Sometimes I think they might just throw a question at you, and you must be prepared to answer it for them.
To obtain a client in the first place, I would actually need to take attorney calls. This helps organize the client, and myself and gives information to any other legal person I may involve, depending on the situation.
I might also just be in charge of the more simple things, such as taking over at the front desk, filing things like a restraining order, or documenting things for a client.
I believe the most important thing a lawyer can do is be present and responsible with their time and attitude ICLY. Always dressing appropriately, and using the proper attitude at work as well.

Do you acknowledge that you can be subject to removal at any given time upon being accepted?:

Do you understand that you’re expected to be dedicated to your position upon being accepted?:
I understand roles like these are hard to achieve and it wouldn’t be fair if I got the role and wasted it by doing nothing with it when someone else could’ve earned it. I will pour proper attention & attitude into this role if I get it.

Are you aware that any display of OOC bias toward anyone on the job will result in punishment?:
Yes, I understand that displaying personal bias towards anyone while on the job will lead to disciplinary action. This means I must avoid showing favoritism, discrimination, or any form of unfair treatment based on personal prejudices and maintain professional and unbiased conduct at all times.

Have you read & agreed to follow the Government Faction rules?:

Are you able to attend weekly meetings & events?:
Yes, I can participate in weekly meetings and events.


Full Name:
``Oh, right, introductions! Who could forget those... - My name is Gustsvo Ono Cristovao. Feel free to call me 'Gus' though. You know Cinderella, the movie? Yeah, like that little mouse, Gus-Gus!

Preferred title (Mr., Mrs., etc.):
`` Nobody here, I'm not too worried about that right now - so 'MR' is just fine for my title ``

Current age:
`` I am 32 years old.``

Date of Birth:
`` February 2, 1992. ``

`` Male. ``

Academic Degree:
`` I completed my LL.M. in Shinjuku, Tokyo, at Waseda University and continued with the rest of my degree programs. ``

`` I specialized in Criminal Justice as my major. ``

`` I complemented my major with my minor in Political Science. ``
`` After 5 years of school, I was 24, maybe 25, and ready to begin about a year or less of work. I began working as a public affairs intern at the Shinjuku City Office in Tokyo, which is notably the tallest city hall in the world. As a public affairs intern, I was responsible for handling public inquiries, assisting in the preparation of press releases, and supporting community outreach programs. I enjoyed my time working there and loved being an intern, but I felt I wanted something more. I began working at the same building at the same time, but at a law firm on the side, before slowly realizing that I became unsatisfied with my living situation. I decided that moving to Karakura was a better idea, because I believe the belieifs and peace are much stronger here. I've been in Karakura for about a year or so now, and I've spent that time enjoying myself and being a part of this town… But I still have this urge to do more for the people I live around, just like in Shinjuku.``

Nationality & Born Location:
`` I'm Brazilian, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil. ``

`` Pardo.``

Fluent languages (Underline your native):
`` Portuguese. ``
(I’ll apply for it.)

Criminal Record:
`` If I had a criminal record, I wouldn’t be sitting here today, in my nicely ironed suit, ready for this interview. So just to clarify with you; No, I do not have one. I'm a goody-two-shoes! ``

What makes you a good candidate for this job?

Gustavo cleared his throat deliberately, his fingers slowly interlocking as he clasped his hands together as he listened. Leaning forward with a composed posture, he kept his back straight, maintaining an air of focus before finally taking a thoughtful pause to respond to the question posed to him. When his mouth opened to respond, his hands followed with the rythm of what he was saying.

`` Let me start by saying that I'm strongly driven by the belief that true justice requires tackling the challenging and often unglamorous aspects of the legal profession, not to mention the hate you might just get from it.
My goal is to be the best lawyer someone could be, while also being the best self, that I can be. Someone who stands out in the courtroom for their commitment and integrity.
I understand that the legal field often involves work that others may shy away from, but I would embrace these responsibilities with a sense of purpose, knowing I'm doing good for our government. Whether it’s handling difficult cases or providing tireless support to the citizens of Karakura, I am prepared to take on the work. Even if the role of a lawyer can sometimes feel thankless, I find personal satisfaction in knowing that my efforts contribute to a fairer and more just society.
With my LL.M., a minor in Political Science, and a major in Criminal Justice, I bring an educational background to the table for you. My past line of work may be small, but it includes an internship in public affairs and I once worked for a law firm. My practical experiences have provided me with attention to detail, client communication, and case management.
Even as I approach this very question with my own grounded perspective, I want to highlight that criminal justice has a special place in my heart and that I would like to understand Karakura laws more thoroughly by taking part in them in trials.
I am passionate about making an impact and am confident in my ability to be on your team as a lawyer. ``


Character's Appearence:
(Thank you, Fifumi, for making the base.)

Charater's Backstory:
Put in a spoiler for your convienence.
The Beginning
`` My story starts with my mother, an 18-year-old singer who performed in a famous community restaurant and bar in Rio, Brazil. She was well-known, with a captivating voice that attracted regulars, including a man named Tony Cristovao—my dad. Tony was a young reporter with big dreams. He had a checklist of goals in life:
- Get a job? Check.
- Travel because of said job? Check.
- Get a wife and start a family? Unmarked...

My dad might’ve had many dreams, but he passed away before I was born, leaving his last two goals incomplete. It all happened because of a man named Rico, a stalker who occasionally came to my mom’s restaurant. One night, when my dad came to do a final report on local music events, he got into an altercation with Rico. No one knows who started it, but the tale was told that both men died that night. Their deaths were shrouded in mystery, and the case went cold within a month.

So, I entered this world surrounded by uncertainty. With only my mother by my side, we didn’t have much except each other. My mom worked hard to make ends meet and eventually opened a fruit stand in the busiest part of town when I turned six. Life had a simple rhythm for a bit, but all that changed the day I was kidnapped. ``

My Childhood
`` It was the day of a big football game—the kind that made adults stop everything to watch, including my mom. As a 6-year-old, I didn’t understand why everyone was glued to the TV. I didn't know it was the sport that represented our country in a way so... I wandered off. I was grabbed by a man who tricked me into believing he was my real dad. He wasn’t. I was taken to Colombia, far from Rio, and because my mother didn’t tell me much about my actual dad, I just assumed he was telling the truth.

For the next seven years, I was raised by a man who I thought was my father. But as I grew older, something didn’t sit right with me. By the age of 11, I found my peace in reading, and learning about a faraway place called Japan. The stories and culture intrigued me. However, my life took a darker turn when I turned 13, I was uncared for and rarely fed. One night my ‘father’ had left the house empty, nowhere to be found. I snuck into his bedroom to see if he was maybe hiding candy or something for my sweet tooth and angered stomach. While rummaging through a drawer, I discovered a stash of Polaroid photos of my mother, along with old newspapers about a double homicide in Rio—my real father’s murder. That’s when I started piecing together the truth.

The man who raised me wasn’t my dad. He was Rico—the very man who had been involved in my father’s death. But how? I realized I had been living a lie. Confronting him led to harsh punishment, but it also pushed me to flee. I broke out of my bedroom window the next night, hitchhiking across the countryside, and traveled for months to return to Brazil. ``

Teenage Years
`` When I finally made it back to Rio, I collapsed in a busy market, weak from hunger and exhaustion. The first person to help me up was a Japanese woman— which happened to be my mom’s new personal maid. And then, like an angel, my mom appeared, recognizing me after all those years apart. She pulled me into a hug, crying with relief. After seven years, I was home. It turned out that Rico had kidnapped me simply because since he couldn’t have Mom, he decided that he would have me instead.

For two years, I tried to reintegrate into my mom’s life. She had married a man named Manon, and they had a daughter together. My half-sister was born just a few days after my 15th birthday, and despite the 15-year age gap, I adored her. She was the light in my life during an otherwise dark period. My mom doted on her, but Manon’s resentment grew. He wasn’t pleased with my return, and his drinking problems made things worse.

As time went on, my relationship with my mom soured. She wanted to pretend like nothing had ever happened—that I hadn’t been kidnapped, and that Rico wasn’t still out there. It was suffocating. ``

`` By the time I turned 19, I was tired of living in a house that felt like a continuous prison. One evening, after putting my little sister to bed, I went for a long walk with my mom’s maid, the same Japanese woman who had helped me when I first returned. She told me about Japan, how beautiful it was, and how I needed to start living my own life.

Inspired by our conversation, I decided to leave. With some financial help from my mom and the maid, I moved to Shinjuku, Japan, to start a new chapter. At first, I had no idea what I wanted to study. I spent months wandering, trying to figure out my path. But then, I saw the sharp-dressed lawyers in their suits and briefcases, walking through the streets of Tokyo, and I knew what I wanted to do.

It felt right to enroll in law school and bury myself in my studies. Not only did I dedicate myself to academics, but I also took up martial arts. I trained in Karate, Judo, and boxing, determined never to feel powerless again. The discipline and focus helped me channel the trauma of my past into something constructive. I went to the gym almost every day, pushing myself physically and mentally. ``

`` After finishing law school, I heard about Karakura—a small but vibrant town that offered a sense of community and simplicity. It seemed like the perfect place to start a new life. So, I moved here and have been living on my own for the past ten years. My mom eventually followed with her family, but I’ve kept my distance. I’ve spent so long being alone that it feels like the only way I know how to live.

People tell me I should settle down, maybe find a wife, but I’m not in any rush. I’m focused on my career, on bettering myself, and I won’t stop until I feel completely stable and secure. So that's me—Gus. A nickname given by myself. Of course, I formally introduce myself using the name “Gustavo” But… It’s fun to use ‘Gus’ at times. ``

His Signature:
Do you have any questions/comments?:
I have Adult on this account in the second character slot. Can the first/primary slot be taken by this role if accepted?

Anni1e • aann1e
Beatriz T. Ono • Gustavo Cristovao • Eanraig S. Lachlan • Ging C. Tadashi
``Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, but it's starting to feel like I've gained a shadow...`
Last edited:


Level 145
Government Lead

After reviewing your application we have decided to put you on PENDING. We loved your application, however unfortunately we don't have enough slots to accept you currently. Your application will be reviewed when there are more open slots.


Level 145
Government Lead

Thank you for applying! We have decided to accept your application. Please ping oinfi in the town discord help channel to receive your roles.

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