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Denied AnnieAlt | EMS/Doctor Application


Level 2


Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

IGN (In-Game Name):


What is your Discord username?

Describe your activity on the server:
Out of a 10, it's mostly an 8 now since I’m just having fun role-playing and hanging out with friends.

What is your timezone?:
MDT (Mountain Daylight Time)

List your current and past applications:
Accepted] KPD Application
[Accepted] Professor Application
[Accepted] Language Application 2
[Accepted] Verified Business Application
[Denied] Language Application 1
[Denied] Shopkeeper Application 1
[Denied] Shopkeeper Application 2
[Not Accepted nor Denied Yet] Shopkeeper Application 3

List your current roles on the server:
Adult] Anni1e
[12th Grade] AnnieAlt
[8th Grade] Anni2e

What experiences do you have with roleplay?:
A lot!
Starting back in 2015, before my SRP days, I had a small group of friends who liked creative writing but we turned it into a Minecraft roleplay server, somehow. I was very into lab roleplay (a type of roleplay where we did experiments in a lab, random, yes… Which included a doctor sort of roleplay as well..) It was a pretty fun roleplay.
I’ve loved writing and roleplaying for a very long time, and I’ve enjoyed every step of the way. I joined SRP on my brother's Minecraft account in late 2019, where I started SRP but didn’t play as much. It wasn't til 2021 a friend re-introduced it to me, and I thrived with high school roleplay until applying for the role of professor.
I got the professor role at the beginning of April 2023, and I didn’t leave it til’ late June. I loved that role, planning classes, and spending time with people in the faction itself.
In early July, I had a very short-lived KPD role, and I don’t exactly remember what happened with that. I was gone for about a year (I Left in 2023 July after KPD due to issues in real life.) Came back 2-3 months ago and it’s just been great since. I play on my high school account most of the time because I’m not sure who to meet ICLY with my current adult role. I like having the adult role, but it’s hard roleplaying an adult when you have nothing to work towards or a similar group of adults who are all into the same subject since it isn’t high school.
I’ve somewhat GangRPed… It’s a little interest of mine but I rarely do it. I don’t like when characters get stabbed, but If I was EMS, I’d enjoy fixing the stab, if you get what I mean.
Roleplay has given me so much since knowing of it honestly. I'm dyslexic in real life and sometimes these applications for this server are hard for me, mild, but still. I put in a lot of effort each time I apply for roles. When I roleplay, It gives me a chance to improve my dyslexia by typing on the spot, either DetailRP or some other form of roleplay. (which, has been both educational and funny. )

What is your motivation for applying?
Honestly? OOC chat. You guys hype it up a ton, and I hear so many cool stories about what happens behind the doors, and it just sounds all-around fun. I’m very fond of trying every faction I possibly have the chance at trying because they mean a lot to the server. Every one of them also seems to have their own way of roleplay, which attracts my attention even more. This last reason is bound to sound like the stupidest, but! - Doctor TV Shows.
I was raised watching so much gunk on my mom’s TV, that I don’t even know how to repeat it at this point. My mom has even gone as far as putting open brain surgery on the TV just to watch it, for fun. She’s been a heavy influence on doctor stuff in real life, than just in a game. I’m currently her CNA at home, and do daily injections of insulin, and medicine. Watching all that stuff on TV and more has attracted me to this role, and doctors hold a special place in my heart cause of some real-life experiences that have made it that way.

Which role are you applying for?
(Doctor or Psychiatrist)

(I’d love to focus my certificate's attention on becoming a future paramedic. I’m hyperfocused on achieving that as a goal while being a part of this faction.)

What knowledge do you have of the roles within the Hospital Faction?
Down below I listed the differences between Psychiatrists and Doctors, what roles they have, how they level up using arrows as examples, and how many are in each role. I put “[Quota]” as just a filler since I’m not sure exactly how people level up except for earning quota, being in the faction for a long time, and dedication. I did this in my own way and based on what I know.
Psychiatrist [2 Week Training + Test] -> Psychiatrist Resident [5] [Quota] ->
Senior Psychiatrist Resident [4] [Quota] -> Attending Psychiatrist [4] [Quota] ->
Clinical Supervisor [2] [Quota] -> Clinical Lead [1] [Quota]

Doctor Trainee [2 Week Training + Test] -> Doctor Resident [6] [Quota]
Senior Doctor Resident [5] [Quota] -> Attending Doctor [4] [Quota] [Paramedics] ->
Clinical Supervisor [2] [Quota] [Paramedic Lead] -> Clinical Lead [1] [Quota] ->
Clinical Manager [1] [Quota]

Faction Lead
6Pancake [1]

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are expected to attend or you will be punished?

In-Character (IC) Section
Character’s Full Name:
`` Ann Marguerite Chicago ``

Character’s Gender and Pronouns:
`` Female, and I prefer She/Her pronouns.``

Character’s Age (if accepted):
`` I’m 36 years old. ``

Character’s Academic Background:

`` I obtained my bachelor's degree in Biology at Columbia University in New York, followed by immediately enrolling myself in medical school right after, 8 years of completed education. ``​
Bachelor's Degree in Biology4 years19-23Columbia University, NYC
Medical School4 years23-27Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons
(Columbia University) NYC
Character’s Nationality:
`` I’m an American. ``

Character’s Marital Status:
`` I’ve not yet met the love of my life…! ``

Character’s Religious Denomination:
`` Well, I was raised Catholic and somewhat Christian but, currently, I do not adhere to any specific religion, I’m still in the process of learning the Shinto beliefs. ``

Character’s Spoken Languages:
`` Before coming to Japan, I spoke English, but now I know JSL. ``
(Any other languages would be learned ICLY and applied for.)

Character Backstory:
I am going to spoil this section completely because It overfills the entire application with how long it is. Enjoy reading it though, I took a while trying to form this storyline for her. I did it in my own way, I haven't seen many backstories (at least for now) that describe their character from a different perspective than most usually describe their characters from.

`` I was born in New York City and wandered into the Bronx as a child. I wasn’t raised by anyone in particular, unless you call my mother, a ‘mother’. Around 5, and wandering onto the streets, It was the government who found me. A lack of care from my own drugged-up family. The government put me into a school called St. Marguerite, where I got my very first official last name and a place I considered to finally be home. The nuns raised me as their own, and I had my own room, everything was being given to me and provided for… but for what? The gates of that school were see-through. I saw almost everything going on outside of this secluded world I had been starting to feel… trapped inside. Since the Bronx was an intense hot spot for gang activity at the time, I saw many ‘accidents’ happen, as a child. I laughed when the ambulances drove in, my only form of entertainment that wasn’t praying every hour of the day was to watch their lights and work. I’d get in trouble a lot in class for asking what the world was like on the outside. That’s when they decided to put me into foster care, 12, and without a clue about what I was to face next in my life, I had packed up and moved just down the street to a family I’d never met before. Of course, I still attended to the nuns and the school I had been raised in. I wasn’t too impressed to see my bedroom replaced by a new kid though. Since foster care had happened so quickly, I tended to act out in front of all the families I was put with. All I wanted was to be outside, but because I wasn't their kid by blood, everyone always had rules.
It wasn’t until I met the Charleston’s, a prestigious family with their head held high, a heavy love for Christianity, and a high demand for finding a daughter as fast as possible. Why? The father of this family I was placed with, wasn't just prestigious, but a wealthy businessman who aimed to keep his reputation steady. He was trying to leave the businesses behind by attempting to become the Mayor of Chicago. Somewhere in his career, he had made a large mistake, getting caught on camera saying that orphanage funds didn’t matter during a campaign. Now why did I even agree to move into this family in the first place? - Simple… The mother loved the outdoors, that's all I wanted. A family with the freedom to be outside whenever I pleased, regardless If I was related by blood or not, I never saw why it mattered.
Shortly after I had fostered with them, they had decided to adopt me, with my permission of course. I began my journey with them by moving to the very city where my new father focused his career; Chicago… Chicago… Chicago. A place that was somewhat worse than the Bronx, at least in crime rates. Which for me as a kid, meant more ambulances! I loved the lights, I loved the sounds, I loved the focus on saving others' lives with how many paramedics you could simply glance at when you drove past the hospital.
However, for a moment when everything seemed happy, and a few years had passed, I suffered the only other traumatic event in my life. Losing my parents.
I was walking home late one night, I hadn’t listened to my mother’s excessive phone calls about being home on time, and what the consequences would be even if I was 18. My mother's reasoning was even if I was an adult, I still lived under her roof.
Once I opened that door, the rest of my life changed for the worse. I dropped everything, including my own body weight onto the floor as I witnessed them, dead, covered in a disturbing dark shade of red. Well... There goes the sirens once more, right? I watched them take them away in body bags as I questioned what I’d do next. During all this shock, I was provided with more money than I could handle, as they left their fortune in their will, to me. For the first few years, I grieved. I grieved so hard I thought I saw things, I thought I saw spirits, especially them sneaking into my dreams in a way. I figured I was going insane, so I used the money to put myself on an airplane back to New York, my only other place of solace.
Once I returned to the nuns, I felt as if It would be a shame to use their name, as I wasn’t truly their blood-daughter. So instead, my name became Ann Chicago, in memory of the adventure of a lifetime, a family I’ll never forget, though I had been with many before stumbling into them.
I worked as a janitor at the school I was raised in. I wanted to take a break from the broom, and all the praying, so I stepped outside near the gates to give myself a breather. That was until I witnessed a car wreck on the road in the distance. I watched as the ambulance showed up, and the paramedics. Their job? I ever so wanted it now, though I thought I’d be terrified by seeing the very medical car that drove what I considered to be my parents, to a place for them to die since they couldn’t save them. No, I didn’t fear it. I took that, took my new name, and applied for school with it. Medical school, at Columbia University.
When I arrived, a young man, maybe a year or two younger than I was, approached me. He was so kind and he told me he was attending school to become a psychiatrist. Three entire autumns passed by us, and we fell deeply in love. His name was John.
Now you’re probably curious why I say I’m unmarried, right? Well though John was studying to become a part of the medical world, he found out at graduation that he had brain cancer. A tumor in his brain had grown a size too many, and though they removed it, the rest was a mushy mass that needed to be cured by chemo.
As we graduated, we held our hands together and threw though caps up with pure joy, only to face the darkness a year later. I had enrolled in more schooling, and he had moved in with me. Our life was pure joy for a while, but that darkness I mentioned? That was him dying.
Doctors may just be right sometimes, but that is the thing about unexpected things, and how our bodies work. His body couldn’t handle the chemo, and it made its point clear by costing him his life.
Though I had a love - A love for doctors at first, but even for him… I almost began hating my education. The very one I dedicated to learning everything about what it took to be a doctor.
I struggled for a few years, as I gathered my thoughts with yet another grief. It was then, that my professor stuck me to an assignment as I was struggling and craved extra credit. He was as old as my deceased father, so I took his words more than lightly, listening to his advice. The assignment? Not one I was attracted to at first. It was to become a visitor at the hospital, seeing how they work. I witnessed a surgery one day, a surgery that was to save a man's life because he had been impaled by a knife from someone's crimes. I began practicing having a steady hand once my classes became more intense, committing my lifes work into saving others. I focused on becoming a trauma surgeon by doing my residencies for a couple of years. (As well as it being a mental trauma, as she couldn’t save the ones she loved, from before.)
I graduated with flying colors, overwhelmed with tears. My thick New York accent couldn't be understood with how excited I was returning home to the nuns. In a way, I guess you could say I shoved this news in their face, always being worrisome for my obsession with ambulances.
As I had stated earlier, I grieved, but since it was during school, I focused mainly on that instead of losing my love. I focused this energy, a sort of adrenaline you might say, to work on my surgery knowledge.
Somewhere during the end of it, and as a midlife crisis moment, I packed all my stuff up and moved to Japan, of course after I served my first-ever residency.
In Ise, I practiced Shinto beliefs and JSL, as well as Japanese. It was hard at first, my accent would get in the way…! I adore Japan’s belief system and the beautiful lands it has to offer.
After a year of that, I wasn’t willing to return to New York, or America at all really. Too much grief had happened that I don’t refer back to it unless someone asks. Since being in Japan, I learned to become humble with not only others but myself. Quiet. Oddly... Too quiet? Since John was dead, as well as my parents, I began to become depressed even thinking about it. So I moved to Karakura, with my newfound wisdom and education, in hopes my driven joy of being a doctor, given by my childhood, would lead me in the right direction. I was attracted by the beautiful buildings and how this place was a place that practiced Shinto beliefs.
This brings me to here and now, sitting in front of you as I have just told you my entire life story. I don’t speak of America anymore, and I just would like to remain here now, until I figure something out for myself, like this very job. ``

What is your character’s medical specialty? Why did they choose this focus?
(Ensure this is appropriate to the position you have chosen. Some examples can be found here)

Doctor / Trauma Surgeon
This specialty involves treating injuries sustained from stabbings, along with other types of penetrating injuries like gunshot wounds, vehicular accidents, falls from height, and injuries from assaults. Trauma surgeons are trained to handle these critical situations where immediate surgical intervention may be required to save lives and stabilize patients.
I would aid in helping other doctors, or myself, in DetailRP of what I just said above.
She chose this specialty because she had an odd obsession with paramedics as a child, due to being confined in a catholic school that served as a home in a way. It was a gated place, so she wasn't allowed outside, and seeing crime being the cause of the ambulance coming, had her adrenaline rise. She chose this role because blood never really bothered her either, and she just naturally fit well with the idea of being a doctor/surgeon. She is kind and is determined to try her best to solve issues and fix people, in hopes it will better their life.
However, being a doctor, means I would need to be able to diagnose things and as well as prescribe certain things. I’d have to prescribe things anyway, like pain meds. They would help the patient feel less pain from, for example, a stab wound. (Listed below in a spoiler for further context of what I might just have to prescribe)
Pain Medications
Aspirin [4,500] [Limit; 3]
- used to address pain from serious injuries, such as fractures or dislocations, especially when paracetamol is inadequate. It is effective in reducing fever and swelling and is also used to prevent heart attacks and strokes, as well as to treat arthritis.
Hydrocodone [Limit; 3] [18+] - A strong opioid painkiller with similar effects to morphine. It’s highly addictive and often misused. It’s prescribed when aspirin isn’t effective for managing pain.
Diabetic Medication
Insulin Pen [7,500] [Limit; 3]
- An insulin pen is used to help a diabetic provide insulin that their body does not. This is not a syringe, but a needle. It's placed either in the arm or the stomach, between the skin and tissue of your body. Insulin Pens provide insulin when your pancreas cannot provide any. Simply dial a specific dosage, poke, and remove it carefully in a biohazard bin, or even get the safety needle kind before throwing it into the bin. (I do this every day in real life for my mom, and I know it's SRP, but fun fact! - There are two types of insulin pens!)
Other things I can prescribe as a doctor, in general, are antihistamines (anti-allergy meds), Anticonvulsants (seizure meds), Antiviral drugs (flu-prescribed drugs), all types of dietary supplements, and even all forms of pain medication (I only listed 2 massive and relative pain meds above for example.)
I tried to keep this relatively short because of how many medicines there are in the hospital, but a doctor with a specialty like mine, may just have to use insulin pens a lot (for diabetics) and most importantly be able to prescribe all pain meds as most traumatic healing surgeries need that right after.

What medical residencies did your character take after medical school?
Residency In General Surgery3 years27-30NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital, NYC.
Fellowship In Trauma Surgery3 years30-33... (Moved away to Japan after.)Montefiore Medical Center, NYC.
CNA Certification4 months33-34Deaf Association Home for The Elderly (Not a real place, just a general name/idea of where she earned it from.)
She lived in Japan for a bit, taking a break from the work and education she went through, to kind of find herself a bit in life. Learned JSL and practiced Shinotism, and then moved to Karakura (35).

Does your character have any work experience in medical positions?
Emergency Medicine alongside her general surgery residency: Experience at NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital.
General Surgery Residency: NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital.
She helped aid in a children’s hospital in emergency care, such as the ER and the ICU.

Fellowship In Trauma Surgery [Mild]: Experience at Montefiore Medical Center, NY
Moved to a new hospital, to be closer to home in the Bronx and followed her dream of being a doctor in emergencies by becoming a trauma surgeon with the knowledge she had, though she was a bit new, she loved it
She then moved to Japan, to take a bit of a breather in life, only to become a certified CNA (learned on the job, 4-month certificate) for a deaf association; home for the elderly.

Has your character completed any additional schooling?
No. In Ise, she did attend a Local Deaf Association to learn JSL, as a part of her first year in Japan. (Unrelated to any type of medical schooling, but I figured it was good to mention.)

Describe your character; how do they look, and what makes them unique? How would they be perceived by others?

Physical Appearance
One thing that might stand out the most about her is her hair. Naturally blonde, it features a singular streak of white due to a rare condition known as poliosis, which gives her an odd white streak through her natural hair color. Her hair is also slightly curly, resembling gentle waves. (I have this in real life in my own hair, which adds a little personal touch to this character.)
Her eyes are a deep, captivating shade of blue, reminiscent of the dark, mysterious depths of the ocean, only sparkling with the perfect reflection of the sun or moonlight. Her skin is pale and ivory, almost princess-like. She has a mostly curvy figure with a gentle hourglass shape. Her smile is a bright white twinkle, and even a light smile causes her lips to curl, giving an upside-down smile effect.
One unique aspect of her appearance is the odd engravings on the inside of the palms of her hands, resembling scars that have healed over time. These engravings form many lines, hinting at the possibility they might have been words at some point, though now they are illegible. Based on how deep they are and look... It must've hurt...!
She tends to be more comfortable in quiet moments, allowing her thoughts to flow freely, yet she also thrives on social interaction. Her clumsiness adds a charming, endearing quality to her character. Deeply loyal, caring, and trusting, she values her relationships profoundly. Her empathy runs almost too deep, though she tends to internalize any form of grief rather than express it openly with someone. When need be, she will assert herself, standing up for herself or defending others, even maybe telling people off.
Generally, she maintains a respectful & quiet demeanor, with a slight silliness.
- Social
- Assertive/Authoritative
- Empathetic
- Loyal
- Emotionally Guarded/Bottled
- Clumsy Nature
- Difficulty With Boundaries (Setting them with others, not breaking them.)
- Vulnerable
- Mildly Sensitive

How does your character act on and off duty?
She is relatively quiet but carries a cute subtle clumsy charm. She enjoys her work and dedicates her time to helping others. In the workplace, she is inclusive, kind, and honest, never making others do her dirty work. She is very loyal to her job. However, if people begin to loiter in the hospital or cause issues, her voice and authority will be heard. With a strong New York accent nearly creeping its way out in her tone, she would firmly warn people to leave, ensuring order is maintained, as it is a hospital after all. If simple warnings didn't do enough, she'd be sure to call for any extra help.

Her clumsy charm is even more pronounced outside the serious setting of work, giggly, fun, and finally even more social! Her quiet demeanor relaxes, and she becomes more outgoing and fun. She’s the type of woman who might run into a glass door, though. She enjoys hanging out with her off-duty colleagues and often goes out to lunch with friends. She loves taking beach days, going to the pier, or visiting the shrine to learn more about Shintoism, as she is learning that currently. If she’s not at the hospital, she’s likely just out being herself!

Does your character function better on their own or with others?
With others, sometimes on her own.
I say this because she has been on her own her entire life, basing it on her childhood. When you’ve been alone for so many years, you become almost immune to it, but you don't always want to be. No person truly likes to be alone, and as much as she is now, with no family, and no husband, she still wants interactions that aren't work-related. She may refuse some things in life, like a new lover or fear meeting new people at times, but she manages to take it head-on. Trying to be strong not only for herself, but other people. Working with others is her only way to get over the fear of being alone in everything; as she's always been alone in things from the start.
Working with others via work is easy for her because she's already learned the skill of teamwork by attending medical school in the first place, so she knows the drill.

What plans does your character have for the future?
She wants to try and either A, become a maiden in the far future, or B, begin or become a part of someone's family to heal her inner trauma of losing her own.
Nothing stops her from doing both though! I plan for her to meet someone maybe, or to focus solely on the job, trying to obtain a higher role by the more work she puts into her job.

Last edited:


Level 261
Hospital Lead
Media Coordinator

Thank you for taking the time to apply, and we appreciate your interest in the faction. However, we have decided to deny your application, this is due to the following reasons:
Often times, we have to deny good applications as there are others that have been deemed as better choices, whether it's due to server reputation, application detail, and much more.

Nonetheless, we encourage you to re-apply at a later date and keep an eye on Karakura Emergency #announcements for future waves. Additionally, below is some advice from our higher-up team in order to help you improve any further applications and improve your chances in future waves:
We recommend joining other factions to improve your reputation and/or interacting more frequently around the hospital/with hospital workers.

This decision was made as a collective among a group of individuals. rather than a single individual. Any DMs to members of the faction and/or higher-ups will be ignored and referred to this response.

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