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AnnieAlt's Shopkeeper Application


Level 1

Player Information
What is your Minecraft username?:
Do you have Discord (If so, what is your Discord username?):
How old are you? (Optional):
What is your time zone?:
(MDT) Mountain Daylight Time - U.S
Describe your activity on the server:
I’m in college and it gets boring once the work is done.
Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:
[Accepted] KPD Application
[Accepted] Professor Application
(My old/first account was SardinaFish.. Well.. lets just say, you're gonna understand my love for fish in a minute.. hence the username!)
What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're in college, specify your degree level):
Shop Information
What shop are you applying for?:
Any open restaurant and bar location. A restaurant would be fine too.
[Ryuketsu] [Shizukesa]
Ryuketsu is more of a better choice for what I'm applying for because it is a bar and a restaurant, sure, but Its sign on the front currently states; "The finest in Karakura" and this application aims to be the new finest restaurant of Karakura, or the new "elegant" restaurant in Karakura.
Why do you want to become a Shopkeeper?
I'd like to have fun and expand my friendships with people amongst SRP, getting to know a range of players a lot better.​
I want to carve out my path once again on SRP by combining two things I love: roleplaying and pursuing. Being a shopkeeper was always on my mind because, in real life, I have a love for business. It helps to know that I currently attend college to get my business management degree—that's how much I love it. I think it would be fun to apply my skills in-game with yen, storage, hiring people, etc. I want that experience ICly while also letting others be a part of it with me.
One of my huge inspirations was the two shops I adored and worked for. Daisuke Yohin, and La Casa Nostra (LCN) I worked for the owner of Daisuke Yohin about a year ago when it opened, and I got to see it all be built and even worked there during my ICly professor days.
Tippies La Casa Nostra (LCN) restaurant, I can't remember when exactly I was hired, maybe the beginning of 2023. I worked there for quite some time and even watched my peer teach me about the management there before leaving, and it was a great experience. I got to learn a lot about stock and serving people ICly (which, heaven forbid, I had never done before, even in real life). But now that I have both ICly and real life, I’d like to put my knowledge towards something to entertain others. A beautiful roleplay experience.
I see this faction as one of many factions with the most dedicated players in SRP because I have seen how hard they have worked to get their place here. I can’t say I worked too hard to be here either, but I’d like to try.
I'm not sure how to get myself back out there since starting to roleplay as an adult role on my main account. While roleplaying as an adult is fun, I need something to do and work towards, especially considering all the free time I have in real life. I’ve been sick for about a year basically and that's why I took my leave in the first place (that and some drama I regret) However, being back, I’ve grown up. A lot changed in a year and I feel responsible enough for this role now. I owe all the credit to the people who took me under their wing and let me help them out when they first started as a shopkeepers.
What is the name of your Shop?
``Tabemono Tobiko`` an interesting play on words.
Tabemono" (食べ物) is a Japanese word that translates to "food" in English. It refers to anything edible that you consume for sustenance or pleasure.
Tobiko (とびこ or とびこう, 飛び子) refers to the roe (fish eggs) of the flying fish. It is a popular ingredient in Japanese cuisine and is known for its small, crunchy texture and vibrant color, typically ranging from orange to red. Tobiko flying fish are simply fish ranging from the colors blue/gray to all sorts of grays. They have paper-thin wings that allow them to jump the water, giving people the impression that they fly.

Because of the sound, the meaning behind our name's words, and the fun way to pronounce it, it makes it easy to remember. We plan to have the most interesting and unique aspects to a restaurant—a delicacy that will be the reason people come to dine with us that isn't just about our name.
What do you plan to do with your shop, and what makes it unique?:
Fish Throwing
That very fish described above is the only fish that’ll be thrown from one experienced employee's hands to another, throwing the fish across the room for (ICly) entertainment purposes. (I’d hire people who can DetailRP throwing/catching things like baseball players even! - and they can roleplay throwing a fish! Therefore, they’ve got baseball throwing skills so it would make sense to hire them as an employee, and they can use their skills in another setting other than baseball and etc.)
You know how sometimes you'd go to a Korean BBQ and they have those fancy chefs at the front showing how they cook? Similar to that! Except here, they will show you their amazing fish-throwing skills/chopping skills are.
Of course, we wouldn’t throw the fish over anyone’s head, but just in the entertainment area of our restaurant or the counter we throw the fish at. That is what makes us extremely unique.
Fish Discount
Another unique factor about our restaurant and bar is that every month, we will host a community discount on your food, as long as you bring in a fish picture, one you caught yourself! You’ll need a picture of you holding it (ICly, of course) to obtain your discount. Once you do this, you will receive our discount. You also may be additionally asked permission if it’s okay to post in our restaurant's discord server for a shoutout! Only managers and executive chefs can offer this amazing discount.
The Bar
As for the bar, we will take our drinks very seriously. Selling a variety, like; tequilas, wines, vodkas, and rums!
Eventually, if we become popular, we’ll create an official margarita-inspired tobiko drink—a heavy orange but tart tequila with tobiko eggs as the rim, instead of a salt rim. It would be served in a margarita glass. Maybe someday, even a full bottle of it.
Near our bar area, we will have a sit-and-watch counter, showcasing how we cut our fish. (ICly, I would hire someone with a chef background, and they’d roleplay cutting fish, throwing fish, cooking fish, and providing entertainment for the restaurant while people wait for their meals to be served! This would work especially for people who have the Chef role.)
I will make my restaurant with beautiful elegance. I love the idea of a fancy but fun place to dine. Some occasional activities will drive customers to the doorstep of our restaurant.
I plan to hire responsible people who are willing to learn in a setting like this, as well as expand all of our roleplay experiences.
What will you sell in your shop?:

Main Dishes
Bowl of Tobiko
Tobiko Sushi
Salmon Plate
Cod Plate
Other Cooked Fishes
Sushi Rolls
Sushi Boxes
1-2 Options of Salad Bowls
Miso Soup
Orange Juice
Apple Juice
Other Juices
Tobiko Tequila Bottle
Tobiko Maragrita Glass

How many employees do you plan to have?:

Assistant Managers​
Executive Chefs​
[14 Employees Total]

Extra (Optional)
Restaurant Design
Beautiful classic black-and-white restaurant front design with orange and blue tulips, and some greenery as outer decoration to add that homey dining-type feel. It will have a classic dining look, with traditional Japanese-styled booths, and the bar.
Down below are some examples of what I envision.
It may be very bland/black at first sight but I'd pretty it up with my color scheme! This is just to give you a better idea of the layout. I like the exterior because of the detailed vertical black lining under the sign. I find it similar to the paper-thin walls we have in the game and their lining design which helps match the idea for how I'd build it. Since it's outside, it would be spruced up with the colors I've picked, and some lovely landscape greenery/bushes outside to show its elegance, other than just its finest.

Color Scheme
Black, Blue, Orange, Dark Oranges, Reds, Grays, Greens-(For the Bushes/Greenery) & Whites.
Manager/Assistant Managers
Any pantsuit/suit/dress or outfit in casual business regarding the color scheme.
Executive Chefs
A nice double button-up black chef outfit with a gray/black small wrap-around apron.
Where the red thing is, it would be recolored to the color scheme of the shop or color coded to the role they have as an employee.
Black shirt, Gray pants with Orange suspenders
(a much brighter orange of course)
White plain undershirt, with a simple wrap-around apron, any color from the color scheme, and the letter T in the middle.
2 options for this uniform. It's an easy uniform, and it still looks fancy.
Additional notes about your application:
My application's "fish throwing" feature is heavily inspired by Seattle Washington's Pikes Place Market, USA.
I went there as a child and adored the fish market, but I also loved tobiko eggs since they had them. It made a perfect snack for me every time I visited! If you look it up on YouTube, you will understand more what I mean.
I also noticed on the shop roster, there is already an individual named annie. Please address me as Ann, thankyou.​
To top it all off, would just like to thank all the staff and/or players who have taken their time to read this thing the whole way through.​
Do you have any questions?

Anni1e [Adult] | AnnieAlt [Grade-12] Eanraig S. Lachlan |
Discord - aann1e
``I'd Let The World Burn``
``I'd Let The World Burn For You``

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