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Apartments more easier to find


Level 0
What's your Minecraft Username?: ZoroBullets
What's the title of your suggestion?: Apartments more easier to find

What's your suggestion?:
Hi Karakura citizen ! So i've decided to make a server to help lazy, tired and unlucky people to find their own apartments fast.

This idea came up on my mind because i was an OG Player on that server that was trying to find apartments to invite my IC Friends and stock my inventory in safe chests and its was so hard to get one. So you can find good apartments fast, that gonna be updated everyday by my self and the !

I hope this server below gonna be useful for you guys don't forget to share it to make it easier for everyone to find apartments.

Saeed Kastelo,

  1. - Server

How will this benefit the server and community?:
Its gonna be more easier for the people that wanna find some apartements fast like i've said before


Level 36
we already have the Estate Agent that gives you coords
Estate agent doesn’t give you anything more than cords, not even letting you know what complex it is.

To the author;
I’m confused what’s this suggestion for; apartments are easy to find already, atleast small ones..
Suggestions sub forum is not really where you should advert your discord. However, your idea is completely fine. It can be useful for some players, it’s just not where it should be advertised i believe.


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