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Denied Apocryptoz | Event Team Application


Level 19

Apocryptoz (Main & Applicant)
meowapocc (Alt)

Describe your activity as a player of the server:
I'd say I have a pretty decent activity on SRP as I log onto the server every day. Like most people, I tend to be more active on weekends as I’m usually more focused on school during the week, though that only means that I’m not on SRP daily as much as I am on weekends, meaning that I spend around 2-5 hours per day on SRP on weekdays depending on my availability, whereas I’ll be available at pretty much any time during the weekends.

Please provide any previous faction applications you have created, whether accepted or denied:
I’ve only applied for one faction since joining SRP as it always interested me more than the others and has always peaked my interest.

Provide your Discord and confirm if you have a microphone:
apocryptoz - Yes, I have a working microphone and have no problem with joining VCs and talking!

What is your time zone?:
Central European Time (CET)

Are you aware that if you are inactive on the team you will be demoted?
I am fully aware and acknowledge that being inactive at any time without proper reasoning will lead to my removal from the Event Team.

What is your motivation for joining the Event Team:
The Event Team has always peaked my interests out of the other community teams as it revolves around everything I love doing. The idea of working together in a team with other people and coming up with an idea that could be planned out as an event was always something I’d enjoy doing. I love creating unique and creative events and ideas for other people to enjoy, because who doesn’t love seeing other people have fun and enjoy themselves over something you created? There have been times where I have come up with my own little events with the consent of the affected people that have always turned out well. For example, I’m currently in the process of creating an event for the KPD community that, from what they've told me, will be something they’d love to experience. I’ve already gotten Yonio’s permission to go through with this event as long as I got consent from the people whose characters will be affected, which I have, and it’d be a lot easier to play out as an Event Team member. Although this event will be limited to the Police Faction, it’s still something members of the KPD will enjoy as it requires decoding, giving the detectives something fun to do. And although I’d love to go into detail about this event, I don’t want to drag it out any further. It’s safe to say that I am filled with motivation and excitement and would love being given the chance to work together with those in the team already.

I know a few members of the Event Team who will sometimes explain how fun it is being a part of the Event Team and how they find it really satisfying to see players enjoy the events they’ve come up with which is what I’d like to experience. I would love to carry out ideas of events for the whole community to enjoy and be a part of a team that holds a lot of responsibility so that I can further show my responsibility skills to others. Event team has been something I’ve wanted to be in for a long while but was unsure about because of things I had going on but now I’m ready to go full on in and help with whatever it is that I’ll be handed.

What makes you a suitable event team member:
There are several factors that would make me a suitable event team member, most of which definitely stem from my handful of previous experience in teamwork, communication, creativity, and leadership, amongst others. There are several positions I own as of right now that can greatly represent my suitability for the team, which I will all be explaining down below. However, there are other factors that would make me a suitable member for the team such as my reputation. During my time on SRP, I’ve managed to keep a pretty good reputation for myself on the server, only having some warnings back from when I was a newer player to the server and my unfortunate 1-hour ban from nearly a year ago. Another factor for why I’d be a suitable member is my determination to reach whatever goal I have before me and I’m willing to climb every obstacle in my path in order to reach that goal. It’s safe to say that I'll be determined to complete any assignment given to me. If for whatever reason I can not complete the task handed out to me, I will still make sure not to just drop it, but rather ask someone else if they can finish it for me in my place, such as hosting an event, for example. Coming back to the positions I own now, they’ll all be explained now.

School & Work:
Starting with OOCly, I’m currently taking a class to later work with kids ranging anywhere between the ages of 0-12, in which we have to brainstorm weekly and come up with a lot of unique and creative ideas and activities to prepare and play out with kids, meaning that creativity is highly expected from our teachers as we’d most definitely fail without it. Other things we do regularly is prepare presentations in groups; These presentations can range from anywhere between creating a simple PowerPoint presentation to having to design and craft our own creative and colorful posters to present and showcase in front of the class at a later date, however there have been times where we had to showcase our work in the auditorium in front of 4 other classes, not including our own. This makes it quite obvious that teamwork and communication is absolutely vital to organize who does what part of the presentation and who researches what so that we can flawlessly present our work in front of everyone else.
As for work, it is mandatory that everyone in my class works a total of 12 weeks a year at a daycare of our choosing at a predetermined date. Teamwork is absolutely vital at my workplace as my co-workers and I meet up before the kids arrive to talk about the different tasks and planned activities we have on that day. Working the position that I’m in, I realized that I’ve become a much more social person than I was before, which helped me become more independent as a person and that I’m involving myself more and more in conversations and sharing my ideas with the team.

I’ve been in the police department for nearly a year now, having been accepted on January 29th of 2023, and within my time in the department I’ve learned quite a lot and continue to learn new things every day. Just like the Event Team, communication and teamwork is key when it comes to being an officer on the force as it’s vital in order to keep everything organized and planned out such as when responding to calls, going on patrols and saying which officer checks which part of which area, hosting trainings for the new cadets or simply taking over another officer’s arrest because they got busy or had other business to attend to. Without teamwork and communication in the police force, the KPD would most probably fall apart and everyone would most likely run around like headless chickens. We tend to also communicate a lot on discord and play different activities in VCs with eachother alongside EMS pretty much daily. With my current rank as a Sergeant in the KPD, I carry a lot of responsibility and have to make sure everything is enforced and running as smoothly as it should be. With my current position, there is one skill that is vital and expected out of them all, which is leadership. When it comes to my leadership skills, I’ve been told by several of my higherups that I have good leadership skills and that I know what I’m doing when it comes to giving other officers tasks or splitting them up for different calls and scenarios, to which I can proudly agree with. I tend to come up with solutions in difficult scenarios on the spot and guide other officers through it which can be very useful in a situation with the Event Team as well.

Shop Co-Owner & Manager:
Being the Co-Owner and Manager of two shops, I juggle the responsibilities of checking applications alongside the shopkeeper and other managers, ensuring that every employee’s questions and incquiries are answered, making sure they’re not inactive without valid reason, hosting openings and just generally keeping a close look on everything and everyone to make sure everything is running just as it should be. It’s safe to say that a shop could not run without the constant teamwork of the employees and the shopkeeper. I would also like to note that I’m a pretty trustable individual to the shopkeepers for them having me as a Co-Owner and Manager as both positions hold a big responsibility which aren’t handed out easily to anyone.

BMD Associate:
Funny enough, similarly to KPD, during my time as a BMD Associate I’ve learned that teamwork and communication is absolutely vital when it comes to working with the Black Market, especially during openings as the BMDs always give their associates an assignment to do during that certain opening. Teamwork is also very important when it comes to organizing things over IKIGAI and helping eachother out during the times someone has permissions on someone else. I’ve met quite a few people since I was first invited into the position and we regularly talk in VCs and generally talk about anything that comes to mind, as well as using those times to think of new ideas and small events revolving around the GangRP community.

College Football:
Unsurprisingly, being on the football team requires a lot of teamwork. Everyone plays in their positions and the whole team has to coordinate and communicate together in order to lead them to victories in the annual tournaments. We host weekly practices to better our personal skills, as well as the team skills as a whole. Participating in practices allows us to give eachother tips on how to better ourselves and how to improve our skills and tricks. Outside of SRP we also tend to talk to eachother about pretty much anything in VCs, whether it’s to come up with creative and silly rivalry ideas to plan out with the opposing Bobcats team or to simply play activities together just to have a fun time together. Most commonly, however, is the random JockRP we get ourselves into, whether it’s shoving a rival member into a locker or giving them a good old swirlie; 99% of the time it’s purely improvised and we come up with our ideas on the spot, which is another important aspect for a member of the Event Team.

Please provide three detailed event suggestions that would work for our server:

Well, we’re off to a rocky start..
Flash Event

Event Concept:
During the Fall season, Karakura tends to have downpours of rain every so often, causing the mountains to get muddy and slippery. As a result of the rainfall, a few rocks begin to slip and tumble down, pebbles landing atop people’s heads but nothing major to worry about. All of a sudden, a loud rumble echoed through the city coming from the Ochiba forest, followed up by a huge thud. This leads to everyone hurrying to the forest, only to see a large rock crashed down on top of a cabin, leaving it completely demolished. People gasp and shout as they witness a chain of events happening right in front of them; More rocks tumble down the mountains as they only become bigger and bigger. In a panic, everyone begins to run away and evacuate the area, though some unfortunately some get unlucky as rocks crash right in front of them with some even rolling and striking others, trapping some unfortunate people beneath the rocks. As the disaster comes to a halt and the rumbling stops, screams of agony fill the air from the unfortunate ones still trapped underneath the rocks, word has gotten out to KPD and EMS by that point, leading them to respond to the scene and help the volunteers to lift up the rocks just enough for the trapped people to crawl out or get dragged out by someone else and bringing them over to the EMS workers for treatment.

Short summary of how it’ll play out:
Builders will first set down cement blocks shaped as a big rock atop of the cabin and then some small pebbles laid out, possibly some rocks from the mountain seeming as if they’re about to fall. Once the /event is set out, players will march their way over and the event will begin from there. The more the rain pours down, more small rocks start tumbling down which builders will be placing besides players to scare them a bit. As minutes pass by, the rocks become bigger and bigger, some even landing on players causing them to get stuck under rocks or trapped between them. KPD and EMS will be called over so everyone is involved, they’ll be helping from there and there is that.

Event Announcements:
/event A sudden loud rumble echoes through the city, followed up by a huge crashing THUD coming from the direction of the forest. What was that?
/event The loud rumbling noise suddenly picked up again, it sounds like it’s coming from the mountains. Rocks began tumbling down the mountainside, only growing bigger in size by the second as they crash down left and right, endangering everyone in the vicinity. Your survival instincts kick in and running seems like the best idea right now.

/event Just as it suddenly began, the rumbling came to a halt again and rocks stopped falling from the mountain, leaving a disastrous scene behind with dust and dirt particles lingering in the air.

Needed Resources:
- Staff members for the announcements
- Builders or staff members to build some of the fallen rocks and the destroyed cabin
- Some event members or voluntary players to be pinned under the rubble.

Why this event?
A few natural disaster events have happened and some of which have repeated maybe once or twice but there hasn’t been one that has come from the mountains or even rocks. It’ll be something small and quick for players to interact with and even possibly be a part of if they’d like to further develop their character, as in intertwining the event with their character's lore. It’ll be a new natural disaster that some may not have expected and maybe even possibly be set after a bigger event which is beginning to finish and drag it on longer.

Hands off my treasure!
Server Event

Event Concept:
Joyful music began playing from the beach’s direction, leading people to make their way over to the beach to investigate the source of it. As more and more people gathered up, they see a group of adults from a third-party organization in matching outfits standing on a makeshift podium by the shore; It was time to announce the annual scavenger hunt! As the music tunes down and comes to a stop, the host welcomes everyone and announces that a scavenger hunt has been organized by them with a money prize of ¥300,000! In order to complete the scavenger hunt, the participants must solve a number of riddles that will eventually lead them to the prize. The host officially starts the hunt by reading out the first riddle, which will give the players a clue of where the next riddle could be located. The participants are encouraged to team up and work as a team because those riddles won’t be easy to solve. As soon as the host blows his air horn, the participants storm off into all kinds of different directions as the ambience fills with excitement and laughter from the participants. The different riddles will be scattered all around the map to make the scavenger hunt more challenging. Whoever solves all of the riddles first and finds the treasure will be awarded with the well-earned prize money. To ensure that everyone else doesn’t leave empty handed, anyone who solves the riddles and finds the treasure location will be awarded ¥20,000 for their effort and participation in the event.

Short summary of how it’ll play out:
The event will begin once the /event is out, causing a few players to gather at the beach. Once everyone has gathered at the beach the third party organizers will begin to explain the rules and the different riddles that’ll be placed out which will need players to think outside the box and possibly work together. Once the rules have been explained, a loud horn will be let out letting players that they’re allowed to begin running around and solving the different riddles/puzzles that are laid out across the map. It might take a bit for players to begin getting different riddles solved but once a player has reached it, that is the end of the event and they will receive their prize money!

Event Announcements:
/event Blasting joyful music began playing through the city, coming from the direction of the beach. I wonder what that’s about.

/event The Scavenger Hunt has officially BEGUN, the winner will be awarded with a prize of ¥300,000!! Have fun solving the riddles and good luck!

/event We have our WINNER, congratulations to [rpname] on finding the ¥300,000! However, the hunt is not over yet! Anyone else who can still find the prize location within the next 30 minutes will still be awarded with a small sum of money for their effort and participation!

/event The Scavenger Hunt is now officially OVER! Thank you all for participating in the event and congratulations to everyone who found their way to the end!

Needed Resources:
- Event or staff members to play as the scavenger hunt organizers and for the announcements
- Riddles will be made up by either myself or the help of event team members
- Staff members to place down ‘lore blocks’ at the locations of the different riddles with the riddle and the ¥20,000 for the participants (similarly to last year’s Christmas scavenger hunt). If this can not be done then signs could be used instead.
- The prize money will be given from my own pockets

Why this event?
A bunch of people enjoyed the Christmas scavenger we had a bit ago. Some players even made documents to explain and find the different places in which the gifts were placed so why not make something fun like that again! It was really nice and funny to see players get extra with where gifts were and the different ways to find them, some not even giving up till they finally did like myself personally. Making this event will be something fun for players to do and even make it fun for newer players who weren’t able to experience the Christmas one.

Dude, we just came from that way..?
AU Event

Event Concept:
An interesting text message popped up on everyone's phones. Upon reading the text, you find an invitation to compete against other people in a maze, coordinates, and a given chance to win a staggering ¥5,000,000! People begin to think to themselves: “5 million yen just to be the first to complete some maze? Sounds like easy money!” so they accept and make their way to the designated location where they are met by a group of adults wearing fancy suits. Every participant is then patted down and stripped from every item they have on them to ensure that nobody has an unfair advantage and to keep the game fair before being taken to the entrance of the maze. The size of the maze itself is massive compared to the normal ones and once every participant has arrived, an alarm blares and the gates of the entrance drop, causing people to start rushing into the maze with laughter and shouting. Some form a group and work together to try their best at finding the exit. Once everyone was inside the maze, the gates closed shut again, entrapping everyone inside of it with only one way to go; the exit. Everyone starts going their own way, hitting some dead ends in the process and causing them to backtrack. After some time, the first people begin seeing the exit, using all of their remaining energy to sprint towards it, only for the maze to change around them; The ambience suddenly became really dark with only some lights hanging from above, just enough to dimly light their way and where the exit once stood was now just more, seemingly endless pathways. It seems as if they were somehow teleported to another area, another maze, a maze so dark that it gave them goosebumps. With nowhere else to go, they continue to find the exit as more and more participants get teleported to seemingly random locations within the dark maze. Confusion strikes everyone at first, though their thoughts are abruptly interrupted by a blood curdling scream that echoed from somewhere within the maze. As some people begin making their way over to the source of the screams, they are met with the horrors of a deceased body planted face down on the floor with a large stab wound in their back. It’s at that point where people began to spot the outline of a humanoid figure off in the distance of one of the pathways, though they can’t make out who it is due to the dim lighting. However, they could make something out, and it’s that whoever that is, was holding a blade of sorts. Suddenly, a loud laughter emitted from the individual before it began charging at the crowd, leading everyone’s survival instincts to kick as they tried their best at attempting to get away from it. Those unlucky enough were stopped by a dead end, leading to their unfortunate death. Screams of pure terror echoed through the pathways of the maze from all kinds of directions as everyone desperately tried to find the exit of this maze. As more and more of those humanoid figures seemingly appeared out of nowhere, adrenaline rushed through everyone’s body as they blindly sprinted through the different pathways and corners of the maze. The situation seems bad as it is, surely this can’t get any worse, right? Wrong! As people run through the maze, some step on pressure plates, causing the floor underneath them to split in half as they helplessly stumble into a seemingly dark hole, their screams fading out the further they fell into it before the floor closed up again, awaiting the next unfortunate person to step on the pressure plate. In other parts of the maze, paths suddenly get blocked off by walls right in front of people. Traps like these were scattered all over the maze and at this point it was clear why everything was stripped from everyone; It wasn’t to give everyone a fair chance at the game, but so they couldn’t defend themselves or use any of the items to use as an advantage to cheat the traps. There were only 2 ways to escape this death maze, and those are either finding your unfortunate fate and succumbing to your death or by finding the exit. Some people tried to fight back against the entities in a desperate attempt to survive, though their efforts were deemed pointless and they soon met their end. Those lucky enough to survive the traps and entities within the maze eventually find the exit and build up all of their remaining energy to sprint towards it. Once on the other side however, they fell into a chamber as gas began leaking into the chamber. They begin to feel drowsy before their body finally gave in, rendering them unconscious.

Short summary of how it’ll play out:
An action will be sent out as a text message to players' phones, sharing information about a huge money prize being given to those who will finish a maze in a country outside of Karakura. Once the text message is received and people are interested, they will begin to head towards the coordinates in which the phone gave them which leads them to a bus. From there, players will be taken from Karakura to the country and start in front of the maze which’ll be closed so no one gets a head start. Once a good amount of people are gathered, the gate will open and everyone shall begin going through the maze trying to figure out but as time goes by it becomes dimmer and the gates suddenly slam shut. Eerie things begin to happen, screams are coming from different paths and different gadgets are being discovered as people walk through innocently. This maze wasn’t exactly what people hoped for, will someone be lucky enough to get to the end?

Event Announcements:
/event A strange text is sent out to every citizen in Karakura. The text reads; Want to win 5 million yen? Participate in our maze competition located [x, y, z]. Don’t be late.

/event An alarm blares through the crowd as the entrance gates drop, officially commencing the competition!

/event As the maze around you changes and you’re engulfed in darkness, you feel the hairs on your neck spring up, feeling a shiver rushing down your spine.

/event A blood curdling scream suddenly interrupted the silence as it echoed through the maze. Maybe you should investigate.

/event A sudden burst of menacing laughter erupted from whatever that thing was, before it lifted the blade up and began charging at the crowd. Your first instincts tell you to RUN.

/event A wall rushes shut in front of you as the path was blocked off. Dead end!

/event As you fell into the chamber, the ceiling hatch slams shut as gas began filling the chamber. You begin to feel drowsy before you eventually begin to pass out.

Needed Resources:
- Event or staff members for the announcements
- Builders and/or staff members to build the maze and traps
- Staff members to teleport everyone at the entrance of the maze
- A sign or pressure plate that teleports the players to the dark maze
- Event and staff members to play as the spirits
- Staff members to block off random pathways of the maze

Why this event?
AU events are hardly played out but I’m sure there are a few in the works by other event members and I’d like to help with some of those ideas. This event will be something tricky and possibly frightening for players which I think will make it even more fun because who doesn’t like a good horror game? Players will try to figure out their way to get out and try to use every thought possible and think outside of the box but also steer clear of any danger at the same time. Seeing how players found the purge event fun, it’d be something nail biting like that except there’s gadgets and spirits placed inside the maze that’ll frighten people more. This would better be made during October as it fits the ‘spooky’ sort of events. A lot of ideas and thoughts will be further placed into this AU to make it fun for everybody, if accepted.

Additional notes (You may leave this blank):
Thank you for taking your time to read through my application!! Feel free to DM me at any time if there are any concerns or questions, I’ll gladly answer them.
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Level 169
Senior Admin
College Sports Lead
Event Coordinator
Thank you for your application, unfortunately, we have decided to deny this application.

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