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Denied Application for Chemistry Teacher

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Level 2

IGN (In Game Name): Sarah Rose

Previous bans: 2 to 3 times, but I regret doing them and I will never do them again.

Describe your activity on the server: I'm on the server for a few hours, since I have school. I try to be on a lot on the weekends, but I am on the New Hampshire Legislative Youth Council, so I will be absent for a couple of days. I will let you know those dates when it is coming up.

Do you have TeamSpeak3? Yes, I do

Do you have a microphone? Yes , I do

List your current and past applications:

Biology Teacher, and School Weather Reporter.

What is your motivation for applying?:

Well, I know that teaching is a passion of mine , so I decided to take on teaching as a chemistry teacher to teach kids.

Summarize your previous experience (both in general and teacher wise):

(IRL)Well, I work at a restaurant as a hostess, I help out at my local elementary school sometimes and I have very good grades in school

Your Teachers In Game Name (Make it relevant to your Minecraft Name): Ms. Sarah


Your Teachers In Game Age: 28

Teachers Subject: Chemistry

Have you read & understood the megathread?

Yes, I have.

From your perspective as of right now, identify one thing you would change about the Teacher Group. Why would you change that?

I wouldn't change anything about it is already in mint condition.


Present to us your knowledge about Teachers in game and out of game, what purpose do they serve, what salary they get. Include a paragraph about the way teachers teach, what they do in there spare time in general.

Teachers help educate students and prepare for what's coming out in the real world. They teach them everything about life and what they need to know for the next part of their lives. Teachers get a salary of $55,000 per year, and some have families outside of school. People stereotype teachers on them just being people who ruin children's lives, but they don’t they all are good human beings and deserve much better than they get treated in real life.

Why are teachers important to a SchoolRP server:

Teachers are important to a SchoolRP server because if we didn't have them, there will be no school. They help the school server bring more and more people to roleplay. Teachers are helpful to keep things in constant motion and will not let it fall apart.


Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. How does he look like? What makes him unique and different? What is his outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is his personality like? What is his plan for the future?

Sarah Rose is a 28 year old Chemistry teacher who just moved to Japan. She normally wears a nice dress preferably blue. She has long blond hair and it is curly at the end. She stands at 5'2 and weighs 128 pounds. Ms. Rose is a great person with an exciting personality, who people look up to. She helps her students learn about chemistry and how it connects with life.


You find a gang of delinquents in the hallway cursing and swearing, what do you do?: I would tell them to stop kindly and if they continue to do that, I would send them to detention.

No one in your class is listening to a word you say, what do you do? I would look at them until they settle down. If they don't listen to me, I would give them extra homework or hold them back to give them a talk.

When in a teacher lounge, how does your character act? She would talk to other teachers and ask them how their day was, have small talk, eat her lunch, and get back into business with her students after lunch.

Provide at least 5 detailed /me's of your character inside a classroom.

/me Hands student paperwork

/me Erase whiteboard

/me Puts bunsen burner on table.

/me writes in agenda

/me put graded papers on students desks

/me cleans tables


Sarah Rose grew up in London, where she lived with her parents. She always wanted to learn Chemistry or any type of science because it's really important to her to know about teaching chemistry. In 7th grade, she met her best friend, kara, who is also into learning chemistry. They've became greatest friends when they grew up. Kara’s father, Samuel, is a Chemistry teacher who is really kind to other people and one of the greatest teachers that she has ever met. He taught Sarah about learning and other important things to remember in the next few years in high school and college. Sarah had a really great time with her friends that day. But one day, kara’s dad passed away and she was so devastated. When Sarah heard the news, she felt really sorry for Kara about her loss. When she felt really devastated, Sarah told her that everything will be okay. The year after her father's death, Kara and her mom moved to Washington, and didn't bother to tell Sarah and their school about it. When Sarah heard that Kara moved to Washington, Sarah was really heartbroken. In her 8th grade year, she never had close friends after what happened to Kara. She felt like that she has given up hope for the rest of her life. On New year's Day, Sarah and her family were having dinner, and she didn’t really feel like herself. After everyone had gone to bed, Sarah quietly went to the Bathroom and grabs a razor. Then, she cut herself on the leg and back and felt a lot of pain. Sarah told her parents what has been going on for the past few years and they felt sorry about what happened to Kara. In her high school years, Sarah decided to continue learning until she graduates from high school. She had many really nice friends who really care about her and also understood what she was going through. Sarah was really excellent at Chemistry. She got straight A's in every class and loved all of her teachers, especially her Chemistry teacher Mr. Ladd. After she graduated from high school, she went to a Simmons college in Boston. She chose a Teaching course, and an AP level Chemistry class for college and she studied hard. When she graduated from Simmons college, she got a Chemistry degree for teaching. She now moved to Japan to be a Chemistry teacher and to have a successful Career at THS.

A beautiful school with wonderful children.

Additional notes about your application (if any): Thank you so much for reading.
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