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Denied application for school nurse assistant

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Hi there I'm luna and I'm applying to be the schools nurse assistant and here is why

why would u be good to be the nurses assistant: cuz I would love to help the nurse with the other patients that are in wait for the nurse.

are u nice to students: I'm very nice to students and I love to help people like if there in trouble or hurt

are u daily on: I am daily on cuz I love minecraft :)

do u play the school server: yes I do a lot

would u be daily on ur job if u get it: totally

why do u want to be the school nurse assistant: cuz I really like helping people I practice a lot too

do u have a appropriate school nurse assistant uniform: i do cuz ur not there to look cute ur there to help

what if a student starts to panic: I say ''miss/mister plz calm down and tell me whats wrong''

what if a student curses at u: I say ''miss/mister plz don't curse and tell me why u are mad''

well I hope that is enough I hope I get the job and if I don't well it was a good try
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